Actual Freedom – Mailing List ‘D’ Correspondence

Richard’s Correspondence On Mailing List ‘D’

with Srid

(please make sure “java-scripting” is enabled in order for the tool-tips to function properly; mouse-hover on the yellow rectangular image to open; left-click on the image to hold).

VINEETO: If you still agree to use your name ‘Srid’ instead of ‘Respondent No. 1’ (as verbally discussed on the last day of your visit), I would like to receive a short note from you giving your agreement which I can then stick at the top of your report and of your correspondence pages with Richard.

SRID: yes, i’m fine with using ‘srid’ instead of ‘respondent no. 1’ on the AF website. i understand that the name would be used in the following pages,, in addition to that published trip summary
(Srid to Vineeto 12.8.2013)

Continued from Directors Correspondence: A Matter of Propriety

May 5 2009

Re: AF website mirror

SRID: I’ve setup a mirror of the original AF website.

http://afmirror.[deleted].org/ In case the original site momentarily goes down (which it does), or if you like the new design, you can use this.

To download the entire website (not just the ‘lite’ version of it), see: http://afmirror.[deleted].org/download.html (message No. 5084)

RICHARD: G’day Srid,

Upon reading your above post I took the rather unusual step of subscribing to this forum solely for the purpose of asking you, as one fellow human being to another fellow human being, to take down your unauthorised and thus unlawful version of The Actual Freedom Trust web site forthwith.

To explain: the integrity of The Actual Freedom Trust web site – the accurate presentation of its authors’ writings and thus its implicit guarantee of reliability in regards authenticity – obviously depends upon the capacity of its authors (or their duly nominated representatives) to have password-protected editorial and authorial access to and control of the entirety of its contents.

The imprimatur of the (legally registered) name ‘The Actual Freedom Trust’ on each and every page is this implicit guarantee of reliability.

Your unauthorised usage of that (legally registered) name on virtually every page of your so-called ‘mirror’ website.renders that implicit guarantee of reliability, in regards authenticity, completely worthless as the directors of The Actual Freedom Trust quite evidently do not have password-protected editorial and authorial access to and control of any of its contents.

Furthermore, your unauthorised usage of that (legally registered) name is a criminal offence.


Given that you are an IT professional (working for Microsoft Corporation apparently) it is highly unlikely that you could be ignorant of the fact that millions of websites around the world have words to the following effect displayed:

[quote] Terms And Conditions: This website and its contents are intended solely for personal, non-commercial use by the users of this website. Users may download or copy the contents displayed on the this website for the sole purpose of using this website as a personal resource. No right, title, or interest in any downloaded materials is transferred to a user as a result of any such downloading or copying. Users may not reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, display, mirror, modify, sell or participate in any sale of, or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, any of the contents of this website. Users may not copy or use the materials for others or mirror any material contained on this website on another web site or any other server. [endquote].

Indeed, the following search-string alone returned nearly 2,000,000 hits on an internet search-engine:

[quote] may not, without prior written permission, mirror any material contained on this site on any other server [endquote].

Moreover, as an IT professional you must surely be aware of illegitimate activities known as ‘spoofing’ and/or ‘phishing’ – the illicit access to information through the creation of mirror websites which redirect communications, credit card numbers and other personal and financial details for criminal gain – as well as ‘spamdexing’ insofar search engines generally do not favour identical/ mirror websites because they could otherwise be tricked into higher rankings (via spamming, cloaking, doorway pages, for instance) and penalise or remove an offending site from its index.

In short: your unauthorised and thus unlawful version of The Actual Freedom Trust web site potentially compromises not only its ability to ensure user confidence, in regards personal and financial details, but also its capacity to be searchable.


A random perusal of your so-called ‘mirror’ website revealed links not working (the one to a free download, for instance), images missing (in the introduction pages, for example), image/ text-flow relationship out of kilter (due to uncompensated font-size increase) and more than a few pages missing outright.

As an IT professional that is, quite frankly, just shoddy workmanship.

However, the words [quote] ‘Web page designed by The Actual Freedom Trust’ [endquote] which appear at the bottom of 400+ pages on your unauthorised and thus unlawful website – apart from being an out-and-out lie as it is your bastardised version – undeniably conveys to its readers that the design and layout displayed is the fault of peoples either actually free and/or virtually free of the human condition.

To use a cliché: that is not a good look.

Which brings all this to the crux of the matter: your adamantine conviction that The Actual Freedom Trust web site is ugly and that your version is beautiful. Viz.:

From: Srid, Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 Subject: Beautifying the Actual Freedom Website
Does anyone else too find the website design ugly? I have a simple workaround here, [snip link]. Cheers, Srid

Yet even though you engaged in a rather extensive email exchange with the directors of The Actual Freedom Trust less than a year ago (Directors Correspondence, A Matter of Style) on the topic of aesthetics you evidently remain convinced that your taste in web design is superior to that of the directors – despite one being a university-qualified architect; another being a college-qualified in the fine arts; another being a trade-qualified as a graphic artist; and another having nearly a decade’s experience in web design and layout – to the point that you have now (apparently) been driven by that conviction to engage in illegitimate acts and commit criminal offences.

Even more to the point: in view of the fact that you have been, and still are, soliciting donations for your modified version of The Actual Freedom Trust website (at, a ‘Terms And Conditions’ text, similar to the ubiquitous example presented further above, has now been added onto the ‘Disclaimer’ on the website as the words contained therein [quote] ‘may not ... modify, sell ... or exploit in any way ...’ [endquote] should cover your parasitical profit-at-others-expense type of activity as well.

For your information: the directors of The Actual Freedom Trust have, over the years, expended tens of thousands of scarce dollars of their own moneys (plus tens of thousands of unpaid hours) to create, maintain, and provide the millions of words currently available for free on the internet– it is only in recent years that the sale of non-essential items have been sufficient to barely cover the basic ongoing costs of the enterprise – and to have someone professing an interest in what is on offer seek a monetary gain off the back of this philanthropic contribution to the advancement of human knowledge is a classic example of the human condition in action in all its crass opportunism.

Lastly, and purely as an example of unintended consequences, your meddling in matters beyond your ken puts at risk the continued viability of many of the copyrighted images in the introduction pages: specifically, it cost upwards of $2,000 to procure limited rights to legally republish those images – ‘limited rights’ meaning on the explicit condition they are restricted for use only on The Actual Freedom Trust web site (for free) and as giveaway inclusions (for free) on its associated DVDs – and are not to be used for commercial purposes ... else they would have cost an impossible-to-pay commercial price.

Please, take down your unauthorised and thus unlawful version of The Actual Freedom Trust web site forthwith.

Regards, Richard.

May 6 2009

Re: AF website mirror

SRID: I’ve setup a mirror of the original AF website. http://afmirror.[deleted].org/ In case the original site momentarily goes down (which it does), or if you like the new design, you can use this. To download the entire website (not just the ‘lite’ version of it), see:http://afmirror.[deleted].org/download.html

RICHARD: G’day Srid, Upon reading your above post I took the rather unusual step of subscribing to this forum solely for the purpose of asking you, as one fellow human being to another fellow human being, to take down your unauthorised and thus unlawful version of The Actual Freedom Trust web site forthwith.

SRID: There is no way for me to know that you are Richard of the Actual Freedom Trust simply from your Yahoo! Groups member profile which is currently linked to: In regards to responses related to permission to host a mirror, can you email me from your address – just for legal records?

RICHARD: A verifying email has been sent to you from the directors of The Actual Freedom Trust ... the main part of which reads as follows:


In regards to your online request, dated Tuesday, the 5th of May, 2009, for a verifying email from an ‘’ address we hereby confirm that the following text (below the signature line) is copied from what Richard posted to you – at the very same online forum where, on Saturday, the 2nd of May, 2009, you publicly invited usage of your version of The Actual Freedom Trust web site which you had made available to all and sundry in the public domain – wherein Richard courteously asked you, after explaining why, to take down your unauthorised and thus unlawful version of The Actual Freedom Trust web site forthwith.

There is no need to reply to this verifying email.

Yours Sincerely,
The Directors.
The Actual Freedom Trust.


RICHARD: To explain: the integrity of The Actual Freedom Trust web site – the accurate presentation of its authors’ writings and thus its implicit guarantee of reliability in regards authenticity – obviously depends upon the capacity of its authors (or their duly nominated representatives) to have password-protected editorial and authorial access to and control of the entirety of its contents.


RICHARD: I am pleased to see you have acknowledged what is, essentially, the primary reason for the absolute retention of proprietorial rights as it is vital that the imprimatur of the legally registered name ‘The Actual Freedom Trust’, on each and every page, continues to stand for an implicit guarantee of reliability in regards authenticity and accuracy in presentation.

A badge, if you will.

And any blot on that escutcheon, as it were, is not something which I personally, or the directors generally, take lightly as the evidence of history bears due witness to the divisiveness which different versions/ competing translations, of what somebody once said long ago, inevitably brings about.

As equally important is to prevent each and any attempt to water-down what is, without a doubt, such a radical departure from anything preceding it.

