Please note that Vineeto’s correspondence below was written by the actually free Vineeto

(List D refers to Richard’s List D and his Respondent Numbers)

Vineeto’s Correspondence

with Henry on Discuss Actualism Forum

October 14 2024

HENRY: My experiencing of what I took to be virtual freedom was sincere, but I soon found myself feeling jealous of what I perceived to be superior progress by Claudiu and Kuba. Fortunately I was able to smell something was off quickly and put my hands in my pockets and carried on. However, this undercurrent was still able to define me through to today. […]

It’s quite clear to me at this point that I have no substantial reason not to enjoy this life / this moment. Anything that brings me down is a mirage, something I maintain only for myself and with no benefit. It’s just this habitual thing. On closer inspection, this jealousy was similarly a mirage… any advantage of progress that Claudiu and Kuba may have was defined purely by my own parameters: my own jealousy was the only thing creating whatever gap may exist. There is no reason to be jealous - if anything, it’s wonderful that my peers that I have been discussing actualism with for these years have been having the success that they have been enjoying. All that is left is for me to get out of my own way and join them - not to mention joining Vineeto and the rest of the pioneers.

It is wonderful to put this to rest. I can see that jealousy of the same variety has been a part of ‘me’ for a very long time [...]

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

It’s great you have discovered and can admit to what this ‘smelly’ undercurrent is – jealousy and competition are a strong emotional forces. As you said it has been a part of you for a very long time. So now that you identified the trigger which prevents you from fully enjoying and appreciating this moment, you can contemplate it in depth, recognize the pattern and make a conscious choice.

You can first ascertain the facts as far as the habit of comparison/ competition/ jealousy goes. You want to be actually free and someone has made better progress. The fact that it makes you feel jealous could mean that, deep down, you know you are not yet doing everything you can possibly do to achieve your goal.

Therefore, instead of feeling jealous, which is wasting a potent emotional energy, one can easily, with some awareness and common sense, turn this energy into the action of making tangible progress towards your aim. I remember ‘Vineeto’ used imitation, i.e. tried to learn from the successes ‘she’ identified in others at making progress in actualism and thus channelled ‘her’ own emotional energy into being productive, and, of course, added further confidence, enjoyment and appreciation.

You said – “any advantage of progress that Claudiu and Kuba may have was defined purely by my own parameters”.

If your own parameters are merely about “I am better than someone else” then those parameters are well worth looking at and worth reassessing.

If, however, your parameters are that you want to become actually free as soon as possible, then they naturally need to align with pure intent, and then the next action will become obvious to you.

Perhaps it’s a matter of realigning your aim and actions fully with pure intent and follow the guidance of pure intent?

In any case, sitting “on the sidelines” or rationalizing jealousy out of existence will not do the trick, and I congratulate you for somewhat recognizing that. As you say “Plus it’s so much more fun to just jump in rather than sitting in a huff on the sidelines”.

Cheers Vineeto

October 20 2024

VINEETO: If your own parameters are merely about “I am better than someone else” then those parameters are well worth looking at and worth reassessing.

HENRY: I was initially a bit taken aback, but it became clear that that very dynamic was at work in my life. Upon reflection, I could see it was defensive in nature and ultimately served to sustain insecurities.

Since exploring those aspects, things have been ‘coming unstuck,’ and as of yesterday afternoon a ‘christmastime atmosphere’ has become predominant. There is a glow, a sense of magicality, a delight wherever my attention wanders.

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

There is no shame admitting that competition is operating in you – pretty much everyone has this feature of the human condition to a greater or lesser extent. But it is wonderful that you can own up to it and are “exploring those aspects” to the point where things are “coming unstuck” resulting in “a delight wherever my attention wanders”. Well done.

Don’t stop here as competition and rivalry are quite a pertinacious occurrence inherent in the peasant mentality and deserve attention whenever they stand in the way of persistently enjoying and appreciating one’s association with fellow human beings.

HENRY: There is a question of where there is love at play, as I have been getting some attention back from a girl I’m interested in, but I’m paying close attention. Experience will inform. In the meantime, enjoying this atmosphere, which I do recognize from PCEs. A sensation of circling the drain.

VINEETO: As Richard explained in detail, there is a way of bypassing love with sufficient naïveté when moving further into intimacy with one’s partner –

RICHARD: I also detailed how feeling-being ‘Grace’, who was exacting in evaluating ‘her’ differing ways of being a ‘self’, had gradations of scale in regards to intimacy (togetherness: → closeness: → sweetness: → richness: → magicality) – all of which correlated to the range of naïveness from being sincere to becoming naïve and all the way through being naïveté itself to an actual innocence – in the second and third paragraphs[1] following on from the above.

