Richard’s Correspondence On The Actual Freedom Mailing List With Correspondent No. 18 RESPONDENT: It is incredibly daunting to contemplate on the possibility that now it may be possible that with the creation of this list, intelligence has a way to operate in a way that resonation in human consciousness can happen on such a deep level that humanity is propelled into a PCE experience. RICHARD: By ‘intelligence’ I presume you mean the human brain in action inside the human skull? That is, the intelligence which was born when the flesh and blood body was born and which dies when the flesh and blood body dies? I only ask because [quote] ‘the remains of my identity’ [endquote] may be projecting the same as being a disembodied intelligence. RESPONDENT: No, not disembodied. An embodied intelligence. The intelligence which is born when a flesh and blood body is born, yet also the intelligence that is implicitly present as an organizing principle (on various levels) that is way beyond the comprehension of the limited capacity of my (perhaps any) human brain to understand how it is that this principle is ‘functioning’. RICHARD: When I insert your description, of the intelligence which is also implicitly present, into your original sentence (from the top of the page) it looks like this:
Two questions immediately spring to mind ... here is the first one:
* RESPONDENT: For all clarity I am not willing to ‘altruistically’ dismantle the remains of my identity because what is left of it I like very much. I find it immensely interesting to be here. I have long and intensely suffered from the fear of the dead of the ego because, come to think of it, I could not ever contemplate and/or imagine this death without the coinciding of the perishment of my body. RICHARD: For the sake of further clarity of communication: are you saying that the ego (one half of the identity) is no longer extant but that the soul (the other half of the identity) still is? If not, what do you mean by ‘the remains of my identity’ (as in what is gone and what still remains)? Also, why do you like what is left (whatever that is) so much? RESPONDENT: As for the ‘remains’ of my identity perhaps this formulae explains; it’s not merely playing with characters, as the aesthetics of the below expression have become apparent. <HAIETMOBA><H A **T M * * *><AH><TM!><^~~^~^~-----....... RICHARD: Did this response, to my three clarity-seeking queries, come from the intelligence that is implicitly present as an organizing principle (on various levels) that is way beyond the comprehension of the limited capacity of your (perhaps any) human brain to understand how it is that this principle is ‘functioning’ ... or did it come from ‘the ‘remains’ of my identity’ (whatever that is)? Which brings me to the second question which immediately sprang to mind:
It is the bit about an incomprehensible intelligence propelling humanity into a PCE, in lieu of your altruistic ‘self’-immolation in toto, which rings the alarum bells. RICHARD: When I insert your description, of the intelligence which is also implicitly present, into your original sentence (from the top of the previous-mail) it looks like this: [example only]: ‘It is incredibly daunting to contemplate on the possibility that now it may be possible that with the creation of this list, the intelligence that is implicitly present as an organizing principle (on various levels), that is way beyond the comprehension of the limited capacity of my (perhaps any) human brain to understand how it is that this principle is ‘functioning’, has a way to operate in a way that resonation in human consciousness can happen on such a deep level that humanity is propelled into a PCE experience’. RESPONDENT: I like it that you encourage to optimise clarity to digital perfection. So ... OK this I find an accurate insertion. RICHARD: As the ‘accurate insertion’ shows you are saying, in effect, that ‘with the
creation of this list’ it now may be possible an incomprehensible intelligence can resonate on such a deep level in human
consciousness that humanity is propelled into a PCE, it may very well be worthwhile pointing out, just in case it had not occurred
to you, that it was this flesh and blood body which was the impetus for this mailing list being set up as an adjunct to The Actual
Freedom Trust web site – for the purpose already detailed several times – and the only intelligence No other animal can do this – in a drought or a famine they languish and/or die – and needless is it to say that this ability is not incomprehensible? RESPONDENT: I admit this could be taken in its whole as an example of a somewhat high-spirited statement. RICHARD: Are you admitting that it is not ‘accurate’ to say, in effect, that ‘with the creation of this list’ it now may be possible that an incomprehensible intelligence can resonate on such a deep level in human consciousness that humanity is propelled into a PCE after all? RESPONDENT: Now lets re-examine it as a statement of opinion. Thus it were to be read which (from your reply) I’m rather confident you did as: I found it is incredibly daunting to contemplate on the possibility that now it may be possible that with the creation of this list, the intelligence that is implicitly present as an organizing principle (on various levels), that is way beyond the comprehension of the limited capacity of my (perhaps any) human brain to understand how it is that this principle is ‘functioning’, has a way to operate in a way that resonation in human consciousness can happen on such a deep level that humanity is propelled into a PCE experience. RICHARD: As what you have done here is change ‘it is incredibly daunting’ into ‘I found it incredibly daunting’ – thus personalising the