Richard’s Correspondence On The Actual Freedom Mailing List With Correspondent No. 18 RICHARD: It is all rather magical. RESPONDENT: Funny Richard you are to mention this, as this brings me back to one of my very first posts which I wrote, when I was in Oz staying at No. 12’s and his spouse’s place. There I started to question this premise of being free from both I in toto. Basically I was agreeing that I as a Soul is complete nonsense yet, I brought up the question of the existence of the Soul obviously not as ‘I’ yet, definitely not non existent, far as I recall you have not commented on that. RICHARD: I have just now read through all eleven of your early posts – up until your post of 1/3/2001 where you said that you were then writing from Harlem in The Netherlands – and have been unable to find any question about ‘the existence of the Soul’ ... maybe it became lost? But to comment: what I mean when I refer to ‘me’ a soul is not just the religious/spiritual concept but, more importantly, the feeling of being ‘me’ – which is a feeling of being in the heart rather than in the head – it is ‘me’ at the core of ‘my’ being ... which is ‘being’ itself (an inner ‘presence’). RESPONDENT: So ... although I know that the concept of soul is and has been a so called spiritual concept, I am tempted to reintroduce it into Actualism as this Magical aspect. RICHARD: Why on earth would you want to do that ... souls do not have the corner on the magical aspect do they? Incidentally, I was using the word ‘magical’ in its stage-magician sense of prestidigitation. Viz.:
Also, this actual world is rather magical in the way it is all just here right now of its own accord (without any cause). RESPONDENT: Well I guess that is bit of the bottom line. And it [it is all rather magical] will be evaluated as such that ultimately, any occurrence/ event in one’s life has this implicit ‘quality’ of magic. RICHARD: Good ... doing so can only assist in the reawakening of one’s innate naiveté (which is the closest one can get to innocence whilst being a ‘self’). RESPONDENT: To make a shortcut from that to Vineeto >0 I believe such way of speaking covers more or less the expression [ongoing discovery/exploration of the Stygian depth of my psyche]. I myself prefer to say Atlantean depth because, Stygian might evoke the impression that ‘psyche’ is being used in a Greek Archetypical mythological context. Nevertheless this expression [the ongoing discovery/exploration of the Stygian depth of my psyche] has been fairly evaluated by me and found to be validly covering a description of what living in a Virtual Freedom means according to her testimony of her personal experience with her quest on AF. RICHARD: Whenever I use the word ‘stygian’ I mean it in its dark, black, gloomy, indistinct, infernal or hellish sense (rather than its literal Classical Mythology meaning). RESPONDENT: Now that magic quality being palpable present from moment to moment as one is being experiencing one’s environment in space time with planet earth as one’s obvious home base, surpasses any imagined wonderland; i.e. heaven, paradise, hell or Hades. RICHARD: It ‘surpasses any imagined wonderland’ ... yes (although I have often used the words ‘paradisaical wonderland’ or ‘magical paradise’ to describe this actual world). RESPONDENT: The revelation of this magic quality as a fact hence an experience of actuality can be experienced as a palpable demonstration of a meaningful unfolding of the story (say the anecdotal aspect and quality) of one’s life so to speak. Thus one could define it (meaning of one’s life) in terms of playing a part in some Soap Opera or possibly playing many parts in someone else’s production(s) i.e. working for a company or boss, some of these parts being chosen to play other experienced as being forced upon. RICHARD: I recall that when I first experienced this actual world I initially thought that some huge joke had been being played out (if that relates to what you mean by ‘soap opera’ ). RESPONDENT: Choosing for Actualism as the one and only Game worth to play at all rather then even the best Game in Town is a commitment to become a master in my own life. RICHARD: Yes ... no longer a victim, eh? RESPONDENT: I will not make it a secret anymore that I have questioned Richard’s position and the Challenge of Actualism has been so to say fairly accepted. However I have never honoured the claim that Richard where the first one in Human history to be free of the Human Condition. RICHARD: It is not an issue for me whether I am the first or not – I would be delighted to come across somebody else free of the human condition so as to compare notes – it is just that in over twenty-odd years of actively looking for somebody else I have always drawn a blank. Surely such a person would have written about it, or at least talked about it, and someone, somewhere would have heard of it. RESPONDENT: Speaking from an actualist viewpoint (in a manner of speaking) i.e. Enlightenment like other ASC’s, is indeed part of the condition of Malice and Sorrow. To put it in a nutshell in daily life it is all too easy to get sucked into that category nevertheless an actualist (speaking with the voice of an Actualist) takes full responsibility for his own contribution to M and S. In other words it is his ongoing concern to detect occurrences of M and S and acknowledge them as not only being generated in himself but also being triggered by his own presence and or activities/performances/interactions when moving across the stage of his life. RICHARD: Yes ... ‘triggered by his own presence’ is a significant understanding. RESPONDENT: As to his own validation of these occurrences he is able to critically evaluate any situation he is in at the present moment not shunning to use labels that are generally applied to indicate a certain value that is being ascribed to a product or an event. I.e. expensive, cheap, interesting or not so interesting. RICHARD: Yes ... the labelling which is the end result of evaluating is markedly different from a psittacistic labelling. RESPONDENT: Which brings me to the question about how Richard’s evaluation is as to the part of the still invisible Mr Osama Bin Laden is playing in this current Human drama. RICHARD: I usually do not write about current affairs as I can only ever provide a superficial opinion (they are not matters I am fully informed about) ... but as I understand it the basis of the part which Mr. Osama Bin Laden is playing would perhaps be best understood by reading the words of a ‘Fatwa’ which he, and some other people, made public on 23 Feb 1998 at the following URL: This is what it reads in part:
A newspaper article, written on 15 Feb 1999, which provides what seems to be a reasonable account of the relevant background information at that time, can be found at the following URL: RESPONDENT: From an Islamic viewpoint the Name of the Game is ‘Jihad’. From a Western point of view it appears that Mr. Bush steadily is pushing for ‘War against Terrorism’. RICHARD: You seem to be mixing and matching two separate issues here ... it could be better put this way:
RESPONDENT: Well I’d say that it’s a spiritual war anyway and it’s very unholy (unholy because I find some dignity implied with the word holy). RICHARD: Speaking personally, I can no longer find any of the dignity implied in the word ‘holy’ with which I was inculcated in my child-hood. RESPONDENT: Currently we have at any place on earth outbreaks of violence and I come to wonder why would not happen outbreaks of enlightenment as we safely can say that participators in these outbreaks are all more or less suffering from psychosis. RICHARD: Oh, there have been outbreaks of enlightenment happening all over the place ... the following URL may be of interest: And here is another URL: There are over 1100 teachers/gurus/masters listed on that page. RESPONDENT: {intro: The Cartesian view point (Cogito ergo sum; [{I think} therefore {I am}] could be fit in an AF-model when considering the following: What can be observed can be described hence: [{I observe} therefore {I describe consider and evaluate} therefore {I think} therefore {I am}]. Now ... to pose in this context the I as an ego or a soul would of course be missing the point entirely. So this *I* must be considered as to be referring to any flesh and blood body ‘endowed’ with the capabilities of observation, description, consideration, evaluation. In other words: From observation of the facts comes description comes consideration evaluation reconsideration and re-evaluation thus I am in the process of experiencing becoming my opinion therefore I Am. end intro}. RICHARD: I had a discussion regarding ‘cogito ergo sum’ a few years ago which, seeing that Mr.
Renée Descartes’ axiom has a certain popularity, you may find interesting: It does take some wading through, however. * RICHARD: I have just now read through all eleven of your early posts – up until your post of 1/3/2001 where you said that you were then writing from Harlem in The Netherlands – and have been unable to find any question about ‘the existence of the Soul’ ... maybe it became lost? RESPONDENT: Possibly it ‘magically’ disappeared or speaking from a Sethian viewpoint: currently we share a time-space reality where that question has never been made explicit. RICHARD: Ha ... maybe you created your own reality. * RESPONDENT: ... although I know that the concept of soul is and has been a so called spiritual concept, I am tempted to reintroduce it (the soul) into Actualism as this Magical aspect. RICHARD: Why on earth would you want to do that ... souls do not have the corner on the magical aspect do they? Incidentally, I was using the word ‘magical’ in its stage-magician sense of prestidigitation. Viz.: [Richard]: ‘... all ‘I’ had to do for it [the meaning of life] to be apparent was to disappear. It is all rather magical’. Also, this actual world is rather magical in the way it is all just here right now of its own accord (without any cause). RESPONDENT: As to [why on earth would you want to do that ... souls do not have the corner on the magical aspect do they] I was not using soul in that way that it can be used in a plural (souls) but rather to point to this implicit magical quality of the universe. How it is continuously seamlessly rearranging itself by itself through itself; indeed how it does so on various levels interacting with itself [just here right now of its own accord]. RICHARD: Ahh ... you mean ‘soul’ as in vital energy or driving force – the essential or animating element or quality of something – I take it. Fair enough ... as my use of the word magical was confusing without an explanation then the same applies to your use of the word soul. * RICHARD: Whenever I use the word ‘stygian’ I mean it in its dark, black, gloomy, indistinct, infernal or hellish sense (rather than its literal Classical Mythology meaning). RESPONDENT: Ok by Atlantean depth I meant its dark, black, gloomy, indistinct, infernal hellish and/or light, white, shining heavenly sense. Now that magic quality being palpable present from moment to moment as one is being experiencing one’s environment in space time with planet earth as one’s obvious home base, surpasses any imagined wonderland; i.e. heaven, paradise, hell or Hades. Nevertheless it might be better to say Lemurian depth. ^note snipped from article^ ‘Lemuria or Mu was a land mass lying in the Pacific Ocean, that extended from the part of the United States all the way to South America. The Lemurian stage of existence had to do with the race consciousness learning the lesson of physical attunement. Humanity as a whole progresses in stages, and physical attunement was the key lesson during this period of history. The Lemurians were very philosophical and *spiritual people. Much more so than the Atlantean civilization which was much more technologically advanced and focused. At this period of history great dinosaurs roamed the earth and because of this the Lemurians, to a great extent, had to live underground. They lived in caves hiding from the dinosaurs except to hunt for food. They would make beautifully and artistically decorated caves. The Lemurians were rather small physically. Men were five feet and women a few inches shorter. The survival rate of children was not very high. They lived on grain, berries and fruit’.