Richard’s Correspondence On Mailing List ‘D’ To the List at Large (please make sure “java-scripting” is enabled in order for the tool-tips to function properly; mouse-hover on the yellow rectangular image to open; left-click on the image to hold). The Floating Convivium Project (Richard, List D, No. 19, 30 Nov 2009). RICHARD: As I have just had a pleasant day engaged in a very fruitful discussion with The-Lady-Who-Had-The-Five-Month-PCE and The-Spouse-Of-The-Lady-Who-Had-The-Five-Month-PCE – henceforth known as Pamela and Tom – this is an apt moment to publicly say a little more about the abovementioned plans as Tom has today confirmed (dependent upon the funding being available) his intention of making them happen sooner rather than later. In doing so he becomes an actualist benefactor. Over the years the directors of The Actual Freedom Trust have expended tens of thousands of scarce dollars of their own moneys (plus tens of thousands of unpaid hours) to create, maintain, and provide the millions of words available for free on the internet as a philanthropic contribution to the advancement of human knowledge, experience and thus civilisation itself. Tom’s contribution involves hundreds of thousands of dollars. * To explain: although I had declined each and every personal-meeting request for twelve years, for a number of reasons, I was not oblivious to the fact how the persons concerned might benefit, in whatever way it may be for them individually, from personally interacting (rather than just by either the written or spoken words in pixels/print or video format). There were, quite obviously, several factors to take into account if such interactions to occur: 1. I have never been keen on either formal meetings or scheduled appointments. 2. Given the costs involved in somebody taking time off work and travelling, say, halfway around the world and back then a single meeting comprising of, say, an hour or two might be too little for too much. 3. A series of meetings would, of necessity, involve securing accommodation, food and beverages over that extended period. 4. It is common practice for peoples to annually take a vacation. As it had become increasingly apparent to all the directors of The Actual Freedom Trust how it would be benefactive, for those appreciative of having their actualism practice intensified by physical proximity, it was deemed eminently sensible to make available a venue wherein it would be possible to interact for a prearranged period, on a daily basis and as a part of everyday life, with not only myself but other actualists as well (with fellow travellers). The reasons for considering such a course of events arose out of the following: 1. As I was no longer engaged in sharing my discovery with my fellow human being via a keyboard my days were now fully available to do something else with. 2. I had been contemplating a lifestyle change, since turning sixty, which involved relocating to the coral reefs, tropical islands and turquoise lagoons off the north-eastern seaboard of Australia. 3. As my third wife had been the sole beneficiary of interacting with me on a daily basis, over the last decade, it became quite pointedly apparent that this exclusivity was effectively denying my other fellow human beings of the advantage which live-in or daily-living company brings. 4. My select associates had expressed an abiding interest in both the unique opportunity of a more intimate acquaintance as well as the idyllic lifestyle change to those paradisiacal environs ... complete with an affective vibe- and psychic current-free ambience such as to be conducive to the generation or maintenance of a felicitous and innocuous out-from-control/ different-way-of-being atmosphere so as to foster a happy and harmless milieu. Accordingly, plans were set afoot to someday sell-up all our individual assets and collectively purchase, build, or have custom-built, an ocean-going vessel of suitable dimensions and capacity whereon the aforementioned holiday accommodation, food and beverages could be obtained via an informal reciprocal gifting arrangement comparable to what it would commercially cost a vacationer anyway. (Please note that no additional monetary outlay was countenanced – not even that well-nigh ubiquitous ‘donation’ incumbent upon those guru-circuit peoples – as the equivalent-to-commercial vacation-style exchange would be sufficient unto itself). Consequently, utilising my knowledge and experience of ships, yachts and boating in general plus Peter’s expertise and skill as an architect and builder of houses, we eventually had the fully detailed plans of a 70-foot ship (an alloy catamaran) in the final stages of being readied for submission to a registered naval architect for official certification ... plus a professional ship-yard had been located nearby where the boat-builder himself has expressed how both the design-style and the fully-detailed plans were an attractive proposition. However, as our combined assets sale would (at best) provide for around 20% of the total cost the plan languished ... until today. Tom has declared his intention to fund the entire project. * A new sub-domain website is in the process of being set up so as to provide more information (specifications, detailed drawings, computer-generated 3D images, and the such-like) of both the ship itself and the project in general. As the ship (the MS Actualis) will serve as a residence as well as a venue, with the potential to travel virtually anywhere in the world if need be, it was apposite to call it ‘The Floating Convivium Project’ (from the Latin for ‘feast’ as in the enjoyment of jovial banquets and good company; the quality of being convivial; the relishing of festivity and so on). There is more to both an actual and a virtual freedom from the human condition than nuclear couples living in separate homes; the overall aim is to provide the genesis of peoples living peacefully and harmoniously together on a community-wide basis. I just happen to particularly like the boating life-style. Regards, Richard. Subject: A Long-Awaited Public Announcement I wish to advise that The Actual Freedom Trust web site is currently undergoing review. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. Please stand by for a long-awaited public announcement, due to be made early in the new year, the consequences of which will have far-reaching implications and ramifications for anyone vitally interested in both an actual and a virtual freedom from the human condition. Regards, Richard. Re: A Long-Awaited Public Announcement RICHARD: I wish to advise that The Actual Freedom Trust web site is currently undergoing review. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. (Actual Freedom Homepage 31.12.2009-12.1.2010) .RICHARD: I can now advise that normal service has been resumed – with a new-look revamped website (still a work in progress on the third and fourth layers) and some nifty java-scripted ‘Tool Tips’ for close-at-hand footnotes (which requires, of course, one’s web-browser to have java-scripting enabled) – plus more up-to-date information as applicable. Viz.:* RICHARD: Please stand by for a long-awaited public announcement, due to be made early in the new year, the consequences
of which will have far-reaching implications and ramifications for anyone vitally interested in both an actual and a virtual freedom from the human
condition. RICHARD: That long-awaited public announcement can now be accessed by clicking on the heading ‘A Long-Awaited Public
Announcement’ Please be prepared to be either shocked, appalled or delighted. (It depends upon whether the title ‘The Third Alternative’, and all what it signifies, has been properly understood, in view of the truly magical nature of a PCE, or not). * Lastly, my apologies for the delay, these last few days, during which further confirmation was being sought. Regards, Richard. P.S.: Srid, the new-look revamp of the website was undertaken with your ‘clean-look’ input in mind. Just who is taking license to trifle with life of people?
