Glossary N – Rdictionary definition and accompanying description by Peter ...
| A | B | C | D | E | F | H | I | J | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | U-V | naiveté –– The state or quality of being naïve; innocence, artlessness, childlikeness, simplicity, ingenuousness, guilelessness, lack of guile, unsophistication, lack of sophistication, unworldliness, naturalness, candour. Oxford Dictionary Richard: Naiveté is so vital to freedom. This is because even the strictest application of
moralistic and ethicalistic injunctions will never lead to the clean clarity of the purity of living the perfection of the infinitude of this
material universe. Purity is an actual condition – intrinsic to this universe – that a human being can tap into by pure intent. Pure intent
can be activated with earnest attention paid to the state of naiveté. To be naïve is to be virginal, unaffected, unselfconsciously artless ...
in short: ingenuous. Naiveté is a much-maligned word, having the common assumption that it implies gullibility. Nevertheless, to be naïve means
to be simple and unsophisticated. Pride is derived from an intellect inured to naïve innocence; to such an intellect, to be guileless appears to
be gullible, stupid. In actuality, one has to be gullible to be sophisticated, to be wise in the ways of the real world. The ‘worldly-wise’
realists are not in touch with the purity of innocence ; they readily obey the peremptory decrees of the cultured sophisticates. A sample of such
decrees are: ‘I didn’t come down in the last shower’, or ‘I wasn’t born yesterday’, or ‘You’ve got to be tough to survive in the
real world’, or ‘It’s dog eat dog out there’ ... and so on. Such people are said to have ‘lost their innocence’. Human beings have not
‘lost their innocence’ ... they never had it in the first place. Innocence is something entirely new; it has never existed in human beings
before. It is an evolutionary break-through to come upon innocence. It is a mutation of the human brain. Naiveté is a necessary precursor to
invoke the condition of innocence. One surely has to be naïve to contemplate the profound notion that this universe is benign, friendly It is foolishness of the highest order to believe it to be impossible to be free. Related Discussions now — At the present time or moment; under the present circumstances. In the time directly following on the present moment; immediately, at once. In the time directly preceding the present moment. Oxford Dictionary Peter:
nurture — 1 Breeding, upbringing, education, as received or possessed by a person. b Moral training or discipline. 2 That which nourishes; nourishment, food. 3 The process of bringing up or training a person, esp. a child; tutelage; fostering care. Also, social environment as an influence on or determinant of personality (opp. nature). Oxford Dictionary Peter: All sentient beings are born pre-primed with certain distinguishing instincts, the main ones being fear, aggression, nurture and desire. They are blind Nature’s rather clumsy software package designed to give one a start in life and to ensure the survival of the species. While absolutely essential in the days of roaming man-eating animals, rampant disease, high infant mortality, these very same instinctual passions now threaten the survival of the species. The instincts only ‘care’ for the survival of the species – the strongest, most aggressive, the crudest. Further, blind nature gives not a fig for your happiness or well-being. We are relentlessly driven, despite our good intentions and moral codes, to act instinctually in each and every situation in our lives and this is the cause of all our angst and confusion. Thus by nurture one is ‘compelled’ to blindly defend one’s ‘own’ – regardless of the sensibleness and appropriateness of the action. Usually we divide our instinctual passions into groupings of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and try either to repress or deny the ‘bad’ ones – fear and aggression – while giving full vent and validity to the ‘good’ ones – nurture and desire. Nurture is essentially the instinct to procreate, provide for, protect and pass on any knowledge, customs, morals, ethics and beliefs to the next generation. By nurture one is ‘compelled’ to blindly defend one’s ‘own’ – regardless of the sensibleness and appropriateness of the action. Nurture causes us to care for, comfort and protect those we consider our ‘own’ and leads to dependency, jealousy, empathy, duty, sacrifice for others and needless heroism. Nurture also causes us to feel sorrow for ourselves and others similarly afflicted persons, to desperately cling to others for comfort and solace. Women are programmed to reproduce the species and men are programmed to provide for, and protect, the offspring – a blind and unremitting instinctual drive. When nurture fails within the species, as it inevitably does, we turn to animals, pets, trees, ‘endangered’ species, ‘mother’ earth and other non-reciprocating, safe objects. For the spiritual seeker, the journey ‘in’ is a journey to find one’s instinctual self – one’s roots, one’s original face, the Source, etc. If, on this inner journey, one ignores or