Richard’s Correspondence On Mailing List ‘D’ with Correspondent No. 25 (Please make sure java-scripting is enabled in order for the mouse-hover tool-tips to function properly; mouse-hover on the yellow rectangular image to enlarge; left-click on the image to hold). Continued from Mailing List ‘AF’: No. 27 Re: Richard writes about two types of Actual Freedom RICHARD to JAMES: Prior to the physical death of my second wife (de jure) Devika/ Irene a PCE was indeed necessary for
pure intent; since then it has no longer been a vital factor in the process of becoming actually free of the instinctual passions/the feeling-being
formed thereof as the impenetrable psychic force-field which Devika had established to protect Richard from other people, and which Irene had
transmuted into protecting other people from Richard, is no longer in existence (in existence psychically, that is, in the real-world). RESPONDENT: How did Devika/ Irene create an ‘impenetrable psychic force-field?’ Was this done via influencing the minds of others around you in some way that blocked access to you, and thus the ‘direct route?’ Or is there some ‘psychic’ phenomena outside of individual minds, although in the real world only, that allowed this blockage to occur? RICHARD: G’day No. 25, It was Devika who established an impenetrable psychic force-field, to protect me from other
people, inasmuch it initially took form in the days and weeks following on from the definitive event/the pivotal moment of becoming (newly) free in
1992 whilst out in an abandoned cow-paddock planting tree seedlings She created it in her psyche (which, just as for all feeling-beings, is the collective psyche) as distinct from her mind – which is the brain in action within the skull – in a valiant attempt to lessen the impact of the collective psychic forces insistently impinging upon any of the lingering remnants of the psyche, which this flesh-and-blood body had just been stripped of, as she was personally distressed almost beyond measure by the monumental anguish which her constant companion of the past six years was then enduring. She was so successful in this endeavour that she was able to function as ‘the guardian at the gate’ (her words) and thus vet all persons who came near me, existentially, and would only ‘let in’ (her words) those whom she personally approved of; rather ironically, in view of what has eventuated since September 2010, she barred Vineeto from admission back in 1997. * My advice: do not ever underestimate the power of the (collective) psyche; its reach is all-encompassing and there is nothing, absolutely nothing at all, that can be done to purify it. Plus, in its all-encompassing reach there is no ‘dirty trick’, so to speak, absolutely no ‘dirty trick’ at all, that is too ‘dirty’ for it to pull to keep its denizens in thrall. RESPONDENT: Also, were you influenced directly by some ‘psychic mechanism’ upon her death to ride the current ‘wave’? RICHARD: No, not at all. It is so pure here – here in this pristine paradise where all flesh-and-blood bodies already live – so totally pure that nothing ‘dirty’, so to speak, can ever get in. In fact, this physical paradise – which this azure and verdant planet already is in actuality – is completely invisible, in all respects, to the denizens of the ‘real-world’ (the world of the psyche). RESPONDENT: Was it mere coincide that you were impressing upon Vineeto the importance if being out-from-control within the hour of her death, even though you were not notified of her death until the next day? RICHARD: No, it was no coincidence that I impressed upon Vineeto the necessity of being out-from-control/in a different-way-of being (which was most unusual of me to do so) but it was only with the benefit of hindsight, of course, that it was specifically because of Devika’s/ Irene’s death that all what thereafter ensued came about. ‘Tis amazing how quick its effect was ... within the very hour. RESPONDENT: Or what mechanism prompted you? RICHARD: No mechanism prompted me; it was my select associates at the time – feeling-beings all of them – who all-of-a-sudden no longer had an impenetrable psychic force-field barring their access or blocking them from getting (existentially) close to me. Thus the impetus for me being as if lifted forward by a cresting wave (to utilise surfing terminology) came from them; after all, setting into motion plans for intensifying their actualism practice is what we had all gathered together there for, in that remote river wilderness area on that weekend in November, 2009 (in what became known as ‘The First Convivium Gathering’), and it was Vineeto’s existential proximity in particular which was the keenest impetus. (Hence me impressing upon her, and not another, the necessity of being out-from-control/in a different-way-of being). * On the following Monday (the 16th of November), the day after being notified of my second wife’s death, shortly after that