The very meaning-of-life and peace-on-earth are at stake.

Both an actual and a virtual freedom from the human condition, being such priceless discoveries, deserve whatever vigilance it takes to preserve the authenticity and accuracy in presentation of what will be of interest to both practitioners and academics in the years/the centuries to come.

Again, I am pleased to see your acknowledgement.

[... snip ...]


RICHARD: Please, take down your unauthorised and thus unlawful version of The Actual Freedom Trust web site forthwith.

SRID: I have disabled it from public access ...

RICHARD: Thank you ... and I appreciate your promptness.

Now that you have the verification you asked for, please take it down completely. Viz.:

[quote] NearlyFreeSpeech ... Offline Site ... ‘You have requested a site that is currently offline. This generally happens when a site is temporarily disabled for some reason, but has not been permanently removed’. (http://afmirror.[deleted].org/).

[... snip ...]

SRID: PS: (If you are the Richard of The Actual Freedom Trust) parts of your email did make my heart throb faster (attacking ‘me’, I think) ...

RICHARD: Oh, there was no need for any ‘attacking’ on my part. It was the very act of taking, without permission, the end result of other peoples’ decade-long endeavour and then publicly re-presenting a bastardised version in their name which brought about an equally public reminder that there are quite valid reasons why such a course of action should never have been contemplated in the first place.

Let alone being acted upon.

If nothing else, legal deterrents surely would give anyone pause for thought, in regards intellectual property, as under section 1204 of the 1998 DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), for a general example, penalties range up to a $500,000 fine, or up to five years imprisonment, for a first offence and up to a $1,000,000 fine, or up to 10 years imprisonment, for subsequent offences.

The DMCA legislation implements two 1996 World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) treaties – the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty – as well as addressing a number of other significant copyright-related issues.

Speaking personally, I am always aware of the ‘Fair Use’ copyright laws, for instance, when quoting from publications on my portion of The Actual Freedom Trust web site.

SRID:  ... but I am glad that those triggers did not lead to any stable unpleasant feeling states; and thus enabled me to reply normally.

RICHARD: ‘Tis good to hear that.

Speaking of which: the various queries and points you raised (in the snipped sections above) will have to wait for another email as I am currently elsewise occupied.

Regards, Richard.

May 8 2009

Re: AF website mirror

RICHARD: (...) and to have someone professing an interest in what is on offer seek a monetary gain off the back of this philanthropic contribution to the advancement of human knowledge is a classic example of the human condition in action in all its crass opportunism.

RESPONDENT No. 2: I have found that in general, Hanlon’s Razor is a good strategy when guessing at others’ intentions. [snip link].

RICHARD: Yet there was no guessing required ... the words ‘seek a monetary gain’, to which you are responding, came solely from the words displayed for all to see on the web page referred to. Viz.:

1. ‘Make A Donation’ [on an activating button].

2. ‘Show your appreciation by sending Srid a donation by PayPal’

3. ‘PayPal Donate’ [on another activating button].

RESPONDENT No. 2: OK, I will paraphrase another of my recent emails on this subject: – I have re-read Richard’s email, and in a single sentence, he mentions two phrases which are very strongly presumptuous of intent: [snip phrases].

SRID: Yes, basically this was my question too – can actually free people guess at others’ intent?

RICHARD: Of course they could yet, as already pointed out just above, there was no guessing required as the words ‘seek a monetary gain’, to which the ‘Hanlon’s Razor’ response was directed, came solely from the words displayed for all to see on the web page referred to.

SRID: I noticed another logical inconsistency in Richard’s argument [to No. 2]:

[Richard]: ‘The fact that The Actual Freedom Trust is offering products for sale – which are created solely by the authors (as in generated only of their own initiative) somehow equates in your mind to someone ripping-off The Actual Freedom Trust web site in its entirety, re-designing it to their own liking, and then telling people to show their appreciation for this unauthorised and thus unlawful activity by sending them a monetary donation’. (Richard, List D, No. 2, 7 May 2009).

‘Ripping-off the AFT website in its entirety ...’ must refer to afmirror.[deleted].org ...

RICHARD: Nope, your guess is incorrect ... besides which it is quite clear, from its contextual usage, just what that colloquialism refers to.

RESPONDENT: ‘Ripping-off the AFT website in its entirety...’ cannot refer to because it was not a rip-off[1] but simply a cascading stylesheet file which can be applied over the target website using a Firefox addon called ‘stylish’ by the user only if they wish. [1] rip off: – To steal; to embezzle.

RICHARD: Again, your guess is incorrect ... I was, of course, using the colloquialism ‘ripping-off’ in its Oxford Dictionary meaning of ‘designating or pertaining to an instance of financial exploitation’. Viz.:

‘rip-off: (a) colloq. (designating or pertaining to) a fraud, swindle, or instance of esp. financial exploitation; (b) colloq. (designating or pertaining to) an imitation or plagiarism, esp. one intended to exploit a current public interest’. (Oxford Dictionary).

And even the non-hyphenated colloquialism ‘rip off’ has its Oxford Dictionary meaning of ‘exploit financially’. Viz.:

‘rip off: colloq. (a) steal (from); embezzle; exploit financially; cheat, defraud; rob; deceive; (b) copy; plagiarise’. (Oxford Dictionary).

As a matter of related interest: anyone going through my words with a fine-tooth comb, looking for a discrepancy in order to bring about a pathetic gotcha experience (PGE), will surely be rewarded as, having written millions of words over a decade-long span, there are bound to be some scattered here and there.

Indeed, I am on record many times over (28 hits) as saying that the academics would have a field-day with it.

Regards, Richard.


P.S.: Also, and whilst on this very topic yet again, your rip-off is not [quote] ‘simply’ [endquote] a cascading stylesheet file which can be ‘called ‘stylish’ by the user only if they wish’ ... it is a comprehensive re-design of the end result of other peoples’ decade-long endeavour costing tens of thousands of scarce dollars of their own moneys (plus requiring tens of thousands of unpaid hours) in order to create, maintain, and provide for free in the design and layout set the way they want it to be viewed. Viz.:

[The Directors to Srid]: ‘Whilst your input is appreciated it is not in accord with what we clearly want ... to wit: that The Actual Freedom Trust website design and layout be viewed the way we want it to be viewed (else we would have, of course, already made it otherwise)’. (Directors Correspondence, A Matter of Style, 09 May 08)

Your attempt to downplay – as evidenced by [quote] ‘simply’ [endquote] and not a guess – the magnitude of what you chose to do despite having had a lengthy discussion with the directors, on that very subject, should surely signify to you there is an issue you are still not dealing with in a way which optimises your well-being.

May 12 2009

Re: Email deletion

SRID: It appears from the Group Activity Log under Web Features that some emails are being deleted (moderators can delete emails posted by anyone it seems).

RESPONDENT No. 4: Here are a few more to delete: 3566, 3595, 3598, 3630, 3633, 3644, 3645, 3647, 3660, 3661

SRID: Deleted about 20 messages remaining that contained the name.

RICHARD: G’day Srid, Thank you ... and thanks, No. 5, for your prompt.

Srid, in regards to the font settings: Vineeto has unlocked the font in all the Library Articles (including the Glossary) and has published them online already.

All the introduction pages are also unlocked and online. She is currently busy with the FAQ’s and CRO’s ... then the next to be done is Selected Correspondence.

Eventually, the entire web site (there are 1700+ pages to do).

More later.

Regards, Richard.


P.S.: We tried-out the 120% line-spacing; on the larger/ largest size-setting, in the web browser, it was not needed at all (in fact it made for too much separation). But ... thanks for the suggestion (I would not have thought of trying it) anyway.

May 13 2009

Re: Email deletion

RICHARD: Srid, in regards to the font settings: Vineeto has unlocked the font in all the Library Articles (including the Glossary) and has published them online already.

SRID: Hi Richard, I just went through some of the library pages... and I don’t notice any difference in font-size (or visual appearance for that matter).

RICHARD: G’day Srid, All the library pages have definitely had the font-lock taken off them (and can be increased in online size in view-settings) as I randomly clicked through quite a few pages myself, just to be personally sure before posting my email to you. I have again checked, just to be doubly sure, and they can indeed be increased in size.

(Have no idea what you mean by ‘visual appearance’).

SRID: Not sure if I’m the only one seeing this behavior, but that is what I get from Firefox 3.0.10 on Windows XP. For example, from the source of this page <>, I see: <font color="#800080" size="2">The medieval Indian philosopher ... (...)

With further investigation, I figured out why this is so. The above <font... line is expanded to show its parent tag: <td width="74%" ... font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;’> ... <font size="2" color="#800080">The medieval Indian philosopher ...

For comparision, this is the source from the older version of the same page [from and the ‘lite’ version of the site], <td width="74%" ... font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;’> ... <font color="#800080">The medieval Indian philosopher Shankara, ... As you can see the only difference in the newer version is the addition of the attribute ‘size="2"’. Perhaps this is the change Vineeto did. More importantly, the ‘font-size: 10pt’ is still there albeit in the parent element (<td>).