sentence – and left the remainder intact do you now see that it was [quote] ‘the remains of my identity’ [endquote] who found it may now be possible that an incomprehensible intelligence can resonate on such a deep level in human consciousness that humanity is propelled into a PCE? If so the next thing to consider is that due to the over-riding nature of the biological imperative – blind nature’s genetically inherited instinctual survival passions – there is the distinct possibility that ‘the remains of my identity’ (which you like very much and are unwilling to dismantle) and ‘the intelligence that is implicitly present as an organizing principle’ are one and the same thing. And the reason why I suggest this is because it is the instinctual animal ‘self’, which the survival passions form themselves into as a ‘presence’, a ‘being’, who got these flesh and blood bodies here in the first place ... in that all peoples living today are the end-point of myriads of survivors passing on their genes. In other words, these flesh and blood bodies currently alive are the product of the ‘success story’ of fear and aggression and nurture and desire. Yet the ability to think, and store thought-memories in the language-accessible areas of the neo-cortex, has also arisen in human beings – in homo sapiens – over many, many millennia and is what sets the human animal apart from the other animals ... it is what makes human beings intelligent. And now that this intelligence, which is the cerebral ability to sensibly and thus judiciously think, reflect, appraise, plan, and implement considered activity for beneficial reasons, has developed in the human animal the blind survival passions are no longer necessary – in fact they have become a hindrance in today’s world – and it is only by virtue of this intelligence that blind nature’s default software package can be safely deleted (via altruistic ‘self’-immolation). But is one really going to dissolve that which produced one ... that which (apparently) keeps one alive? Hence the attribution of an essential role to ‘the remains of my identity’ ... to wit: ‘the intelligence that is implicitly present as an organizing principle’ which can resonate on such a deep level in human consciousness that humanity is propelled into a PCE. Thus due to the over-riding nature of the biological imperative, blind instinct has been elevated to the status of an intelligence ... an incomprehensible intelligence which is going to save the human race by propelling it holus-bolus into a PCE in its hour of need. And, as these instinctual survival passions form themselves into a ‘presence’, a ‘being’, it is axiomatic that this ‘presence’, this ‘being’, be an incomprehensibly intelligent ‘presence’ or ‘being’ ... with the all-powerful ability to propel humanity en masse into peace and harmony. Does this all start to sound familiar? RESPONDENT: Indeed as I said ‘somewhat high-spirited’ I begin to understand the art of over/under statement is not fully mastered by me yet. I appear to have a multileveled multinational social identity which apparently seem to contain ‘pockets’ of malice and sorrow yet also pockets of not before experienced felicitous feelings that come from the thrill of understanding my life in an ever more fresh way. RICHARD: Ahh ... so ‘the remains of my identity’ include a ‘multileveled multinational social identity’ and a range of affective feelings, then? RESPONDENT: So ... my experience is that Actualism becomes indeed a whole new ballgame. When intelligence takes over when/if any bullshit, be it holy or political, hits the fan, it is dealt with the accuracy of a high-tech computer and that’s what you seem to do, Richard. Well that is fair to expect from an veteran living in the actual world. RICHARD: Perhaps it would be more useful to say that when [an incomprehensible] intelligence takes over it is dealt with the accuracy of the cognitive faculty of understanding and comprehending (as in intellect and sagacity) ... which means the cerebral ability to sensibly and thus judiciously think, reflect, appraise, plan, and implement considered activity for beneficial reasons (and to be able to rationally convey reasoned information to other human beings so that coherent knowledge can accumulate around the world and to the next generations). No high-tech computer is intelligent RESPONDENT: So ... I did not yet fully understand what it meant to be challenged by the Computer itself. RICHARD: More to the point: do you now ‘fully understand’ what it means to be challenged by the cognitive faculty of understanding and comprehending (as in intellect and sagacity) ... which means the cerebral ability to sensibly and thus judiciously think, reflect, appraise, plan, and implement considered activity for beneficial reasons (and to be able to rationally convey reasoned information to other human beings so that coherent knowledge can accumulate around the world and to the next generations)? I am, of course, talking about the human brain in action in the human skull. * RESPONDENT: I mentioned in a previous post me being a double Aquarius hence presumably more or less able to see the evil aspects as well as the beneficial aspects that living in this era on this planet can have. Thus seeing evil and benefice unfold in myself and fellow beings, Human is no longer a term by which I like to define myself as I’d be putting myself in a category which has become somewhat reprehensive to belong to. RICHARD: There is more to ceasing to be ‘human’ (as in the ‘we are not perfect, we are only human’ justification) than merely redefining categories. RESPONDENT: Seeing that humans know neither peace nor happiness, as broadly generalizing one is either a victim of insanity or one