Richard’s Correspondence On Mailing List ‘D’ with Claudiu / Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem (please make sure “java-scripting” is enabled in order for the tool-tips to function properly; mouse-hover on the yellow rectangular image to open; left-click on the image to hold). On Being Less Anonymous CLAUDIU: Hello everyone, I’ve decided that instead of being known only as ‘Respondent No. 26’ on the Actual Freedom Trust website, I’d like to be known by my real first name, Claudiu, instead. The reason for this is that I see how much we feeling-beings influence each other, and if having my real first name prominent would increase the impact of reading about how I had my life turned around by visiting Richard in April 2012 then I am only too happy to help. In order to further stress just how much I thought I knew what actualism was about and what an actual freedom from the human
condition was, before April 2012, and how wrong that turned out to be, I’d also like my name unambiguously linked with my Dharma Overground
screen name, ‘Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem’. A list of the posts I’ve participated in on that forum can be found here if anyone would
care to go through the archives: I would advise not taking anything I said about actualism or actual freedom before April 2012 on that forum as being too accurate. I’ve already written Vineeto and provided my request & permission for my name to be used instead of ‘Respondent No. 26’
on the Actual Freedom Trust website, and she has already done a quick job of de-anonymizing my name in the correspondences Hehe, this is pretty exciting. - Claudiu (Message 12916, 15 January 2013)![]() Re: it is impossible to marry Actualism and Buddhism RICHARD to No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’): [...]. Lastly, this stuff you make-up and type out, day after day, week after
week, month after month, year after year, will have grave consequences For instance, the following lies of yours in regards to attempted murder – of which properly dated and time-stamped screenshots have been taken and safely stored – constitute, without any doubt whatsoever, an actionable case. Viz.:
How you managed to become a middle-aged codger Also, the fact you have been thus engaged for 13 years (on your own cognisance for 15 years) it clearly amounts to a case of
persecution as well So be it ... proceed at your own peril. RESPONDENT No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’): cut the crap and address those reports NOW! to wit: ‘that youre a perverted woman bashing ... RICHARD to No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’): I am stopping you right there solely for the sake of demonstrating something you have quite evidentially overlooked ... namely: there are no [quote] ‘reports’ [endquote] to the effect of me being a woman-basher (let alone a ‘perverted’ one). So, here is your opportunity before you go on and make it even worse for yourself than you already have: if you can produce
those so-called reports of [quote] ‘woman bashing’ [endquote] then I will indeed address them, as demanded so emphatically by you, and
... um ... then ‘get tapping NOW!’ Note well, this is a one-off opportunity because, as I enunciated unambiguously in Message No. 11315 (Richard to Rick, 21 February 2012). (Richard to No. 5, 31 December 2012). RESPONDENT No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’): stop fantasising. the only people who ever ... [...]. RESPONDENT No. 19 to No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’): [...]. You have some basis (even if they are not fully justifiable at this point – as they say there is no smoke without the fire – your mails are smoky and there might be some fire somewhere, maybe a disproportionate spark that is unchecked, for which Richard is not providing extinguisher but only seems to amplify it, for more than a decade). RICHARD to No. 19: If, as you say, your co-respondent has [quote] ‘some basis’ [endquote] then why is he not taking advantage of this one-off opportunity to produce that so-called ‘basis’? RESPONDENT No. 19: [...]. RICHARD to No. 19: Put differently: if, as you say, [quote] ‘there is no smoke without the fire’ [endquote] then why is your co-respondent not taking advantage of this one-off opportunity to produce that so-called ‘fire’? RESPONDENT No. 19 to Richard: I think he/she did produce the mail snippet from somebody you met. RICHARD to No. 19: Why do you say that you [quote] ‘think’ [endquote] your co-respondent did something? Did he, or
did he not, do that? If he did, then why did you not re-produce it, right here and now so there would have been something of substance to discuss?