[1]What did not get included in those second and third paragraphs, regarding feeling-being ‘Grace’ and her rigorous gradations, was ‘her’ oft-repeated observation – regarding the onset of the third stage, on that range of naïveness, where ‘her’ gradation of ‘great’ related to sweetness [“delighting in the pervasive proximity, or immanence, of the other”] – about a bifurcation manifesting where the instinctual tendency/ temptation was to veer off in the direction of love and its affectuous intimacy (due to a self-centric attractiveness towards feeling affectionate) as contrasted to a conscious choice being required so as to somehow have that sweetness then segue into a naïve intimacy via what ‘she’ described as ‘richness’ [“a near-absence of agency; with the [sophisticate] doer abeyant, and the [naïve] beer ascendant, being the experiencing is inherently cornucopian”] and graded as ‘excellent’. [emphasis added]

MARTIN: What does that mean practically then Richard?

RICHARD: Essentially, what “that”meant practically for feeling-being ‘Grace’ was how ‘she’ needed to be fully alert, upon the emergence of (if not prior to) that third-stage ‘sweetness’[2], to the attractiveness of the feeling of affection/ of ‘self’-centrically being affectionate – so as to not instinctually veer off into the intimacy of love – and thereby remain steadfast with delighting in the physical proximity of the flesh-and-blood body typing these words. [emphasis added].

[2] This ‘sweetness’ is an emergent effect of that second-stage ‘closeness’ – which came about due to feeling sufficiently safe/ feeling secure enough, emotionally, to intuitively enable an inclusive expansion of viscerally-established personal boundaries (and which ‘closeness’ was an outcome of that first-stage ‘togetherness’ which had been engendered by the willingness to be and act in concert with another in the regular relationship/ companionship way of feeling intimate) – and is epitomised by its physical proximity (i.e., immanence) effect. (Richard, List D, Martin, 6 March 2016).

They key is to activate sufficient naïveness and naïveté and be attentive and “stay fully alert”, as Grace termed it, to the instinctual tendency of love and affection which’s unpleasant side-effects most of us know so well.

Cheers Vineeto

November 30 2024

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

HENRY: I realized that all I am really doing when I’m playing these games is finding out what works and what doesn’t, there’s no need for any emotional involvement / involvement from ‘me.’ […]

By doing all that I’ve developed a wonderful library of knowledge of what works and doesn’t, which I can carry forward and share with others. And I can continue every day – trying this, trying that.

There was something I was doing as an identity, ‘identifying’ with particular outcomes – "I am a winner / I am a loser," not aware that both of those are completely dependent on conditions – all there is to do is tweak a condition here and there and the whole thing can flip. There is winning and there is losing but neither are permanent states – just as nothing in this universe is permanent. It’s wonderfully dynamic, and quite fascinating to take part in.

VINEETO: Now that you have discovered your, the identity’s, propensity to be a winner/loser and discovered experientially that you don’t have to do that anymore, you could apply this to your whole life and live your life on a preference basis. Viz:

Richard: I did everything possible that ‘I’ could do to blatantly imitate the actual in that ‘I’ endeavoured to be happy and harmless for as much as is humanly possible. This was achieved by putting everything on a ‘it doesn’t really matter’ basis. That is, ‘I’ would prefer people, things and events to be a particular way, but if it did not turn out like that ... it did not really matter for it was only a preference. ‘I’ chose to no longer give other people – or the weather – the power to make ‘me’ angry ... or even irritated ... or even peeved. (Richard, List B, No. 12a, 16 July 1998).

Richard: I did everything I could to be as happy and harmless (as free of sorrow and malice) for as much as is humanly possible. This was achieved by first putting everything on a does-not-really-matter-in-the-long-run basis. That is, I would prefer people, things and events to be a particular way, but, if it did not turn out like that, it did not really matter for it was only a preference. I chose to no longer give other people – or the weather even – the power to have me annoyed, irritated, irked, or even peeved, if this was possible.

Then, as it was patently obvious in those experiences of pristine purity how this very moment of being alive is the only moment of ever actually being alive, I began to treat each moment again as precious. After all, it is not as if we have an unlimited amount of moments and – unlike a bank account which can be replenished – our supply of such moments is our most valuable (albeit dwindling) asset. In practical terms this meant being aware of how each precious moment was being experienced; if feeling good (felicity and innocuity) was the prevailing experience then this attentiveness ensured enjoyment and appreciation, of the sheer fact of being alive, each moment again; if feeling bad (unhappy and harmful) was the prevailing experience then whatever had displaced feeling good became readily apparent, upon such attention, with so much at stake. (Out-from-Control Reports, Richard).

VINEETO: In other words, if you put *everything* in your life on a preference basis then you can be winner big time, not only in a rather insignificant game on your mobile phone (I mean in the grand scheme of life) but in every moment of your life. It can look like this –

Richard: I do have personal preferences ... one of which is a marked disinclination to engage in any sport or sporting activity (including all aspects of spectatorism).

There is, for instance, a preference for omnivorism over vegetarianism; a preference for water-based activities (boating, swimming, and so on) over land-based activities (hiking, mountaineering, and so forth); a preference for comedic entertainment over the dramatic/ a documentary over a fantasy/ the voluptuous over the horrific ... and, to detail a few general ones at random, a preference for creature comforts over frugal asceticism, a preference for the warmer climes over the colder, and a preference for civilisation over savagery.