‘First Convivium Gathering’ had concluded and my select associates had all gone back to their respective residences thus leaving me once again
on my own at the navigable head of that remote river system, this impetus resulted in a profound event occurring – the first of what became known
as magical prodigies – whilst I was contemplating the significance of her death; a tremendous surge of calorific energy travelled from the lower
solar-plexus, from just above the sex-centre, up through the rib-cage diaphragm, suffusing the entire thoracic region with a sparkling
effervescence and generating a golden hue in the visual field; this prodigy, which came to be known as ‘the quickening’, remained operating
24/7 all through both the epoch-changing events of late 2009/early 2010 These last few months, beginning in the morning of Friday the 7th of October 2011, a clearer, finer version of ‘the quickening’ has been subtly making itself noticed more and more; by ‘clearer, finer’ I mean the visual field is marked by a distinct crystalline character, rather than a golden hue, and the sparkling effervescence, which is more full-body this time around, has a much finer quality to it such that a fine-champagne-bubbles type of word Devika made-up all those years ago – ‘tintling’ – seems to be most apt. ‘Tis all quite marvellous. Regards, Richard. Re: Richard writes about two types of Actual Freedom RICHARD to Rick: [...]. So, where I have just now written, above, that ‘the quickening’ is (of course) purely physical in nature I am clearly meaning the word physical in the sense that matter can be either mass (as in my ‘matter as mass’ words in that quote) or energy (as in my ‘matter as energy’ words in that quote). Furthermore, where I wrote to Respondent No. 25 Therefore, just because No. 25 has decided to arbitrarily declare to all and sundry, after having read the words ‘calorific
energy’ in that report/ description/ explanation I volunteered for his elucidation, in my response to the interest he evinced in regards to what
happened in the period after the death of my second wife (de jure), that my current writings are [quote] ‘just as ‘metaphysical’ as what
one finds on the New Age bookshelves’ RESPONDENT: Richard – my saying that your current writing are ‘metaphysical’ has nothing to do with my reading of your words ‘calorific energy.’ RICHARD: G’day No. 25, As those two words of mine – ‘calorific energy’ – are the only words there are about
my experiencing, in that email of mine to you (Just in case you have forgotten: that email of mine to you was written in response to the interest you evinced in your email
to me (Message No. 10886 RESPONDENT: That is a straw man. RICHARD: I am only too happy to re-phrase what I wrote to Rick so that it be in accord with what you go on to say in this email of yours I am responding to. Viz.:
RESPONDENT: The reason I am saying this is because you stated that there was a ‘blockage’ cleared in the ‘collective psyche’ upon your 2nd wife’s death that made your associates more receptive to becoming actually free – with no known physical mechanism or communication – and within the hour. RICHARD: As that has nothing to do with my experiencing – there is no psyche extant in this flesh-and-blood body –
and is all about the experiencing of feeling-beings (flesh-and-blood bodies still hosting a psyche) then for you to declare that my current
writings are [quote] ‘just as ‘metaphysical’ as what one finds on the New Age bookshelves RESPONDENT: Exactly what is the ‘collective psyche’ ... RICHARD: No. 25, are you really trying to tell me that in all those years you were subscribed to The Actual Freedom Trust mailing list – interacting with many co-respondents as well as with me (which also means reading emails you did not respond to) – you never once read anything about a psychic web/a psychic network connecting all feeling beings? For instance:
You must surely have read those words as I wrote them to you (on the 17th of August 2002). Be that as it may: the following is well worth quoting. Viz.:
Can you see the words [quote] ‘it is the ‘real’ existence of the psychic web which makes ...’. [endquote] which you wrote there (on the 30th of April 2004)? I know I can. RESPONDENT: ... and by what mechanisms does it operate such that a blockage of the type you described could occur? RICHARD: An impenetrable psychic force-field, such as Devika created in her psyche – which, just as for all feeling-beings, is the collective psyche – as distinct from her mind (which is the brain in action within the skull) to protect Richard from other people and which Irene transmuted into protecting other people from Richard, operates by psychical mechanisms in a psychic medium. Viz.:
RESPONDENT: It seems that you intend to state it operates purely by physical means ... RICHARD: I have no such intention whatsoever; furthermore, I have never had any such intention and never will have such an intention. If I may ask? Since when has what [quote] ‘seems’ [endquote] to be the case passed muster as a valid reason for declaring to all and sundry that, say, another person’s writings are, say, metaphysical? (And especially so when it comes to discerning another’s intentions). RESPONDENT: ... are you saying there is an electromagnetic field that encompasses all beings and constitutes a collective psyche ... RICHARD: No, not at all; moreover, as I am on record on The Actual Freedom Trust website as saying many, many times that the psychic facility is an epiphenomenon of the affective faculty it just makes no sense whatsoever you would even begin to think such a thing. For instance:
You must surely have read those words as I posted them to you (on the 9th of March 2004). RESPONDENT: ... such that when a single being goes out of being there can be a global effect based on the change in the electromagnetic field? RICHARD: I am most certainly not – repeat, not – saying there is an electro-magnetic field that encompasses all beings and constitutes a collective psyche such that when a single being goes out of being there can be a global effect based on the change in the electromagnetic field. RESPONDENT: Secondly, I wrote my words due to the fact that you stated that the energy from ‘quickening’ was perceptible by someone on another continent as a ‘sweetness’ or something akin to that. RICHARD: The fact that you say ‘or something akin to that’ indicates you having not taken much notice of what I have actually stated. Viz.:
RESPONDENT: You are also writing that Vineeto was able to pick up on a sense of ‘sweetness’ of the ‘quickening.’ Considering that I don’t know of any scientific evidence for such communication at a distance ... RICHARD: As an actual freedom from the human condition is entirely new to human experience/ human history how on earth could there possibly be any scientific evidence yet for the way of enabling/ facilitating access to this completely new consciousness – a totally original way of flesh-and-blood bodies being conscious – for all humankind to avail themselves of? Are you really saying I should wait for some boffin in a white coat in a laboratory somewhere to provide scientific evidence for that way of enabling/ facilitating this access before ... um ... proceeding with enabling/ facilitating that access? * Look, I wrote about this very topic, on The Actual Freedom Trust website, over two years ago. Viz.:
You must surely have read those words as Vineeto quoted them to you in a private email she sent to you (on Wednesday the 25th of January, 2012, at 9:19 PM) in response to your private requests for clarification about ‘magic’ and ‘paranormal powers’. RESPONDENT: ... would you mind venturing an hypothesis or theory as to how each of these events could have occurred in a purely physical manner? RICHARD: As simply as possible: human consciousness – as in, flesh-and-blood bodies being conscious (the suffix ‘-ness’ forms a noun expressing a state or condition), or sentient – is common to all human beings. In other words, common consciousness (aka sentience). RESPONDENT: I am happy to rescind my description of the ‘metaphysical’ nature of your current writings if you can provide a convincing case as to how all of these extraordinary, indeed ‘magical’, events can occur in the physical world. RICHARD: And just what constitutes ‘a convincing case’ in your world ... hearsay tales circulated in a clandestine manner (privately) or in an unaccountable way (pseudonymously) perchance? Viz.:
As the words ‘toying with his fellow humans’ convey the same sentiment as ‘trifled with life of a person’ (Message No. 10561
* Just so there is no misunderstanding, here is the full sentence which that ‘might have to face grave consequences’ quote was extracted from. Viz.:
* ‘Tis fascinating to witness just what lengths some peoples will go to in their attempts to keep the status-quo intact (and thus impede/prevent the spread of individual peace-on-earth and/or global peace and harmony in our lifetimes). Ah, well ... c’est la vie in the real-world (the world of the psyche), I guess. Regards, Richard. Re: Richard writes about two types of Actual Freedom RESPONDENT: [...]. Let me be clear, because it seems that you are not getting my point – or you are avoiding it, I don’t know which. RICHARD: G’day No. 25, I have snipped all of my words as they were getting in the way of what you want to say ... to wit: that Richard is either myopic or evasive. Yet, I got your point the moment you posted your first reply (Message No. 10904 And I also did not avoid your point as I am in full agreement that the collective psyche (that psychic web/ psychic network connecting all feeling-beings) is paranormal; indeed, nowhere at all on The Actual Freedom Trust website do I ever say otherwise; I even refer to the ‘James Randi Educational Foundation’, the ‘Indian Sceptic’, the ‘Australian Sceptic’, as well as a now-defunct society in the UK, which all offer a large amount of money to the first person who can conclusively demonstrate paranormal or supernatural phenomena. (Incidentally, those references in my writings do not even have to be searched for as they are helpfully copy-pasted into the