RICHARD: Vineeto explained to me she had missed that one, on the ‘Advaita’ page, in her progressing changes and has now fixed it. Thank you for drawing attention to it.

SRID: I played with Firebug [extension for the Firefox browser. screenshot] ... and this is what I did to actually unlock the font-sizes (as it – letting the default font-size be used) Remove the ‘font-size: 10pt;’ attribute in the parent element (<td>) Remove the ‘size="2"’ attribute in the <font> element. Just letting you know in advance.

RICHARD: It would appear I should have explained that the reason why the directors decided to take the lock out in the ‘parents’ – page, table and cell properties – whilst leaving the <font-size="2"> in all the pages is because they want to keep the font-size as it is.

Removing the lock is an accommodation to the vision-impaired and/or those with ultra high-resolution screens (so they can set their browser to a larger font).


RICHARD: All the introduction pages are also unlocked and online.

SRID: The above mentioned issue is also applicable for these pages.

RICHARD: All the introduction pages have definitely had the font-lock taken off them (and can be increased in size in view-settings) as I randomly clicked through quite a few pages, myself, just to be personally sure before posting my email to you.

I have again checked, just to be doubly sure, and they can indeed be increased in size.


RICHARD: She is currently busy with the FAQ’s and CRO’s ... then the next to be done is Selected Correspondence.

SRID: If I may suggest, it is a good idea to first do the change on a select few pages, then verify it with others on this list ... as this has the potential to avoid some repetitive work.

RICHARD: Each of the directors has at least one computer each – some have two – and I have a mobile computer phone (as well as a modern laptop and an older desktop) and the pages mentioned so far have readily been increased in size, in the view-settings, on each and every one of the various computers it was tested out on.

It could be, perhaps, that Firefox/ Firebug has some sort of problem with compatibility.


RICHARD: Eventually, the entire web site (there are 1700+ pages to do).

SRID: Another suggestion is to use a separate CSS file that can be included in all of 1700+ pages. The benefit of this is that should any change in style be needed (for eg., new font-size), it is enough to modify this CSS file alone and let that affect all of the pages automatically.

RICHARD: Thank you for your suggestion ... as there is not going to be any change in style needed (e.g. no new font-size) such a course of action is not really needed.

Speaking personally (and this is only to explain my own choice) the reason I prefer size-ten times-new-roman is because, being a very fast reader, the more I can scan without moving eyes to the left-and-right, and with minimal scrolling, the faster I can read.

When I tried out the pages mentioned on larger/ largest view-setting my reading speed slowed to a crawl.

Regards, Richard.

May 26 2009

Re: Question ... about pure intent

RESPONDENT: Hi Richard, As I too cannot recall a PCE (and never had one yet), I printed your email out of interest and spent about an hour thinking over it ... reading each words/ sentences carefully (often rereading several times). Your meticulousness in explaining the approach did give me some clarity in this matter.

These days it is merely a matter of seeing where sincerity lacks (and thus naiveté is missing) ... and this alone tells a lot of about where I am missing attentiveness. For instance, the other day, I noticed how much ‘maneuvering’ (an opposite of naiveté) I subconsciously exhibit in matters related to women... and how that is preventing a carefree/ felicitous experience at these times.

RICHARD: G’day Srid, Just popping in briefly as I am going to be far to busy locally, for the next few days, to catch-up on pending posts.

Because you are evidently paying so much attention to that previous post of mine (Richard, List D, No. 13, 21 May 2009) I would like to emphasise a couple of important aspects to it regarding sincerity/ naiveté. 

Given that it is, plainly and simply, always ‘my’ choice as to how ‘I’ experience this moment then the optimum manner in which to do so is, of course, sincerely/ naïvely.

Thus the part-sentence in that previous post of mine [quote] ‘and to be sincere is to be the key which unlocks naiveté’ [endquote] is worth expanding upon.

The operative words in that part-sentence are [quote] ‘... to be the key ...’ [endquote] and with particular emphasis on the word ‘be’ (rather than ‘have’ for instance).

In other words, to be sincerity (not only have sincerity) is to be the key (not merely have the key) to be naiveté (not just have naiveté).

(Bear in mind that, at root, ‘I’ am ‘my’ feelings and ‘my’ feelings are ‘me’ and it will all become clear).

As there is something I have oft-times encouraged a fellow human being to try, in face-to-face interactions, which usually has the desired effect it is well worth detailing here:

Reach down inside of yourself intuitively (aka feeling it out) and go past the rather superficial emotions/ feelings (generally in the chest area) into the deeper, more profound passions/ feelings (generally in the solar plexus area) until you come to a place (generally about four-finger widths below the navel) where you intuitively feel you elementarily have existence as a feeling being (as in ‘me’ at the core of ‘my’ being ... which is ‘being’ itself).

Now, having located ‘being’ itself, gently and tenderly sense out the area immediately below that (just above/just before and almost touching on the sex centre).

Here you will find yourself both likeable and liking (for here lies sincerity/ naiveté).

Here is where you can, finally, like yourself (very important) no matter what.

Here is the nearest a ‘self’ can get to innocence whilst remaining a ‘self’.

Here lies tenderness/ sweetness and togetherness/ closeness.

Here is where it is possible to be the key.

Regards, Richard.

November 16 2009

Re: Peculiar Information # 5

RICHARD: … where the women go, there go men too ... eventually. (Richard, List D, No. 6, 13 November 2009).

SRID: Hi Richard, Can you explain what you meant by that? What sort of connection exists in actuality that makes men (male flesh and blood body) follow women? Or, were you just referring to the reality?

RICHARD: G’day Srid, ‘Tis good to be chatting with you.

I was, of course, just referring to the reality (the real-world reality) as all is equitable in actuality.

I also did not mean ‘follow’, as such, but more along the lines of what has been occasionally discussed/ mentioned on this very forum ... to wit: that men (as a generalisation) are reluctant to penetrate deeply and/or go very far into actualism because women (as a generalisation) are looking for love and compassion and an empathetic understanding or, at the very least, affection – from a potential spouse (companion/ partner/ lover/ whatever).

Hence my undivided attention on the women in my life, and my preference that the second person to become actually free from the human condition be a woman, as it paves the way for more and more men to be confident of finding a woman who will not settle for second-best (affection, empathy, love and all the rest) but wants only the best ... both for herself and for her spouse.

(Not to forget to mention my delight at it being a female, and not a male, who opened the way for a virtual freedom to have an entirely new aspect ... namely: a five-month PCE).

I guess my ‘where the women go, there go men too’ way of phrasing it would be best exemplified by those men who buy women’s magazines to find out what the latest is they have to adopt so as to get into a modern woman’s panties. That whole SNAG (sensitive new age guy) phenomenon is an instance of this.

Regards, Richard.

P.S.: So as to pre-empt anyone who would not recognise facetiae even if it got into bed with them all night, and thus categorises that latter part of my post as a malicious outburst (for example), it is but another instance of my droll sense of humour.

December 31 2009

Subject: Re: A Long-Awaited Public Announcement

RICHARD: I wish to advise that The Actual Freedom Trust web site is currently undergoing review. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

Please stand by for a long-awaited public announcement, due to be made early in the new year, the consequences of which will have far-reaching implications and ramifications for anyone vitally interested in both an actual and a virtual freedom from the human condition.

SRID: [Richard]: ‘Uploaded wirelessly to the World Wide Web from a solar-powered notebook.’

I laughed out loud reading this. Normally, this is too trifle an observation to note down that it is common to simply not even state how one transfers the replacement page in a website that is down at the moment. You surely have never-ending appreciation of things, don’t you?

RICHARD: G’day Srid, Yes, I find it simply marvellous that I can sit up naked upon my bed, with my back against the pillows, at the navigable head of a remote river system in the nearest to a wilderness area as can be expected these days, and type out words which will be instantly available to be read by peoples vitally interested in both an actual and a virtual freedom from the human condition.

To explain: I was born and raised on a dairy farm in the south-west of this country as my progenitors were pioneer settlers (carving a farm by hand out of virgin forest and sowing grasslands for animal husbandry); as both a boy and as a youth I personally used hand-held axes and cross-cut saws to help cut down the trees to make pasture land; I was involved in the fencing and ploughing and sowing and harvesting; I hunted game in the forest and helped raise domesticated animals; I tended the gardens and orchards and crops; I assisted in building sheds (barns) and outhouses from forest timber and learned improvisation from the ingenuity required in `making do’ with minimal commercial supplies. There was no plumbing; no sewage, no telephone and no electricity – I went to bed with a candle and to the outdoor latrine with a kerosene lamp – thus no computer, no television, no videos, no record players, no freezer, no electric kitchen gadgets and etcetera.

What is truly wonderful, however, is that this naive boy from the farm has been able to call for a convivium gathering, in a modern-day wilderness area, in order to organically have come about the (naked) complement – ‘the full number required to man a ship, fill a conveyance, etc.’ ~ (Oxford Dictionary) – of the MSV Actualis before its fully-detailed plans leave the computerised drawing board, electronically, on their instant way to the shipyard which is to begin the build in the coming months.