denies the passions of aggression and fear and concentrates one’s attention on the passions of nurture and desire, one can shift one’s identity from the psychological thinking neo cortex – the ‘ego’ to use their term – and ‘become’, or associate with, or identify with, the good feelings of nurture and desire. This is a seductive and self-gratifying journey, for one is actively promoting the flow of chemicals that give rise to the good, pleasant, warm, light-headed, heart-full and ultimately ecstatic feelings. These flow of chemicals overwhelm the neo-cortex to such an extent that they become one’s primary experience, and the input of the physical world as perceived by the senses and the clear-thinking ability of the cognitive modern brain are both subjugated – or ‘transcended’ to use their term. One then ‘feels’ one has found one’s original ‘self’, which one has of course, though t’is all but a fantasy of one’s imagination. Thankfully there is a third alternative, which is the total elimination of one’s ‘self’ in total – the whole of the amygdala’s instinctual programming that gives rise to the animal passions. Related Discussions | A | B | C | D | E | F | H | I | J | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | U-V | | peace | Pure Consciousness Experience | perfection | pride | psyche | peace –– Freedom from, or cessation of, war or hostilities; the state of a nation or community in which it is not at war with another. Freedom from civil disorder, disturbance or perturbation quarrels or dissension between individuals. Public order and security, esp. as maintained by law. Oxford Dictionary Peter: As can be seen from the above definition, peace is always a temporary state – a mere pause, or cessation, from the normal human condition of war and hostility. As the TV news will testify for those living in comparative ‘safety’, wars and conflicts, acts of terrorism and revenge, riots and civil unrest, murders and tortures, upheavals and revolutions, disputes and protests are endemic on the planet – not to mention poverty, famine, corruption, heartbreak and despair. And what ‘peace’ there is, is upheld and maintained by force – at the point of a gun by police and armies enforcing strict and complex laws. 160 million people have died in wars this century alone – and this century began with World War I, heralded as the ‘war to end all wars’ and according to the Red Cross, 1billion people have been ‘directly affected’ by war in the last 20 years. No wonder that in each generation the idealistic dream of youth that peace is possible is eventually replaced by despair, cynicism and resignation as yet another peace movement or peace treaty inevitably fails. There can only be a genuine, actual peace on earth when humans eliminate instinctual malice and sorrow – the very source of war and hostility – from within themselves. Nothing less than the total eradication of all feelings and emotions – the whole passionate construct of beliefs of good and evil, right and wrong and the primitive animal-instinctual programming of fear and aggression, nurture and desire – will suffice to bring personal and global peace. If this is deemed to be ‘throwing the baby out with the bath water’, then so be it – all else has failed to bring anything other than a pretence of peace to this fair planet. Related Discussions pure consciousness experience (PCE) –– Pure Consciousness Event: During meditation (...) one may become utterly silent inside, as though in a gap between thoughts, where one becomes completely perception- and thought-free. One neither thinks nor perceives any mental or sensory content. Yet, despite this suspension of content, one emerges from such events confident that one had remained awake inside, fully conscious. This experience, which has been called the pure consciousness event, or PCE, has been identified in virtually every tradition. Though PCEs typically happen to any single individual only occasionally, they are quite regular for some practitioners. The pure consciousness event may be defined as a wakeful but contentless (non-intentional) consciousness. Robert Forman Pure Consciousness Experience: Mr. Robert Forman, on page 131 of the ‘Journal of Consciousness Studies’, Volume 5, Issue 2, 1998, (in a paper called ‘What Does Mysticism Have To Teach Us About Consciousness?’), described the introversive ASC [altered state of consciousness] as a pure consciousness event so as to emphasise the absence of any experienced object – it is pure subjectivity in other words – which is also why such terminology as ‘Consciousness Without An Object’ is used to describe the totally senseless and thoughtless trance state known as ‘dhyana’ in Sanskrit (Hinduism) and as ‘jhana’ in Pali (Buddhism). In the West such a state can only be described as catalepsy [a condition of trance or seizure with loss of sensation or consciousness and abnormal maintenance of posture] and a never-ending ‘dhyana’ or ‘jhana’ would result in the body wasting away until its inevitable physical death ... as a means of obtaining peace-on-earth it is completely useless. When I first came onto the internet in 1997 I subscribed for a while to an academic consciousness studies