‘Selected Correspondence’ section under the headings ‘Psyche RESPONDENT: The ‘metaphysical’ does not come in with your reference to ‘calorific energy’ or even the ‘quickening.’ RICHARD: I am pleased to know you comprehend that salient fact. RESPONDENT: Again, I can understand the ‘psychic web’ as ‘vibes’ passed between people when there is the potential to interact – or even in proximity. RICHARD: Oh? What physical mechanism, as in what scientists know about physics, would or could support the existence and function of what you can understand as ‘vibes’ passed between people when there is the potential to interact – or even in proximity? You do realise, do you not, that ‘vibes’ is a colloquialism for affective feelings – emotions/ passions – which have no existence in actuality? (If you do not then, next you may well be telling me how emotions/ passions have a physical existence and function, as in what scientists know about physics, and are not as what could or would be normally termed as ‘affective’). * Also, if you are ‘way off base’ as to your understanding (as ‘vibes’ passed between people when there is the potential to interact, for example) – one can ask where else such a person who allows himself to use a ‘bizarre’ understanding strays unwittingly from the facts. Your current writing is just as ‘affective’ as what one finds on the Mills & Boon bookshelves. It is possible that some romanticists may be able to accept what you can understand, but this closes the door to those that begin with what is known scientifically about physics. If your understanding is correct, then science – as we know it – would have to be radically revised. If we see a radical revision is necessary to physics, then that would open the door to all manner of ‘affective’ phenomena – emotions, passions, feelings, affections, moods, vibes (love/ hate; fear/ courage; anger/ affection; gladness/ sadness), etc. Where does it end? * I wrote my above words due to the fact that you stated what you can understand as ‘vibes’ passed between people when there is the potential to interact – or even in proximity. Considering that I don’t know of any scientific evidence for what you can understand as ‘vibes’ passed between people, would you mind venturing an hypothesis or theory as to how those ‘vibes’ could have occurred in a purely physical manner? I am happy to rescind my description of the ‘affective’ nature of your current writings if you can provide a convincing case as to how those extraordinary events you can understand as ‘vibes’ can occur in the physical world. * Ha ... ain’t life grand! Regards, Richard. Re: Richard writes about two types of Actual Freedom RESPONDENT: [...] The ‘metaphysical’ does not come in with your reference to ‘calorific energy’ or even the ‘quickening.’ RICHARD: I am pleased to know you comprehend that salient fact. RESPONDENT: Richard, let me see if I understand this correctly ... The ‘blockage’ that occurred quite simply was in the the imaginations of your associates. Therefore, there was no actual or ‘physical’ causation that removed the blockage when Devika/Irene died? The event you are referring to is not some grand metaphysical drama that actually happened – rather, it all occurred only within the collective imagination of your associates. Is that right? So... the grandiosity of ‘Veil Devika’ for example – was only grandiose because your associates made it so? Now THAT – I can understand ... but I would still want to know whether any of your associates were notified about her death ‘within the hour.’ Or possibly, they had some knowledge that she was near death... ? Just as ‘vibes’ (though non-existent in actuality as you say... I am trying to understand ...) are transmitted via light, sound, smell, etc. Wouldn’t some kind of information regarding her death have to be transmitted for the illusion of ‘blockage’ or a ‘veil’ to collapse and for a new receptivity to begin? In a way, I am beginning to think that you are being very playful with your explanations of these events due to the fact that you have extreme license to tell the story as you wish – as it is all fictional anyway ... Am I on the right track? RICHARD: G’day No. 25, If by playful you mean playing around (frivolous, for instance) then, no, I am entirely sincere; if by playful you mean playing with the truth (untruthful, for example) then, no, I am entirely accurate; if by playful you mean having a lot of fun here at the keyboard then, yes, I am having a marvellous time. As for extreme licence because it is all fictional: no, not at all as the paranormal dimension of the real-world (the world of the psyche) is not fictitious – in a real-world context – as it is as real to an experiencer of it as the real-world’s normal dimension is ... quite real indeed; in fact, to some, more real than the real-world’s normal reality (as in a sub-strata, or bedrock, out of which the real-world’s normal dimension arises). None of it is actual, mind you, and it could probably be best characterised – from here in the actual world – as an illusion within the illusion (as in, going deeper into the illusion of the real-world’s reality and, thus, becoming twice-removed from actuality). * Now, in regards to your query about some kind of (normal) information having to be transmitted, ‘for the illusion of the ‘blockage’ or a ‘veil’ to collapse’, I will first have to make it clear that, as I have not heard about any such ‘veil collapse’ event before, I can therefore only assume it comes from those hearsay tales (especially so as the person identifying on this forum as ‘No. 4’ also referred to a ‘Veil’, in relation to ‘Devika’, just as you have done further above). And I say this as the psychic force-field protecting others from Richard (and thus barring access) was established by Irene and not Devika (Devika established her psychic force-field to protect Richard from others). Furthermore, Devika was ‘extinguished’ in 1997, when she transmogrified into Irene, and thus had nothing to do with what took place in 2009. Thus your ‘grandiose’/ ‘grandiosity’ allusions in regards to my associates at the time just do not make any sense as there was nothing of that nature (whatever it purportedly was) that ever happened – nor could have ever taken place – which means that your ‘grandiose’/ ‘grandiosity’ allusions can exist only in the imagination of the originator of those hearsay tales. (Do you see the problems these hearsay tales create, in the mind of the reader/ listener, when it comes to comprehending my reports/ descriptions/ explanations? Due to the clandestine nature of all that made-up stuff, about a phantom ‘Richard’ of passionate imagination, it is not possible for your queries about them to be directly addressed). * Okay, having had to waste three paragraphs trying to guess at whatever it is which you have had fed to you clandestinely, and thus unnecessarily complicating your comprehension of what is otherwise a very simple thing to comprehend, I will attend to the essence of your queries ... to wit: whether there was some kind of normal transmission of information – such as via short-wave radio, telephone, carrier-pigeon, and so on – such as to occasion the psychic force-field protecting others from Richard (and thus barring access) to vanish from the psyches/ collective psyche of the feeling-beings at the moment of the death of my second wife. As I have already made public knowledge that I was notified by telephone the following afternoon your query implies that (1) someone notified each of my associates, but not me, and (2) each of my associates withheld that information from me. Now, why the originator of those hearsay tales would want to plant a suggestion in the recipient’s minds that there was some kind of conspiracy going on, amongst ‘Richard’s Associates’ to conceal information from him, is anybody’s guess but there is no way I am going to dignify it with a comment. Here is what happened:
As that email was posted on the 16th of November 2009 then the word ‘yesterday’ in that text refers to the 15th – the day after my second wife died (at 11:25 AM on the 14th) – and the phone call advising me came about 29 hours later (at 4:30 PM). As my associates were in the vicinity when I took the call they could hear my side of the telephonic exchange and thus all I had to do was fill them in on the details after I finished the call. As we were all expecting it – she had been given 6-12 months to live when diagnosed with her terminal illness in February – it came as no surprise. What was a surprise (at least initially) was the congruent nature of the two events – as I have already said ‘within the hour’ – and it was with the benefit of this hindsight that a connection could be made betwixt the two events. * As for your comment regarding ‘vibes’ (a shortened form of the word vibrations) being transmitted via ‘light, sound, smell, etc.’ it does seem rather odd how you do not comprehend that those affective ‘vibes’ are, of course, transmitted affectively (and not physically). In regards to your query about physical causation: nothing at all happened in any physical way whatsoever (let alone physically here in the actual world) in relation to that psychic force-field. Lastly, regarding your query about the psychic force-field being imaginary – as in, it all taking place only in ‘the imaginations of your associates’ – and thus fictional: no, the psychic force-field under discussion, just like the affective faculty’s epiphenomenal psychic facility itself, was not imaginary (aka not fictional). Regards, Richard. Re: Just who is taking license to trifle with life of people? RESPONDENT No. 6 to No. 24: [...]. I have revealed some facts that I have come across about