If he did not then why take the time to type that tergiversation out? CLAUDIU: This is what No. 19 was referring to. Here’s the progression ... RICHARD: G’day Claudiu, How do you know what [No. 19] was referring to when he was not sure himself (as in his ‘I think...’ phrasing)? In other words, why not let him answer my query? CLAUDIU: [...snip five quotes...]. So, presumably the report [No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’)] wishes you to address is Message 10778 RICHARD: First, and given that you are asking me to presume something based upon your presumption about something which [No. 19] was not sure about (as in his ‘I think...’ phrasing) it would be more conducive to clarity in communication for him to do away with you having to presume that ... and, by extension, me. Second, and given that you are asking me to presume something based upon your further presumption that what [No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’)] referred [No. 3] to is the *entirety* of what he had in mind, when he told me to ‘cut the crap’ and address [quote] ‘those reports’ [endquote] to the effect of me being a (perverted) woman basher, it would have been more conducive to clarity in communication for him to have done away with you having to presume that ... and, by extension, me. Third, do you not find it a trifle odd, to say the least, that all this presuming is taking place solely because [No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’)] did not interact with me directly, person-to-person, when provided with that one-off opportunity to do so (to produce those so-called ‘reports’)? Fourth, do you not see that you have taken it upon yourself to refer me to what he referred [No. 3] to (in lieu of him directly referring me to it himself) inasmuch you are thereby volunteering to act as his proxy? Now, were we to go on and discuss the contents of what he has referred [No. 3] to (in lieu of him directly referring me to it himself) then we would be talking *about* him, regarding those contents, and thus he avoids having to discuss it with me directly, person-to-person, and thereby be personally held accountable. Maybe it is because I have been on this planet for 65 years, and thus simply have more life lived than you, or, perhaps (and more likely) it is because I have more than a few previous experiences of interacting with manic persons, that it is almost second-nature for me have the accuser be directly confronted, person-to-person, with the entire contents of their case against the accused. In other words, the accuser needs to sit at a table, as it were, with the accused and lay the contents of their case out on that table for the accused to freely sift through item-by-item, and thus be held amenable for each and every aspect of their case as each item is closely examined. (And the very first thing to establish is, of course, whether what is laid out on that table is it – their case – in its entirety). In my experience, third-party discussions *about* the accuser, in regards the contents of their case, very rarely brings them to their senses. Regards, Richard. Re: it is impossible to marry Actualism and Buddhism CLAUDIU: G’day Richard, Aye, all fair points. The reason I butted in and spoke for [No. 19] & [No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’)] is because I wanted this whole charade move along more quickly so we can get back to discussing something that is actually interesting. RICHARD: G’day Claudiu, Yes, that is quite understandable. Of course, for the person concerned, in situations like this (and there have been more than a few face-to-face instances for me over the years), it is not a charade but a passionate truth as imagination stitches together a multiplicity of otherwise disparate ‘data’-points, most of which are also imaginary, into a (seemingly) seamless whole. Experience has shown me that locating/ identifying the vital factor holding the entire edifice together – like the keystone of an ancient archway (for example) – is essential else time and energy be forever dissipated on fruitlessly responding to a vast array of ever-proliferating non-essential items (which items passionate imagination readily begets in replacement of those few which that time and energy expended did finally manage to expose). A real-time example of fruitlessly pursuing that proliferating array would be to latch onto the new one which appears in the 4th quote you provided (‘... you even offered to pay her air fare to Australia! TWICE!’) and easily demonstrate, via suitably referenced quotes, that it too be an outright lie, but as doing so would merely beget evermore replacements. ‘Tis far better to remain obdurately insistent on the total lack of substance in the pivotal item being faced-up to. CLAUDIU: But it seems all I accomplished was complicating the matter a bit more by adding another person to the mix with an extra layer of relationships to the preexisting participants (a proxy for this one, speaking for that one, etc.) RICHARD: I am glad you see it because, once you get the hang of what can pass for genuine discussion in the real-world, each and every interaction becomes a fun-time activity ... still sincere, of course, but no longer serious. I am, as always, having a ball here at the keyboard. CLAUDIU: So I shall instead withdraw my comments, sit back, and let it move along on its own, although given [No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’)] has already decided not to take you up on your offer you might be right in saying that it is already over – although that hasn’t stopped [No. 5 (Sock Puppet ‘H’)] from continuing to speak as if it isn’t (e.g. by writing ‘its about time something was done before it gets even more out of hand and YOU physically hurt someone AGAIN!.’ not 20 hours ago). RICHARD: Yep, that one comes at the end of the vitriolic spray which begins, most revealingly, with him informing that phantom ‘Richard’ of passionate imagination, ‘you don’t deserve common decency’. Its context is reminiscent of another craven instructing his phantom ‘Richard’ to ‘apologize in public’ (for