For example: my third wife (de facto) has flown back into this country – from where she had previously been sitting at the death bed of her progenitress – in order to make a once-in-a-lifetime decision as to whether or not she will be taking her rightful position here beside me, as a true equal, in this actual world. She will be arriving early this morning – about three-four hours from now – as this organic way of ensuring that the ship’s complement will be squeaky-clean (so to speak) begins to unfold.

And, as I will be keeping those vitally interested in global peace and harmony in our lifetime fully informed via my keyboard, as the precise make-up of the seven-member (naked) crew emerges in the days and/or weeks to come, then please stand by for the long-awaited public announcement, with far-reaching implications and ramifications, to come wirelessly to global attention.

Regards, Richard.

P.S.: To summarise: I do not choose the crew: the crew chooses itself.

December 07 2012

Re: Better phrasings...

CO-RESPONDENT: I always thought that any bit of confrontational wisdom that is felt by me and some other few in Richard’s words can be rephrased in way that is less or non-confrontational .... though he believed that it is the nature of the wisdom (and of the self) that such things happen.... as a proof of my opinion, I was pondering over the oft repeated statements and one example here:

Actualist wording: Feelings are not facts, they don’t exist in the actual world (this is not quote and quote, but surely the core actualists will have no issues with the above statement). My rephrasal: Mental life is not an actuality as it is merely a reaction/ interpretation/ representation of the actuality. And feelings/psyche/real world etc... not being actual is merely an instance of this general wisdom... and stated this way, it is non-confrontational and readily agreeable and self evident. In fact, I claim that the essence of this also captured by Krishnamurti’s ‘The word is not the thing’. I know that Richard wants to specially emphasize upon feelings here, but this special emphasis is artificial and generated by the goal of actual freedom.

RESPONDENT: No. 19, Richard is not ‘emphasizing’ feelings here (he umabiguously reports that a feeling is not a fact); rather *you*, by your watered-down rephrasing, are de-emphasizing feelings by insincerely mixing in thoughts into the illusory/actual distinction. no thanks, i’d rather have someone call a spade a spade instead of twisting a potentially offensive fact only to go astray on the practice for years (your watered-down rephrasing could easily make an actualist reading it go lax on investigating feelings because he ‘readily agrees’ that thoughts and feelings are not part of the physical/ corporeal world; duh!).

RICHARD: G’day Srid, Whilst on the subject of ‘better phrasings’ (as in the ‘I-Know-Better-Than-Richard’ titling of this thread), and the topic of there being no feelings in actuality, it has been brought to my attention that you recently posted three (unreferenced) quotes on another forum, written by feeling-being ‘Peter’ back in 2003, so as to provide ‘food for thought’ ... namely:

1. That those quotes bring up some parallel with Mr. Satya Goenka’s ‘equanimity towards all physical sensations’ practice.

2. That what those quotes say is that the ‘instinctual reactions’ trigger hormones (which are experienced as physical sensations) in the body which are almost instantaneously ‘felt’ as the instinctual passions.

3. That those quotes also raise the question of whether AF [sic] people only remain blind to ‘instinctual reactions’ – i.e. have they cut the chain right where these reactions are ‘felt’ (which feelings form themselves into ‘being’)?

4. That those quotes also raise the question that while even a shadowy feeling being can give off vibes, what of a body with instinctual reactions?

5. That those quotes conflict with Richard’s report of him not experiencing any bodily symptoms associated with fear (for instance). ( _boards/message/3694814#_19_message_3694814).

That last point (Point No. 5) should surely have given one pause to consider that perhaps ‘better phrasings’, on the topic of the instinctual passions vis-à-vis hormonal chemicals, were to be sought elsewhere on The Actual Freedom Trust website ... such as in the Library Topic ‘Affective Feelings (Emotions, Passions and Calentures)’, for instance, where feeling-being ‘Peter’ unambiguously made it clear, circa 1999, that it is the instinctual passions (as in his ‘instinctually-sourced feelings’ phrasing) which produce hormonal chemicals and not the other way around. Viz.:

• [Peter]: ‘(...). The arising of instinctually-sourced feelings produces a hormonal chemical response in the body, which can lead to the false assumption that they actual’. (Actual Freedom Library, Topics, Feelings).

Indeed, the topic of that ‘better phrasing’, by feeling-being ‘Peter’ circa 1999, was specifically addressed to me back in December 2004. Viz.:

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘[quote] ‘The arising of instinctually-sourced feelings produces a hormonal chemical response in the body, which can lead to the false assumption that they are actual’. a(Actual Freedom Library, Topics, Feelings.htm).

From the above phrase I understand that feelings (out-sourced by the instinctual program) produce hormonal substances, not the other way around.

From the TV documentaries I’ve watched, it is because of the physical hormonal substances in the body that certain good/bad feelings arise.

Scientists have managed to identify and link certain hormonal substances to particular feelings, giving the impression that a feeling cannot arise without an associated body-produced ‘chemical’ (...)’. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 25, 1 December 2004).

The resultant exchange goes on for three consecutive emails (before straying off-topic); meanwhile, another co-respondent picked-up on that ‘Scientists-Know-Better-Than-Richard’ topic a couple of weeks later. Viz.:

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘Richard – I see a few flaws in your description of a lack of adrenaline (now called epinephrine). First of all, can you detect exactly the forms of the molecules that flow through your body?

Also, I am not sure what scientific claims you are consulting but studies done by Schacter provide strong evidence for the conclusion that epinephrine is NOT linked to specific emotions. I suggest you research the studies of this man (...)’. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 78, 12 December 2004).

The resultant exchange goes on for a total of four non-consecutive (and rather laboured) emails; however, my 2003 exchange with a different co-respondent on another forum expresses the essential nature of the topic in question in a most succinct fashion. Viz.:

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘The bottom line is that you can’t understand the nature of mind by merely studying the words of others’.

• [Richard]: ‘As I have repeatedly referred to a living understanding of, not only eleven years of spiritual enlightenment, but a decade now of an actual freedom from the human condition, I do look askance at what you say here ... plus there is more to understanding human nature than pointing the finger at thought.

Viz.: [Srid]: ‘The self is nothing other than conditioning, the thinker/ feeler/ doer is thought’. [endquote].

As feelings demonstrably come before thought in the perceptive process this is but a shallow understanding’.

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘Why divide the process up?’

• [Richard]: ‘I am not dividing the process up ... that is how it operates naturally (as is borne out by laboratory testing): sensate perception is primary; affective perception is secondary; cognitive perception is tertiary. The sensate signal, a loud sound for example, takes 12-14 milliseconds to reach the affective faculty and 24-25 milliseconds to reach the cognitive faculty: thus by the time reasoned cognition can take place the instinctual passions are pumping freeze-fight-flee chemicals throughout the body thus agitating cognitive appraisal ... and whilst there is a narrowband circuit from the cognitive centre to the affective centre (through which reason can dampen-down and stop the reactive response) the circuitry from the affective faculty to the cognitive faculty is broadband (which is why it takes some time to calm down after an emotional reaction).

Not that I knew anything of these laboratory tests all those years ago ... but it is always pleasing when science proves what one has already sussed out for oneself’. (Richard, List B, No. 12, 11 January 2003).

Do you now see that there are *no* parallels with the ‘equanimity towards all physical sensations’ practice promulgated by Mr. Satya Goenka (who does not comprehend that the Pali term ‘vedanūpādānakkhandhā’ – which is one of the pañc’upādānakkhandhā – and the ‘vedanākkhandhā’ of the arahants, both terms referring as they do to hedonic-tone/ feeling-tone, are affective in nature)?

Furthermore, actually free people (as in actualists, such as the handful of daring pioneers, as distinct from those buddhistic affers) are not ‘blind to instinctual reactions’ – that is, blind to autonomic reflexes such as the startle response – and neither have they ‘cut the chain right where these reactions are felt’ as there is no such chain (as in ‘paṭicca-samuppāda’) to cut in actuality.

Also, as none of those daring pioneers ever experienced a [quote] ‘shadowy feeling being’ [endquote], it has been thereby confirmed that no bona fide actually free person can [quote] ‘give off vibes’ [endquote], either.

I wrote about this topic in June this year, on this forum (in Message No. 11701, Richard, List D, Nikolai, 19 June 2012), to the very person posting about how that [quote] ‘shadowy feeling being’ [endquote] was caused by vedanā arising with sense-impressions (as in ‘phassa-paccayā vedanā’). Viz.:

• [Richard to Nikolai]: ‘(...) there is no hedonic-tone (aka vedanā) here in this actual world; furthermore, each of those handful of daring pioneers reported the extinction of hedonic-tone – along with the extirpation of the instinctual passions and the feeling-being formed thereof – at the very moment an actual freedom took place ... just as it did for me, at my moment of becoming (newly) free, in an abandoned cow-paddock all those years ago’. (Richard, List D, Nikolai (No. 28), 19 June 2012).

And the reason why I apprised him of the extinction of vedanā (hedonic-tone/feeling-tone), at the very moment an actual freedom from the human condition takes place, is because of what he had written elsewhere. For instance:

• [Nikolai]: ‘Vedana does not disspaear in a PCE nor at what some are calling af. It continues. (...)’. (Subject: Re: Nikolai’s Practice Journal; Posted: Oct 14, 2011; 7:57am).