Richard after I met him during his visit to India. [...].(Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:36 am) RESPONDENT No. 6 to No. 24: [...]. Let me clear your presumption: I had absolutely no
suspicion of Richard at all, when I met him. In fact, it was the very opposite. [...].(Fri Dec 30,
2011 4:58 pm) RESPONDENT No. 6 to No. 24: [...]. I had no suspicion of Richard at all while it was unfolding
in front of me. And even then, for a long time I kept on denying what was obvious and apparent because I could not believe that a person could be
so deluded, so cold-blooded in his wheeling and dealings. (Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:58 pm) RESPONDENT No. 24: The challenge to live close to a PCE or excellent experience is a valid one and well established. RESPONDENT No. 6 to No. 24: Who says that it is a valid one of well established, whereas I challenge it as an extensive self delusion – where the experience is elevating but ultimately delusional in nature, that is why it is unstable and does not last long. It is just another form of ASC. An ASC that poets and creative writers have also written about extensively. [...]. RESPONDENT No. 24: Also the question of whether a PCE type experience can become permanent appears to be answered in the affirmative by an increasing number of individuals, some not directly associated with Richard. RESPONDENT No. 6 to No. 24: I have been made to understanding that AF is not ‘PCE type
experience’ becoming permanent. [...].(Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:23 am) RICHARD: [...]. Now, I know for a fact that when I flew out of India to Australia, in early September 2010, she entertained no such notions that a PCE was ‘just another form of ASC’ (for example) let alone that she was, up to that point in time, ‘sure that what is going on in ASC-cum-Peak experiences-renamed-PCE and also ASC-cum-Actual Freedom (...) is that due to lifting of *conditioning* a person’s *pure* instincts get exposed’. And, look, nobody has to take my word for it (regarding what did not take place whilst I was in India) as she says so herself. Viz.:
RESPONDENT: In this text, ‘after I met him’ can just as well mean ‘after I initially met him.’ There is nothing here indicating that she came across those ‘facts’ after your 6-month visit. ‘After’ she met you includes the 6 months you were in India. RICHARD: Note well she says *after* Richard’s (6-month) visit to India she came across what she states are some ‘facts’. RESPONDENT: Her account includes displays of emotion and other behaviors attributed to you contrary to your claim to live an actual freedom, so it makes sense to read her intention to say these ‘facts’ came to light during the subsequent 6 months you were in India – ‘after’ she met you during your visit to India. You have not demonstrated your contention that she did not have ‘such notions’ (that a PCE is an ASC) in Sept 2010, which is the foundation of your current argument. Even the quote you provided where she spoke in glowing terms of you was dated 4-21-2010 ... also not demonstrating your point that we don’t have to take your word for it (that she did not have ‘such notions’ in Sept 2010.) Since you have not demonstrated your point, it is still your word against hers. RICHARD: G’day No. 25, As her online account does not include ‘displays of emotion and other behaviors’ attributed to me – the flesh-and-blood body typing these words – whilst I was in India for six months in 2010 it does *not* make sense to do what you do above (to ‘read her intention’). (Besides which, to ‘read’ anybody’s intention is fraught with problems inasmuch all manner of suppositions and assumptions can thereby be taken as being factual when they are not). Nowhere in any of her online accounts, written since I left India in September 2010, is there anything other than hear-say tales (and, as I know both whom she heard them from and what their original content is, I thus know for a fact they are, in effect, all made-up stuff about that phantom ‘Richard’ of passionate imagination). And even if (note *if*) those online accounts of hers were to be true (note *were to be*) they still do not thereby make her assertions that a PCE is [quote] ‘just another form of ASC’ [end quote] – as in [quote] ‘an ASC that poets and creative writers have also written about extensively’ [end-quote] – also true. Indeed, the most any such hypothetical scenario (note *hypothetical*) such as that could ever demonstrate is that the person concerned – the (hypothetical) flesh-and-blood body typing these words – was not a person for whom the phrase [quote] ‘‘PCE type experience’ becoming permanent’ [endquote] could be applied to after all. Even more to the point, even if (again note *if*) any such hypothetical scenario (again note *hypothetical*)