Please bear in mind, however, that a preference for something is to merely prefer this over that ... and if ‘this’ is not available/ does not happen then ‘that’ does not detract one iota from the utter enjoyment and sheer appreciation of being just here, at this place in infinite space, right now, at this moment in eternal time, as this particular form which perdurable matter (mass/ energy) has taken shape as. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 118, 23 June 2006)

VINEETO: Doesn’t this course of action intrigue you?

Cheers Vineeto

December 1 2024

VINEETO: Now that you have discovered your, the identity’s, propensity to be a winner/loser and discovered experientially that you don’t have to do that anymore, you could apply this to your whole life and live your life on a preference basis.

HENRY: My plan precisely!

VINEETO: Hi Henry,


And now you only have one thing in life which is not a preference but an imperative – to become actually free from the human condition.

Life is so much easier when one has sorted out one’s priorities, isn’t it?

Cheers Vineeto

December 25 2024

HENRY: I can see that as long as any others have objections to being happy – which is a universal condition – then they have the leverage over me to illicit sympathy. As long as I am sympathetic, I am not experiencing happiness or (ultimately) harmlessness, though I have believed that what I was doing was the most harmless approach.

It’s not ultimately a harmless approach because it verifies the suffering for myself and for them – they got one more ‘vote’ in favor of the validity/reality of their suffering. […]

But now I see it’s pretty straightforward – the sympathy is not, contrary to popular opinion, harmless.

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

You are spot on – sympathy is not, and has never been harmless. It is, at best, reaffirming the entity inside your fellow human beings and thus perpetuating their (contingent) existence –

Richard: She [Devika] would also say that Richard does nor support her, as an identity that is, at all ... which lack of (affective) caring was disconcerting for her, to say the least, and my current companion has also (correctly) reported this absence of consideration.

Put simply: I am unable to support some-one who does not exist (I only get to meet flesh and blood bodies here in this actual world). (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 25a, 10 June 2003).

Whereas actual caring aims to bring suffering to an end, forever –

Richard: You see, the difference between you and me is that I actually care about my fellow human being and will leave no stone unturned, if that be what it takes, to understand them, to comprehend why they say what they do, so as to facilitate clarity in communication ... I like my fellow human being and prefer that their self-imposed suffering come to an end, forever, sooner rather than later. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 74f, 2 February 2006).

If you are interested, this is what sympathy means at root –

• sympathy (n.), ‘affinity between certain things’, from Middle French sympathie (16c.) and directly from Late Latin sympathia, ‘community of feeling’, ‘sympathy’, from Greek sympatheia, ‘fellow-feeling’, ‘community of feeling’, from sympathes, ‘having a fellow feeling’, ‘affected by like feelings’, from assimilated form of syn-, ‘together’ (see syn-; viz.: word-forming element meaning ‘together with’, ‘jointly’; ‘alike’; ‘at the same time’, also sometimes completive or intensive, from Greek syn (prep.) ‘with’, ‘together with’, ‘along with’, ‘in the company of’) + pathos, ‘feeling’ (see pathos; viz.: ‘quality that arouses pity or sorrow’; 1660s, from Greek pathos, ‘suffering, feeling, emotion, calamity’, literally ‘what befalls one’, related to paskhein, ‘to suffer’, and penthos ‘grief, sorrow’). ~ (Online Etymology Dictionary). (Richard, Abditorium, Sympathy).

Sympathy is ‘fellow-feeling’ but often it means ‘suffering together’ and as such is a very close relative to compassion, which also means ‘suffering together’, so highly praised by Irene when she was in her ‘Matriarchal ASC’. Viz.:

IRENE to Vineeto: Compassion is not what is understood by Richard – [he calls it] the hopeless game of compassion – at least I don’t have that view at all. To me compassion is the full understanding through experiencing all the accompanying emotions of a particularly testing aspect of life, that this is what it is to be grieving, or to be angry or to intensely hate or to be desolate, lonely, utterly discouraged in all of life etc. and to accept it as belonging to the all-round human experience in order to become wise. Not that only the so-called negative feelings will grant wisdom; the positive ones can be even more important in that respect! The richness, the depth of each human feeling reveals the understanding of what it is to be a human being in such an empirical, intimate way that it is later instantly recognised in a fellow human being who is going through the same emotional, human experience and who can then be met by compassion, that very kind understanding that you will have enjoyed with another, not only when life was being particularly difficult or sad, but also when you wanted to share your utmost joy or love. It is indeed such comfort to talk to someone who doesn’t lecture you, but who is right with you in your deepest pain or your exquisite happiness and doesn’t condemn you or suggests all kind of predictable therapies. The reward is first of all in the understanding of being human and secondly it is a privilege to be of genuine help with a person who feels alone, confused and abandoned in their circumstances. Or to be invited by someone who wants to share their most precious feelings with you.