is actually insane and victimizing (by whatever means in whatever way) and/or humiliating degrading fellow beings. So ... being human means to me being either relatively malicious, (more or less harmful) and relatively (more or less) sorrowful. RICHARD: Some time ago I watched a documentary on the subject of evil-doing which included an interview with an incarcerated man: he was an average, middle-class, married man with a decent career, house, car, and etcetera, whose daughter was raped one day and, knowing who did it, he took a gun and went and exacted retribution. The intriguing part of his story was that he knew full well what he was doing all the while he was driving to the rapist’s house yet he could not – would not – stop himself from carrying out this ancient justice: he was in the grip of forces which were entirely true to him at that moment even though he knew that what he was doing was illegal. RESPONDENT: So ... The art of Actualism seems to be keeping all one’s malice and sorrow for private investigation. Keeping in mind that to determine (or judge) what is ‘experienced’ as sorrowful or malicious is my private task entirely and neither anyone else nor anything can do that. RICHARD: As only you can know your every thought, your every feeling, your every instinctual impulse, each moment again, it is indeed so that nobody else can do your investigation for you ... yet as all sentient beings are connected by a psychic web, as it were, there is no way one can keep malice and sorrow ‘private’ as the very fact of being alive means such psychic currents are the public domain anyway (in the real-world that is). There is no such web or currents here in this actual world. RESPONDENT: So ... I continue to re-examine as I could also fairly hear the alarum and see the lights flashing. How to put it as such that we can find some ‘common ground’ here? The latest ‘realizations’ of mans ‘intelligent’ action with regard to security on this planet, have not left this flesh blood body unaffected. RICHARD: Which brings this discussion back to the original topic: the affective feelings being a poor arbiter of appropriate action in any situation or circumstance (a flesh and blood body cannot be affected by a realisation unless the affective feelings pump chemicals as the implications and ramifications of the realisation are instinctually felt). In other words: survival is at stake and the instinctual ‘presence’ or ‘being’ springs into action with a veritable cocktail from the array at its command. It is handy to remember, as one investigates one’s psyche (which is the human psyche) that the instinctive urges can, on occasion, kick-in big time with surging feelings and racing thoughts, and thus the cardinal rule of thumb is this: Keep your hands in your pockets (do not do anything that you would not ordinarily do). RESPONDENT: It has become apparent to me that nerves of steal are not enough to observe the magnitude of this kind of stupidly that probably has set something in motion that as I see it will have to be resolved in terms of action reaction and hence the doom machine is ticking on in the real world, thus a heart of steel seems as well a highly recommended attribute to enable an actualist to persist in disassembling programs that emulate any identity. RICHARD: Have you ever noticed that many an otherwise intelligent person has been afflicted by the doomsday syndrome all throughout human history? If so, the words ‘all throughout human history’ should speak for themselves. The doom being felt – and projected onto the world at at large – is, of course, ‘my’ own doom: there is no way out, ‘I’ am doomed. ‘I’ must, inevitably, cease to ‘be’. Instead of bemoaning ‘my’ fate and vainly searching for an escape, ‘I’ can see ‘myself’ for what ‘I’ am. This seeing is the beginning of the ending of ‘me’. The extinction of ‘me’ is the ultimate sacrifice ‘I’ can make to ensure the possibility of peace-on-earth for not only this body but all bodies. Have you ever desired oblivion? RESPONDENT: <emulation of a somewhat paranoid identity >0 [malicious voice speaking; wouldn’t it be great if we could blow a few fuses of the Pentagons switchboard; confuse their circuits as it where]. RICHARD: Given the enormous responsibility which inheres in such an action – being the cause of consequences for which you have neither contingency plans nor the capacity to put into effect – are you not well-pleased you do not have that ability? RESPONDENT: I don’t know about you Richard but frankly speaking I think the aliens have taken over this world. RICHARD: Ha ... all 6.0 billion flesh and blood body bodies are already inhabited by an alien entity (the identity within). RESPONDENT: As you were mentioning that the real world has exceeded Monty Python and that nonetheless you are having a ball all the way, I fail yet to get a clear picture of you being also a person or is this perhaps a very subtle touch of black humour that you have introduced into our conversation? RICHARD: It is this simple: as there is no alien identity in this flesh and blood body you cannot recognise me (it is only in a PCE that another person can relate to me). RESPONDENT: The movie the ‘body snatchers’ seems to be light entertainment compared to this grossly misconducted over-budgeted ‘Hollywood movie’ that now is unfolding day after day in the actual world with actual guns and actual killing machines; the ‘drones’ of the coalition of the willing are in place. These ‘drones’ will handle the chapter justice of this final? chapter of a collective that has clearly gone berserk. RICHARD: As there is somewhere in the vicinity of 24 significant armed conflicts currently occurring around the world why is there this morbid fixation on but