(List D refers to Richard’s List D and his Respondent Numbers)
Vineeto’s Correspondence with Ed on Discuss Actualism Forum VINEETO: In her period of being out-from-control Pamela commented on how much better this experience (of being in an ongoing excellence experience) was compared to her 5-months PCE, and she explained that her PCE was a static experience while being out-from-control was exemplified by the progress of coming closer and closer to the actual world. (Actualism, Vineeto, Actualvineeto, Ian, 5 December 2024). ED: Is it considered dynamic because there are still dips in affect? VINEETO: No, it’s because one is moving closer and closer to one’s final goal. * VINEETO: From here you can look closer at what possible objections there might be for ‘you’ to abdicating the throne, and whatever else prevents you from allowing the final transition to happen. (Actualism, Vineeto, Actualvineeto, Ian, 5 December 2024). ED: Is it because these objections are present as presence in the excellence experience? Thus preventing the PCE but a presence to reflect upon & explore? VINEETO: No, they are not “present as presence”, they simply can make themselves felt unlike in a PCE where ‘I’ am in abeyance. * ED: Feeling-being Vineeto must have been feeling good before her immolation, but can you recall the dirtiness that you were still dealing with at the time? Might you be able to recall any objections or worries you had moments before becoming free? Hours before? Days before? [I blew the last remaining cobwebs of seriousness, cautiousness and social correctness out of the corners of my psyche. – were there any beliefs behind the seriousness, cautiousness, and social correctness you can recall?] VINEETO: You can read more details in my answers in the Direct Route correspondence, where I recorded the events at the time. All I remember now is what has been written on the AFT website. ‘Her’ emotional memories (“the dirtiness”) have disappeared along with ‘her’ identity. Besides, everyone has their own sequence of dismantling their social identity and remnant obstacles to becoming free. Viz.: (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 94a, 30 December 2005) ED: And did this out-from-control excellence experience (?) cease being excellent during the mutiny – which seemed to cause alarm for feeling-being Vineeto? Did the out-from-control experience lose its excellence during this time and was it just a matter of ‘coming-down’ from the initial high of the alarm? Was there any contemplation going on, conflict between staying or going? VINEETO: You are probably referring to this –
The explanation for it can be found in the first third of that message I wrote to [List D, No. 4] on January 7 2013 and it is self-explanatory –
It appears that this “almost mandatory” experiencing is no longer “mandatory” because several people have become actually free since 2009/2010 and none of them reported a significant fear of insanity. Ha, can you see how it becomes easier and easier for each subsequent pioneer?
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