RICHARD: Hmm ... you have well described the trap of compassion – as I call it – for the giver and the receiver thus remain firmly locked into the piquant and seductive snare of the beauty of pathos. Literally the word ‘compassion’ means pathos in common ... and actually starts out as nothing more impelling than a coping-mechanism designed to alleviate – not eliminate – the existential pain and distress of being human. For to be human is to be suffering and to be suffering is to be in sorrow. Indeed, all sentient beings suffer – not only the human animal – and one can travel deeply into the depths of ‘being’ itself ... and come upon Universal Sorrow. The piquancy of one’s personal sorrow pales into insignificance when confronted with the pungency of all the sorrow of anyone who has ever lived or who is living now or who is yet to be born ... for one is indulging oneself in self-justifying grief. There the beauty of this universal pathos reveals what lies eternally silent at the heart of the mystique ... a god or a goddess that is The Truth.

And thus is a new religion born – and another sect to wage their vicious wars – which is why I call the alluring beauty of pathos ‘The Trap Of Compassion’.

There is, however, a third alternative to being human or divine. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, Irene, 11 October 1998).

HENRY: I have some history in my early 20s of aggressive people in my life that I can now see left me with a very avoidant and timid existence. Luckily I can now see the line of causation clearly, which means I can easily interrupt it: when I see myself being avoidant or timid, I can see the connection to fear of aggression. When I see the fear and do not give it any sustenance, it quickly fades – along with the auxiliary emotions and behaviors. […]

Already at work I have had some encouraging interactions, where I would start talking to someone that I was told was having a terrible time, but after a short time they seem to be doing just fine. Perhaps a few minutes ago they were indeed struggling, but it must have passed quickly – and I’m certain the lack of sympathy helped.

I can see how this dynamic is holding everyone in thrall, it’s part of what makes it taboo to be happy and harmless. However, that is nothing but superstition – it’s amazing to see how all the ‘state of the art’ psychology falls apart on that one point alone. In the end, it was all just a belief. There is something far better.

VINEETO: This is excellent, Henry. I find it fascinating that you first had to deal with fear and aggression in order to see that people don’t like others to be happy and from there you could see that sympathy is not harmless. And you also experienced instant confirmation that due to “the lack of sympathy” the client’s “terrible time” and “struggling” “must have passed quickly”.

There is indeed “something far better”

RESPONDENT: [... I don’t see much point in thinking about you] or your claims any longer. Whatever it is you’ve discovered ...

RICHARD: There is no need to be coy ... you know quite well what it is. For example:

• [Respondent]: ‘Trying to imagine someone who has no feelings, someone who is incapable of empathy, incapable of feeling sorrow or compassion, one naturally tends to think either of someone who is heartless, uncaring, ruthlessly self-centred (a ‘psychopath’ in popular parlance), or someone who is dull, lifeless, emotionally flattened. I am still bothered by this sometimes, even though I know it needn’t be so.

I was thinking this over again recently when I remembered the day two summers ago when I took a long walk in the country, ate two ‘magic’ psilocybin mushrooms, and had 4 hours of PCE on earth. Back at home (still on the fringes of the aptly described ‘magical fairytale-like paradise’) I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone in Sydney. She was crying, telling me about a problem at work that was getting her down. As she was going into the details I was lying there on a sofa looking out a window, watching the sky, observing a magnificent snowy-white cloud drifting way up there in the cool blue immensity.

Everything was utterly immaculate. (...)’. (Wednesday, 16/02/2005 6:27 PM AEDST). […]

RICHARD: Here is what you went on to say (in that e-mail of yours already part-quoted above) a year ago to the day:

• [Respondent]: ‘... [Everything was utterly immaculate]. What she was telling me belonged to a different world altogether. I heard it, I understood it, I knew she was concerned about it, but it had no relevance here. And the important thing is, I knew it had no relevance *there* either – but there was no way she could really *see* that unless she could experience ... this’. [emphases in original]. (Wednesday, 16/02/2005 6:27 PM AEDST).

RICHARD: And here is the very next paragraph (from that e-mail you wrote a year ago to the day):

• [Respondent]: ‘To say that I was callous, cold, indifferent, uncaring, flat, dull or lifeless at that moment would be totally off the mark. No way! What I really wanted was for her to experience the world this way, and to realise that whatever problem she had was made redundant by the perfection of the sky, the clouds, the trees, the air. It’s true to say there was no compassion in me, none whatsoever, because there was no sorrow, and no way I could endorse anyone else’s unnecessary sorrow either. At that moment I was literally incapable of conventional compassion ... but there was genuine caring, and plenty of it’. (Wednesday, 16/02/2005 6:27 PM AEDST).

RESPONDENT: Whatever you’ve got, enjoy it, but keep it. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 60j, 19 February 2006).

However, a year later the Respondent had forgotten/pushed aside his experience of genuine caring (“but there was genuine caring, and plenty of it”) and bemoaned the absence of sympathy and compassion in Richard.