mailing list associated with the ‘Journal of Consciousness Studies’ and it was there I first heard of the phrase ‘pure consciousness event’ – with the emphasis that there be no experiencing in such a state – and thus chose the phrase ‘pure consciousness experience’ so as to make the generic phrase ‘peak experience’ I had been using for eleven years more specific and to regain the actual purity of the unadulterated sensuous experience of consciousness without a subject (a body sans identity) from the adulterated mystical experience of consciousness without an object (an identity sans body). Richard Richard: A PCE is when one’s sense of identity temporarily vacates the throne and apperception occurs. Apperception is the mind’s perception of itself … it is a pure awareness. Normally the mind perceives through the senses and sorts the data received according to its predilection; but the mind itself remains unperceived ... it is taken to be unknowable. Apperception is when the ‘thinker’ and the ‘feeler’ is not and an unmediated awareness occurs. The pure consciousness experience is as if one has eyes in the back of one’s head; there is a three hundred and sixty degree awareness and all is self-evidently clear. This is knowing by direct experience, un-moderated by any ‘self’ whatsoever. One is able to see that ‘I ’ and ‘me’ have been standing in the way of the perfection and purity that is the essential character of this moment of being here becoming apparent. Here a solid and irrefutable native intelligence can operate freely because the ‘thinker’ and the ‘feeler’ is in abeyance. One is the universe’s experience of itself as a human being ... after all, the very stuff this body is made of is the very stuff of the universe. There is no ‘outside’ to the perfection of the universe to come from; one only thought and felt that one was a separate identity. Apperception is something that brings the facticity born out of a direct experience of the actual. Then what one is (‘what’ not ‘who’) is these sense organs in operation: this seeing is me, this hearing is me, this tasting is me, this touching is me, this smelling is me, and this thinking is me. Whereas ‘I’, the identity, am inside the body: looking out through ‘my’ eyes as if looking out through a window, listening through ‘my’ ears as if they were microphones, tasting through ‘my’ tongue, touching through ‘my’ skin, smelling through ‘my’ nose, and thinking through ‘my’ brain. Of course ‘I’ must feel isolated, alienated, alone and lonely, for ‘I’ am cut off from the magnificence of the actual world – the world as-it-is – by ‘my’ very presence. To get out of stuckness and induce a Pure Consciousness Experience one gets off one’s backside and does whatever one knows best to activate delight. Delight is what is humanly possible, given sufficient pure intent obtained from the felicity/ innocuity born of the pure consciousness experience, and from the position of delight, one can vitalise one’s joie de vivre by the amazement at the fun of it all ... and then one can – with sufficient abandon – become over-joyed and move into marvelling at being here and doing this business called being alive now. Then one is no longer intuitively making sense of life ... the delicious wonder of it all drives any such instinctive meaning away. Such luscious wonder fosters the innate condition of naiveté – the nourishing of which is essential if fascination in it all is to occur – and the charm of life itself easily engages dedication to peace-on-earth. Then, as one gazes intently at the world about by glancing lightly with sensuously caressing eyes, out of the corner of one’s eye comes – sweetly – the magical fairy-tale-like paradise that this verdant earth actually is ... and one is the experiencing of what is happening. But refrain from possessing it and making it your own ... or else ‘twill vanish as softly as it appeared. When one remembers a PCE – or precipitates another – then one is well on the way to freedom ... this is what actualism is all about. Scattered along the wide and wondrous path to an actual freedom are as many PCEs as one may need ... repeated peak experiences may very well be brought about on maybe a daily basis with constant application of reflective and fascinated contemplation. In such pure contemplation, ‘I’ cease seeing and seeing takes place of its own accord. ‘I’ can never be here now in this actual world for ‘I’ am an interloper, an alien in psychic possession of the body. ‘I’ do not belong here. All this is impossible to imagine which is why it is essential to be confident that the actual world does exist. This confidence is born out of knowing, which is derived from the PCE, and is an essential ingredient to ensure success. One does not have to generate confidence oneself – as the religions require of one with regard to their blind faith – the purity of the actual world bestows this confidence upon one. The experience of purity is a benefaction. Out of this blessing comes pure intent, which will consistently guide one through daily life, gently ushering in an increasing ease and generosity of character. With this growing magnanimity, one becomes more and more anonymous, more and more self-less. With this expanding altruism one becomes less and less self-centred, less and less egocentric. Eventually the moment comes wherein something definitive happens, physically, inside the brain and ‘I’ am nevermore. perfection –– The condition, state, or quality of being perfect or free from all defect; flawlessness, faultlessness. An embodiment of this; a perfect person or thing. Oxford Dictionary
