What is Actual Freedom
Richard: It is possible to live in this modern era,
freed from out-dated Philosophy and Psychiatry, challenging every Spiritual and Metaphysical tenet and surpassing any of the Altered States Of
Consciousness . Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts
through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and
tranquillity, beholden to no-one.
It is now possible for any human being to be totally free
from sorrow and malice; the two fundamental elements that prevent one from being happy and harmless. Gone now are the days of having to
assiduously practice humility and pacifism in an ultimately futile attempt to become free by transcending the opposites … the traditional and
narrow path of denial and fantasy, negation and hallucination. A wide and wondrous path of blitheness and gaiety is now available for one who
wishes to live the freedom of the actual.
Actual freedom is a tried and tested way of being here now in
the world as it actually is … stripped of the veneer of reality or Greater Reality that is super-imposed by the psychological or psychic
entity within the body. This entity is that sense of identity that inhibits any freedom and sabotages every well-meant endeavour. Thus far one
has had only two choices: being ‘normal’ or being spiritual. Now there is a third alternative … and it supersedes any Mystical Altered
Philosophical wisdom, Psychological knowledge and Spiritual
enlightenment have had their day and are proving themselves inadequate to meet the requirements of this modern era. For thousands of years –
maybe tens of thousands of years – humankind has known of no alternative manner of living life on this verdant planet. The passing parade of
Philosophers and Preachers, Masters and Sages – geniuses and thinkers of all description – have failed abysmally to deliver their
oft-promised ‘Peace On Earth’ … in fact, instead of their much-vaunted love and virtue, they have left in their wake much hatred and
bloodshed, the likes of which beggars description.
Millions of well-meaning followers have diligently put their
Teachings into practice, prostrating and belittling themselves like all get-out in a hopeful attempt to live the un-liveable. Yet no-one, it
seems, dares to question the Teachings themselves; instead the humiliated penitents obligingly blame themselves for failing to achieve release
from the ‘Human Condition’.
To seek freedom via profound and lofty
thought or sublime and exalted feelings is to blindly perpetuate all the horrors and sufferings that have plagued humankind since time
immemorial. The time has come to put to an end, once and for all, the blight that has encumbered this fair earth for far too long. It behoves
one to question all of the received ‘wisdom’ of the centuries, all of the revealed ‘truths’ … all of the half-baked inanities that
pass for understanding. Then, and only then, there is a fair chance that one can come to an actual freedom … a freedom the nature of which
has never been before in human experience.
It is never too late to start in on uncovering and discovering
what one actually is.