(List D refers to Richard’s List D
Vineeto’s Correspondence with Henry on Discuss Actualism Forum VINEETO: Hence the expression that the planet grows human beings neither requires conjecture nor searching for the origin of flora, fauna and human beings in outer space. HENRY: I was initially trying to capture that I was observing (more) directly the matter that everything is composed of without the influence of feeling-fed narrative. Though the irony is that describing it as star-dust is reintroducing narrative as in ‘stars act as a forge for the creation of heavier forms of matter via fusion, which are then spread throughout the universe and condense into planets.’ Already this is treading into scientific theory which I haven’t researched deeply. I found an article which describes this process: “After millions of years, immense pressures and temperatures in the star’s core squeeze the nuclei of hydrogen atoms together to form helium, a process called nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion releases energy, which heats the star and prevents it from further collapsing under the force of gravity.” Through further research I found that the idea of nuclear fusion powering stars was presented in 1920 by Arthur Eddington, and that further observations such as stellar spectra, predicted energy output, neutrinos, helioseismology, lifetime of stars, and the relative abundance of the various elements support the current theory that stars are powered by fusion and thus the matter throughout the universe passed through stars. However, I did have a chuckle when I saw that ‘theoretical models’ were part of the evidence, and it made it apparent that the theorizing since then has also been a model (though many of the aspects of evidence above are directly observable with the right equipment). VINEETO: Hi Henry, Well spotted, “spread throughout the universe” is clearly based on belief in an
expanding of the universe. You are also alert to “‘theoretical models’” and probably already keep in
mind that atoms and molecules and their smaller derivations are all theoretical thingymajigs. (see ‘Vineeto’ was initially quite delighted with the wonderful images from the Hubble telescope and collected many on the computer until one day Richard told ‘her’ that all images are artificially coloured, ‘translated’, if my memory serves me correctly, from measurement based amongst other input on ‘Doppler shift’ and red shift, both from the assumption that stellar object are ‘moving away’ in an expanding universe. As such the colouring is most likely not how these galaxies actually look like. ‘She’ soon lost interest after that information. I also found this curious quote in the Helioseismology link –
Reading these ‘scientific’ presentations requires a lot of care and caution to sort any possible factual information from the generally believed narrative. HENRY: Further, on reflection it’s apparent that part of that theory is dependent on big bang theory, as the supposition is that the universe ‘started out’ in a theorized pre-matter form, transforming into plasma and ‘elementary particles’ (which exist theoretically as well) and then which condensed into “mostly hydrogen, with some helium and lithium.” VINEETO: Ha, exactly. The first article you linked to states “Astronomers estimate that the universe could contain up to one septillion stars”. This limited number (despite its size) can only be confidently stated when one believes the universe to be finite in time and space (in order to leave room for god(s) to reside). HENRY: From here, the lighter gases would eventually fuse to form the myriad of forms of matter we see today. However, with no big bang there’s no ‘beginning’ and so this chain of events doesn’t have to occur to produce that myriad of forms. We do know that fusion occurs, it can be generated(?) in the lab (albeit for a short time), and it does produce heavier elements. But there is plenty of room for theory around the edges… VINEETO: You do seem to get the drift – as Richard said, facts are thin on the ground. HENRY: Because of all this, I understand what you mean as far as this planet growing us as being directly observable, whereas “the sun is powered by fusion and therefore this is all stardust” is an abstraction based on a theoretical understanding. In me, it took the form of a meme – I first heard the phrase in a Moby song: Moby ‘We Are All Made of Stars’ <snipped lyrics and interviews> That famously solipsistic argument. So that indicates somewhat his attitude toward the universe. VINEETO: As you demonstrate they are hopelessly steeped in non-material /spiritual fantasy and some are “famously solipsistic” as well. HENRY: All in all, it’s a reminder for me of the dynamics described in one of my favorite passages of Richard’s:
In one instant was a quite pure experience (though there was still self present) and then I ‘translated’
the experience into a form that ‘I’ understood. VINEETO: This is a good description of what happened and you made a very valiant attempt to describe it that I recognized the significance and close-to-purity of this experience for you. VINEETO: Whereas I cannot honestly say that I am “star-dust” (as in “gaseous swirls of matter (as seen in nebulae) condensing into varying forms of stars, small planets, gas giants, etc”). In other words, I am the universe experiencing itself as a human being, I am not the universe per se, as in “gaseous swirls of matter”. HENRY: On rereading I see that part of the issue is ‘identifying with’ the objectified star-dust, which is a form of projection, whereas it is direct to say “I am this human body, composed of the same matter which composes the rest of the universe, grown on earth. I can see how looking out & identifying with something distant & grand becomes
self-aggrandizement (which is where the mystique and power of the Moby song comes from). VINEETO: Hi Henry, Don’t be too hasty with that statement. It is only factual when ‘I’ and ‘me’ are in abeyance. ”‘Identifying with’ the objectified star-dust“ would be an additional removal (to being an identity) from actuality so it is beneficial to recognize that and decline whenever it happens. As ‘I’ am my feelings ‘I’ cannot disidentify from what ‘I’ am, and any dissociative attempt to do that is counterproductive. ‘I’ and ‘me’ have to become extinct for one to be here permanently as “this flesh & blood body experiencing life here and now”. HENRY: I’m interested in how this relates to the lack of centre upon actual freedom:
VINEETO: As you are not “this flesh & blood body experiencing life here and now” unless you are in a PCE, this question cannot be answered as is. In a PCE you may experience to be “nowhere in particular” and get a glimpse of what it is to “be anywhere at all, for infinity is everywhere all at once.” It is marvellous, albeit it can be somewhat disorienting at first. HENRY: The star-dust, nebulae, etc. is not really ‘out there,’ as there is no
separation without identity… something for me to ponder. VINEETO: Exactly. It’s grand when you recognize that the universe is “not really ‘out there’” and then can experientially verify it over and over. VINEETO: As ‘I’ am my feelings ‘I’ cannot disidentify from what ‘I’ am, and any dissociative attempt to do that is counterproductive. ‘I’ and ‘me’ have to become extinct for one to be here permanently as “this flesh & blood body experiencing life here and now”. VINEETO: As you are not “this flesh & blood body experiencing life here and
now” unless you are in a PCE, this question cannot be answered as is. HENRY: This was awesome to read, thank you for setting me straight on this. I’ve been
trying to force something which wasn’t happening, it explains a lot of the dissociation that I’ve experienced over
the years. It’s like the actualism equivalent of stolen valour, trying to ‘be’ something that I’m not! VINEETO: Hi Henry, I am pleased that you got this in one – it’s a big and essential realisation to distinguish between the ‘outer’ world created by the identity within and the actual world. The identity creates a veneer pasting it over everything you see, hear, touch and smell.
I like your sense of humour with the “stolen valour” expression – in fact when you are adapting “stolen valour” you are fooling nobody but yourself. To be “this flesh & blood body experiencing life here and now” there is no other way but to give ‘your’ “full-blooded endorsement” to ‘your’ demise –
And because the means to the end is the same as the end (enjoyment and appreciation) this is going to be a fun adventure. Remember to dust off, i.e. awaken, your dormant naiveté and you will experientially know what I mean.
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