The very same perfection readily experienced in a Pure Consciousness Experience. If you can experience it for a moment, or a minute, or an hour then it is, of course, possible to experience the perfection of the world-as-it-is with people as-they-are as a constant on-going experience. And it is freely available for those who want it. It requires no special qualities, no super intelligence, no being ‘chosen’, no being coerced or cajoled – the only requirement is you have to want to do it, like you have never wanted anything else before. Related Discussions pride –– The quality of having a high, esp. an excessively high, opinion of one’s own worth or importance; inordinate self-esteem. A consciousness of what befits, is due to, or is worthy of oneself or one’s position; self-respect. Oxford Dictionary Peter: Good old pride! Instilled in us as a value from childhood, one is taught to be proud to be ‘me’, proud of winning, achieving, possessing, fighting, etc. – the more the better. One is first endowed with a social identity to be a fit member and participant in the ‘human race’ and then encouraged to be proud of this ‘self ‘despite the fact that one had nothing to do with it in the first place. One had no choice in the matter at all. One was fettered by nurture to be who you think you are and fated by nature to be an instinctually passionate being – who you feel yourself to be. To be taught to feel pride in this ‘self’ only locks one into misery, resentment and despair. Pride’s partner in the affectation stakes is called humility, a value taught to balance the excesses of pride for one is always taught to ‘not too uppity’. The religious and spiritual people in particular place great value and emphasis on being humble – so much so that they are very proud of being humble There is none so proud or self-righteous as the spiritually humble, those of the ‘I am more surrendered and more humble than you’-fame. Pride has been the trap for genuine seekers of freedom since time immemorial, as the only path to date has involved devoutly and proudly practicing humility and bowing, scraping and surrendering to some fictitious god (or his earthly representative). Pride has to be seen for what it is – a demand for recognition and validation of one’s identity and a refusal to be exposed as the fake and fraud one knows oneself to be deep down inside. As a feeling it is but an ultimately futile attempt to masks one’s deep fears and insecurities with the continuous need for praise from others. The only ‘success’ that one can have in the spurious spiritual search for freedom comes when one realizes that one is indeed God on Earth and can convince others that this is the case – one then gets one’s ultimate reward for surrender and sacrifice – to be praised and worshipped by others for being so humble as to declare oneself to be God! T’is a very weird business, this Guru worshipping. The gilded promise of an after-life has forever stifled intelligence and common sense. In journeying on this new path to freedom, pride is one of the major stumbling blocks as an actual freedom lies 180 degrees in the opposite direction to the tried and failed concepts. The path to freedom involves the demolition of one’s feeling of pride – and humility – as one recognizes that everything one has believed or held dear is nothing but an elaborate fairy-story taught from birth and given false credence by Ancient ‘Goobly-Gook’. To admit you have been hoodwinked – and willingly at that – is such a blow to one’s pride that the few people who get a whiff of the consequences usually turn away to re-run the ‘tried and failed’ yet again. The definition of a lunatic is someone who proudly continues to do the same thing, again and again and again, despite the fact that it doesn’t work. psyche –– The human soul, spirit or mind. Oxford Dictionary Peter: In the real world, the human psyche or entity that dwells within the physical body is defined as being permanent and real and, as such, deemed to be actual. This entity as soul, spirit or mind is a non-corporeal entity that is ‘inside’ the physical flesh and blood body, looking out through the eyes, hearing through the ears, smelling through the nose, etc. This entity can be conveniently seen to have two component parts: who one thinks one is – a psychological entity – and who one feels oneself to be – a psychic entity. Broadly speaking, who one thinks oneself to be is one’s social identity – the sum of the morals, ethics, values and psittacisms that have been instilled from birth by one’s peers in order to make one a fit and fitting member of one’s particular group in society. Who one feels oneself to be is ‘me’ at my very core – the instinctual animal sense of being implanted by blind nature to ensure the survival of the species. This genetically inherited sense of ‘self ’ is the very basis of the self-survival instinct. The study of the psyche blossomed in the West when academic study broke free from the churches and has been formalized in the last centuries as the discipline of