As vedanā does indeed disappear in a PCE (aka ‘in abeyance’) and at an actual freedom from the human condition (aka ‘extinct’), a chat exchange Nikolai posted a week earlier (on Oct 07, 2011; 10:50am) is particularly pertinent in this regard.

I will provide here an edited-for-clarity version of the most salient aspects of that exchange (access the URL below the text for the original). Viz.:

• [Nikolai]: ‘Hi AFer, do you still experience vedana?

• [Tarin]: ‘of course

• [Nikolai]: ‘what is your definition of vedana as Other AFer says he doesn’t experience vedana

• [Tarin]: ‘from a buddhist perspective, the khandhas don’t go away. Other AFer’s comment probably comes from his rather unique appreciation of the buddhist texts

• [Nikolai]: ‘he says they are affective , and affectless vedana cannot be. I see. good to know you both have differing understandings. I was confused

• [Tarin]: ‘the way he interprets the texts seem more aligned to skillful means within a situation than to a coherence between all situations

• [Nikolai]: ‘I see (...). so the way I have taken it is ‘feeling tone’ would you disagree?

• [Tarin]: ‘i wouldnt put it that way

• [Nikolai]: ‘how would you put it?

• [Tarin]: ‘i would express its system as preferences which are dependent on tastes. which are as much a physical as a mental experience

• [Nikolai]: ‘(...). does the buddha go into detail about this in any suttas? that vedana is more about physcial preferences?

• [Tarin]: ‘not that i can recall

• [Nikolai]: ‘so it is your own interpretation?

• [Tarin]: ‘no, it is obvious

• [...snip...].

• [Nikolai]: ‘(...). ok , Other AFer just reminded me he told me to investigate ‘delight’. Delight still arises for vedana, preference for vedana

• [...snip...].

• [Nikolai]: ‘(...) so in the sequence of DO [dependent origination], concerning the arising of shadow being, trent seems to point to not delighting, is this what you point to to?

• [Tarin]: ‘what trent is referring to is ‘delighting in’

• [Nikolai]: ‘ah, a distinction

• [Tarin]: ‘the question that matters: perceiving clearly, does one then delight in what is perceived?

• [Nikolai]: ‘delighting in would refer then to a sankharic mental movemnt to affectively enjoy the vedana?

• [...snip...].

• [Tarin]: ‘is old age delightful? (...). is perceiving the aging, decaying, inevitable dying, delightful?

• [Nikolai]: ‘(...) obviously no (...). anicca is dukkha so then , trying to work out where ‘delight’ falls into this, would it be wise to take note of any tendency to ‘delight in’ the feeling tones that arise?

• [Tarin]: ‘weight can be given to any of the khandas, not only vedana, the tendency is inherent

• [Nikolai]: ‘meaning the tendency cannot be stopped until death?

• [Tarin]: ‘if you want to be a real stickler about it, it will clear up what vedana might be (

O what a tangled web those affers weave, eh?

‘Tis for reasons such as the above that I advised a self-acknowledged [quote] ‘sincere practitioner’ [endquote], upon being asked for clarification, to ‘cease aiming to be aff, forthwith’ and to ‘stop listening to the affers, period’. (Richard, List D, Claudiu, 07 February 2012).

 (I am presuming, of course, that the affers pronounce those [quote] ‘AF’/‘AFer’ [endquote] designators they use, for their mongrel state of being, in the way that the first syllable of, say, the word affectation is pronounced).

And I am pleased to report how that ‘sincere practitioner’ not only turned their life around but has gone on and prospered, mightily, as a direct result of taking that advice.

Regards, Richard.



(1)O what a tangled web those affers weave: Viz.:

‘Oh! what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!’ ~ from ‘Marmion’, Canto VI. Stanza 17, by Sir Walter Scott, 1808.

Needless is it to add that self-deceit, when practiced mordantly, inavertibly results in deceiving others (into similarly practicing self-deceit)?

Speaking of deceiving others, I see that not only has ‘John Wilde’ (alias ‘Respondent No. 4’; alias ‘Sock Puppet ‘PW’’; alias ‘Sock Puppet ‘PD’’; alias ‘Sock-Puppet ‘R’’, et al.) recommenced his maligning, libelling and defaming campaign – despite his ‘please, once and for all, stay out of my life, don’t involve me any further in yours, and allow me to get on with mine’ plea on the 28th of February this year (in Message No. 11504) – he has inveigled you into (uncritically) regurgitating some of his made-up stuff, about a phantom ‘Richard’ of passionate imagination, as well ... for instance:

• [John Wilde]: If you’d known five years ago [...] that the relationship between Peter and Vineeto [...] would turn out to be a relationship with Richard instead, would that have mattered? (.../message/3694814#_19_message_3708849; 11/18/12 9:35 PM as a reply to Srid).

And here are your (uncritical) regurgitations:

• [Srid]: ‘could you elaborate why this (changing one’s partner) may be an issue [...]’. (.../message/3694814#_19_message_3710646; 11/19/12 7:03 PM as a reply to John Wilde).

• [Srid]: ‘to your question, whether vineeto now being with richard is reflective of the sexual archetypes based on instincts (an interesting question for sure), i don’t know [...]’. (.../message/3694814#_19_message_3710961; 11/19/12 9:23 PM as a reply to John Wilde).

• [Srid]: ‘that, along with vineeto now being with richard – plus your remark to Tom about that place looking like a harem – now makes me suspect [...]’. (.../message/3694814#_19_message_3746547; 12/1/12 6:40 PM as a reply to John Wilde).

First, here is where you obtained your ‘looking like a harem’ remark from:

• [Respondent No. 4]: ‘I was there when it happened. [...]. As I joked to Tom at the time, the ‘floating convivium’ was starting to look more like a floating harem [...]’. (Message No. 11349)

Now, his ‘I was there when it happened’ words refer to the 5-day period February 16th to February 20th, 2010, where I distinctly recall living (and sleeping) in my own residence; I distinctly recall Grace living/sleeping in her own residence (in fact ‘Respondent No. 4’, along with Peter, assisted her in repositioning it on his first afternoon here); I distinctly recall Vineeto living/sleeping in her own residence (jointly owned by her and Peter); I distinctly recall Peter living/sleeping in his own residence (jointly owned by him and Vineeto); I distinctly recall Pamela living/sleeping in her own residence (jointly owned by her and Tom) as well as in a motel room whilst visiting; I distinctly recall Tom living/sleeping in his own residence (jointly owned by him and Pamela) as well as in a motel room whilst visiting and, moreover, all of those persons also distinctly recall these specific living/sleeping arrangements as being the actual situation and circumstances.

How anyone could say, when speaking of this situation and those circumstance, that it was ‘looking like a harem’ has got me beat ... quite evidently, the observational skills of ‘Respondent No. 4’ depend more upon his imagination than his physical eyes (more on this further below).


Second, and in regards to that maligning/ libelling/ defaming assertion from ‘John Wilde’/‘Respondent No. 4’, about [quote] ‘the relationship between Peter and Vineeto’ [endquote] turning out to be [quote] ‘a relationship with Richard instead’ [endquote], I will draw your attention to some of the few exchanges which are still publicly available on this forum. Viz.:

• [Respondent No. 00]: ‘[...] Vineeto and Peter ceased to be a couple in the time prior to them becoming actually free of the human condition – which had been written on the Actual Freedom Trust website, but that I had overlooked

• [Respondent No. 19]: ‘could you point us to this please? (Message 10948).

• [Respondent No. 00]: ‘I have looked in the public announcements, direct route correspondence, and both Vineeto and Peter’s reports of becoming newly actually free – but can’t find the reference.

I do remember reading something that gave me the impression that it was necessary for them to (eventually) split as a couple (with all that means in society) and become single people in order to break down elements of the remaining social identity.

It may have been on the topic of the floating convivium? And that this happened in the couple of months prior to becoming actually free of the human condition. Sorry I can’t be more help to you on that one – but you may find it if you go looking yourself’. (Message No. 10979).

• [Respondent No. 7]: ‘No. 00, you are probably referring to this(?): Message #8684.

• [Richard]: ‘So as to provide some idea of what is planned: [...].

Put simplistically: no married couples; only single people living intimately as one big happy (and harmless) convivium’. (Richard, List D, No. 12, 7 January 2010).

• [Respondent No. 00]: ‘Thanks for the text reference, No. 7’. (Message No. 10992).

Do you see the words [quote] ‘no married couples; only single people’ [endquote] in that quote No. 7 provided?

I recommend reading it in full, and in context, here: (, Richard, List D, No. 12, 7 January 2010).

And the reason why I recommend reading it in full is because of passages such as this:

• [Richard]: ‘(...) it is apropos to mention that the pivotal factor in my turnabout was the incontrovertible fact that a fellow human being had a 5-month PCE which was triggered solely by, and during, a personal conversation with me in a casual setting.

