(List D refers to Richard’s List D
Vineeto’s Correspondence with Shashank on Discuss Actualism Forum VINEETO: Hi Shashank, Thank you for your welcome. SHASHANK: […] By emotional issues, it could be that I have some level of generalized anxiety disorder which in turn leads to gut issues due to the whole gut-brain axis. Currently my plan is to eliminate all dietary causes as much as possible…and then perhaps visit a psychiatrist and get some sort of a minimum dose of SSRI to see if that improves the situation The thing about my gut situation is that I don’t experience any major physical
symptoms like severe pain or diarrhoea etc…but it dips my mood and makes me more prone to irritation and thereby
not able to consistently feel good… VINEETO: Knowing that you “have some level of generalized anxiety disorder, which in turn leads to gut issues”, then why are you contemplating all sorts of plans to deal with the symptoms, your gut issues, rather than addressing the cause, your “generalized anxiety disorder”, which as you say yourself, lies at the core of all the resulting physical problems? Doing so at an actualist mailing list, which offers the very solution to a life without anxiety, does not make sense. Only one month ago you reported that – SHASHANK: It’s an interesting thing that when my gut issues aren’t
present, then mostly I am feeling good by default regardless of what is going on…and not just feeling neutral/ok. VINEETO: So you do know how to feel good and appreciate being alive, yet
the moment your gut gives you trouble you revert back to feeling bad. Have you thought about (when you feel good) to
dispassionately contemplate this underlying source of your gut problems, i.e. the “generalized anxiety”,
in order to find out if it is worthwhile maintaining it? If you find out that it is not worth maintaining, what is
the real reason why you still hold onto it? Is it like Linus’ security blanket To explain – anxiety has most likely been a survival pattern that was at some time necessary when you were very young, but now that you are old enough to be able to think and fend for yourself it is no longer useful, in fact it has become a painful and habitual obstacle to enjoying and appreciating being alive. This aspect of your identity can safely and sensibly be abandoned – all you need to do it to see it, with the intent to abandon it, and become aware whenever it pops up wanting to reinsert itself into your life. One possible beneficial result of this course of action is that you might be able
to avoid taking some “minimum dose of SSRI” with serious side-effects You may remember what I wrote to James on July 14 –
It is indeed possible to enjoy and appreciate being here even when pain is happening –
SHASHANK: Comparatively speaking, I have seen that physical pains like back or shoulder pains are much easier to bear ! Hi Vineeto If you can share a bit…what sort of painkillers did Richard have to take for his back situation and was it something he had to take daily ? VINEETO: Here Richard explained about his back-pain – it doesn’t sound like “much easier to bear!” to me –
There is no benefit telling you what medication Richard took – you will have to discuss your personal situation with your own doctor. SHASHANK: A few days back while reading Vineeto mentioning about fraud in another post, I was trying to uncover what is this fraud about? For example if someone were to apply for a job without the necessary skills and claiming to have those skills, that would be a fraud about their skill set. I’m not able to understand why is the identity a fraud…Is it because it doesn’t
exist while only the actual body exists…so the fraud is about it’s existence ? VINEETO: Hi Shashank, You know from your own experience that there is no identity to be found when you are having a PCE. ‘You’ are not actual, but nevertheless very real, backed up by strong passions and deep feelings. This is not just ‘a belief’ that you can abandon because it seems like a good idea. This instinctual-emotional identity *is* your whole ‘being’ – and yet from the actual perspective, the one you have during a PCE, it is clearly not there at all. Feeling being ‘Vineeto’ experienced this contradiction very strongly after several years of actualism and expressed this by naming this ‘sometimes-there-sometimes-not-there’ ‘being’ a fraud, an impostor – just to make the point clear that ‘it’, ‘me’ is not actual and deserves no support from my side (whenever sincere intent/pure intent are operating and guiding ‘her’ thoughts and actions). This clear labelling had an impact on the feeling-being because eventually feeling-being ‘Vineeto’ felt more and more that ‘she’ was indeed redundant, in fact rotten, and it was a shame and somewhat unbelievable ‘she’ was still holding onto ‘her’ existence. And this in turn brought to the surface the originally-dormant yearning for oblivion in the feeling-being itself – which all supported the aim of becoming actually free as soon as possible. SHASHANK: Haha yes this kind of trickery I’ve often found and it’s good to catch it – It’s others not me !
Yes, this makes sense…so it’s more of a Social-Instinctual thing…I was thinking if
there is a core fraud at the level of the instinctual being itself.?