^ note * as Atlantean was to be meant to refer metaphorically to ‘ancient and hidden aspects/qualities of the psyche’ from the above it appears that Lemurian is a more appropriate way of doing so^ RICHARD: Okay ... I guess that, whilst the phrase ‘stygian depths’ has passed into popular usage, the phrases ‘Atlantean depths’ and/or ‘Lemurian depths’ are yet to do so. * RESPONDENT: I have never honoured the claim that Richard were the first one in Human history to be free of the Human Condition. RICHARD: It is not an issue for me whether I am the first or not – I would be delighted to come across somebody else free of the human condition so as to compare notes – it is just that in over twenty-odd years of actively looking for somebody else I have always drawn a blank. Surely such a person would have written about it, or at least talked about it, and someone, somewhere would have heard of it. RESPONDENT: Neither it is an issue for me. I would say your apperception is the individualised state of living beyond enlightenment. Enlightenment to be taken as the most pleasurable deluded state of delusion that is available within the human condition (samsara). Nevertheless as to [I have always drawn a blank] I can only say you are not alone in this monumental endeavour of shining a light on the human condition. Also as the claim that [Richard is the first one in Human history to be free of the Human Condition] for a great part can be substantiated through the evidence of the manifestation of the AF-site, and as this manifestation is resulting from an apperceptive awareness hence the words on those pages are a result of focussing of the apperceptive calorific energy named the flesh and blood body Richard, I honour the claim that this ‘event’ is unique in human history hence Richard is the first in this way being free of the human condition. But then again ... neither to me it is an issue. RICHARD: Good ... although it is surprising the number of people who have queried me on this matter. * RESPONDENT: So ... (snipped from article): ‘Once Ejo asked: ‘What is meant by the expression ‘Cause and effect are not clouded’?’ This expression is found in the famous Koan known as ‘The Wild Fox’ or ‘Hyakujo’s Fox’ and the following is the first part of the story as it appears in the Mumonkan: When Hyakujo Osho delivered a certain series of sermons, an old man always followed the monks to the main hall and listened to him. When the monks left the hall, the old man would also leave. One day, however, he remained behind and Hyakujo asked him, ‘Who are you, standing there before me?’ The old man replied, ‘I am not a human being. In the old days of Kaashyapa buddha, I was a head monk living here on this mountain. One day a student asked me, ‘Does a man of enlightenment fall under the yoke of causation or not?’ I answered ‘No, he does not’. Since then I have been doomed to undergo five hundred rebirths as a fox. I beg you now to give the turning word to release me from my life as a fox. Tell me, does a man of enlightenment fall under the yoke of causation or not?’ Hyakujo answered, ‘He does not ignore [cloud] causation [cause and effect]’. No sooner had the old man heard these words than he was enlightened’. (end article). So the obvious question is to be: ‘Does a man of apperception fall under the yoke of causation or not?’ RICHARD: Actually it is not such an obvious question after all as the words ‘a man of enlightenment’ and the words ‘a man of apperception’ refer to two entirely different things: enlightenment is the release from the otherwise endless round of birth/death/rebirth and apperception is the release from the human condition. ‘Tis only from within the human condition that such concepts as karma and samsara arise (along with their rebirth/reincarnation implications). RESPONDENT: I’d say: be careful with your response here ... ‘five hundred rebirths as a fox’ ... wow! On the other hand better then ‘five hundred rebirths as a roach’. RICHARD: It essentially makes no difference (be it either as a fox or a roach) because, according to eastern spirituality, it is only as a human being that a sentient being has a chance for enlightenment (which is the main point of being sent back down the metempsychosical path). RESPONDENT: To be fair on that my guess is ‘Yes’ ... but then again the risk is high. RICHARD: The only risk on the wide and wondrous path to an actual freedom is that one may be enticed to wander off the path and become enlightened instead. I kid you not. RESPONDENT: So ... I say I don’t know. RICHARD: Okay ... here is a hint: both karma and samsara have no existence here in this actual world. RESPONDENT: I take it that the Cartesian view point (Cogito ergo sum; [{I think} therefore {I am} is a viewpoint that is flawed however when taken in reverse sum ergo cogito (if that is correct Latin) I am therefore I think] is a more sensible premise. RICHARD: Yes, Mr. Renée Descartes himself acknowledged that ‘cogito ergo sum’ was not a deductive axiom ... he said that the statement ‘I am’ (‘sum’) expresses an immediate intuition – and was not the conclusion of reasoning from ‘I think (‘cogito’) – and is thus indubitable because it is intuitive: ‘Whatever I know’, he stated, ‘I know intuitively that I am’ (it is in ‘Objections and Replies’ (1642) that Mr. René Descartes explicitly says that the certainty of ‘I am’ is based upon intuition). RESPONDENT: So ... it seems to be reasonable to infer that the thinking has its roots in this entity that feels <‘I’ am> hence that what is thinking is not separate from that what is feeling. RICHARD: If what you are saying is, in effect, that the feeling (the immediate intuition) that ‘I am’ comes prior to the thinking that ‘I am’ then ... yes. RESPONDENT: So as ‘I’ as a feeling entity is prior to the thought process it seems to be fair to say that I as a thinker is illusionary and as such can be ‘dismantled’. RICHARD: Yes ... and when ‘I as a thinker’ is dismantled one becomes enlightened. RESPONDENT: ‘I’ as a feeler on the other hand or ‘I’ as being present appears to be fairly difficult to ‘locate’. RICHARD: And this is because ‘I’ as a feeler am intuitively felt to be (rather than merely thought to be). RESPONDENT: Yet it’s (my) presence (in my) book is apparent so far. RICHARD: I presume you mean the feeling (the intuition) of ‘presence’ and not just the presence of the flesh and blood body. RESPONDENT: As to: [there is a circularity inherent in Mr. René Descartes’ reasoning: To know that God exists, one must trust the clear and distinct idea of God; but, to know that clear and distinct ideas are true, one must know that God exists and does not deceive man. Mr. René Descartes, the rationalist, failed to see that his ontologically-inspired ‘intuitional’ proof is word-magic based on the superstition that a metaphysical reality can be determined – and validated as being fact – by ideas and thoughts] could it be that Mr. D. might be afraid how the Church would respond and that he therefore introduced this God idea/concept. RICHARD: Mr. René Descartes makes it clear in his ‘Dedication and Preface to Meditations On First Philosophy’ (‘Meditations On First Philosophy’ (1641) was the treatise that ‘cogito ergo sum’ was published in) that he wishes to offer