There was no way I could deny it/ignore it/dismiss it and/or brush it aside – even if I had wanted to – as she was quite clear to others that, were it not for this interaction, it would never have happened.

It thus became obvious that by continuing to keep myself locked away, so to speak, in an exclusive nuclear couple/ nuclear family type of living arrangement there would continue to be a denial of access, to my fellow human beings at large, for any such potentially potent interactions’.

And this:

• [Richard]: ‘(...) that ASCII art signature line represents what the convivialists, of the very first convivium ever to emerge on this verdant and azure paradise called planet earth, are doing/will be doing after an actual freedom from the human condition happens. (...) the name convivialist – for a person living convivially in a convivium – will serve to distinguish them from those isolated nuclear couples living in separative nuclear households/lifestyles (a convivium can also take up residence on land, in suitably designed housing, of course)’.

And this:

• [Richard]: ‘There is more to both an actual and a virtual freedom from the human condition than nuclear couples living in separate homes; the overall aim is to provide the genesis of peoples living peacefully and harmoniously together on a community-wide basis’.. (Richard, List D, No. 12, 7 January 2010).

As ‘John Wilde’/‘Respondent No. 4’ is well-aware of those ‘no married couples; only single people’ arrangements – as in no ‘isolated nuclear couples’ and no ‘separative nuclear lifestyles’ – it must surely be self-evident, by now, that he has deliberately, and with malice aforethought, embarked on a bizarre campaign (aimed at preventing the global spread of peace and harmony and/or peace-on-earth in our lifetimes) in the process of which he publicly maligns/ libels/ defames two women inasmuch he prejudicially depicts them as being both adulteresses and prostituting themselves for their own personal gain. Viz.:

• [Respondent No. 4]: ‘I was there when it happened. [...]. After the loosening of the conventional nuclear couple arrangement [...] Richard had had sex with all the women to ‘facilitate their freedom’ [...] In February 2010 the genitor of actual freedom (a) had two concurrent sex partners (one the wife of a would-be benefactor, the other the long-term partner of his closest ‘mate’) ...’. (Message No. 11349).

First of all: note well that all his maligning/ libelling/ defaming takes place under the ‘I was there when it happened’ rubric (so as to convey an air of verisimilitude to his made-up stuff).

Also, notice how he acknowledges the well-publicised ‘no married couples; only single people’ arrangement (albeit en passant and watered-down to a ‘loosening’ of the conventional arrangement).

Yet he goes on to depict the two women as being [quote] ‘the wife of ...’ [endquote] and [quote] ‘the long-term partner of ...’ [endquote]. As neither of the two women were ever married to their ex-partners his usage of ‘wife of ...’ (instead of, say, ‘partner of ...’) has the effect of driving home the adulteress/cuckold picture he evidently has in his mind (due to a long-standing cultural/social discrimination betwixt de jure marriages and de facto marriages).

The same applies in regards ‘long-term partner of ...’ (instead of, say, ‘partner of ...’) inasmuch it better depicts how that phantom ‘Richard’ of passionate imagination is a lascivious wrecker of well-established (as in ‘long-term’) marriages, be they de jure or de facto, between those persons.

And that latter point is emphasised by him deliberatively depicting the two men as being ‘... a would-be benefactor’ (thus conveying, say, ingratitude) and ‘... his closest ‘mate’’ (thus conveying, say, betrayal) rather than simply using their names as he had already done in the earlier paragraphs.

(In other words, he is painting a picture, word-by-word, titillating the imagination of the gullible reader).

And yet ... neither of the two women, nor either of the two men, were in a relationship/were a couple (neither de jure nor de facto).

On the contrary, they were all (all four of them) single people, as per that ‘no married couples; only single people’ arrangement which they (all four of them) had agreed upon, after discussing the idea extensively, when first suggested by ... um ... by the would-be benefactor’s partner (as in her ‘Let’s all be single’ proposal) and immediately endorsed, there and then, by him (as in his ‘Yes, and let’s make it ‘Ladies Choice’’ response to her).

Incidentally, that lurid latter-day word-picture ‘Respondent No. 4’ paints is at odds with how he wrote whilst his first visit was still fresh in his memory. Viz.:

• [Respondent No. 4]: ‘[...] neither ‘Bob Apple’ and ‘Virginia Beach’ nor Peter and Vineeto seemed like couples. We were six people all together, not as two couples plus two individuals. (Also, on the same note, no sense of insiders/visitors)’. (see Message No. 8113; Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:47 pm, No. 4 Report).

An entirely different atmosphere is conveyed, non?

As for his patently absurd ‘had-sex-to-facilitate-their-freedom’ fantasy (a stereotypical male-fantasy if there ever was): for him to publicly depict those two women as prostituting themselves for personal gain is, without question, to be maligning/libelling/ defaming them ... and yet he says he is quite okay about doing so. Viz.:

• [Respondent No. 4]: ‘I’m quite OK, morally, with what I’ve said and done ...’. (Message No. 11158).


Lastly, regarding his observational skills, please take note of the following. Viz.:

• [John Wilde]: ‘[...] the only thing I saw that remotely resembled a golden glow in Richard was a slight jaundice.

(In February he looked tired and ill compared with when I’d seen him in December)’. (.../message/3694814#_19_message_3708849; 11/18/12 9:35 PM as a reply to Srid).

I have placed online two colour photographs, taken three minutes apart and with two different cameras, which show how I looked during that 5-day period ‘John Wilde’/ ‘Respondent No. 4’ was physically present. Viz.: (Richard, List D, Jaundiced, Tired and Ill?

See for yourself whether his depictions of ‘a slight jaundice’ and ‘tired and ill’ are an accurate representation of my appearance.

As I said before: quite evidently, the observational skills of ‘John Wilde’/ ‘Respondent No. 4’ depend more upon his imagination than his physical eyes, eh?

December 10 2012

Re: Better phrasings...

RICHARD: (...) That last point [that those quotes by feeling-being ‘Peter’ back in 2003 conflict with Richard’s report of him not experiencing any bodily symptoms associated with fear, for instance] should surely have given one pause to consider that perhaps ‘better phrasings’, on the topic of the instinctual passions vis-a-vis hormonal chemicals, were to be sought elsewhere on The Actual Freedom Trust website ... such as in the Library Topic ‘Affective Feelings (Emotions, Passions and Calentures)’, for instance, where feeling-being ‘Peter’ unambiguously made it clear, circa 1999, that it is the instinctual passions (as in his ‘instinctually-sourced feelings’ phrasing) which produce hormonal chemicals and not the other way around. Viz.:

• [Peter]: ‘(...). The arising of instinctually-sourced feelings produces a hormonal chemical response in the body, which can lead to the false assumption that they actual’. (Actual Freedom Library, Topics, Feelings).

RESPONDENT: my experiential understanding is that affective feelings come prior to those hormonal physical reactions (the heart-pumping, the neck-tightening, pulse-racing, etc.).

RICHARD: G’day Srid, Does your experiential understanding – that affective feelings come prior to those hormonal physical reactions – include the experiential understanding that it is those affective feelings which trigger off those hormones (the hormones which produce those physical reactions)?

As in:

no affective feelings=no hormonal production; no hormonal production=no physical reaction.


RICHARD: (...) My 2003 exchange with a different co-respondent on another forum expresses the essential nature of the topic in question in a most succinct fashion. Viz.:

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘The self is nothing other than conditioning, the thinker/ feeler/ doer is thought’.

• [Richard]: ‘As feelings demonstrably come before thought in the perceptive process this is but a shallow understanding’.

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘Why divide the process up?’

• [Richard]: ‘I am not dividing the process up ... that is how it operates naturally (as is borne out by laboratory testing): sensate perception is primary; affective perception is secondary; cognitive perception is tertiary. The sensate signal, a loud sound for example, takes 12-14 milliseconds to reach the affective faculty and 24-25 milliseconds to reach the cognitive faculty: thus by the time reasoned cognition can take place the instinctual passions are pumping freeze-fight-flee chemicals throughout the body thus agitating cognitive appraisal ... and whilst there is a narrowband circuit from the cognitive centre to the affective centre (through which reason can dampen-down and stop the reactive response) the circuitry from the affective faculty to the cognitive faculty is broadband (which is why it takes some time to calm down after an emotional reaction).

Not that I knew anything of these laboratory tests all those years ago ... but it is always pleasing when science proves what one has already sussed out for oneself’. (Richard, List B, No. 12, 11 January 2003).

Do you now see that there are *no* parallels with the ‘equanimity towards all physical sensations’ practice promulgated by Mr. Satya Goenka (who does not comprehend that the Pali term ‘vedanūpādānakkhandhā’ – which is one of the pañc’upādānakkhandhā – and the ‘vedanākkhandhā’ of the arahants, both terms referring as they do to hedonic-tone/ feeling-tone, are affective in nature)?

RESPONDENT: late 2011, i was informed by at least one of the DhO people that goenka vipassna, if practiced sincerely, does lead to actual freedom ...

RICHARD: As none of those DhO practitioners, such as you refer to, are actually free from the human condition then being informed, by any of them, that sincerely practicing Mr. Satya Goenka’s ‘equanimity towards all physical sensations’ practice does lead to an actual freedom, is to be informed of a hypothesis.