VINEETO: “This kind of trickery” is certainly good to pay attention to and catch – it is just one of the whole array of tools ‘I’ have to fervently defend ‘my’ existence. Once you done it a few times, you can see the game, the fun sport in it, to expose each trick for what it is – ‘me’ defending the indefensible – and you, when intelligence and awareness are operating, getting the upper hand and consequently be more happy and more considerate and more enjoying life. Remember though, it’s not “more of a Social-Instinctual thing” – phrasing/seeing it thisaway is a trick of dissociation in action – it’s you, the instinctually driven and socially conditioned identity you are referring to, and yes, this is “a core fraud” because not a skerrick of ‘you’ does exist in actuality. Richard compared ‘being’ to a whirlpool of air/water –
SHASHANK: I was thinking if there is a core fraud at the level of the instinctual being itself. KUBA: Yes I suspect it is fraudulence all the way through haha, in
that ‘I’ don’t actually exist in the first place. But how useful this is for an entity who needs to allow their
own extinction I am not sure. VINEETO: The reason why I drew attention to this fact of fraudulence recently is because this was a major factor for ‘Vineeto’ to agree, on a deep instinctual/feeling level, to ‘her’ increasingly inevitable demise. The motivation for ‘self’-immolation needs to encompass all of ‘you’ at a deep level of ‘being’ for allowing it to happen, and when ‘I’ recognize and acknowledge that deep down ‘I’ experience ‘my’ job of ‘self’-preservation as a constant burden, and with no genuinely advantageous point to boot for continuing to carry that burden, then you, who wants to be free to be what you are have won a major ally. SHASHANK: Thanks Vineeto…really appreciate all of your clarifications. VINEETO: Hi Shashank, You are very welcome and it is a delight to write here on this forum with engaged actualists. VINEETO (to Kuba): Thank you for this perspective, it explains why ‘Vineeto’ did not recognize the peasant mentality and even after becoming actually free I took some time after Richard talked about it to wrap my mind around it. SHASHANK: Hi Vineeto When I had first read about this very interesting idea of peasant mentality from Richard, it appeared like such a deep yet overlooked thing in me that I couldn’t help but wonder how there wasn’t any mention about this in Peter and your accounts in the Journals and correspondences and I wondered if anyone can become free without tackling this. So upon asking Richard about this he had clarified thusly. VINEETO: Hi Shashank, Thank you for the link. I was well aware of that correspondence as I used it in the article
“Basic to Full Actual Freedom” The reason I wrote to Kuba that “‘Vineeto’ did not recognize the peasant
mentality” was because when we discussed the issue of loyalty (regarding parents in the audio-taped
dialogues) As Richard explained, ‘Vineeto’ “had shifted ‘her’ familially-inculcated and societally-instilled allegiance to ‘the system’ at large over onto the spiritual commune” and therefore had no issue with real-world peasant-mentality topics such as career, status, wealth and ‘disguised slavery’ except those applicable in the commune. For instance, the ‘slavery’ consisted of doing work without pay in order to belong to a slightly more privileged ‘inner’ circle. As I explained in the above-mentioned article and in ‘Vineeto’s’ correspondence, it took ‘her’ several months to completely resolve the loyalty to the spiritual commune. By the time ‘Vineeto’ became actually free, all aspects of the peasant mentality had been fully resolved. The penny dropped much later when it was discussed on the mailing list after the visit of Jonathan, Claudiu, Srinath, Alan and Adam in 2015 that peasant-mentality was the same issue as ‘Vineeto’s’ struggling with loyalty. Only then I fully understood intellectually how it all hangs together. I much appreciate your clarifying question at the time. Perhaps this clears up the apparent contradiction. SHASHANK: There is one more thing I’ve found in this regard – If I were to get some pill to take and get actually free in 3 seconds, will I take it? My answer is yes … which tells me that I won’t be thinking about irrevocability or maybe a
bit perhaps … so the desire to be free is present but I’m not sure how to become free too … or the fact that l’m
thinking of getting a pill to be free just indicates that I want freedom to easily fall into my lap instead of making
that effort hehe. VINEETO: Hi Shashank, It seems that you are fooling yourself. If such a pill did exist and other people’s report would have given the guarantee that it results in your ‘being’ going extinct, instantly, upon you taking it, you would not even propose or contemplate to take it. It’s a safe fantasy because you know for a fact you will never be called upon to make your promise an actuality. In fact, such a ‘pill’ does exist. You can right now, in this instant, with sincere intent
“voluntarily and intentionally (cheerfully and blessedly), [ It is as simple as that. No effort required. In fact it is not effort (sudorific undertaking) which is required but the sincere intent to become blithe and benign, to enjoy and appreciate (and remove the obstacles which stand in the way). Is your answer still “yes”?
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