all those phantom misdeeds) because, until then, ‘empathy will be wasted on you’ If nothing else this forum’s laissez-faire disregard Howsoever, as it comes at a price – quite a price in fact – it is apposite to draw attention to what the warning note in the library topic ‘Social Identity’, on The Actual Freedom Trust website, has to say: (The Actual Freedom Trust Library, Social Identity, Warning). Regards, Richard. Re: An interesting development CLAUDIU: [...]. Another related thing i’m not sure of is from the transcript of one of the audio taped dialogues. On a phone now so no link handy. But Richard was saying how the nature of infinitude is that it is always here and now. Thus to be here now is to be everywhere at once. I’m not sure what to make of this ‘everywhere’. China for example is pretty far away so how can I be in China if I am here? It makes sense that on the way to china I would also be here. But not that everywhere at once includes china right now. This train of thought already seems silly as I’m typing it out but I’m left without an answer. Ah well! Something to reflect on next PCE. [...]. RICHARD: G’day Claudiu, You are, presumably, referring to this:
It is better explained in ‘Richard’s Journal’. Viz.:
Thus if you think of it, initially, as the vast stillness which is ‘everywhere all at once’ (as in, there is no centre to physical infinitude) then, when following a train of thought about the audio-taped dialogue regarding the actual experiencing of that vast stillness – where matter-as-energy is the source of everything apparent (i.e., matter-as-mass) – as being a flesh-and-blood body’s essential disposition it will make more sense. Incidentally, Vineeto affirmed this experience of being, in essence, that vast stillness in another way, during the period in which she was becoming essentially the same as me (how I have been, on my own, all these years), inasmuch she was able to detect four distinct properties of that ‘everywhere all at once’ matter-as-energy source ... to wit: ageless, genderless, shapeless, and limitless. Here, in part, is how she wrote about it in an email to another back in February 2011:
Thus, whenever we interacted intensively over the months after writing that, she inexorably came ever-closer to experiencing herself as each of those four distinct properties, one after the other, until only the last one – being limitless as an actuality – remained unconsummated. And that is what took place between 3:30 and 4:00 AM, on the 28th August, 2011, which I wrote to you about in February last year on this forum. Viz.:
Interestingly enough, nerve impulses, more technically called ‘action potentials Also, speaking of ‘matter-as-energy’, a ‘magnetic field’, an ‘electric current’, and ‘very strong electric forces within the cell membrane’ (aka ‘action potentials’) I am reminded of having written the following brief note back in 2004:
This is all such fun! Regards, Richard. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P.S.: So as to further assist in the ‘joining of the dots’, and related to that (heavily edited for brevity) email of Vineeto’s re-presented further above, dated February 20, 2011, appended below is an excerpt from an earlier email of hers (December 03, 2010), where she describes how her intent formed itself just before I left for India on Mar 25, 2010, and what she set about doing after I returned six months later (on Sep 03, 2010). Viz.:
Re: Few humble words from Justine RESPONDENT No. 4: Richard, you wrote only yesterday:
No wonder I thought that’s what the issue was. It was, wasn’t it? RICHARD to No. 4: G’day No. 4, Look, it is this simple: it was about what your co-respondent remembered you as having written in one of your messages. Viz.:
Thus what I am saying is not correct (if I spell it out more fully) in the above is [quote] ‘... you had said in one of
your messages that Richard was trying to woo a girl on another continent’ [endquote]. CLAUDIU: G’day Richard, For what it’s worth, I appreciate the clarification here. I didn’t
look back at [No.4]’s #11349 It actually does seem like a really simple thing that did get massively overblown. RICHARD: G’day Claudiu, Thank you for your feedback; especially so as I was beginning to wonder whether it was worth
my while to continue writing about any topic/any issue if none of the peoples active on this forum could comprehend something which – to me
