An Examen of “The Invention of ‘Heterosexuality’” Part Four.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: Most were taken back, confessing, rather sheepishly, never to have thought about it. Feeling that their prejudices had been exposed, they ended up swiftly conceding the videographer’s obvious point: homosexual people were born homosexual just like heterosexual people were born heterosexual {09}.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {09}Editorial Note: the author of this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay has
unwittingly given the game away To wit: there is not, was not, and never will be any such [quote] “Invention” [endquote] involved vis-à-vis “heterosexuality” for the simple and obvious fact of “heterosexual people” having been “born heterosexual” due to the very natural and quite normal genetic inheritance of a fecundous other-sex sexual predisposition (i.e., what is known colloquially as “blind nature” in operation).In other words, peoples of the fecundative other-sex sexual proclivity
genetically inherit the instinctual feeling of a consistent intuitive attraction to the other
sex—a visceral desirability by virtue of the inherent sexual attractability and allure of
that complemental Incidentally, the aspirant eristic, perchance ![]() ![]() ![]() (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: The video’s takeaway seemed to suggest {10} that all of our sexualities are “just there”; that we don’t need an explanation for homosexuality just as we don’t need one for heterosexuality.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {10}Editorial Note: The reason why it only “seemed to suggest” that infecund same-sex sexuality is wholly congenital is, of course, because a concessional accordance with an “idea” wrung by premeditated trickery and blatant emotional manipulation, out of some unsuspecting regular majoritarian peoples on a topic which is of negligible interest to them, having rarely had anyone of an infecundous same-sex sexual predilection pursue their acquaintance (and thus largely beyond their ken anyway), is such a hollow victory as to be worthless. (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: It seems not to have occurred to those who made the video, or the millions who shared it, that we actually need an explanation for both {11}.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {11}Editorial Note: Nor would it occur to the vast majority of people all
around the globe either because—as it is self-evident throughout the sexually-bipartite
animal kingdom that the fecundous other-sex sexual predisposition be essential less the
perpetuation of the species were to remain stillborn from the outset—an explanation has only
ever been needed for sexual experience which departs from this majoritarian kind For some indeterminate or unadmitted reason—(mayhap, purposely for political expediency, or, peradventure, to be obscurantist re curative procedures)—a sufficient and proximate explanation remains yet to be publicly established as to whether an agnogenic same-sex sexual attraction is wholly congenital, wholly contingent, or an indeterminate admixture of the two (hence the preponderance of “combination of nature and nurture” replies further above). Which is quite remarkable, upon reflection, as with an alleged minority of
the members of some 450+ different animals interrelating, on occasion, in an infecundous
same-sex sexual manner—especially when in oestrus[*]—there is no compelling reason to presume the human
species ought to somehow be unique in not likewise including a minority manifesting a similar reflexive
And as species-wide distributions of this indiscriminate sexualism is
readily establishable
No other animal can do this—consciously make deliberative decisions—and
any and all personal, familial, societal, peer-group, and environmental conditioning (e.g.,
habituation, familiarisation, accommodation, accustomisation, enculturation/ acculturation,
socialisation, humanisation, civilisation Ergo, whilst the minoritarian indiscriminate sexualism of the 450+ (allegedly) observed sexually-bipartite animals is, ipso facto,
congenital In other words, the question as to whether an agnogenic same-sex sexual attraction is wholly congenital, wholly contingent, or an indeterminate admixture of the two (as per the preponderance of “combination of nature and nurture” replies further above) is a loaded question—specifically, a leading question—and, as such, a non-sequitur. It is the imprinting nature of love itself—amative love At this point it is worth re-presenting the ‘Nota Bene’ paragraph commenting on Mr. Brandon Ambrosino’s account of the moment he chose
to be of an infecundous same-sex sexual predilection—the moment he fell in love with his partner—from Part Three
Incidentally, it is an ‘open-secret’ in the same-sex world but woe betide anyone talking about it in public (witness what happened
to Mr. Milo Yiannopoulos when he blew the whistle * As a matter of related interest: the social constructionist style ‘queer-centric’ explanation—that infecund same-sex sexualism is a “cultural production” wrought by the (apparently incantational) “naming and categorising” of infecundous same-sex sexual acts and practicians of infecundous same-sex sexual acts (still to come further below)—does not even pass the sniff test. (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: While heterosexual sex is clearly as old as humanity {12}, the concept of heterosexuality as an identity is a very recent invention (Credit: Getty Images).{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {12}Editorial Note: First, it is worth bearing in mind that by granting the ab initio mundi nature of fecund
other-sex sexuality its objectivity (as per the candid “heterosexual sex is clearly as old as humanity”
admission) this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay is departing from the mentalistic-style In other words, the dyed-in-the-wool social constructionist would insist that “heterosexual sex” is a social construct (i.e., exists only as an aspect of consciousness en masse). (But, then again, neither would a dyed-in-the-wool social constructionist ever publicly admit that “heterosexual people were born heterosexual” either). Second, the reference to “the concept of heterosexuality” in conjunction
with “heterosexuality as an identity” throws some light upon the scare-quotes ![]() Third, and going solely by the above image-caption, for now, it would appear that the mala fide title of this essay—(videlicet: “The Invention of ‘Heterosexuality’” much further above)—might have been more honestly written as follows (as an illustrative example only). Viz.:
Or a trifle briefer (for example):
