DefinitionsImmanent; Immanence• immanent (adj.): 1. existing, operating, or remaining within; inherent; 2. (...); (n.): immanence, *immanency*; (adv.): immanently. [emphasis added]. [C16: from Latin immanēre, ‘to remain in’, from im-, ‘in’ + manēre, ‘to stay’]. ~ (Collins English Dictionary). • immanent (adj.): existing or operating within; inherent; [e.g.]: ‘the protection of liberties is immanent in constitutional
arrangements; (n.): immanence, immanency {i.e.: the state or condition of existing or operating within}; (adv.): immanently {i.e.: inherently:
‘existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute’}. [origin: mid-sixteenth century, from late Latin
immanent-, ‘remaining within’, from in- + manere, ‘remain’]. [curly-bracketed inserts added and emphasis
added]. ~ (Oxford English Dictionary). A reminder here that my usage of the word immanence (“the state or condition of existing or operating within” or
“existing or remaining within; inherent” or “remaining within; indwelling; inherent”) is perhaps
somewhat idiosyncratic through having purloined its
pantheistic connotation (relating to a deity being all-pervading or present throughout the universe) so as to secularly refer to the physical
presence of a fellow human creature/ of fellow human creatures, proximately pervading each other’s field of consciousness/ each other’s
sentiency field such as to be, in effect, part-and-parcel of a consciousness-in-common (a.k.a. ‘common consciousness’) due to the ‘action
potentials’ of excitable cells generating a mutually innervational electrical field (i.e., electromotive force). More details here: Viz.:
• [Martin]: Is there any relation in your opinion between these
forms of pure intent and what you call “the quickening”? [quote]: “These last few months, beginning in the
morning of Friday the 7th of October, 2011, a clearer, finer version of ‘the quickening’ has been subtly making
itself noticed more and more; by ‘clearer, finer’ I mean the visual field is marked by a distinct crystalline
character, rather than a golden hue, and the sparkling effervescence, which is more full-body this time around, has
a much finer quality to it such that a fine-champagne-bubbles type of word my second wife (de jure) made up all
those years ago—‘tintling’—seems to be most apt”. [endquote]. Thanks.
• [Richard]: Indeed so ... thus far that calorific energy (i.e., electrochemical potency), which feeling-being
‘Grace’ dubbed “the quickening” when ‘she’ arrived back from New Zealand in late 2009 and similarly
initiated its activation, to full effect whilst intensively interacting, has been a feature peculiar to me, in its
active operation, although there is no reason why a similar activation would not occur with regards Vineeto were a
similarly motivated fellow human being to interact in a like manner.
In fact it would be odd if it did not (I am no fan of ‘freak of nature’ hypotheses).
Although the data-pool is way too small (a handful of cases), to reliably draw information from, there are enough
indications already to suggest that the suitably motivated feeling-being—having become so vitally interested in
and oriented solely towards the sensate world (i.e., the actual world) as to be naïveté itself (essentially, being
out-from-control, in a different-way-of-being, with all of that embodied ‘being’ on board) and thus having a one
hundred percent exclusive focus on that one thing (i.e., their destiny) and that one thing alone—will thereby be
psychosomatically⁽⁰¹⁾ exciting the ‘action
potentials’, of virtually every excitable cell⁽⁰²⁾
constituting the physical body unwittingly embodying that ‘being’, which excited cells generate an electrical
field such as to innervate its activation in the corresponding excitable cells of this flesh-and-blood body, by that
or as that very intensity of interacting.
I have declined to speculate any more than this quite spare skeleton of an hypothesis—my knowledge of
electromotive force, for instance, is too meagre to proceed further anyway—but after nigh-on twenty-three years of
being sans identity in toto (i.e., sans the entire affective faculty, which extirpation includes, of course, its
epiphenomenal psychic facility) I can categorically rule out any operant affective vibe and/or psychic current
’Tis all quite magical in its effect⁽⁰³⁾, though. (Richard, List D, Martin, July 06, 2015). __________
⁽⁰¹⁾psychosomatic (adj.): 1. of, relating to,
concerned with, or involving both mind and body; [e.g.]: “The psychosomatic nature of man”. (Herbert
Ratner); 2. of, relating to, involving, or concerned with bodily symptoms caused by mental or emotional disturbance;
‘psychosomatic symptoms’; ‘psychosomatic medicine’; [e.g.]: “The doctor told her that her stomach problems
were psychosomatic in origin”; 3. caused by mental or emotional problems rather than by physical illness;
(adv.): psychosomatically. [first known use: 1863]. ~ (Merriam-Webster
• psychosomatic (adj.): 1. (of an illness) caused by stress and worry, rather than by a physical problem such as
an infection; [e.g.]: “I began to experience psychosomatic symptoms such as stomach aches and headaches”;
2. (specialist): connected with the relationship between the mind and the body. [from
Greek ψυχή (psychí), ‘soul’, ‘mind’ + σῶμα (sóma), ‘body’]. ~ (Oxford English Dictionary).
Random Literary Samples.