anyway – was such an obvious thing As you have copy-pasted in what he actually wrote regarding my third wife (the woman in New Zealand) – ‘he was actively trying to woo another woman back into a full-time sexual relationship with him (which she had suspended while trying to decide her future)’ – it is an opportune moment to point out the obvious deceit in it just as I did in his ‘actively recruiting another’ nonsense regarding that ‘woman on another continent’. As I said, in the above post you are responding to, it is not about what the word ‘woo’ means (he could have as easily had written ‘seduce’ or ‘entice’) but the very fact he used a word of that ilk to characterise my telephonic and electronic communication, with my third wife back then, whereby I apprised her of the good news about ‘The Floating Convivium Project’ finally going ahead. (She had always favoured the idea of collective living – and had oft-times expressed how she would have preferred the menage a trois with Devika to have continued – and had given Peter the idea of the four of us pooling resources and building a 65-foot wooden ship by suggesting we all hire a large houseboat for a holiday in Queensland). So, for No. 4 to assert that I was trying to get her ‘back into’ the very relationship ‘she had suspended while trying to decide her future’ is quite nonsensical on that basis alone. But even more to the point is the fact that she had *not* suspended that relationship in order to ‘decide her future’ in the first place ... as well he knows (as I had already written publicly, on this very forum a month or so earlier, about why we were at that stage living under separate roofs). As briefly as possible: she had reached an impasse in her live-in association with me due to an experience she had, at anchor up-river one day, which was so wonderful it was frightening ... and frightening to the nth degree. Now, you will search in vain to find that post – and its associated posts – on this forum because they have been censored, deleted, at the express demand of ... (wait for it) ... of none other than that ‘woman on another continent’. Here is a part of one of its associated posts:
Regards, Richard. Re: Few humble words from Justine SRID: i see No. 15’s point. we let ourselves be affected by the people surrounding SG [No. 6] (who presented a picture instead of facts). this is quite a shame, because that is not what actualism is about. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): You know the reason why only a picture was presented and even then she was made to keep quiet, don’t you? I could spell it out for you if you don’t. A sock puppet came on to this forum and threatened to post details of what transpired between this lady and Richard which would have tarred her image in the society she happens to be living in beyond repair. Because of this, she was choked from speaking out. CLAUDIU: Could you provide message #s/quotes of the above happening? Or a message # of where to start reading. I don’t remember reading it as-it-happened and I wouldn’t know where to look, exactly. It’s easier to navigate the yahoo group archives if you know where to look (as you seem to). RICHARD: G’day Claudiu, Just a quick note to advise you what the ‘particular message’ your co-respondent is referring to may very well be. The following URL will help you ‘to navigate the yahoo group archives’ in that regard:
The ‘particular message’ your co-respondent is referring to may very well be the email part-quoted immediately after these words (about 3/4 the way through the above post): 24, #clue). Regards, Richard. Re: Power, dominance hierarchy, control of narrative CLAUDIU: FWIW I also thought [No. 3] (see RESPONDENT No. 15: [...]. CLAUDIU: [...]. RESPONDENT No. 15: Being mistaken about typing the wrong word is hardly the same as admitting a wild accusation was way off the mark ... RICHARD to No. 15: As I neither made a ‘wild accusation’ nor was ‘way off the mark’ there is
nothing of that nature for me to be ‘admitting’ to. CLAUDIU: G’day Richard, Ah I stand corrected in thinking that you no longer thought [No. 4]
was lying in #141xx RICHARD: G’day Claudiu, First of all, my response to [No. 15] was to set the record straight about an assumption he
had made (i.e. ‘accusation’) as what I drew [No. 25’s attention to Second, if you re-read what I wrote to [No. 25] The following is the entirety of my words in that message Viz.:
It is always fascinating to have feedback on what many and various self-centric feeling-beings make of my words/my wording. To explain: words, being referent as they are, refer to some thing, some body (some one), some event (some episode) or some occasion (some time) and, in the above situation, the operative words posted by both parties – namely, [No. 3] and [No. 4] – referred not only to a some one but to a specific someone ... and just who it is being referred to is critical to comprehension. With [No. 4]’s text it is dead easy to detect just who it was his words referred to ... to wit: [quote] ‘the person you’re suspecting’ [endquote]. So, all that is left is to discern just who it was [No. 3]’s words referred to and the matter is settled, over and done with, finished. And, given that ‘the bullet is through the church ‘Tis all so simple, eh? Regards, Richard. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P.S.: If only peoples would read what is actually written – and cease trying to divine intention – the volume of posts to this forum would probably diminish to a fraction of what is currently the norm. Trying to ‘read’ anybody’s intention is fraught with problems inasmuch all manner of suppositions and assumptions can thereby be taken as being factual when they are not ... and this is not the first time I have said this. Viz.:
Re: Power, dominance hierarchy, control of narrative RICK: And did she ever say why we can’t ever say her name publicly? Can you please explain that because I’m beginning to feel a bit ridiculous. RESPONDENT No. 4: The whole situation, which people here write off as ‘melodrama’ to be enjoyed with popcorn, was incredibly painful, confusing and embarrassing to her. It cost her a great deal of familial strife and exposed her to scorn and ridicule from colleagues. She does not want her name associated with Richard in any way. That you don’t *know* her reasons was/is not a good reason not to respect the fact that she *has* reasons. [...snip...]. How well do you know her? RICHARD: Hmm ... and just how well do *you* know her? [...snip...]. Before you answer – and given you also tell your co-respondent, further above, that the whole situation ‘cost her a great deal of familial strife’ – I will draw your attention to the following excerpt from a message of yours, addressed to me, written a little over six months ago. Viz.:
Simply because you say you have been ‘shown a photo’, rather than ‘sent a photo’ (i.e. either by surface mail or electronically), it occurs to me to ask whom it was you were ‘shown’ such a photograph by – presumably either a black-and-white or colour image on photographic paper – and when? [...]. So, I ask you: just how well do *you* know her – and her family – such as to be telling your co-respondent those things? P.S.: Regarding your (quite erroneous) ‘tripping off his nut on mushrooms’ depiction please be advised that when the identity inhabiting this flesh-and-blood body all those years ago ingested psylocibin one evening in mid-1980 – on the advice of an (erstwhile) associate under the (misguided) impression it was similar to tetrahydrocannabinol (only much stronger) – no cameras were present, no photos were taken, no photographic image whatsoever exists of that event. Furthermore, to depict that event in your ‘rave-party’ type phrasing (‘tripping off his nut on mushrooms’) is
yet further evidence you cannot stop making up stuff about me even when it is (presumably) complimentary in your mind. RESPONDENT No. 4: No, once again, I’ve done no such thing. The photo (file name: ‘Richard 1975 stoned.jpg’) was sent to me 9 November 2010 with the accompanying note, verbatim: ‘and I could not help but share a photograph of Richard from his early days , during college , when he consumed Magic mushrooms in green tea. Why? because when he showed me this picture, he did tell me that it was taken while he was tripping – i found the pic funny because of his smile in it.’ RICHARD: G’day [No. 4], So, you had not been ‘shown a photo’ after all (it was ‘sent to me’ you
say) but you instead took on the wording of an – unverified – claim that an unnamed sender used (‘showed me this picture’) as your
own truth, eh? Glad to have that one sorted out, at least, because your (borrowed) wording (in #126xx So, I ask you again: just how well do *you* know her – and her family – such as to be telling your co-respondent those things? ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P.S.: Is that going to be how you excuse yourself of all this made up stuff you keep making public – and why you get all indignant about the (surely quite predictable) feedback from me – inasmuch you are not making it all up but are mindlessly regurgitating the stuff some (un-named) other person/ persons made up? Also, again be advised that when the identity inhabiting this flesh-and-blood body all those years ago ingested psylocibin one
evening in *mid-1980* – on the advice of an (erstwhile) associate under the (misguided) impression it was similar to tetrahydrocannabinol
(only much stronger) – no cameras were present, no photos were taken, no photographic image whatsoever exists of that event. [emphasis added]. RESPONDENT No. 4: Folks, it has been brought to my attention that any discussion of matters involving a certain person is continuing to have painful and detrimental consequences for that person in ways that neither I nor anyone else here can fully appreciate. I am going to respect that person’s wish not to have anything further to do with these matters and not to be discussed in this forum. RICK: What of the detrimental consequences of NOT putting all this on the table and sorting it
all out? Guess it’s the case where she got say whatever SHE wanted to say no matter how horrible (eg suggesting that Richard is a fraudulent,
homicidal lunatic [#10750 Really? CLAUDIU: Hey [No. 4], A while ago on the DhO I wrote the following to you regarding the [‘VET-NET-AUSTRALIA’] article: ‘How do you know the person ‘doing you a huge favor’ wasn’t being intentionally deceitful?’ I’ve asked this multiple times in our interactions and you’ve always said that you’re simply sure because of the way it was presented to you. Yet now you have proof that at least one of the things that was presented to you was presented to you deceitfully:
I say deceitfully because it seems unlikely the person misheard Richard telling them that he was tripping in that photo. So, some part of the story behind that photo is made up in some way. Given that this was just something you happened to mention in passing, and it turned out to be wrong, incorrect, in some way – does that change your opinion at all about whether you can rely on the person you’ve gotten all this information from? – Claudiu (#14489) RICHARD: G’day Claudiu, First, in response to your (quite understandable) assumption that ‘it seems unlikely the
person misheard Richard’ please be advised that, to the best of my recollection, the photograph in question is not one I showed to ... um ...