secular proof for the existence of both the Soul and the revealed God of the scriptures. He dedicated it to the ‘Most Wise and Illustrious the Dean and Doctors of the Sacred Faculty of Theology in Paris’. RESPONDENT: As to: [the question is: what is intuition for him ... and why does he consider it indubitable?] it seems to be that indeed Mr. D’s original premise is a clear example of how spiritual thinking reflects the very tendency to refuse to question/doubt the very premises of ‘I’ am which seems to be the core of Actualist practice. RICHARD: Yes. * RESPONDENT: Does a man of apperception fall under the yoke of causation or not? RICHARD: Actually it is not such an obvious question after all as the words ‘a man of enlightenment’ and the words ‘a man of apperception’ refer to two entirely different things: enlightenment is the release from the otherwise endless round of birth/death/rebirth and apperception is the release from the human condition. ‘Tis only from within the human condition that such concepts as karma and samsara arise (along with their rebirth/reincarnation implications). RESPONDENT: I’d say: be careful with your response here ... ‘five hundred rebirths as a fox’ ... wow! On the other hand better then ‘five hundred rebirths as a roach’. RICHARD: It essentially makes no difference (be it either as a fox or a roach) because, according to eastern spirituality, it is only as a human being that a sentient being has a chance for enlightenment (which is the main point of being sent back down the metempsychosical path). RESPONDENT: To be fair on that my guess is ‘Yes’ ... but then again the risk is high. RICHARD: The only risk on the wide and wondrous path to an actual freedom is that one may be enticed to wander off the path and become enlightened instead. I kid you not. RESPONDENT: So ... I say I don’t know. RICHARD: Okay ... here is a hint: both karma and samsara have no existence here in this actual world. RESPONDENT: That seems to logically follow from: [‘tis only from within the human condition that such concepts as karma and samsara arise (along with their rebirth/reincarnation implications)]. As to: [I kid you not] though my posting of the Zen story, the question along with the remark [I’d say: be careful with your response here ... ‘five hundred rebirths as a fox’ ... wow! On the other hand better then ‘five hundred rebirths as a roach’] was written partly tongue in cheek, it also had the purpose of probing. Thus it’s taken that karma and samsara are concepts from within the human condition, however my question was not about karma it was: [does a man of apperception fall under the yoke of causation or not?] am I to take it that it that you say no to that? RICHARD: The story which prompted your query came from Zen Buddhism ... which means that the English word ‘causation’ is a translation of the Indian word ‘karma’ (or maybe it is even a translation of the Japanese word for the Chinese word for the Indian word ‘karma’). And as karma is inextricably linked with samsara then causation, in this context, is inextricably linked with birth/ death/ rebirth. And that, being metaphysical, is what I am saying ‘no’ too. RESPONDENT: As for giving a hint to the answer of that. I did not mean Karma with [the yoke of causation] my guess is ... Yes ... but then again I don’t know. RICHARD: If you did not mean ‘karma’ then perhaps your query would have been better served if you had simply asked whether physical cause and effect operates here in this actual world. Which, of course, it does. RESPONDENT: By the way I have enjoyed this conversation so far. RICHARD: Good ... it can be such fun to find out about life, the universe and what it is to be a human being, eh? RESPONDENT: I think this is bare minimum we can do, if you do feel that it is possible to make a difference. So ... [quote] ‘We’ve launched an emergency petition from citizens around the world to the U.N. Security Council. We’ll be delivering the list of signers and your comments to the 15 member states of the Security Council on Thursday, March 6. If hundreds of thousands of us sign, it could be an enormously important and powerful message – people from all over the world joining in a single call for a peaceful solution. But we really need your help, and soon. Please sign and ask your friends and colleagues to sign today at: In the next week, the U.N. Security Council will likely meet to decide on authorizing a war against Iraq. If the Council votes to accept a second resolution, it’ll be very difficult to avert a war. But if the resolution doesn’t get enough votes, it’ll be a major setback for the Bush Administration’s plans to invade and occupy Iraq. In the United States and around the world, millions of us oppose a war against Iraq. We believe that tough inspections can disarm Saddam Hussein without the loss of a single life. This week may represent our last chance to win without war. The stakes couldn’t really be much higher. A war with Iraq could kill tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and inflame the Middle East. According to current plans, it would require an American occupation of the country for years to come. And it could escalate in ways that are horrifying to imagine ...’. RICHARD: I have snipped the circular at this point so as to leave those last words hanging for reasons which will become apparent (further below): I am aware that it may be stating the obvious to say that I never ‘feel’ to do anything – let alone signing a petition supporting the French/Russian coalition’s proposal in opposition to the US/UK coalition’s proposal (or vice versa) in the Security Council of the United Nations – and feelings are a poor arbiter of appropriate action in any situation or circumstance anyway. Moreover I am somewhat bemused that you would ‘think’ that petitioning the current warlords, as they manoeuvre and manipulate for world domination, is the ‘bare minimum we can do’ on a mailing list which is set up to facilitate a sharing of experience and understanding, and to assist in elucidating just what is entailed in becoming free of the human condition, so as to be living in the already always existing peace-on-earth, in this lifetime as this flesh and blood body, sooner rather than later. To this end it is pertinent to note that the peoples at ‘’ are using scare tactics to further their aims – they have resurrected a doomsday scenario TV advertisement from a 1964 US election campaign, for example, which depicts a little girl counting daisy petals along with a missile countdown whilst a voice-over warns of the impending armageddon as her image is replaced by a nuclear mushroom cloud – which aims are made clear by the political arm of their organisation:
Thus, while claiming to be ‘non-partisan’ they are, in effect, seeking support from all over the cyber-world for their cause ... sucking otherwise intelligent people into a domestic political campaign (Democrats versus Republicans). Just as a matter of interest ... here is a classic piece of wisdom if there ever was (from another of their numerous web sites):
It starts to look as if Monty Python has finally been superseded by the real-world. RESPONDENT: Richard, I respond to your message but have chosen to rename the header for reasons that may become apparent as you read on. RICHARD: What is immediately apparent is that whilst the subject I addressed was being guided by, or run by, the affective feelings when it comes to how to ‘make a difference’ – thinking that signing a petition to prevent one war among many wars was the ‘bare minimum we can do’ on a mailing list set up to share experience and understanding about the elimination of the root cause of war in oneself – your response has been to choose the topic ‘regime change’ instead. However you do say further below that you are moving in this chosen direction (effecting political change through collective personal power) as a result of carefully made choices so I will make it clear here, up-front and out in the open, that one of the fundamental understandings which enables the actualism method to work its magic is that peace and harmony comes about by living happily and harmlessly in the world as-it-is with people as-they-are ... and not by attempting to change people, things and events so as to have the world at large conform with whatever scheme or dream the identity within may come up with in order to perpetuate its existence. In other words: global peace and harmony starts at home. * RICHARD: I am aware that it may be stating the obvious to say that I never ‘feel’ to do anything – let alone signing a petition supporting the French/Russian coalition’s proposal in opposition to the US/UK coalition’s proposal (or vice versa) in the Security Council of the United Nations – and feelings are a poor arbiter of appropriate action in any situation or circumstance anyway. Moreover I am somewhat bemused that you would ‘think’ that petitioning the current warlords, as they manoeuvre and manipulate for world domination, is the ‘bare minimum we can do’ on a mailing list which is set up to facilitate a sharing of experience and understanding, and to assist in elucidating just what is entailed in becoming free of the human condition, so as to be living in the already always existing peace-on-earth, in this lifetime as this flesh and blood body, sooner rather than later. RESPONDENT: It’s not a small thing to be able to observe the cyber world let alone travelling in it. RICHARD: Did you observe many references to the ubiquity of war whilst travelling in the cyber-world? For example: It is a page which lists 24 ‘major’ wars (wars with more than 1,000 casualties) currently occurring and 22 ‘minor’ wars (wars with less than 1,000 casualties) currently occurring ... and 22 recently concluded or suspended wars. I draw your attention to this so as to highlight the scope and scale of the task you have taken on in choosing the method of importuning warlords (effecting political change through collective personal power) in order to ‘make a difference’. RESPONDENT: The goal is clear; facilitating an Actual Freedom. RICHARD: This assertion does seem to be at odds with what you write further below:
Plus your method (effecting political change through collective personal power) has about as much likelihood of facilitating an actual freedom from the human condition as a butterfly flapping its wings in Central America has of effecting hurricane force winds in Southern Asia. * RICHARD: To this end it is pertinent to note that the peoples at ‘’ are using scare tactics to further their aims – they have resurrected a doomsday scenario TV advertisement from a 1964 US election campaign, for example, which depicts a little girl counting daisy petals along with a missile countdown whilst a voice-over warns of the impending armageddon as her image is replaced by a nuclear mushroom cloud – which aims are made clear by the political arm of their organisation: ‘Regime Change Begins at Home’. <snip> RESPONDENT: The organization <>0 is marked ‘suspicious’. RICHARD: What I am referring to, by saying ‘to this end’, is what this mailing list is set up for ... therefore I took the opportunity of responding to your forwarding of a political antiwar circular in a way which makes it relevant to discussions regarding just what is entailed in becoming free of the human condition, so as to be living in the already always existing peace-on-earth, in this lifetime as this flesh and blood body, sooner rather than later. Hence my emphasis on feelings being a poor arbiter of appropriate action in any situation or circumstance ... especially as, in this instance, those very feelings are being deliberately manipulated by an organisation with a stated agenda that will do nothing – nothing whatsoever – to rid the world of war. And their motivation for choosing this course of action may very well be encapsulated in a pithy phrase from one of the many newspaper articles about them which they display on their website:
Whereas the web site which The Actual Freedom Trust maintains – the web site this mailing list is associated with – has the stated agenda of the elimination of the root cause of war itself ... not merely the prevention of war. * RICHARD: Thus, while claiming to be ‘non-partisan’ they are, in effect, seeking support from all over the cyber-world for their cause ... sucking otherwise intelligent people into a domestic political campaign (Democrats versus Republicans). RESPONDENT: Ok that sounds like a very sensible pointer. <snip> ... while agreeing with the label for the category you suggest to create (otherwise Intelligent) I did not feel insulted, rather encouraged to re-evaluate my situation and previous actions that have led to this event (your reply on the message you sent me). RICHARD: I often use the phrase ‘otherwise intelligent’ (a search of my part of the website
recorded 108 hits) ... what I am conveying in this instance is any person being guided by, or run by, the affective feelings:
intelligence RESPONDENT: One of the reasons I think that is that I now clearly can see that this is neither intended to be a judgement nor a condemnation of me as person. RICHARD: Hmm ... no unliveable NDA platitudes (as in uncritical acceptance or non-judgemental tolerance) issues forth from this pen. RESPONDENT: In other words I do not mind to have been temporarily put into the category of otherwise intelligent people. Hence I think it is fair to say that at least anyone who has forwarded my petition can also be safely put in that same category for this one time. So ... I take it that you fit in the category of the more intelligent people (those who have not forwarded it). RICHARD: No, not ‘more intelligent’ ... simply neither guided nor run by the affective feelings. Viz.:
It would appear that ‘stating the obvious’ needed to be stated after all. RESPONDENT: First of all I like to notice that I have no idea what the impact of this petition at this point has had in the cyber world let alone the long term consequences only time will tell. So say if over the next days a change in the political weather should happen and if this is a change that I have anticipated on (hoped for) it is fair that say that this me (as a flesh body phenomenon) is moving into a chosen direction and the manifestation as such a phenomenon is the result of sequential events of which some are the result of carefully made choices to either act or not act. So ... to put It more clearly the action has the intent to explore the possibility of the existence in which a Universe exists where the Agenda of the warlords is effectively destroyed and/or hindered and replaced with an agenda that I think might contain a better selection of options for global change in other words more fun to be in that reality for me and the people I am with and the next generation. RICHARD: You seem to be using the word ‘warlords’ as a pejorative term for the currently pro-war member nations (those presently advocating the resumption of one specific war) of the Security Council of the United Nations whereas I was being entirely even-handed in my characterisation ... it was a categorical reference to all of the member nations – and particularly the five nations which have a permanent position with the power of veto – which includes those currently proposing an anti-war (presently opposed to the resumption of one specific war) resolution. And I use the term ‘warlords’ advisedly (since time immemorial the victors of armed conflict have sat around campfires arguing the pros and cons of their next move) and the ... um ... the hereditary five, manipulating and manoeuvring for supremacy in their elite group just as they have done for 50-plus years, are but the victors of the last major conflict which engulfed much of the world. Technological advancements have changed the setting (central heating renders campfires redundant) but nothing else has changed ... and unless one fully comprehends that the human world, at root, runs on fear and is ruled by physical force/restraint – anyone who has been a child will know this and anyone who is, or has been, a parent/ guardian will know this twice over – one may become drawn into arguing the pros and cons of their next move oneself and thus lose sight of how peace-on-earth is enabled. This is how I have described the human condition:
It is the human condition which is being displayed on television screens for all the world to see. RESPONDENT: For all clarity I am not willing to ‘altruistically’ dismantle the remains of my identity because what is left of it I like very much. I find it immensely interesting to be here. I have long and intensely suffered from the fear of the dead of the ego because, come to think of it, I could not ever contemplate and/or imagine this death without the coinciding of the perishment of my body. RICHARD: For the sake of further clarity of communication: are you saying that the ego (one half of the identity) is no longer extant but that the soul (the other half of the identity) still is? If not, what do you mean by ‘the remains of my identity’ (as in what is gone and what still remains)? Also, why do you like what is left (whatever that is) so much? RESPONDENT: As to my own part with regard to the possible consequences that this somewhat random action the forwarding of, signing and adding a personal note to a [petition supporting the French/Russian coalition’s proposal in opposition to the US/UK coalition’s proposal (or vice versa) in the Security Council of the United Nations]>0 may have in the future. I think it may be helpful to mention that the petition came from Auz and was by me forwarded to 24 entities including the AF-mailing list and the K-list. On second thought perhaps a bit to generous an action and indeed legitimately questionable as to be sensible or silly. RICHARD: What I am questioning the motivating factor for forwarding the circular – not the action of forwarding it – with the aim of enabling a self-investigation into the root cause of action in any situation or circumstance ... particularly so now that it may very well have been ‘the remains of my identity’ which persuaded the flesh and blood body into the action of garnering support for its chosen direction. RESPONDENT: I do not claim omniscience nor am I incapable of making mistakes. So ... as for sending this petition to this list at worst I say I could be accused of having been presenting a form of spam yet at that moment not considered to be as such. RICHARD: If it came by snail-mail it would be classified ‘junk mail’ (unsolicited mail). That it came on this mailing list instead occasioned me to not consign it to the waste-bin (where all unsolicited snail-mail goes) but to take the opportunity of making it relevant to discussions regarding living happily and harmlessly in the world as-it-is with people as-they-are. RESPONDENT: I for one prefer to evaluate this action as a rather abrupt reappearance on this list (.) with an implicit invitation to reinitiate dialogue again. Furthermore though it may be over my ‘hat’ I think that the S. C. seriously needs to reconsider it’s priorities as well as to redefine the word security. It may be good to mention that previous to my membership of AF I had extensive dialogue exchanges on various other lists; some sannyas-lists and K-lists. I was stunned to hear from my sister that Mr. Mandela actually is supporting the option of war. For all clarity I’m not a pacifist but to even consider war as an option as a ‘quick fix’ to the present world crisis I find too silly to contemplate. So to accredit S.C. with being in charge of my Security at this point is an honour I do not find them capable let alone to acknowledge them as world administrators of Security. So what to do? RICHARD: I do not seek to advise anybody on what to do, or not do, and I have stated the reason why on many an occasion ... for example:
Which means I have no solutions for governments either ... as all human beings are driven by instinctual passions war is an essential facility for obtaining/maintaining an imitation of peace – an uneasy truce called ‘law and order’ – at the point of a gun. Just as a police force is a necessary facility for obtaining/maintaining an imitation of peace within a country so too is a military force necessary for obtaining/maintaining an imitation of peace between countries ... and this will continue to be the situation for as long as peoples continue to nurse malice and sorrow to their bosom. It does not make war any less ghastly ... but it is a fact that whilst humans are as they are, then war is here to stay. RESPONDENT: Put it all in the hands of God or Allah hence sitting on ones ass while the moment that war is no longer inevitable approaches rapidly with a deadline of 10 days or claiming responsibility for what is happening on my planet. I have been fairly well fed the idea that I should not abuse my personal power yet the difference between using power and being an influence had been rather blur not so anymore. RICHARD: For what it is worth my companion, upon being asked by another person why she did not join an antiwar street march recently, said it would have been hypocritical for her to do so as she still had war in herself. There was a short silence ... then the other person changed the subject. RESPONDENT: Running the risk to be accused of using spiritual language, I confess that I believe to be a double Aquarius together with the fact that officially the Age of Aquarius has begun yet still can move in two directions the first issue humanity faces is the power issue and I think it is of tremendous importance to realize what power implies in this context. RICHARD: Yet, contrary to popular belief, there is no longer only ‘two directions’ anymore ... there is a third alternative now. RESPONDENT: I have everything done what I consider to be humanly possible to not let this happen, so of course it would be silly to take responsibility for the rest of humanity yet I am 100% committed to an Actual freedom for this body and all other bodies. RICHARD: This assertion does seem to be at odds with what you write further above:
Also, it may be pertinent to point out that if the identity parasitically inhabiting this flesh and blood body all those years ago had found it silly to ‘take responsibility for the rest of humanity’ (‘I’ am ‘humanity’ and ‘humanity’ is ‘me’) I would not be here today for you to have this discussion with ... neither this mailing list nor The Actual Freedom Trust website would exist. I did not do anything – I have been here all along having a ball – yet for me to become apparent was a blessing that only ‘I’ could grant ... because nobody else could do it for me. I am full of admiration for the ‘me’ that dared to enable peace-on-earth as I owe all that I experience now to ‘me’. I salute ‘my’ audacity for taking responsibility for all of humankind. RESPONDENT: To evaluate anyone person (including myself) as a being with a genetically encoded survival system that is basically functioning in the same way as everybody’s program does has been the greatest challenge I have ever faced but now the deal is closed as far as I am concerned ‘you first me second’. What other choice I have but moving with that from moment to moment from day to day? It is thrilling to discover that there need not be a generation gap between a kid (boy/girl) and a 50 year old. It is incredibly daunting to contemplate on the possibility that now it may be possible that with the creation of this list, intelligence has a way to operate in a way that resonation in human consciousness can happen on such a deep level that humanity is propelled into a PCE experience. RICHARD: By ‘intelligence’ I presume you mean the human brain in action inside the human skull? That is, the intelligence which was born when the flesh and blood body was born and which dies when the flesh and blood body dies? I only ask because ‘the remains of my identity’ may be projecting the same as being a disembodied intelligence. RESPONDENT: No doomsday scenarios I would advertise I saw the face of the pure evil aspect of war this last new years eve. RICHARD: It was this sentence which occasioned me to select but one quote from among many on the ‘’ web site (further above). Viz.:
RESPONDENT: This has twigged me in indeed as well considering Doomsday scenarios as well as Golden Future scenario. RICHARD: Perhaps if I put in the most simple terms: given that you said ‘I think this is bare minimum we can do’ in your initial post, and that it was your first post since last new year’s eve, how will forwarding a petition supporting the French/Russian coalition’s proposal, in opposition to the US/UK coalition’s proposal, in the Security Council of the United Nations bring about the ‘Golden Future’ scenario? RESPONDENT: Thus I assume that the phrase [if you do feel that it is possible to make a difference] better had been replaced by [if you do think that it is possible to make a difference]. RICHARD: It is not a case of wording sentences in accord to some standard ... if one feels to do something it is far better to be honest with oneself and acknowledge that feeling. RESPONDENT: Well let me assure you, I have taken position in this situation though I know that it is risky business to form an opinion in this matter let alone present it as such. To allow the what you call War lords to take a hold of the writing of a Script or a so called roadmap for what they call a more secure world then now is in my opinion not contributing to the overall improvement of the situation on this planet apart from that we have a perfect roadmap now. RICHARD: What ‘perfect roadmap’ are you referring to? RESPONDENT: Indeed the fact that some of the world leaders see the use of ‘force’ on Iraq as an option to ‘counter’ the alleged eventuation of massive outbreaks of organised terrorism supported by what is euphemistically called WM (allegedly to be delivered by the peoples who are in charge of Iraq) is a factor that still will need to be dealt with but I am rather confident that the possibility is there to do so. Once again I highly appreciate your