one among many? Do you even know where these other wars are happening and who is involved and why? For instance: are you as equally concerned about nearly 1,000 people [reported] being killed last week in the Congo, where a cease-fire was signed only a couple of weeks ago, as you are about what is being displayed 24/7 across the television screens? Further to the point: in the last ten years alone, of the 20th century, 3.6 million people died as a result of civil wars and ethnic violence ... which is more than 16 times the number killed in wars between countries in that same period. Or, to consider it all in other terms, are you aware that approximately $8.6 trillion a year is allocated, worldwide, on military expenditure? RESPONDENT: VEPS (very enlightened persons) in the white house and the pentagon assure the rest of us that within a reasonable time span the post-Saddam era will take of and every Iraqi that will survive at last will experience the blessings of democracy as will be ‘dictated’ by the self-proclaimed new order. Anyway the goose is out that is a fact. So what to do? RICHARD: Seeing that you ask: the first thing to do is to comprehend that one of the fundamental understandings, which enables the actualism method to work its magic, is that peace and harmony comes about by living happily and harmlessly in the world as-it-is with people as-they-are ... and not by attempting to change people, things and events so as to have the world at large conform with whatever scheme or dream the identity within may come up with in order to perpetuate its existence. In other words: global peace and harmony starts at home. RESPONDENT: Perhaps expressing my gratitude to the US administration gang because thanks to them all my hopes/expectations with regard to the US population and their so-called allies/friends as to the likeliness that somewhere somehow there might be existing a few grains of common sense in those intoxicated reptile brains, has been destroyed completely and gone up in smoke? RICHARD: If by this you mean that you have become disillusioned about political change, social reform, economic reconstruction, cultural revisionism, and so on, being able to bring about global peace and harmony then, yes, you could indeed thank all the peoples concerned for exposing the illusion for you. And I mean all ... not just the ones you lopsidedly mention. RESPONDENT: So ... I think it is fair to say that I may have been as gullible as everyone else generally speaking yet I have reached the limit here and indeed how different is naivety from gullibility. RICHARD: Have you worked out the difference yet between naïveté and gullibility when it comes to ... um ... to astrology, for example? RESPONDENT: Apparently the real world is some form of the American dream. RICHARD: Not specifically, no ... all throughout human history peoples have been endeavouring to bring about peace and harmony through political change, social reform, economic reconstruction, cultural revisionism, and so on. RESPONDENT: ^note in my actualism this dream can be considered as an overlay of concepts on attributes (things/people) in which the predominating quality of the delusionary aspect(s) of that overlay is a distorted value as to what is a fair price tag for a hamburger.^ RICHARD: Whereas the real ‘American Dream’, as expressed early last century by Mr. Woodrow Wilson with his ‘the world must be made safe for democracy’ injunction, is some form of representational democracy (universal suffrage or political enfranchisement) for all 193 nations ... the 20th/21st centuries may come to be known as the centuries of democratisation (multiparty elections are now held in 140 countries of which 82 are full democracies). As for the cultural values ... defeated tribes/nations generally ape the victors (for obvious reasons). RESPONDENT: Well I keep doing my little petty Dutch peasant dance and keep on singing silly songs, as I’m safely and sound locked in this somewhat chaotic universe ... RICHARD: If I may interject? What ‘chaotic universe’ are you referring to? This material universe, the only one there is in actuality, having no opposite, no other, is peerless, beyond compare ... pure and perfect (there is no chaos, no disorder here). RESPONDENT: ... and respectfully I’ll pass over the madcap to anyone who is volunteering to play for god not without mentioning that god is the devil in disguise. RICHARD: Aye, just as the ‘good’ is dependent upon the ‘bad’ for its very existence so too does the diabolical underpin the divine. RESPONDENT: Self-aggrandisement to me is just another word for overconfidence; a men must know his limits. RICHARD: What is really weird about ‘self’-aggrandisement is that it is entirely unnecessary anyway: as this flesh and blood body only, one is this material universe experiencing itself as an apperceptive human being ... as such it is stunningly aware of its own infinitude. And it don’t come bigger than that! RESPONDENT: Incidentally it appeared that many actualists (if not all) are still more interested in evaluating old historical documents in which is referred to historical characters difficult verifiable to be having existed as actual flesh blood beings; otherwise then in the fertile human-imagination they may even not ever have been present. RICHARD: Whether the many and varied deified beings historically existed or not is beside the point ... the wisdom ascribed to them lives on to this very day and gets played out in the morals and values and principles and customs and traditions and so on which fail to deliver the goods. The following web page shows that approximately 5.6 billion people profess adherence to a religion (and thus religio/spiritual mores). For just one instance, the U.S. polls – Gallup, Harris, and other polls, including Kosmin (1990 survey of 113,000 Americans) – consistently indicate that between about 92% and 97% of Americans say they believe in God. ( The sheer scope and scale of mysticism shows that it runs deep ... hence the evaluation you speak of. RESPONDENT: What my major handicap as a practicing actualist is appears to be a lack of interest to bring the virtual table conversation to a point that our so-called world leaders/administrators can be evaluated on a regular basis like has been done so laboriously and relentlessly precise with the various spiritual teachers and their doctrines (aka strategies to remain ‘superior’ to fellow beings). RICHARD: Perhaps the following will throw some considerable light on why not:
As an actual freedom from the human condition lies beyond enlightenment whatever it is that the ‘world leaders’ have to say has little relevance, if any, to enabling peace-on-earth, in this lifetime, as this flesh and blood body. These days most of them have expertise in political science, political economics, domestic and international law, business studies, and so on ... to take the current heads of government, of the five hereditary member nations in the United Nations Security Council, as an example: in the USA Mr. George W. Bush (President) has a Bachelors Degree from Yale University and an MBA from the Harvard Business School and Mr. Dick Cheney (Vice President) has a B.A. and a M.A., both in political science, from the University of Wyoming; in the UK Mr Tony Blair (Prime Minister), studied law at the Oxford University and practiced as a barrister (specialising in employment and industrial law) and Mr. John Prescott (Deputy Prime Minister) has a diploma in economics and politics from Ruskin College Oxford and a BSc in economics from the University of Hull; in Russia Mr. Vladimir Putin (President) studied law at Leningrad State University and spent 15 years as foreign intelligence officer in the KGB and Mr. Mikhail Kasjanov (Prime Minister) graduated from the Moscow Automobile Institute and the State Planning Committee’s (Gosplan) Higher Economics Program; in France Mr. Jacques Chirac (President), an Insitut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris graduate, earned a graduate degree from the Ecole Nationale d’Administration and Mr. Jean-Pierre Raffarin (Prime Minister) attended the Paris-Assas Faculty of Law, then graduated from the Paris Ecole supérieure de commerce; in China Mr. Hu Jintao (President) is an engineering graduate from the Tsinghua University and Mr. Wen Jiabao (Premier) has a Masters Degree from the Beijing Institute of Geology. I do not know if any of the above have published books/articles but the U.S. National Security Advisor Ms. Condoleezza Rice (who has a Bachelors Degree, a Doctorate, and a Masters Degree in Political Science amongst other awards) has the books ‘Germany Unified and Europe Transformed’ (1995) with Mr. Philip Zelikow, ‘The Gorbachev Era’ (1986) with Mr. Alexander Dallin, and ‘Uncertain Allegiance: The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army’ (1984) to her credit and has also has written numerous articles on Soviet and East European foreign and defence policy. I for one have no interest whatsoever in reading them so as to find out how to enable peace-on-earth. RESPONDENT: Observing how the truth is being advertised these days in fact is watching an ongoing comedy capers of a magnitude hitherto unknown by me in my personal history. RICHARD: Speaking personally I find it all most informative: the global news networks do present a high quality, high budget, never-ending, soap-opera, which attracts enormous ratings ... nevertheless, despite the houp-la, it is possible to see all aspects of the human condition parading daily across the screen (indeed the houp-la is part and parcel of the human condition). As such it is an invaluable resource never before available in human history ... the days of parochial ignorance are numbered. RESPONDENT: Watching it at times making me hyperventilate and I get into a hysterical fit of laughter when I hear so-called experts on WAR strategies and security issues expressing their expert opinions. What a peace of work is humanity. Am I afraid ? Hell no I’m only terrified and in shock and Awe. Ain’t life grant. RICHARD: Is it an accurate description where you say you ‘hyperventilate’ and become ‘hysterical’ and are ‘terrified’ and so on ... or is all this just another high-spirited statement? RESPONDENT: There has been suggested that Actual Freedom might have a dark underbelly thus as I see it there still may be some work to do on this list ... RICHARD: Here is the passage you are referring to:
RICHARD: You will see, upon re-reading it, that my co-respondent was quite up-front as to why the
notion I have a dark side was hard to resist – that I had nothing good to say about the ‘good’ As the ‘actualism is a cult’ and ‘all actualists are followers’ theme had quite a running some time back why not be up-front yourself – provide well-considered explanations/ demonstrations of what you see and why – so that either the truth of what you see be established, in the public arena, or the falsity of what you see be exposed. Any unexamined doubts/ suspicions have a way of fermenting all by themselves when kept in the dark. RESPONDENT: OK. Indeed I in hindsight find the expression ‘dark underbelly’ somewhat obscure and I can understand that you took my [… thus as I see it there still may be some work to do on this list ...] possibly to be indicating that I might be ‘withholding’ certain information that might point into a direction that you or other actualists deliberately were doing [at least a grave under-ranking of life in the real world]. In other words pressing hard to make the real world appear more reprehensive then it in fact is, thus making it harder for people who are not sufficiently interested in the ‘third alternative’ to stay with a process that, as mentioned many times before, takes nerves of steel but yet is in time fairly paying off. RICHARD: No, I did not take your words that way as I was, of course, reading what you had to say in the context of the topic at hand ... the e-mail you were responding to (Re: Peace Petitions; Mar 26, 2003) was predominately about the dark underbelly of peace rallies in particular and peace movements in general. Here is the relevant sentence:
Five days later (Perplexed; Mar 31, 2003) this appeared: (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 27e, 5 April 2003). Four days later (It’s Getting Better All The Time; Apr 04, 2003) this appeared:
As I was not sure what you meant by ‘thus as I see it there still may be some work to do on this list’ from the context – and as there is such a thing as an argumentum ad populum (the bandwagon effect) – I sought clarification, some well-considered explanations/ demonstrations of what you see and why ... here is the un-snipped version of what you wrote:
The impression conveyed is that unless people take an anti-war position, on the war currently being displayed 24/7 across television screens, they will ‘stand to be accused as war criminals’ ... hence your ‘thus as I see it there still may be some work to do on this list’ observation. Is this impression correct? If so, does not taking an anti-war position, or taking a pro-war position, on the war currently being displayed 24/7 across television screens, indicate the presence of a ‘dark underbelly’ to you? If not ... then just what do you mean? * RESPONDENT: I’m not quite sure why you bring up the ‘cult issue’. RICHARD: Oh, I have been subscribed to mailing lists long enough now to notice a bandwagon almost as soon as it starts rolling ... I figured on heading this ‘Actual Freedom might have a dark underbelly’ issue off at the pass before it escaped into the wild, as it were, as unexamined doubts/suspicions have a way of fermenting all by themselves when kept in the dark. In other words: as this is a discussion list these matters can be brought out into the open, into the bright light of awareness, and seen for what they are. RESPONDENT: Yet as it seems to suggest that you make a link to the suggestion that [Actual Freedom might have a dark underbelly] I can only say that the cult issue as far as I am concerned has been satisfactory explored by me on previous occasions. Though I used to consider this list as an actualist ‘think tank’ with the purpose to share expertise as to the AF process in a more or less formal setting for the benefit of this body and every other body, overtime an element of magic becomes also apparent, hence while agreeing that there is not any spiritual aspect as to the AF process, it well might be that this is actually a ‘hardcore’ esoteric list. RICHARD: I presume you are meaning something more or less like this:
As for ‘an element of magic’ ... I have explained to you before what I mean by the word ‘magical’. Viz.:
I am curious as to what way this explanation leads you to say ‘hence ... it well might be that this is actually a ‘hardcore’ esoteric list’ as I do not see how I could be more out in the open, more up-front, or more frank than I already have been – I have laid all of my cards on the table from the very beginning – and there is nothing which people who meet me face-to-face know about actualism that is not also presented somewhere on The Actual Freedom Trust web site. As for The Actual Freedom Trust itself ... it is nothing more mysterious than a publishing entity * RESPONDENT: As to the ‘dark’ aspect of this underbelly it might be appropriate to mention that being God on earth is only one part of the deal, obviously when buying the package of ‘self-aggrandisement’ one also has bought the Devil yet rarely one has done so conscious. RICHARD: As the words ‘actual freedom’ (as in your ‘Actual Freedom might have a dark
underbelly’ sentence) are a shorthand way of saying ‘an actual freedom from the human condition’ you have to be
referring to me here – after all, as far as I have been able to ascertain, I am the only person actually free of the human
condition – unless by the words ‘Actual Freedom’ you are once again referring to that non-existent group of
cyber-people you discussed losing faith in with me back in the ‘actualism is a cult/actualists are followers’ era? Viz.: Anyway, you wrote something similar to the above in your previous e-mail to me ... are you suggesting that because I have not publicly taken an anti-war position, on the war currently being displayed 24/7 across television screens, I am unknowingly in the grip of the Christians’ anthropomorphisation of the ‘dark’ side of human nature? Otherwise it simply does not make sense for you to tell me about the diabolical nature of the divine as that observation figures prominently on The Actual Freedom Trust web site ... it being something I discovered back in mid 1988 whilst sailing my yacht around tropical islands off the north-east coast of Australia with a choice companion. Whilst on this ‘God/Devil’ subject: do you recall that doomsday scenario TV advertisement (resurrected by ‘’ from a 1964 US election campaign) which depicts a little girl counting daisy petals along with a missile countdown whilst a sepulchral voice-over warns of the impending armageddon as her image is replaced by a nuclear mushroom cloud? I only ask because you did say (as requoted further above) that you are reaching a point where you see that the war currently being displayed 24/7 across television screens is indeed unlike any war before in history, and that it is an apt opportunity to actually take sides or a position in it, because to simply dismiss that fact (your seeing of that war being unlike any war before in history) as yet another war only just begun is almost akin to spiritual wishful thinking that it will all be hunky dory in the end ... that is, in a distant future. Also, as you have had some prior involvement with Mr. Mohan ‘Rajneesh’ Jain, the following may be worth considering:
There is much more on this doomsday theme all throughout his discourses (the search engine recorded 112 hits for the words ‘global suicide’ and 322 hits for the words ‘Third World War’) ... but maybe that sample will do for now? RESPONDENT: So ... from WordNet I found the following for fermenting: 1. ferment – (be in an agitated or excited state; ‘The Middle East is fermenting’; ‘Her mind ferments’); => seethe – (be in an agitated emotional state). 2. ferment – (work up into agitation or excitement; ‘Islam is fermenting Africa’); => inflame, stir up, wake, ignite, heat, fire up – (arouse or excite feelings and passions; ‘The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor’; ‘The refugees’ fate stirred up compassion around the world’; ‘Wake old feelings of hatred’); 3. ferment, work – (cause to undergo fermentation; ‘We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content’; ‘The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats’); => convert – (change the nature, purpose, or function of something; ‘convert lead into gold’; ‘convert hotels into jails’; ‘convert slaves to labourers’); 4 sour, turn, ferment, work – (go sour or spoil; ‘The milk has soured’; ‘The wine worked’; ‘The cream has turned – we have to throw it out’); => change state, turn – (undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; ‘We turned from Socialism to Capitalism’; ‘The people turned against the President when he stole the election’). A tongue in cheek insertion of sense No. 4 hence makes: Any unexamined doubts/suspicions have a way of undergo a transformation or a change of position or action all by themselves when kept in the dark (underbelly). RICHARD: Hmm ... sense No. 1 and/or No. 2 would have been accurate enough as this is how I meant it:
RICHARD: The impression conveyed is that unless people take an anti-war position, on the war currently being displayed 24/7 across television screens, they will ‘stand to be accused as war criminals’ ... hence your ‘thus as I see it there still may be some work to do on this list’ observation. Is this impression correct? RESPONDENT: I’d say more or less but I’ll rephrase: [Unless people take an anti-war position, on the war currently being displayed 24/7 across television screens, I will ‘hold them responsible for any damage done resulting from being a supporter of the US-administrator’s scheme to push-advertise their interpretation of Democracy as the new world religion]. Keeping in mind that the above of course needs to be taken as my personal opinion; a reflection of what I am and where I come from. RICHARD: Sure ... and what position have you taken on each and every one of the other wars (24 major conflicts and 22 minor conflicts) currently occurring elsewhere around the globe? You must have quite a busy schedule keeping yourself fully-informed so as to come to meaningful decisions? * RICHARD: If so, does not taking an anti-war position, or taking a pro-war position, on the war currently being displayed 24/7 across television screens, indicate the presence of a ‘dark underbelly’ to you? If not ... then just what do you mean? RESPONDENT: As to [not taking an anti-war position, or taking a pro-war position, on the war currently being displayed 24/7 across television screens]: this seems to be a rather complex matter. It would imply that [not taking an anti-war position] indicates the presence of a ‘dark underbelly’ [taking a pro-war position] indicates the presence of a ‘dark underbelly’. As already mentioned I found the expression ‘dark underbelly’ an obscure expression so concluding that either one of the positions would indicate a ‘dark underbelly’ would be an equally obscure one and not be contributing to clarity. RICHARD: Aye, I did notice that you had already mentioned it the first time you mentioned it ... and whenever you are ready to use an expression that is not an ‘obscure expression’ – so as to be actually ‘contributing to clarity’ – I will be ready to read it. * RESPONDENT: As to the ‘dark’ aspect of this underbelly it might be appropriate to mention that being God on earth is only one part of the deal, obviously when buying the package of ‘self-aggrandisement’ one also has bought the Devil yet rarely one has done so conscious. RICHARD: (snipped) ... are you suggesting that because I have not publicly taken an anti-war position, on the war currently being displayed 24/7 across television screens, I am unknowingly in the grip of the Christians’ anthropomorphisation of the ‘dark’ side of human nature? RESPONDENT: NO. That would be more or less about the same as suggesting: That because you have not publicly taken an anti-war position, on the war currently being displayed 24/7 across television screens, you must be in denial. We have had that discussion also in the past and I’m finished with that likewise with the ‘cult issue’. RICHARD: Okay, then why did you tell me about having ‘bought the Devil yet rarely one has done so conscious’ in reference to ‘the ‘dark’ aspect of this underbelly’ (meaning the suggested ‘dark underbelly’ of an actual freedom from the human condition)? It simply does not make sense for you to tell me about the diabolical nature of the divine as that observation