to S.U.R.B.H.I. Be that as it may: what I do know, for a fact, is that I neither gave her a copy of *any* photographic images in my possession at the time nor, of course, never on any occasion spoke the obvious untruth of having ingested psylocibin before that memorable evening in mid-1980. In other words, it could not possibly be the case that ‘the person misheard Richard’ because nothing even remotely of that nature (such as could, plausibly, be ‘misheard’) would have ever been spoken by me. Second, a quite telling aspect in regards to [No. 4]’s ‘rave-party’ type phrasing – i.e. ‘tripping off his nut on mushrooms’ – is the fact that he already knew that it was in 1980 (and *not* 1975) when the identity inhabiting this flesh-and-blood body all those years ago first ingested psylocibin ... because he asked me himself, in 2003, in his 8th post to The Actual Freedom Trust mailing list. Viz.: (Actual Freedom List, No. 60[=List D, No. 4], 29 November 2003). Please note that, up until he asked that specific question, it had featured nowhere at all on The Actual Freedom Trust website that it was psylocibin which initiated ‘my’ remembrance of many such moments of perfection, stretching way back into ‘my’ childhood, and which remembrance (not the psylocibin) set in train the entire process eventually resulting in an actual freedom from the human condition. Third, I have been able to identify the photograph in question as I do not have many of those older-style photographs of my early years (I was unable to locate any photographs of Devika, for instance, when I began compiling my more biographical-style ‘Richard’s Personal Webpage’ in 2009) and it is a snapshot of myself taken by the wife of a couple who stopped by to visit me and my then-wife, in March-April 1975 whilst they were on a caravanning holiday (travelling from Queensland on a clockwise journey all around Australia), at the place she and I were then living, in Victoria, while I completed my three-year full-time studies in Fine Arts at the country-college of a city university. The husband of the couple – whom I shall refer to as ‘Me ole sea-mate ‘Arry’ – was the captain of a cruise-ship operating off the north-eastern seaboard of Australia (conveying live-aboard passengers on guided tours through the tropical waters and the coral reefs of ‘The Great Barrier Reef’) and he and I ‘hit it off’ upon our very first meeting after I signed-on as a seaman-cum-barman-cum-guide on board another of the same company’s fleet of cruise-ships. At the time of my departure from my cruise-ship job my then-wife was seven months pregnant with our third child and ‘Me ole sea-mate ‘Arry’ and his wife had kept in contact – hence knowing where we were currently located – and were desirous of not only renewing our acquaintance on their travels but also of seeing our new baby daughter (as married couples tend to do as part of the typical socialising that happens amongst such peoples with young families) because they were contemplating starting a family themselves. I have uploaded the photograph she snapped that night of ‘me’ smiling at her husband (who was as charmed by this newly-born baby’s smiles as ‘I’ was) – along with another photograph taken a few weeks later in daylight – onto ‘Richard’s Personal Webpage’ at the following URL. When I look at that photograph, even now 38 years later, what I see is a very happy man – a proud father in fact – warming some (refrigerated) breast milk for ‘his’ baby daughter’s bottle during a typical social evening with another married couple. Whereas, when [No. 4] looks at that photograph he sees a kind of goofy ‘Richard’, with a huge ‘tripping off his nut on mushrooms’ grin, which instantly evokes the same in himself (such that it is a ‘Richard’ he immediately likes). And when S.U.R.B.H.I. * On February the 12th last year (in #10968) ![]() Only sick minds could see what they see (and thus surreptitiously utilise to clandestinely spread their lies and deceit world-wide) in their fervour to halt the global spread of peace and harmony in our lifetimes. Regards, Richard. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P.S.: Appended below are the Message Nos. of every email [No. 4] posted thereafter (including his gutless ‘Folks’ cop-out
email but excluding those posts he deleted after posting) – plus that timely reminder from you (in #14604 Viz.: #144xx From: Richard [To No.4] #144xx From: No. 4 [To ‘Folks’]. #144xx From: No. 4 [To Andrew]. #144xx From: No. 4 [To Himself]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To No. 3]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To Himself]. #145x From: No. 4 [To No. 3]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To Himself]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To No. 25]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To No. 3]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To No. 5]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To Andrew]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To Claudiu]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To Rick]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To No. 5]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To Rick]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To Himself]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To No. 25]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To No. 38]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To Claudiu]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To No. 3]. #145xx From: No. 4 [Re-Post]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To No. 3]. #145xx From: No. 4 [Re-Post]. #145xx From: No. 4 [Re-Post]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To No. 3]. #145xx From: No. 4 [To Claudiu]. #146xx From: No. 4 [To Himself]. #14604 From: Claudiu [To No. 4] Viz.: ‘(...) this might be a good time to ask: are those articles as genuine as that photograph of Richard you saw of