With being happy and harmless comes genuine caring for one’s fellow human beings.

Cheers Vineeto

December 25 2024

HENRY: Thank you for the detailed response!

VINEETO: You are very welcome.

Richard to Irene: The piquancy of one’s personal sorrow pales into insignificance when confronted with the pungency of all the sorrow of anyone who has ever lived or who is living now or who is yet to be born … for one is indulging oneself in self-justifying grief. There the beauty of this universal pathos reveals what lies eternally silent at the heart of the mystique … a god or a goddess that is The Truth. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, Irene, 11 October 1998).

HENRY: The aspect of the beauty of The Truth / God etc. is fascinating to feel out, I can see now how it has been such a temptation down the years… without the context of history it only makes sense that one would be intuitively drawn in that direction. It is indeed seductive at an intuitive level.

VINEETO: You can say that again! I spent 14 years at the feet of an enlightened master because of the attraction of his Love and Compassion. Even occasional outbursts of ‘Divine Anger’ did not penetrate sufficiently into my common sense to even question the nature of the Truth I was seeking. Only his death eventually freed me from the addictive influence of Divine Love and Compassion … and then on my further quest for ‘what is Truth’ I met Peter and Richard.

HENRY: The direction of the actual is sweet but in a different way, it’s clean to the point of being nearly invisible from within the human condition. It’s amazing to consider how Richard managed to find his way to it.

VINEETO: Yet the more you experientially understand actualism and remember your own PCEs the more obvious its utter purity becomes.

HENRY: The discerning intellect is so key, to be able to spot those inconsistencies and contradictions present within the August state, to be a keen observer of history and of ourselves. Within those contradictions and wilful ignorance is the dark side of the enlightened state:

Richard: … what I then called ‘The Absolute’ presented itself as being feminine – a Radiant Being initially seen to be Pure Love – which femininity I would nowadays consider to be a product of me being of masculine gender. Due to an intensity of purpose there was the capacity to penetrate into the nature of this ‘Radiant Being’ and I was able to see ‘Her’ other face:

It was Pure Evil – the Diabolical underpins the Divine … (Richard, Selected Correspondence, Love).

VINEETO: A “discerning intellect” is not enough to dissuade you from following your “intuition” and your feelings. Common sense helps but it is the sincere yearning for peace on earth, which allows you to fully engage and understand that all of the intuitively attractive solutions offered by humanity have done zilch, for centuries of experimenting with human souls, to bring peace on earth even an inch closer to how it was in the early days of human history.

‘Vineeto’ asked Richard once, in ‘her’ early actualism years, if humans have made any progress in consciousness and his answer was – “no, no progress at all”. ‘Vineeto’ was deeply shocked. I now know that this is so.


VINEETO: I find it fascinating that you first had to deal with fear and aggression in order to see that people don’t like others to be happy and from there you could see that sympathy is not harmless.

HENRY: I see it coming from two sides:

  • Sympathy is not harmless because it conceals the greater peace that’s possible by offering a validating pacifier

  • People can become aggressive when they don’t think someone is behaving properly. In the case of sympathy, the belief is that by withholding sympathy one is hurting the sufferer (the ‘victim’). The aggression is a counter-attack to a perceived attack.

VINEETO: There is an additional angle to No. 2. People who develop a condition to any degree outside of the sanity spectrum are often very sensitive to vibes and psychic currents and therefore instantly feel when they are lied to, or disliked. It is not a ‘belief’ as you call it but a direct affective experience. Hence their ‘victimhood’ is not merely imagined, but experienced and reinforced by everyday experience. It is, of course, also part of their survival strategy and as such of vital importance.

You will find that they do appreciate honesty and integrity, more than your well-adapted co-workers might.

Richard: … when a ‘normal’ person becomes ‘psychotic’ it is because they have found the pressures of life too much to handle and have chosen for psychosis as their way out. As strange as it may sound to normal people, they are comfortable with their modus operandi and have no interest in budging one iota from their position ... despite their pleas for help (a part of their strategy). (Sundry, Disclaimer).

HENRY: This is selfish in nature because the belief in the victim hood of the other is felt… ‘I’ know they are suffering because ‘I’ feel their suffering. In this sense, the counter-attack is defending one’s own ‘self.’ The pang is personal, and the defensive aggression is personal.

VINEETO: Are you talking about yourself when you say “the belief in the victim hood of the other is felt”? And that you feel your “counter-attack is defending one’s [your] own ‘self’”? And that your “defensive aggression is personal”? And that is why you first had to deal with fear and aggression? I am trying to understand your own emotional process and insights.

HENRY: Guilt is similar to this as well… one identifies with the ‘victim’ and feels the emotional harm one caused to them. Because of the belief in the solidity of that harm, it’s felt that a crime was committed. But it works similarly to sympathy in only continuing the entire structure, as has been pointed out many times on the AFT it does little or nothing to prevent future behavior.