pointer specifically where you mention the ‘mushroom cloud’. When forming an opinion as to the players in this game it at least requires a thorough analysis of the program that is running in those brains to find out how the Alien entity is shielding that is not possible unless one can observe once own identity in action simultaneously. Incidentally I’m not talking about mind reading. The difficulty with that is that identity is continuously fed with new information. Feelings of in particularly paranoia (as I found) are originated in the reptilian part of the brain the lasting feeling of uneasiness and/or insecurity are a result of the failure of the neocortex to adequately process the information in the normal way which is sustaining a sense of identity. It is needed to differentiate between the feeling of paranoia and having paranoid thoughts. Paranoia is often use by people who have no expertise understanding of what it is I claim to have that expertise as I have explored it thoroughly in myself. RICHARD: In medical terms the word ‘paranoia’ refers to a mental illness, originally classified as dementia, which is characterised by delusions of persecutions, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance ... in popular parlance it indicates a tendency to suspect and distrust others or to believe oneself unfairly used. I presume you are referring to its everyday usage? RESPONDENT: Obviously the intensity of experiencing identity at risk is proportional to the level of risk it is exposed to. The archetype of mass destruction (the nuclear bomb) currently seems now to have been split in new archetypes WM. Also the collective Consciousness of America as feeling oneself to be an American which was temporarily experienced during the event of 9/11 now no longer exists one cannot be an American anymore the only option is feeling oneself to be democrat or republican or citizen of the world. In the US psyche this is the solution to avoid to connect with this collective archetype and experience the full impact as ones own potential to be destructive or in other words to experience the raw instinctual energy of ones own body. Thus the trick to redefine war as pre-emptive action against terrorism is bought rather eagerly by many who mistake western world with America thereby conveniently ignoring the fact that war is terrorism (note I’m not saying it is violence that is too obvious). So ... there is a failure in the neocortex to process new information correctly hence it cannot deal with the phrase ‘war against terrorism’. I admit that it took me a while to figure it out. Now a person that acts from the resulting thoughts that are fuelled by this feeling can not be considered to be capable of sensible action. Thus it is understandable that some organizations will may make use of scare tactics in attempt to support ‘peaceful’ solutions mistakenly offering fuel for what they fear the most hence in avertedly may make things worse rather then better. I’m glad you have pointed that out so clearly. RICHARD: The whole point of terrorism is to terrify people into submission ... to then obligingly terrify each other with graphic depictions of armageddon if terrorism be confronted is a further twist of the screw (which is why I left those words hanging in the circular you posted). Viz.:
I notice that the horrified imagination now wants peoples world-wide to keep a light burning in their window to show the troops the way home. RESPONDENT: Recently I heard Mr. Rumsfeld as a spokesman for the Pentagon revealing that already they had a vision of a post ‘Saddam-era’. It was apparent that he made a fair distinction between this ‘us’ and that he is well aware that Mr. Bush is Chief in command of the US army. Mr. Bin Laden was only mentioned briefly as a future possible ‘client’ of Mr. Hussein and still is alleged to be covertly associated with the mentioned Mr. Hussein. Talking about Mr. Bin Laden (be accredited for the 9/11 incident) I watched him on television. He was having tea together with some of his associates while they where laughing while watching the video of the collapse of the WTC. In another video he was mentioning that he would not discriminate between civilians and soldiers. As I understand for most of the western world this was an expression of the most malicious mind ever hence he is demonised. RICHARD: A person who is a terrorist to some is freedom fighter to others ... there is quite a wide range of nomenclature for different ways of fighting one’s fellow human beings (guerrilla, revolutionary, insurgent, resistance fighter, underground fighter, partisan, militant activist, irregular soldier, and so on) yet to blur the distinction between terrorism and conventional war (as in ‘war is terrorism’ for example) is not all that helpful in regards understanding the part terror plays in guiding, or driving, one’s own actions. The following link has an extensive article, with multiple links and references, on the subject of definition: Again it may be stating the obvious but it could very well be worth saying anyway if only for the sake of re-emphasising what this mailing list is set up for: terrorism, by any definition, can only terrify where fear itself exists. There is no fear in this actual world ... the world of this body and that body and every body; the world of the mountains and the streams; the world of the trees and the flowers; the world of the clouds in the sky by day and the stars in the firmament by night and so on and so on ad infinitum. RESPONDENT: To contemplate on the question how malicious is Bin Laden? may very well result in a PCE when an actualist takes in account that this one also is a member of the human collective specifically a male character. His way of presenting himself reminded me of how I remember to have seen Mr. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh on videos. At that point I understood that I do not discriminate between so-called spiritual or world leaders. The apparent blatantly misunderstood intertwining of politics and spirituality has become apparent for me and this largely contributes to re-appreciation of the world as it is today with people as they are. RICHARD: Why then do you think that petitioning these ‘world leaders’ is the bare minimum that can be done to make a difference? CORRESPONDENT No 18 (Part Four) RETURN TO THE ACTUAL FREEDOM MAILING LIST INDEX RETURN TO RICHARD’S CORRESPONDENCE INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust:
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