Richard tripping on shrooms, which ended up ... not being of Richard tripping on shrooms?’ (#14604 #146xx From: No. 4 [Re-Post]. #146xx From: No. 4 [To Claudiu]. #146xx From: No. 4 [To Richard]. #146xx From: No. 4 [To No. 25/Srid]. #146xx From: No. 4 [To ‘Gosh’]. #146xx From: No. 4 [To Srid]. #146xx From: No. 4 [‘I’m out of here’]. Re: On the difficulties of communication CLAUDIU: Communication is difficult! Richard, you might be interested in this email to help you find an answer to your question of why I had to fly to meet you in person to understand that which you had already written about many times. First, humorous approach: Wiio’s laws:’s_laws [...snip ‘laws’...]. Now, the more meaningful approaches. They provide a constellation of reasons why it might be difficult - if not impossible - to get one’s point across and make oneself understood. Illusion of transparency: ‘The illusion of transparency is the misleading impression that your words convey more to others than they really do’. [...snip linked & quoted text...]. (#16294, Subject: On the difficulties of communication, Sun, 2 Feb 2014 ) RICHARD: G’day Claudiu, I accessed the above web-wiki ‘Illusion of Transparency’ page you provided a link to and have part-quoted from several links there. The following is the full quote (and I say ‘full’ advisedly as there is nothing else on that page except links to 9 other web-wiki pages) plus the essence of the Wikipedia article linked to from there. Viz.:’. [endquote]. Viz.: [square-bracketed insertions from links provided in-text]. I included quotes from the Wikipedia article Mr. Eliezer Yudkowsky linked to as it provides a more concise and on-topic account of the subject under discussion (as compared to his excursive – i.e., ‘tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects’/ ‘given to making excursions in speech, thought, etc.; wandering; digressive’ – manner of writing in other web-wiki pages of his). (For an instance of ‘excursive’: I clicked his ‘FAQ’ link and then his fifth Q&A there – namely the ‘2.3 Isn’t truth subjective?’ link – and read the entire article plus scanned the 32 online comments and yet was still none-too-sure as to whether the question is answered in the affirmative, the negative or even elsewise). First and foremost: unlike Mr. Eliezer Yudkowsky, when I use the word apple it refers to the thus-named physical object itself – i.e., the fruit which grows on an apple-tree (as contrasted, say, with the fruit which grows on an orange-tree) – and *not* to some undisclosed concept (let alone to any such unrevealed mental construct’s unspecified associations which he retains, privately in his mind, nor any such so-called ‘reasonable assumption’ whereby he, self-centrically, assumes other peoples similarly have the word ‘apple’ reference some unquantified ‘concept’ and its unspecified/ withheld ‘associations’). Thus, words do indeed have far more ‘power’ than Mr. Eliezer Yudkowsky gives them credit for (as per his ‘this is the only power words have’ assertion) – inasmuch words most certainly have ‘meanings inherently encoded in them’ (to keep with his somewhat strained usage of vocabulary) – and therefore do *not* in themselves lead to any such ‘tendency to systematically overestimate the effectiveness of communication’ on that account. Consequently, Mr. Eliezer Yudkowsky’s depiction of ‘the illusion of transparency’ – namely ‘the misleading impression that your words convey more to others than they really do’ as per your part-quote of his – does not answer the question of why you had to fly to meet me, in person, so as to understand what I had already written, about an actual freedom, on many occasions. As for the Wikipedia article he linked to – which appears to written by ‘KJamison7’ (who was back-then ‘currently attending the Missouri University Of Science and Technology for a BS [sic] in Computer Science’) – it can be readily observed to similarly depict this ‘illusion of transparency’ as being [quote] ‘a tendency for people to overestimate the degree to which their personal mental state is known by others’ [endquote]. (And I say ‘similarly depict’ because, and staying with Mr. Eliezer Yudkowsky’s ‘apple’ example for the nonce, there is no need for anyone to even know – let alone ‘overestimate’ (or underestimate, for that matter, nor anywhere in-between) – what anyone’s ‘personal mental state’ is in order to comprehend that the word, as it is regularly used in everyday transactions such as at a greengrocery for instance, refers to the thus-named physical object itself). The remainder of that Wikipedia article – including those linked-to inserts in square brackets – is but a variation on the
theme (albeit dressed-up with impressive-sounding nomenclature such as ‘cognitive bias’ and ‘asymmetric insight’) and, most
likely, stems from that blight of modern-day communication known as ‘relativism’ (aka ‘post-modernism’) wherein objectivity has
all-but-vanished and subjectivity rules the roost, insofar as all knowledge is rendered phenomenological (i.e., nothing has independent existence),