Thus both the social programming and the neuro-biological programming of human beings are now accepted as ‘normal’ and ‘natural’ – inherent in the Human Condition. The instinctual passions of nurture and desire are given credence and kudos whilst fear and aggression are to be controlled within ‘acceptable limits’. Given that fear and aggression are both emotional responses caused by chemical surges that originate from the primitive brain or amygdala, the treatment of any excesses is ultimately a chemical treatment. Anyone exhibiting excessive fear, depression, anger or violence beyond what is considered ‘normal’, and such that they cannot control it themselves, are given chemicals to suppress or counter-balance those sourced from the amygdala. The sole aim of psychiatry is to treat those whose psychological behaviour exceeds the limits of what society deems normal. In short, when moral and ethical self-restraint fails, and where treatment is available and sought, chemicals are relied upon to stem the tide of instinctual passions. Of course, this usually happens after the event, as in murder, rape, attempted suicides, etc., or not at all in the case of mass ‘outbreaks’ of passion such as demonstrations, riots, wars, genocides, etc. The Eastern spiritual interpretation of the psyche essentially is that the inner realm consists of two parts – ego and soul – and the aim of spiritual practice is to sublimate and eliminate the ego such that one identifies as being only the soul. This shift of identity is typified by the teachings of self becoming Self, of having discovered one’s Original Face, or in popular jargon, ‘getting out of one’s head and into one’s heart’. Thus the spiritual believer turns away from the real world of ‘mind ’, the physical body, and earthly suffering and enters into an imaginary heartfelt, meta-physical, blissful realm. By giving full reign to passionate imagination one taps into and enters a psychic world – well-trodden and extensively mapped by millions upon millions of devotees, billions of sacred words, poetry, platitudes and countless ancient ceremonies, divinations, rituals and traditions. This psychic world of imagination is so strongly felt, so vast in scope and so seductively overwhelming to the senses as to be convincing real. For those who ‘travel’ in this psychic world there are no limits to affective imagination, and a visit to any New Age bookshop will testify to the both the plethora of beliefs and the passionate conviction of the believers. This collective psychic world seems so all-encompassing – a world so powerful as to be convincingly real – one feels as if one has discovered the Hidden Secrets of humanity – all has been revealed! The seduction of this psychic ‘other-world’ is essentially three-fold –
And yet, these imaginative thoughts and passionate feelings only exist as thoughts in the head (or felt in the heart as a direct result of instinctual chemical surges) – this psychic other-world is but a product of one’s own psyche and that of one’s fellow believers and of all those countless others who came before. All this gigantic psychic construct, while appearing real, is not actual. The moment one stops feeding these beliefs, they shrink and eventually wither and die away. The major problem for anyone who has tapped into the psychic world is that to get out seemingly involves only one alternative – to go back to the real world one has left behind. There is now a third alternative – an actual world of unbelievable purity and perfection for those willing to eliminate the total psyche, both ego and soul. For those ensnared in the psychic spiritual world it takes enormous courage to turn around – but the seduction of that which is actual will eventually win out over that which is merely imaginary. This web-site is for those who will be intrepid pioneers in this process of bringing peace to the world. Related Discussions | A | B | C | D | E | F | H | I | J | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | U-V | | rational | real | religion | rational –– Having the faculty of reasoning; endowed with reason. Using the faculty of reasoning; having sound judgement. Existing (only) in the mind, not real. Oxford Dictionary Peter: The major problem with rational thinking is that it is more often than not applied to beliefs rather than facts. Thus in philosophy, religion, spirituality, theoretical science, ethics and the likes, vast and complex extenuated webs of thinking and argument have been based on initial premises that are usually some spurious form of Ancient Wisdom or demented, passionate imagination. Just because someone is rational does not necessary make the person sensible. Just because an argument or train of thought is rational does not necessarily make it sensible or factual in conclusion. As the definition points out, rational thinking and reasoning is a cerebral exercise – existing (only) in the