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• From: richard.actualfreedom Date: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:40 am RICHARD: [...] All this and more (...) told me precisely who it was who was deliberately, systematically, and with malice aforethought, conducting the most massive invasion of privacy this forum has ever seen. Thus, when the person belatedly identifying as [Sock Puppet ‘SA’] posted Message No. 10530 And that ‘I will like to’ phrasing is common to both of the Online ID’s/Internet Aliases you have asked me about in your above query. Viz.:
Incidentally, during the computer-search for those above instances it became conclusively evident that nobody else had ever
used that particular phrasing ... everybody else posting during that period (2008-2010) used the regular ‘I would like to’ phrasing. Subject: Re Yet Another Summary of the Actualism Method ALAN: Hi [No. 49], I am butting in on your conversation with Claudiu as I have been able to verify (by what you have written here, your texts and emails to me and our recent audio conversation) that which I first suspected some considerable time ago. Although it took a little while, I like to be certain of my facts before making rash statements – and I had fun and understood/found out more about myself in the process. As Claudiu said, I know not what you are doing on this forum. Perhaps hoping to gather a few converts to ‘your way’ with myself, [No. 7] and Claudiu as the prime contenders apparently. Were it needed the final proof was our email exchange earlier today:
I have considerable experience of attempting to use Richard’s words to describe what I was experiencing – and vice-versa to pretend to experience what Richard describes (as has already been discussed on here), so I do know what I am talking about. It is pointless to continue our conversation unless you decide to come to your senses when I will be delighted to converse with you again. Life was meant to be fun Alan (Message 22041) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ALAN: I am butting in on your conversation with Claudiu as I have been able to verify (by what you have written here, your texts and emails to me and our recent audio conversation) that which I first suspected some considerable time ago. Although it took a little while, I like to be certain of my facts before making rash statements – and I had fun and understood/found out more about myself in the process. RESPONDENT No. 49: Alan, your (now), public statement and subsequent disclosure of our private email conversation together with your private suspicions, is, of coarse, your prerogative. Presumably you acted in what you considered in the best public interest, given your track record. I should, likewise, in the public interest, point out the fuller context of that private email misunderstanding, lest you, or anyone else, here, get the wrong impression. In so doing, perhaps this exchange will provide yet more demonstration, as to how you and others may diligently proceed, as you say, ‘in the process’. BTW I am most glad to hear that you are: 1: having fun, 2: understanding and finding out more about yourself ALAN: As Claudiu said, I know not what you are doing on this forum. Perhaps hoping to gather a few converts to ‘your way’ with myself, [No. 7] and Claudiu as the prime contenders apparently. RESPONDENT No. 49: Ha, I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade but if ‘my way’ is helping perhaps ...just perhaps... I should stick around a little longer then? (joke). ALAN: Were it needed ‘the final proof... RESPONDENT No. 49: Yes, with both eyes wide open, ‘proof’ is needed, Alan. ALAN: ...was our email exchange earlier today:
RESPONDENT No. 49: No, Alan this is not the ‘start’ of the quote.
This is a tongue in cheek reference to an expression of gratitude. Note the ‘Ha...’ at the start of this sentence. Here I am assuming that Alan considers ‘expressed gratitude’ is technically not politically correct AF the full quote context demonstrates.
This is an example of Alan missing [No. 49]’s humour per favour AF phraseology.
This is an example of Alan missing [No. 49]’s humour per favour AF phraseology. This is where I attempt to expose the joke for what it was...namely a dig at his literal interpretation of AF phraseology over sensibly acceptable social conduct in the world as it is with people as they are:
This is where our conversation concluded and where Alan has now gone public with his ‘conclusion’: ALAN: I have considerable experience of attempting to use Richard’s words to describe what I was experiencing – and vice-versa to pretend to experience what Richard describes (as has already been discussed on here), so I do know what I am talking about. It is pointless to continue our conversation unless you decide to come to your senses when I will be delighted to converse with you again. RESPONDENT No. 49: This is where our communication ended. Alan now apparently assumes pretence, (on the basis of misinterpreted humour)... per favour AF phraseology... rather than via simply asking me to explain said joke. ALAN: Life was meant to be fun. RESPONDENT No. 49: Aye, Alan, demonstratively fun.(Message 220xx). ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• RICHARD: (This is a brief note, to the ‘Yahoo Groups’ forum at large, on a matter of general interest). Even though at first glance a cyberspace equivalent of the cubiform Planet Htrae, fittingly located in a comic-book ‘Bizarro
World’ cosmos O what a tangled web ... (&c.). Regards, Continued with Respondent No. 49 RETURN TO MAILING LIST ‘D’ INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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