Just one more case of the diabolical underpinning the divine.

VINEETO: When you feel “that a crime was committed” you swallow the set-up hook, line and sinker. Only ongoing affective attentiveness can break that vicious cycle. Your clients have nevertheless set up their lives the way they did (largely unconsciously of course) and in their scheme you are their servant.

HENRY: I find it disturbing and distressing to discover that all the well-meaning people I grew up around and emulated carried that evil – and still carry it (as do I). Something to reflect on further.

VINEETO: It is not only the “well-meaning people” who “carried that evil”, even though it is shocking to discover this. It’s a self-perpetuating set-up of both sides of the game.

Only unilateral action can resolve the situation you find yourself in.

Cheers Vineeto

December 25 2024

HENRY: My belief has been that people are inherently good – a sort of ‘look for the good in people’, overlooking the obvious evils and bad vibes that are rife.

Part of this has had to do with seeing everyone as a mere victim – to circumstances, to their psychologies, to their upbringings. Ultimately helpless. Within this view, it is impossible to change and we just have to accept how things are. It conveniently lets everyone off the hook, including myself, for falling short. It means that any change must come from ‘outside,’ essentially from a god.

VINEETO: Yes, what makes this pernicious outlook more difficult to penetrate that it has now become the mainstream creed. And that it lets you off the hook makes it all the more attractive for those being content with second rate solutions. It’s good you are starting to see through the charade.

HENRY: Everyone gets to be ‘good,’ (a mere victim) at the cost of being helpless. The effect of considering others and myself helpless is irresponsibility – a failure to take the necessary steps to change whatever it is that’s happening. If we are just victims, there’s no point in even trying, it’s better to just accept what’s happening.

VINEETO: Indeed, and thus the suicide rate is higher than ever. And so is the murder rate, given that even hardened criminals are considered mere victims who only need some therapy.

HENRY: However, that isn’t the case. We do have the ability to appraise our situations and make different choices, to experiment, to dare to try something different.

As such, the entire narrative falls apart: I am not a victim, because I can do something different. And neither are anyone else. If they cared to, they could do differently. Everyone is only being the way they are because they’re too afraid to do anything different.

VINEETO: Indeed.

Richard: I was born of ordinary parents, was sent to an ordinary state school – receiving an average education until I was fifteen years of age – took an ordinary job and worked for a living. I eventually got married and had four children and bought a house and ... in short, I was relatively normal and did all the expected things. Thus did I live my life for thirty two years according to the ‘tried and true’ methods as laid down by the countless millions of other humans that had lived before me. I tried my best to make their system work to produce the optimum result ... but to no avail. Only then did I make the first and most important movement of my own volition ... I discarded the ‘tried and true’ as being the ‘tried and failed’. (I did say ‘I was relatively normal’ because one thing, and one thing alone, stood out that distinguished me from whomsoever else I met: I wanted to know – as an actuality – just what it was to be a human being here on this planet, as this body, in this life-time.) [Emphasis added]. (Richard, List A, No. 26)

It’s just as well that you have dealt “with fear and aggression” enough to dare to do something radically different – enjoy and appreciate being alive despite everyone playing the victim or pretending to play the victim.

HENRY: And that is the evil present in me. That’s what I allow./p>

VINEETO: Ha, it looks as if you are starting to disallow it now. You might like this one –

Richard: Non-belief: My favourite subject as beliefs are the bane of humankind. Beliefs have been so instrumental in killing, maiming, torturing and otherwise causing such pain and suffering since the dawn of human history, that one wonders that they are given any credence at all these days. It behoves one to examine each and every belief – especially those that pass for ‘truths’ – and watch them disappear out of one’s life forever. It is so liberating to be free of beliefs – of believing itself – that I cannot recommend their elimination highly enough. One’s sense of identity is largely made up of beliefs ... beliefs and feelings. In fact a belief is an emotion-backed thought. The vast majority of the beliefs that one carries are not invented by oneself; they were imbibed with the mother’s milk and added to thereupon up to the present day. They are inherited beliefs, put into the child with love and fear – reward and punishment. It is no wonder human beings are such a desperate lot. A ‘mature Adult’ is actually a lost, lonely and frightened entity careering around in confusion and delusion.

However, it is never too late to begin to undo that which has been done to you. One of the marvellous aspects of entering into actualism is that it is a wide and wondrous path full of delight and discovery ... with some down-turns from time-to-time as the old ways reassert themselves. I will not pretend for a moment that all is rosy when one begins to dismantle one’s belief system; one’s very identity is at stake ... not to mention the self. The identity and self will put up a good fight for they want to stay in existence as they have a lot to lose. To wit: their life. As the sense of self is firmly based upon the instinct for survival, it will get up to all kinds of tricks to retain and regain its ascendancy. But it is not a hopeless case: if I can do it, anyone can. I am not special. I was born of normal parents and went to an ordinary State school. I got a job and worked for a living like anyone else. I became married and raised a family. I claim no special abilities other than a determination to succeed in my desired ambition. In 1980 I had what is known as a ‘Peak Experience’ wherein I experienced the perfection and purity of the universe as-it-is. I was hooked! I devoted myself to the task of setting myself free of absolutely everything that stood in the way of attaining what I had experienced. The word ‘fail’ is not in my vocabulary. (Richard, General Correspondence, Page 1, 26 June 1997).