mind, not real – and has nothing to do with what is actual and sensately experienced. Only an intelligence freed of ‘self’-ishness and the chemical influence of instinctual passions can operate with sagacity and sensibility. real –– That is properly so called; genuine; natural, not artificial or depicted; having an absolute and necessary, not merely a contingent, existence. Aware of or in touch with real life. Corresponding to actuality; correct, true. Oxford Dictionary Peter: As opposed to the actual world, the ‘real’ world is a world where things, events and people are seen in the light of one’s ‘self’-centred perspectives, morals, beliefs and values and the over-riding animal instinctual passions that are innate in every human being. Hence what is right for some is wrong for others, what is true for one is false for another, what is beautiful for one is ugly for another, while the common-to-all primary emotional view of the world is one of fear and aggression. In this way one’s view of the physical world, is in fact illusionary, given that it is always an affective response, i.e.. variable according to the predilections of ‘who’ is interpreting it. ‘Reality’ being illusory, no two people are ever able to see or experience anything, anyone or anything happening as a fact, let alone come to any mutual agreement about reality. The spiritual people recognize this subjective view of the world to be illusionary, as in not actual, but then practice a further separation by imagining the actual, physical actual world is an illusion as well, thus completely losing all grip on reality. To check whether the physical world is illusionary it is recommended that one puts a peg on one’s nose, tape over the mouth and waits 10 minutes. As one rips the tape off, gasping for breath, what is actual is readily apparent. That which can be experienced by the senses is actual – touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing – and the actual world, free of the veneer of malice and sorrow, can be sensately experienced in a Pure Consciousness Experience as perfect and pure, delightful and benevolent. There is no fear, aggression, sorrow or malice in a tree, a cloud, a table or a computer. We do, however, see instinctual fear and aggression readily apparent in other sentient beings, and it is brutally apparent in humans in the endless wars, rapes, murder and torture, sadness and despair, even if one is incapable of seeing it in oneself or too proud to admit it. The real world is a world of feelings, emotions, beliefs, passions, morals, principles, rights, justices and truths, laid over the actual world. It may well be an illusion as the spiritual people see it, but those feelings, emotions and beliefs are real and cause actual wars, violence and suffering. Now wouldn’t it be sweet to be actually free of the real world and be able to live, utterly free of malice and sorrow, in the actual world! Related Discussions religion — Belief in or sensing of some superhuman controlling power or powers, entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship, or in a system defining a code of living, esp. as a means to achieve spiritual or material improvement. Oxford Dictionary Peter: There are reportedly at least 6,000 recorded religions, with a plethora of new ones added almost daily, as yet another discontent break-away movement occurs or another new Saviour or Guru is moved to peddle the latest version of the Truth. Humans are instinctually driven to desperately believe in or ‘sense’ that there must be a higher power who is in charge, while blindly avoiding the fact that if there was one, how come he/she/it created so much human suffering and violence in the first place and how come the ‘higher’ power has not intervened to fix things up after thousands of years of trust, faith and hope? Is the world really a sick joke where humans are forever doomed to suffer and fight horrendous wars as to which religion is the Only True Religion having the Only True Answer? Adding to this insanity, we insist on maintaining ‘religious tolerance’, such that it is seen to be insensitively heretical and intrinsically evil to challenge the very cause of so many religious wars, crusades, tortures, persecutions, perversions, repression, recriminations, prejudices, retributions and restrictions! In the face of the facts, it is astounding that we still continue to give any credence to the belief in God, Truth, Love, Existence, the Universe or whatever you want to call it. Up until now the only alternative to blind nature’s instinctual programming of fear and aggression has been blind faith in a better life after-death and for this we willingly surrender our will, thwart our intelligence and trust our feelings. The time is ripe for some intrepid pioneers to break the insidious grip that belief has over Humanity – to come to our senses, both figuratively and literally. | A | B | C | D | E | F | H | I | J | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | U-V | A Down-to-Earth Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless in this Lifetime Peter’s & Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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