• “We are just now beginning to develop a new kind of medicine called *psychosomatic* medicine—a
medicine which treats both the mind and the body. It is high time we were doing that, for medical science has
largely wiped out the terrible diseases caused by physical germs—diseases such as smallpox, cholera, yellow fever,
and scores of other scourges that swept untold millions into untimely graves. But medical science has been unable to
cope with the mental and physical wrecks caused, not by germs, but by emotions of worry, fear, hate, frustration,
and despair”. [emphasis added]. ~ (page 501, “How to Stop Worrying and Start
Living” (1948), Dale Carnegie; 14 Jan 2024, Good Press __________
• “Why do illnesses show up at certain times and not at others? Could be that your mind is playing a role in the
illness drama. The term *psychosomatic* was coined in 1860 to define a disorder having physical symptoms, but
originating from mental or emotional causes”. [emphasis added]. ~ (from “Heal
Yourself”, Lee Schneider; September 14, 2009, Huff Post __________
• “But the mentally stable are afflicted by chronic, low-level anxiety, which manifests itself in *psychosomatic*
illness, ulcers, overeating, dependence on tranquilisers, and an inability to face a future of more than a few
days’ duration. A sense of powerlessness and an inability to comprehend what has happened to them, and why, lie at
the root of the Lebanese neurosis”. [emphasis added]. ~ (from “Shedding Light
on Lebanon”, by John Keegan; April 01, 1984, The Atlantic Magazine
⁽⁰²⁾Exciting the ‘action potentials’ of virtually
every excitable cell. Viz.:
• [Richard]: “(...). Interestingly enough, nerve impulses, more technically called ‘action potentials’,
occur in several types of animal cells, called excitable cells, which include neurons, muscles cells and endocrine
cells. In neurons they play a central role in cell-to-cell communication. Nearly all these cells function as
batteries in the sense that they maintain a voltage difference between the interior and the exterior of the cell,
with the interior being the negative pole of the battery. The voltage of a cell is measured in thousands of a volt
(millivolts). A typical voltage is approximately one-fifteenth of a volt (i.e., seventy millivolts). Because cells
are so small, voltages of this magnitude give rise to very strong electric forces within the cell membrane. (The
above based upon Wikipedia entry on ‘Action Potential’
Also, speaking of ‘matter-as-energy’, a ‘magnetic field’, an ‘electric current’ ( the above elided
section...), and ‘very strong electric forces within the cell membrane’ (aka “action potentials”) I am
reminded of having written the following brief note back in 2004. Viz.:
• [Richard]: “(...) I personally favour the ‘electric-cosmos’
This is all such fun!” (Richard, List D,
Claudiu2, 28 May 2013
⁽⁰³⁾’Tis all quite magical in its effect, though.
• [Respondent № 25]: You are also writing that Vineeto was able to pick up on a
sense of ‘sweetness’ of the ‘quickening’. Considering that I don’t know of any scientific evidence for
such communication at a distance ...
• [Richard]: As an actual freedom from the human condition is entirely new to human
experience, and, thus, human history, then how on earth could there possibly be any scientific evidence yet for the
way of enabling and/or facilitating access to this completely new consciousness—a totally original way of
flesh-and-blood bodies being conscious—for all humankind to avail themselves of? Are you really saying I should
wait for some boffin in a white coat in a laboratory somewhere to provide scientific evidence for that way of
enabling and/or facilitating this access before proceeding with enabling and/or facilitating that access?
Look, I wrote about this very topic, on The Actual Freedom Trust website, over two years ago. Viz.:
• [Richard]: “(...) the reason why the word ‘magic’ is utilised (magic as in prestidigitation and not as in
a sorcerer’s magic) is because *no other word currently exists to adequately convey how a lifetime of cares and
woes—all the misery and mayhem which epitomises the human condition—can vanish in an instant* (and vanish so
completely as to have never been in the first place). [emphasis added]. (Long
Awaited Announcement, Tool-tip)
What I have written elsewhere may be of some assistance in comprehension. Viz.:
• [Richard]: “(...) it has to be experienced, as a flesh and blood body only (as in here
in this actual world) in order to understand how things operate in actuality. And, just as stone-age natives thought
of cameras and/or photographs as ‘magic’ boxes and/or ‘magic’ pictures (and not as the readily explicable
technology it is) so too is the way in which things can operate here quite ‘magical’. (Richard, List D, No. 12, 7 January 2010).
In other words, just as it took millennia for humankind collectively to comprehend heliocentricity, for instance, so
too may it be ages before the way things operate in actuality—how things function here in this actual world—be
properly examined, be hypothesised about, be rigorously tested and, thus, explained in such a manner that the word
‘magical’ (as in ‘magic’ boxes and/or ‘magic’ pictures) need never be utilised again.
Lastly, you must have read those above words as Vineeto quoted them to you in a private email she sent to you (on
Wednesday the 25th of January, 2012, at 9:19 PM) in response to your private requests for clarification about
“magic” and “paranormal powers”. (Richard, List D, No. 25, Feb 12, 2012 The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of
Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology,
sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons,
the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and
autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.
Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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