Taken in conjunction with the aspirant arguer’s public acknowledgement of how “heterosexual people were born heterosexual” some essential background info is necessary in order to fully appreciate the implications of what the further above image-caption expressly conveys. To begin at the beginning: every new generation—the latest recruits to
the human race—have a veritable mish-mash of cultural folkways And this is because what is known colloquially as “blind nature” endows each and every human being with the selfish instinct for individual survival and the clannish instinct for group survival—be it the familial group, the tribal group, or the national group—and, as it takes a powerful instinctive impulse (altruism) to overcome a powerful instinctive impulse (selfism), the newest recruits to humankind needs must be socialised and culturalised. Viz.:
This ad hoc socialisation and culturalisation, this extempore implantation of socially and culturally approved mores and
folkways, increates This increated
These socio-cultural personae are related to roles, rank, positions,
station, status, class, age, sex, gender, and so on, and that last-named persona,
traditionally indicative of grammatical sex This sexualised gender-identity became socio-politicised when ‘gender
feminism’ and ‘identity politics’ in particular gained traction due to clamorous ‘anti-discrimination’
vocalists and vociferous ‘equalitarian’ activists stridently cashing in on their
minoritarian victimology Because of its legalised investiture with the monopoly on lethal force—such
as to render its officially-delegated and thus electorally-unaccountable factotums and
functionaries (i.e., bureaucrats, etcetera As a matter of related interest, the bureaucratisation of governance (as per the “bureaucratic” article above), in the “Western Countries outside the Eastern Bloc” during the latter
half of the twentieth century, and consolidated in the early twenty-first century—along with its resultant expansion due to its embodiment in the
corporative “welfare state” where its basis-of-power lies—is a truly remarkable takeover of the mainstream
politico-economic Weltanschauung It is noteworthy how this radical latter-day fin-de-siècle takeover came about in no small part as a consequence of the fervent 1960s counter-culture revolutionary movements and their antiwar protest demonstrations—fuelled by the fervour of gullible university students, who were radicalised per favour the subversive ‘Nouvelle Gauche’ socialistic-communistic propaganda of Mr. Herbert Marcuse (a.k.a. ‘Father of the New Left’), and the ilk, which gripped the largely proto-revolutionary imagination of those socio-politically impressionable youths of that era—marching en-masse in the streets and otherwise protesting vociferously about the status-quo inequities of the post-war economic boom throughout the industrialised nations. Put simplistically for effect: the way in which politico-economic governance nowadays operates in developed nations is more or less in accord with what the sixties ‘student revolution’ was practicably on about. And what those gullible university students protested about so vociferously, and marched en-masse in the streets for, has largely come to pass in the technologically advanced nation-states because of how deprived, comparatively, the bulk of the populace comprising those laissez faire states were before the resultant expansion of the corporative ‘Welfare State’ (which ever-expanding bureaucratisation of governance, were it not largely funded by its correspondingly ever-expanding indebtedness, would ultimately become all-encompassing). With the full weight of the state (a.k.a. ‘Law & Order’) now backing them what is implicit, in this “social constructionist”
psychosexuality In other words, all the fuss and pother (Thus it has become (conceivably) possible Of particular note is how all the above transpires because human beings,
presently as previously, are not only flesh-and-blood bodies but are also feeling-beings as
well—insubstantive affective-psychic ontological The word ‘soul’ (as in “the seat
of the emotions” Oxford English Dictionary definition in the above mouse-hover tool-tip)
denotes the innermost affective-psychic entity regardless of same being of either a secular or
spiritual persuasion (the essential difference being materialists maintain this emotional/
passional/ calentural and intuitive self—a.k.a. ‘spirit’ This seat-of-the-emotions ‘soul-self’ or ‘spirit-self’—an instinctual ‘self’ born of an amorphous affective ‘presence’ in utero, an inchoate intuitive ‘being’ in vivo, which the genetically endowed instinctual passions (such as fear and aggression and nurture and desire) instinctively form themselves into just as, analogously, a vortex or eddy forming itself vortically as whirling air or swirling water does—is not to be confused with the ego-self (an affective-cum-cognitive entity). The ego-self arises out of the ‘soul-self’ or ‘spirit-self’,
somewhere around age two, as the doer of all affective-psychic eventful experience (a.k.a. the
‘thinker’), as opposed to the beer of all affective-psychic experiencing (a.k.a. the ‘feeler’),
and is, typically, experienceable as situate Furthermore, the ego-self is not the social identity-cum-cultural conscience and/or inwit as, by and large, not until approximately seven years of age does a child know the basic difference between what each particular society and culture regards as ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, or ‘good’ and ‘bad’, or ‘appropriate’ and ‘inappropriate’, and the parents’ attitude reflects this (as is evidenced in a parent taking the child to task with an oft-repeated “you ought to know better by now”). Thus the socio-cultural identity is overlaid, via socialisation and culturalisation, over both the ego-self and the soul-self—as an incorporeal cultural conscience or social guardian—and is currently in the process of being sexualised (by those gullible enough to fall for it). And these apparitional feeling-beings will continue to wreak their havoc (increating
and proliferating phantasmal socio-cultural identities galore and thusly ensuring their
base-identity remains as elusive as ever) with their dictatorial insistence that their
host-bodies act-out their affective-psychic urges, impulses, and drives in the physical world—the
world of sensorial experience; the sensational world; the world of sensitive perception
(a.k.a. the corporeal world; the empirical world; the material world)—the world as-it-is, in
actuality, where flesh-and-blood bodies only In summary: the sexualisation of the inculcated Lastly, “heterosexuality”
Ain’t life grand!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • An examen of “The Invention of ‘Heterosexuality’” Part Five. • An examen of “The Invention of ‘Heterosexuality’” Contents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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