to the point that fully-fledged relativists (by whatever name of similar ilk) live in a factless world Consequently, the Wikipedia article’s depiction of ‘the illusion of transparency’ – namely ‘a tendency for people to overestimate the degree to which their personal mental state is known by others’/ ‘a tendency for people to overestimate how well they understand others’ personal mental states’ – does not answer the question of why you had to fly to meet me, in person, so as to understand what I had already written, about an actual freedom, on many occasions. (Besides which, I neither overestimate the degree to which my ‘personal mental state’ (i.e., an actual freedom from the human condition) is known by others – a recalled PCE is nowhere near as efficacious, in this respect, as a currently-occurring PCE – nor my understanding of theirs (as my recall of experiencing life as they do, around 33 years ago now, is an intellectual memory only), either, and thus phrase all of my spoken and written words accordingly). * Generally speaking, the reason why most instances of problematic comprehension of my meticulously conveyed communication (extensive writings with precise meaning given to terminology) occur is a rather simple one and, perhaps, is quite succinctly encapsulated in the very first words on The Actual Freedom Trust home-page (strategically placed immediately below the ‘Actual Freedom’ logo so as to be up-front and out-in-the-open from the get-go). Viz.:
Reactions to the second of those cardinal words (i.e., ‘new’) is probably best exemplified by the expression ‘cognitive
dissonance’ Underlying all prehensility difficulties is, of course, fear ... in particular: dread. Be all that as it may: the specific reason why you had to fly to meet me, in person, so as to understand what I had already written, about an actual freedom, on many occasions, was – as I recall and as confirmed just now by Vineeto – my verbal explication of Buddhism as per the buddhānasāsanaṃ (usually translated as ‘The Message/ Dispensation of all the Buddhas’). Along with considerable reference to the buddhavacana (usually translated as ‘The Word/ Teaching of the Buddha’), as per the Pāli Canon, that was what the turning point for you was as I had not yet begun to write at that level of detail on my portion of The Actual Freedom Trust website back then. To briefly explain, en passant, that last point: the vast majority of my on-line writings about Buddhism at that time – being mainly responses to queries and objections from non-Buddhist practitioners – were rather general; quite encyclopaedic in nature, in fact, and thus reflected the remarkably erroneous yet commonly-accepted English translations of key Buddhist words ... key words such as ‘mindful’/ ‘mindfulness’, for sati (instead of ‘rememorative’, ‘rememoration’); ‘heedless’/ ‘negligent’, for pamada (rather than ‘(worldly) intoxication’); ‘feeling’/ ‘sensation’, for vedāna (in lieu of ‘hedonic-tone’); ‘fabrications’/ ‘formations’, for saṅkhāra (instead of ‘(wilful) conations’); ‘defilements’/ ‘taints’/ ‘cankers’, for āsava (rather than ‘(worldly) intoxicants’); ‘sense’/ ‘perception’, for sāñña (in lieu of ‘agnise’, ‘agnition’); ‘suffering’/ ‘stress’/ ‘ill’, for dukkha (instead of ‘asunder, apart or away from ākāsa’); ‘space’/ ‘air’, for ākāsa (rather than ‘aether’, ‘etheric’, ‘ethereal’) and so on. Specifically, it was whilst chatting about what both the Pāli word ākāsa (=the Greek aether; as in that hoary
‘luminiferous aether’ of pre-Einsteinian yore for instance) referred to, and how the first of the five arūpa samāpatti (aka
anupubbavihara) – namely, akasanancayatana, in Pali, or the ‘boundless etheric plane, luminous/lustrous all throughout’ (as in ‘lit.
shining forth’ according to the PTS Pāli-English Dictionary’s etymology of ākāsa) – served as the mystical *interface*
betwixt the physical world (as in the Pāli rūpabhava As these pre-buddhistic altered states of consciousness (ASC’s) – and quite evidentially pre-buddhistic because the unenlightened/ unawakened Mr. Siddhattho Gotama learnt to attain to them from the Vedic śramaṇa/ religieux Mr. Alara Kalama and Mr. Uddaka Ramaputta – are intimately familiar to me (from those eleven years of spiritual enlightenment/ mystical awakenment between 1981 and 1992) it would be conducive to clarity in communication to point out what the ‘Monier-Williams’ Sanskrit-English Dictionary, first published in 1899 by Oxford University Press, has to say (so that no-one need just take my word for it):
And the ‘MacDonnell’ Sanskrit-English Dictionary says this:
Furthermore, and as I have observed before (in #10949) Thus what the word dukkha denotes, fundamentally, is that abiding in the world of samsāra is to be asunder, apart or away from kha (akasa). Consequently, it is not for nothing that the first arūpa samāpatti – the religieux’/ mystics’ contemplative/ meditative interface betwixt the physical world and the metaphysical world – is known in Pāli as ākāsānañcāyatana (i.e., ākāsa + ānañca + āyatana) as that is the region/ sphere/ realm/ dimension/ world/ etcetera where dukkha ceases. * All of the above – and, of course, more – was the reason why you had to fly to meet me, in person, so as to understand what I had already written about an actual freedom on many occasions. In effect, during that chat you had an insight – via the word *interface* (you repeated it, ruminatively, several times) – into the deceit of both the western ‘Secular Buddhism’ (which more resembles a buddhistic-flavoured therapeutic humanism with phenomenological overtones, per favour Mr. Edmund Husserl et al., than anything canonical) and the sectarian ‘Theravādan Buddhism’ (an impossible-to-achieve orthodoxy institutionalised, by many and various unawakened/ unenlightened practitioners, commentators, translators, scholars/ pundits, and so on, around an uncanonical ‘diṭṭhi’/ ‘drsti’ known as the anatta/anatma doctrine) and thus cleared the way, for yourself, to be able to read with both eyes open. Over the years I have come to appreciate ‘turning point’ instances and have learned to be on the look-out for them. Regards, RETURN TO MAILING LIST ‘D’ INDEX CLAUDIU’S REPORT OF VISITING RICHARD AND VINEETO The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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