Actual Freedom ~ Commonly Raised Objections

Commonly Raised Objections

The Actualism Method Does Not Work

  I see how conveniently the AFT has edited and pasted the correspondence to it’s advantage. Shallowness indeed runs deep !

..and it is precisely for these reasons Actualism is going to fail as a long term solution ..I’m unsubscribing from this group and I’m off Actualism practise until I see and hear that Actualism is indeed a successful practise to follow.

Chill out, yo. [...]. All of Richard’s emails are reproduced faithfully on the AFT. And yet, some of No. 32’s words are not on the AFT because No. 32’s emails are not reproduced there at all – only the parts Richard quoted for context in his own emails are. Neither party is lying, here.

Just a simple misunderstanding.

You manipulate your conversations in this list, cutting them for your convenience and pasting it so in your web page.

[Here is Richard ] still ignoring & glossing over all his fabrications & debating tricks & tactics ... in order to score more cheap points ... and enter yet one more hollow victory ... into his carefully Control-freaked & edited archives for posterity.

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