Cheers Vineeto

December 27 2024

HENRY: This is selfish in nature because the belief in the victim hood of the other is felt… ‘I’ know they are suffering because ‘I’ feel their suffering. In this sense, the counter-attack is defending one’s own ‘self.’ The pang is personal, and the defensive aggression is personal.

VINEETO: Are you talking about yourself when you say “the belief in the victim hood of the other is felt”? And that you feel your “counter-attack is defending one’s [your] own ‘self’”? And that your “defensive aggression is personal”? And that is why you first had to deal with fear and aggression? I am trying to understand your own emotional process and insights.

HENRY: I’d say I was generalizing to humanity at large but it would be accurate to say that that is how I have experienced it. It has been diminishing of late, though, as I learn a new way.

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

Thank you for your reply.

I did guess that but it appeared to be rather dissociated, so I thought I better ask.

Generalisations often are used to keep one’s delicate issues at arm’s length. It might well be a habit reinforced by the job you do.

Cheers Vineeto

January 5 2025

HENRY: It’s a dead end trying to connect with people on a psychic level, but I can be as intimate as possible with them, reaching toward near-actual caring. [emphasis added].

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

I singled out this line from your post because I have observed this tendency of people to arrogate words for their dreams and [future] experiences to present a picture which has nothing at all to do with where they are at, and ‘near-actual-caring’ is at the top of the list.

The original expression of feeling being ‘Vineeto’ was the description about the final clue to becoming actually free –

Vineeto: The final clue was again about caring, a caring as close to an actual caring as an identity can muster. Only when I cared enough to give all of ‘me’ to another person, to give them what they want most, was I then ready to give it to the one I cared for most, the one I was closest to, and then I was able to leave all remnant concerns and inhibitions of my identity behind. (Direct Route, No. 20, 20 Jan 2010)

It was to describe the experience which allowed ‘her’ to initiate the altruism required to give all of ‘herself’ to become actually free and was only used once and never since, because ‘her’ near-actual-caring became an actual caring once the identity had ‘self’-immolated.

All the while cunning identities wanting to jump the gun began the watering-down process of appropriating the term, now shortened to “near-actual-caring”, into their everyday feeling experiences and dreams, never realising that to experientially know near-actual-caring will be the end of ‘me’ –

SRINATH: For starters it I have been using the term ‘near-actual caring’ as a proxy for ‘more innocuous caring’ ...

RICHARD: And thus does the watering-down process begin – even while the pioneer of what that specialist term refers to is still alive – and by which process thus does identity prevail. (Richard, List D, Srinath2, #near-actual-caring)

Richard wrote a long email dedicated to the purpose of drawing out the distinction of feeling caring and actual caring/near-actual-caring –

RICHARD: 1. When feeling-being ‘Vineeto’s everyday feeling of caring first shifted into what has since become known as a near-actual caring the qualitative difference was so marked in its effect ‘she’ initially mistook it to be an actual caring (as per ‘her’ memories of PCE’s).

2. This shift occurred when ‘she’ transitioned from ‘her’ pragmatic, methodological virtual freedom into being out-from-control – a dynamic, destinal virtual freedom – for the remaining four-and-a-half weeks of ‘her’ life (albeit with a melodramatic three-day out-of-control interlude towards the end).

3. Due to ‘her’ naïve intent to be as intimate and without prejudice as possible – which, in conjunction with the absence of self-centredness/ self-centricity that is part-and-parcel of being out-from-control had resulted in the actualism method segueing into the actualism process – ‘her’ cheerful and thus willing concurrence allowed pure intent to dynamically pull ‘her’ evermore unto ‘her’ destiny. (Hence the “dynamic, destinal virtual freedom” nomenclature).

4. This moment-to-moment experiencing of a caring which is not self-centred/ self-centric provided ‘her’ with the experiential convincement that actualising such caring, via ‘self’-immolation, was the only solution to the human condition; this ‘hands-on’ understanding as a dynamically present feeling-being – an impressively distinct contrast to having been abeyant during PCE’s – left ‘her’ with absolutely no choice (lest ‘she’ be forever “rearranging the deck-chairs on the Titanic”).

5. Since a near-actual caring is, of course, epitomised by a vital interest in the suffering of all human beings coming to an end, forever, as a number one priority, then ‘her’ single-minded focus was essentially centred upon the most immediate way of ensuring this long-awaited global event could begin to take effect the soonest ... to wit: bringing ‘her’ own inevitable demise, at physical death, forward into a liminal imminence.

