Actual Freedom ~ Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Vibes and Psychic Powers?

Would you mind explaining, Richard, your usage of the word ‘psychic’ in this context.

I do not understand the meaning of the terms starting with capital letters, Power, Authority, Love Agapé, Divine Compassion, Oneness, Unity and so on. I understand I have to experience them to understand them.

We have also discussed the ‘vibes’, which some people may have and whether it is possible for another to sense them. I presume you consider these to fall within the realm of psychic powers? While not 100% convinced, my view is that these do not exist, other than in the form of subtle body language.

My husband recently returned from a weeklong retreat given by an American, who is an Eastern type spiritual teacher. One of the main premises of this man’s teaching is that he ‘transmits’ Being-force that then ‘templates’ on those who receive the transmission and catalyzes the recipient’s own realization of Being. Anyone have any ideas of the how we humans actually produce the astoundingly real when you have them spiritual phenomena? * Do you see this web as an actual structure, or an imaginary, albeit real structure?

I’m curious as to just what constitutes being ‘socially reprehensible’ for you ... a mere thought or ‘temptation’ – or more concrete action. You have even gone to the point of using the term ‘guilty at conception’.

I am tempted to say that even when one is empathetic and works to resolve another’s suffering – then one actually cared about their suffering – about the other person – again admittedly, via one’s own suffering, yet there is caring taking place – but it’s not actual caring (in the ‘actualism’ usage).

If no ‘vibes’ exist in the actual world, then how can they be ‘factually unpleasant’ to you? Who exactly were those vibes at that place factually unpleasant for?

And you can eliminate malice and sorrow all you want, but it does not change the fact that life is interconnected.

As you say you quite enjoy the practice of ‘grooving on ecstatic vibes’ ... Sorry I’m not hip to your lingo ... I was not referring to ‘Psychic Vibes’ or vibes as ‘feelings’, sorry.

I’m aware that it [telepathy] is not a sympathetic subject here, but I still would very much care to talk about it. I had a few experiences with telepathy, and I just can’t deny them and what happened. There was one time when I’ve dreamt about something very, very precise that actually happened in the future, and few other incidents, that just can’t be random, like synchronous me-calling-to-a-friend that haven’t been in touch with for some time, and he-calling-to-me. I’m a very critical person when it comes to these issues and spirituality. So how does Actual Freedom explains these phenomenon? It says that thought originates in the brain, and that everyone creates them, so how can telepathy be explained? I’m struggling to glue the telepathy experienced and the Actual Freedom view of things that says thoughts are created within us, and so thought processes can’t be interconnected in between humanity.

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