figures prominently on The Actual Freedom Trust web site ... it being something I discovered back in mid 1988 whilst sailing my yacht around tropical islands off the north-east coast of Australia with a choice companion. * RICHARD: Whilst on this ‘God/Devil’ subject: do you recall that doomsday scenario TV advertisement (resurrected by ‘’ from a 1964 US election campaign) which depicts a little girl counting daisy petals along with a missile countdown whilst a sepulchral voice-over warns of the impending armageddon as her image is replaced by a nuclear mushroom cloud? I only ask because you did say (as requoted further above) that you are reaching a point where you see that the war currently being displayed 24/7 across television screens is indeed unlike any war before in history, and that it is an apt opportunity to actually take sides or a position in it, because to simply dismiss that fact (your seeing of that war being unlike any war before in history) as yet another war only just begun is almost akin to spiritual wishful thinking that it will all be hunky dory in the end ... that is, in a distant future. RESPONDENT: Yes, I remember you bringing to my attention that was using ‘scare tactics’ in order to get supporters for their ‘democratic’ agenda I have already publicly acknowledged that I regretted having signed it and that sending it to the list was a not so sensible action. RICHARD: That is beside the point ... I am drawing your attention to the marked similarity between the two doomsday scenarios: your ‘almost akin to spiritual wishful thinking that it will all be hunky dory in the end’ scenario and the resurrected 1964 US election campaign TV advertisement nuclear armegeddon scenario. Both the scenarios entail seeing the war currently being displayed 24/7 across television screens as being ‘unlike any war before in history’ ... which is what Mr. Mohan ‘Rajneesh’ Jain does when referring to the Third World War (further below). In case the significance of the words ‘the resurrected 1964 US election campaign TV advertisement’ has twice passed you by maybe it will help to point out that on Friday, 2 September, 1983, Mr. Mohan ‘Rajneesh’ Jain made the following prediction:
My high-school arithmetic tells me that 1983 plus 15 makes Wednesday, 2 September, 1998 (four and a half years ago) the end of his 15 year holocaust. When I watch television I see places like Tokyo, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and Bombay still standing – and still expanding – so, unless there is a giant conspiracy going on and it is old footage being replayed to lull me into a false sense of security, he was either scaremongering or hallucinating. As for the nuclear holocaust scenario of 39 year ago (the 1964 US election campaign TV advertisement) ... it fizzled like a damp squib in Berlin, 1989. * RICHARD: Also, as you have had some prior involvement with Mr. Mohan ‘Rajneesh’ Jain, the following may be worth considering: [Mr. Mohan ‘Rajneesh’ Jain]: ‘What I am proposing is the only alternative; no other alternative is proposed anywhere. There is no other possibility. (...) It has never happened before that you had to choose a certain way of life or total destruction of all life from the planet. That is why I emphasise that they will have to listen (...) If they don’t choose what I am saying then they have to choose a global suicide. (...) I am the only way out of this mess that their religions and their political philosophies have created in the world’. (Volume 1, Chapter 10, ‘Osho: The Last Testament’; 8 September 1985). And: [Mr. Mohan ‘Rajneesh’ Jain]: ‘The Third World War is gathering around. Life seems to be very fragile; it has never been so before. War has always been here – in three thousand years we have fought five thousand wars – so war is not a new thing, but something new has happened. The Third World War will be the last war; it will be total war. It will destroy not only all humanity but all life from the earth, And the clouds are becoming darker and coming closer every day’. (Question 2, Chapter 14, ‘I am That’; 24 October 1980). There is much more on this doomsday theme all throughout his discourses (the search engine recorded 112 hits for the words ‘global suicide’ and 322 hits for the words ‘Third World War’) ... but maybe that sample will do for now? RESPONDENT: So ... considering your search results together with the 328,000 total results from yahoo on global suicide it is fair to say that it can be considered to be an issue that has drawn some attention. Am I correct that you are suggesting that Mr. Mohan ‘Rajneesh’ Jain also was applying ‘scare tactics’ likewise i.e. the people of did and that he was doing so in order to scare his followers in such a way that they would accept that [his way is the only way out of this mess that religions and political philosophies have created in the world]? RICHARD: Yep. * RESPONDENT: As you have put all your cards on the table I will do the same: [quote] ‘Someone will come along after a while who will speak against my words and the scriptures that will have been made from them. There need be no fear! But a strange thing happens here and that is this: In the future, my work in this world will be furthered by the very person who speaks against me’. (Osho 1970). RICHARD: As the remainder And, as these are your cards you are laying on the table, are you indicating that you are here to do Mr. Mohan ‘Rajneesh’ Jain’s work (which is, loosely speaking, an admixture of Hinduism and Buddhism)? CORRESPONDENT No 18 (Part Five) RETURN TO THE ACTUAL FREEDOM MAILING LIST INDEX RETURN TO RICHARD’S CORRESPONDENCE INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust:
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