Such practice – ‘equanimity towards all physical sensations’ – does not even lead to awakenment/enlightenment because, as already mentioned, Mr. Satya Goenka does not comprehend that the Pali term ‘vedanūpādānakkhandhā’ (which is the second khandhā of the pañc’upādānakkhandhā) refers to hedonic-tone (aka feeling-tone) and is thus, of course, affective in nature.

RESPONDENT: ... and that it was based on the premise that feelings/emotions are simply distortions in the perception of physical sensations (hormonal reactions, to be specific).

RICHARD: As vedanūpadanakkhandhā is not a distortion in the perception of physical sensations/ hormonal reactions – and neither is the vedanakkhandhā of the arahants an undistorted perception of those physical sensations – then any such premise has no basis in the buddhavacana (‘The Word/Teaching of Buddha’).

RESPONDENT: their idea was that a clear and equanimous perception of the physical sensations *is* the ending of emotions/feelings (and being).

RICHARD: As none of them have ended either vedanūpadanakkhandhā or the vedanakkhandhā of the arahants – as is evidenced (for example) by those quotes I provided – then that idea has not been borne out by results.

Which is why I observed (further above) that it is hypothetical.

Regards, Richard.

May 4 2013

Re: Visit with Richard and Vineeto

RESPONDENT No. 25: I recently spent a fabulous week in Australia with Richard and Vineeto sorting out some questions I had accumulated over the years regarding actualism, as well as questions regarding the events in 2009/2010. I will just state briefly for now that I was pleasantly surprised by a wonderful visit and can personally confirm the fact that Richard and Vineeto are living what they say they are. They are embodied pure intent and the effects of my visit are palpable in my own life. I have been much happier (and more harmless) over all since the trip and know that an actual freedom is possible, not theoretic only, and that it is the way I want to live my life.... 100%. My previous objections and confusions, although understandable based on limited information, are insignificant next to the concrete fact of encountering two people demonstrating an actual freedom as fact on a daily basis. [...].

RESPONDENT: damn dude. i don’t care what people say about wanting do it without having met Richard, but i found it compelling that day that Claudiu (Claudiu Report) (a vipassana practitioner) could clear a lot of things up so much that his practice became very effective all of a sudden. something similar was reported by No. 4 (No. 4 Report), and now by you.

that’s what led me, about a year ago, to request in private a visit with Richard and Vineeto, but it seemed to me that Vineeto wasn’t happy about that request due to my then vipassana practice.

so, Richard/Vineeto – if one of you is still reading this list, now that i no longer practice vipassana (‘equanimity towards all sensations’) i’d like to publicly request a trip to Australia to meet with you people. i have been practicing actualism for several years now, and i’m excited at the prospect of understanding the method even better to the point of speeding up the practice

fwiw, i briefly met Tarin 1.5 years ago and it did affect ‘me’ a great deal (i won’t go in to details in here publicly). that very affectation is why i always had a little doubt about Tarin’s claim about being free from the human condition. although much of that affectation has disappeared, i’m somewhat concerned that as a result of this my practice is not pure.

so, that is another reason for my compulsion to see actually free people in person ([No. 25]: ‘the concrete fact of encountering two people demonstrating an actual freedom as fact on a daily basis’).

i was keeping this to myself ... and now it’s out.

RICHARD: G’day Srid, Yes, indeed so.

As you had notified everyone that ‘a major re-evaluation is in order’ (Message No. 13149) – due to being ‘confused as shit’ vis-a-vis your ‘circlejerk’ post (Message No. 13143) three days after your above email (Message No. 13115) – I held off from replying until it seemed that a sufficient evaluative period had elapsed.

A selective succession of (edited) posts indicative of that re-evaluation is appended below.


Regarding your request for a trip to Australia to meet actually free people: as Jon has also indicated an interest in a personal meeting (Message No. 13276) – and as No. 25 is currently arranging his affairs in order to accommodate an extended return trip (to spend the month of July in Australia) – it is an ideal opportunity to get together with some fellow-travellers as well ... especially as Jon has recently expressed how he wants to ‘hang out with other actualists’. (Message No. 13323).

What I specifically have in mind is to maximise the efficacy of the ‘ambience-atmosphere-milieu’ effect (which effect both preceded and played a substantial part in the epoch-changing events of late 2009/early 2010). Viz.:

From: richard.actualfreedom
Date: Fri Dec 4, 2009 3:24 am
Subject: Re: Questions To Richard [...].

[Richard]: In short: a felicitous and innocuous atmosphere, begotten in an ever-fresh affectless/selfless ambience, fosters a milieu where happiness and harmlessness can be the norm rather than the exception.
Regards, Richard. (Message 7950, Richard, List D, No. 14a, 4 December 2009)

This ‘ambience-atmosphere-milieu’ effect is what [Respondent No. 4] had dubbed a ‘group effect’, via James’s query, after his first visit here (from the 5th-10th of December 2009). Viz.:

From: [Respondent No. 4]
Date: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:38 am
Subject: Re: Questions To Richard

Each day I left the environment reeling (in a good way).
The atmosphere these people create (or allow) is a different paradigm of interaction. (Group effect James)?
Yes... that’s actually the point. More on this later)
Cheers, No. 4. (Message No. 8098, No. 4 Report).

To state the obvious: it takes more than just one feeling-being present for there to be such an effect.


I have already sounded Peter out about his participation, on occasion, as his experience prior to becoming (newly) free differs from that of Vineeto’s (and there is also a possibility that Grace, as per Addendum 4 of the ‘Long-Awaited Public Announcement’ webpage, might be able to occasionally participate for similar reasons of differing prior experience).


So, if you can obtain some vacation time, for a suitable period sometime in July, it then remains a matter of co-ordinating it so it overlaps, by a few days or so, with whatever time-period Jon can arrange.

(I have written in a similar vein in my reply to him and will be posting it directly after this). (Richard, List D, Jonathan, 4 May 2013).


Please bear in mind that this is, of course, all experimental.

Regards, Richard.



(1)edited posts indicative of that re-evaluation: Viz.:

[Srid]: i first came across actual freedom in late 2007. i have taken actualism as a clip-on, as a coping mechanism, as a ideology to hold on to. some three years ago, for example, i got the impression that i eliminated loneliness out of my life (with only minor forms of alienation lingering).

apparently, i have not. ‘being an actualist’ can be used to push loneliness to the back burner ... because you have something to hold on to and be busy about, while ignoring the underling separateness. there are many things like this (don’t want to go into them in public).

[Srid]: the other way to put this is: i’m no better than an average joe.

[Respondent No. 00]: Perhaps looking into the idea that one can eliminate ‘loneliness’ in isolation to the entire felt self could be illuminating. i personally don’t think that one can systematically eliminate ‘loneliness’, then ‘frustration’, ‘compassion’, ‘pity’, ‘fear’ etc all in turn. From my current moment perspective, it would seem to me that ‘i’ burn with a singular fire, and that ‘my’ intensity rises and falls as one unit in all ‘my’ bland and stark glory!.

[Srid]: i have now given up the idea of eliminating feelings one-by-one.

[Srid]: my understanding is that, a friendly association with people of the the opposite sex is still possible (of course).

sex is a bonus. what is lost is love and affection, speaking of which ... i can sincerely say that what drives me to find a long-term relationship is, as richard puts it, ‘an urge for an affectuous connection based upon separation’. it is indeed an ‘urge’ – not merely a persistent desire, need or value (as many would say) – which urge is generally triggered in response to certain cues from the environment (eg., a female identity driving its host body to behave in a certain feminine/ coquettish way). fwiw, I now chose to act on those urges in the normal way (meaning, doing what it takes to find a mate).

i no longer repress/suppress this urge in a philosophical holier-than-thou way (‘happy single’ or ‘happy single actualist’) so as to transcend the insecurities. yet, i continue to practice actualism – enjoying and appreciating this moment of being alive, the only moment i’m ever alive; and investigating all that prevents it – and there is no point in worrying whether the *final* goal (actual freedom) conflicts with what i’m doing *right now* (seeking affectuous connection)... for the immediate goal is to enjoy (thus thin the identity), and not to eliminate feelings one by one.

put simply, the urge for affectuous connection will vanish (just as any other aspect of the identity will) when the right moment comes. no point in worrying about it right now; it is ok to have one foot on each, for now.

[Respondent No. 4]: When I see people talking about shunning or shying away from ordinary relationships (or other ordinary aspects of everyday life), I strongly suspect that it’s going to lead to no good, that it has become an article of faith, a principle, a new belief system, and it’s more likely to lead to greater self-absorption, neuroticism, immersion/enclosure than to any kind of freedom or happiness worthy of the name.

[Srid]: yes, that’s me. the underlying insecurity (with women/ relationships) was what, in part, drove me to such a position. but now i know better than that; it is fine to start with a loving relationship, and i’m pretty sure the practice of actualism will evolve that to a felicitious association as you remarked in the first paragraph above.

all in all, it is a win-win situation.