were to be true (again note *were to be*) there is still that handful of daring pioneers to be taken into account ... which point I have
already drawn attention to on this very forum five weeks ago (in Message No. 10xxx
* Look, by way of illustration, I can provide three concurrent instances of hearsay tales being publicly presented as if those presenters personally *knew* them to be true when it is self-evident – and quite obviously so – that not one of the three of them could possibly *know for a fact* any such thing as they present. Viz.:
As I am already on record (in Message No. 11042 In other words, nobody has asked him on what date, and at what time, and in what place did he personally observe those persons, whom he has publicly named, engaging in sexual congress? Put succinctly: the difference betwixt an eye-witness account and a hearsay account is a critical difference (as is standard practice in any properly conducted court of law for example). And yet, despite this obvious fact being well-known, another instance of the same hearsay type account was made public knowledge a mere 14 minutes later. Viz.:
First of all, note well her clear reference to those [quote] ‘full weight of law’ [endquote] words, which both No.
22 and No. 2 had left in place, and which had originally followed-on from my timely reminder to them all (in Message No. 11169 And I say to note it well as it unambiguously means that she then deliberately, and with full knowledge aforethought,
presented a hearsay account which, by that very fact, maligned, libelled and defamed not only yours truly but [female name withheld] and [female
name withheld] also, and then proceeded to similarly malign, libel and defame [male name withheld] as well And, again, nobody subscribed to this forum has asked her on what date, and at what time, and in what place did she personally observe those persons, whom she has publicly named, engaging in sexual congress? I will also say this again for emphasis: the difference betwixt an eye-witness account and a hearsay account is a critical difference (as is standard practice in any properly conducted court of law for example). And yet, despite this obvious fact being not only well-known but now spelled-out in print on this very forum, a third instance of the same hearsay type account was made public knowledge 2 and 1/2 days later ... in an infamous post which may very well be in the early stages of becoming known as a ‘Historical Statement’. (In other words, a hearsay account was deliberately, and with that full knowledge aforethought, blatantly presented as if being an eye-witness account, presumably for maximum effect, for public view/ public consumption). Viz.:
And there it is, in all its tawdry manifestation, that exact-same phenomenon once again – a hearsay tale masquerading as an eye-witness account – coupled with, also once again, the quite astounding fact that nobody subscribed to this forum has asked him on what date, and at what time, and in what place did he personally observe those persons, whom he has publicly named, engaging in sexual congress? * The most peculiar part in all this is that all those hearsay tales/ all that made-up stuff is a complete and utter waste of time, effort and band-width anyway because, as already mentioned further above, there is that handful of daring pioneers to be taken into account nowadays ... as I drew attention to most graphically on this very forum five weeks ago (in Message No. 10780). Viz.:
Regards, Richard. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Footnote: (1)maligned, libelled and defamed not only yours truly but [female name withheld] and [female name withheld] also, and then proceeded to similarly malign, libel and defame [male name withheld] as well: The reason for all the above ‘name withheld’ editing is because I am, as always, circumspect when it comes to publicly disclosing personal information about persons who are both readily identifiable and still alive (I have no such constraints when talking about just myself). For instance:
For (another) instance:
And another:
And again:
And again:
And again:
And again:
RETURN TO MAILING LIST ‘D’ INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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