[Respondent No. 4]: For what it’s worth, I think you made the right decision to take the plunge.

[Srid]: yes, i’m glad to have gotten out of that attitude! i have neither the energy nor the interest in maintaining a facade like that anymore. why’d i do that when i can actually have fun? :-).

[Respondent No. 4]: Great to hear, Srid. There’s always an element of risk, I guess, but that’s all part of the thrill. I wish you the best man; whatever ultimately comes of it, I’m sure you’ll be glad you took the plunge.

[Srid]: i am arriving at a conclusion that striving for love is less important than I had thought. initially i started paying attention to the ‘obsessive thinking’ (no matter how slight) that begins after a particularly charming first date. the more and more i looked into and automatically decided to drop it as unnecessary (or silly) by placing it side-by-side the felicitous experiences (which are, essentially, about being here enjoying the moment), the less and less i continued to see striving for love as something that is worth my time.

[Srid]: was on weed earlier today, and that expanded-mind showed me how much of gender identity/image-making (which is the base for love/lust) is getting in the way of ordinary enjoyment! must get this shit done fast.

[Srid]: i discovered something alluded to later by Claudiu in msg #13278, viz.: ‘partly-seen-but-still-unresolved issues’. specifically, once you investigate the superficial issues, and now come across the passion – how to investigate the passion itself? ‘i’ have SO MUCH investment on the instinctual passion (lust/nurture) itself; the whole thing is instinctual. there is, apparently, not any ‘belief’ involved here. so how to proceed? what i’m attempting currently is to do the same thing i do for beliefs; compare-and-contrast the passion with naive enjoyment. from an outset, yes, naïve enjoyment is better (there is no desire/ frustration there), however a part of me is clinging to that passion especially when it is happening/has occurred recently. matter of time i guess... or doing it wrong?

[Srid]: Claudiu, besides enjoyment, what can i do to notice this pure intent, and then allow it to operate more and more, when not already with actually free people? i.e., how to notice it while i’m alone or with feeling beings?

I know you have talked about pure intent before; i’m specifically interested in grasping it fully, as it looks like the energy of pure intent can prevent one from going around in circles for years...

[Respondent No. 00]: To my mind, without the aid of pure intent, being happy and harmless is not possible.

[Srid]: Personally, even contemplating the possibility of the universe of being inherently enjoyable due to some inherent benevolence proves to be a more effective practice approach than anything else. I am almost making a breakthrough into my issue of love/ lust; it comes down to the ‘lover’ image/identity (better than dealing with individual passions/beliefs), and comparing it against the stillness devoid of ‘images, worries, struggle and other thoughts’ that is the result of the above-mentioned contemplation. Quite simple, actually. :-).

[Srid]: i seem to be giving up on ‘trying’ to have fun/ enjoy, and instead letting myself tune into pure intent-esque qualities of the universe (now), which readily ensures a pleasant disposition that automatically brings enjoyment (almost no matter what I am doing, where i am).

May 16 2013

Re: Visit with Richard and Vineeto

RESPONDENT: [...] richard/vineeto – if one of you is still reading this list, now that i no longer practice vipassana (‘equanimity towards all sensations’) i’d like to publicly request a trip to australia to meet with you people. [...snip...].

i was keeping this to myself ... and now it’s out.

RICHARD: Yes, indeed so. [...snip...].

Regarding your request for a trip to Australia to meet actually free people: as Jon has also indicated an interest in a personal meeting (Message No. 13276) – and as No. 25 is currently arranging his affairs in order to accommodate an extended return trip (to spend the month of July in Australia) – it is an ideal opportunity to get together with some fellow-travellers as well ... especially as Jon has recently expressed how he wants to ‘hang out with other actualists’. (Message No. 13323).

What I specifically have in mind is to maximise the efficacy of the ‘ambience-atmosphere-milieu’ effect (which effect both preceded and played a substantial part in the epoch-changing events of late 2009/early 2010). Viz.:

#7950 From: richard.actualfreedom
[...snip...]. (Message 7950, Richard, List D, No. 14a, 4 December 2009).

This ‘ambience-atmosphere-milieu’ effect is what [Respondent No. 4] had dubbed a ‘group effect’, via James’s query, after his first visit here (from the 5th-10th of December 2009). Viz.:

#8098 From: [Respondent No. 4] [...snip...].(Message No. 8098, No. 4 Report)

To state the obvious: it takes more than just one feeling-being present for there to be such an effect.

I have already sounded Peter out about his participation, on occasion, as his experience prior to becoming (newly) free differs from that of Vineeto’s (and there is also a possibility that Grace, as per Addendum 4 of the ‘Long-Awaited Public Announcement’ webpage, might be able to occasionally participate for similar reasons of differing prior experience).

So, if you can obtain some vacation time, for a suitable period sometime in July, it then remains a matter of co-ordinating it so it overlaps, by a few days or so, with whatever time-period Jon can arrange. (I have written in a similar vein in my reply to him and will be posting it directly after this). (Richard, List D, Jonathan, 4 May 2013).

Please bear in mind that this is, of course, all experimental.

RESPONDENT: this is great news! it would be good to meet No. 25 and Jon (‘[...]’ from DhO?) too. as my work schedule is quite flexible, obtaining vacation time during july likely won’t be an issue. i mainly need to figure out the logistics of obtaining the australian visitor visa. it looks like for my citizenship status, the entire process may take up to 1 month .. so i will reach out to the consulate the following monday and discuss with them before finalizing on the possible date range. my email address: me@... i have confirmed that it will take 1 month on average, so i am expecting to receive the visa mid-june. considering the worst case scenario of the process getting delayed (say, end of june), i would say that my trip can be tentatively scheduled around mid-july. Richard, here’s my personal email – me (at) [Srid] (dot) name – so we can take this conversation offline at any time.

RICHARD: G’day Srid, As I have already posted travel info, regarding suitable international flight destinations, accommodation, rendezvous, clothing, etcetera, in my reply to Jon in Message No. 13508, there is no need for me to repeat it here. (Richard, List D, Jonathan, 16 May 2013).

As requested, Vineeto forwarded to me your email to her, about your travel visa application, and my suggestion is to just go ahead with applying for a normal, regular Tourist Viza.

(Incidentally, I could never have guessed what your email address is from the cryptic clues you provided further above).

When I arrived in India in 2010, landing at the international airport of a southern city, I made the mistake of answering ‘yes’, when asked by a Customs and Immigration official whether I was visiting someone (as contrasted to being a tourist), as it resulted in me having to go through my hand baggage – while an increasingly impatient queue was gathering behind me – attempting to locate, on a piece of paper somewhere, a full name and address which had previously only existed in one of many emails on my lap-top.

Ha ... the very notion of having to boot up my net-book, and then scroll through those emails, so as to satisfy some bureaucratic need to fill in forms in intricate detail, whilst the person in question was waiting to meet me just outside the building (maybe a scant 100 metres away) there and then lodged itself as a timely mnemonic to say ‘tourist’ were there ever to be a next time.

Especially so as Tarin had similarly experienced such queries upon having landed in Australia a couple of months prior, with Peter waiting to meet him just outside the arrivals area, except he had neither full name nor address to supply officialdom with.

Much better to have just said ‘tourist’.

Regards, Richard.

June 9 2013

Re: Visit with Richard and Vineeto

RICHARD: [...]. Regarding your request for a trip to Australia to meet actually free people: as Jon has also indicated an interest in a personal meeting – and as No. 25 is currently arranging his affairs in order to accommodate an extended return trip (to spend the month of July in Australia) – it is an ideal opportunity to get together with some fellow-travellers as well ... especially as Jon has recently expressed how he wants to ‘hang out with other actualists’.

What I specifically have in mind is to maximise the efficacy of the ‘ambience-atmosphere-milieu’ effect (which effect both preceded and played a substantial part in the epoch-changing events of late 2009/early 2010). [...].

So, if you can obtain some vacation time, for a suitable period sometime in July, it then remains a matter of co-ordinating it so it overlaps, by a few days or so, with whatever time-period Jon can arrange. (I have written in a similar vein in my reply to him and will be posting it directly after this).(Richard, List D, Jonathan, 4 May 2013).

RESPONDENT: hi richard, my visa has been approved. all that is left is to book a flight and reserve a room for the 7-days duration of stay i’m currently thinking of. could we come to an agreement on the dates (some time in july – early, mid or late) so i can book the flight ahead of time?

RICHARD: G’day Srid, Thank you for advising me your visa has been approved and that you plan on a 7-day visit.

In regards to the dates (whether it be early, mid or late July) it makes no difference to me ... I see that Jon wrote the following on May 19th:

[Jonathan]: ‘Thanks. Once I get some more money, I’ll buy the ticket and purchase the visa. I’ll plan on July. It’d be great if others want to travel there as well. (...). I’ll let you know about 10 days before I’m ready to purchase the plane ticket’.

As he said in his initial email that he is extremely mobile (plays poker for a living) it probably makes no difference to him, either.

Regards, Richard.

SRID (Part Two)




The Third Alternative

(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)

Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.

Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-.  All Rights Reserved.

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