6. Because the means ‘she’ elected to utilise towards these ends was the near-actual intimacy which goes hand-in-hand with a near-actual caring (per favour that afore-mentioned absence of self-centredness/ self-centricity which typifies being out-from-control) it is apposite to defer to what Vineeto herself wrote on the 20th of January 2010, only fifteen days after her pivotal moment/ definitive event, as its refreshingly simple directness speaks for itself. […] [emphases added]. (Richard, List D, Srinath2, #near-actual-caring)

As I know the inventive cunning of the ‘self’-preserving identity only too well from ‘Vineeto’s’ own experience, I copied the whole sequence to demonstrate how vital it is that one is ruthlessly honest in one’s observations and descriptions of one’s own experiences, and not imagining oneself to be ‘almost there’, which imagination can only be safely within the human condition.

Sincerity is the key to naiveté, and to proceed naïvely is the end of any imaginative planning and the beginning of truly having fun.

Cheers Vineeto

January 25 2025

HENRY: I had an interesting time over the weekend meeting up with a couple of friends and going for a long hike, one of them was extremely concerned about the potential nazi affiliations/ sympathies of the new American president, and was explaining how he believed that things were going to go downhill fast and that we would soon have a fully fascist regime.

For some reason I couldn’t fully explicate I don’t share his concerns.

However, I could also see that the discussion wasn’t settled for me, as I kept on chewing it. It eventually became clear that though I didn’t agree with his prediction, his fears about it were contagious, which made it clear that there was some ‘hook’ in me. After thinking about the issue via different avenues for a few days, I recalled that Richard had an article about peasant mentality. (Sundry, Facts and Groupthink, Peasant Mentality) which I had read only once and which I thought would touch on relevant aspects, so I decided to read it again.

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

You report being affected by your friend’s psychic vibes of “contagious” fear regarding “new American president”. You could start by checking out some of the facts for yourself. The topic fits in well what Richard writes in the article about peasant mentality (more here (Richard, Personal Webpage, Various, Persistent Social Identity, 05) and here (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Basic to Full Freedom2).) and the interesting thing is that this recent presidential election can be regarded as the revolution of the generally obliging and subservient peasant population after circumstances became so severe that it drove them to the brink of threatening their very survival.

I haven’t watched current affairs in the last seven months but before that Richard and myself were regularly keeping abreast of most of what was going on in the US and the world at large.

In summary, the actions of the previous government had, by statist intervention, doubled the fuel and electricity prices, tripled the food prices, restricted gas-stoves and cars to be replaced with electric vehicles, and instituted a myriad other public-servant-inspired restrictions on affordable living with so-called climate-change regulations based on the world-wide global warming scare. Additionally the privacy of girls’ toilets and locker-rooms were violated by legal decrees for confused males to use them, by instituting edicts that interfered in parents’ rights to choose schools and gender for their children. They also inflicted a world-wide plague on Western and other countries together with insulating/isolating the whole population plus an obligatory, inefficient, even dangerous, genetic experimental drug (deceitfully called ‘vaccine’). On top of it they engineered an invasion of millions of “aliens” into the US resulting in more poverty and crime for large afflicted regions. All these events quite transparently benefited the already obscenely rich and brought more misery to the middle-class and poorer population.

Even though the majority of the media is owned and controlled by the very same obscenely rich, their scare-tactic of “potential nazi affiliations/ sympathies” seems no longer be effective – it has been used too long without tangible evidence.

HENRY: The most salient point I have taken from it so far (I’m about halfway through the entire article as of writing this post) is that we have already been screwed by various elites throughout history, going back to agrarian society and throughout time various systems of laws have served only to entrench said screwing. Meanwhile, the psychic influence of peasant mentality resulted in an entire class of people who were effectively defending their captors leading to a state of denial and confusion among the general population.

VINEETO: You can put it that way as if the elites were the evil perpetrators and the compliant citizens were blameless victims – however, there is a lot more to peasant mentality such as the recently discussed cognitive dissonance (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Kuba4, 23 January 2025) and the instinctual need to belong. Plus there is the (instinctual) need for superiority and control, which is activated as soon as opportunity arises. What I find most astounding to observe is the tendency of everyone to rather fight each other than address the cause of whatever problem presents itself.

Just like an inexperienced actualist will first blame themselves, or blames others for unwanted aspects of the human condition before sensibly making use of the practical solution of the actualism method as intended (just found this link, lol). It is certainly worthwhile to continue contemplating the various aspect of peasant mentality when you have the inclination and opportunity as it governs most of social life and as such your own life when undetected.

HENRY: So that immediately settled a large aspect of the question for me: we are already being screwed, with the difference mainly being one of degree rather than of whether it is happening or not. Further, our ability to do much about it as an individual is severely limited, especially as one’s effectiveness at pushing back directly correlates with the danger one is putting oneself in. Furthermore any successes ultimate prove pyrrhic in the face of the deep instinctive forces which drive the fascist/ authoritarian power dynamics.

VINEETO: It’s interesting that you only name one side of the political dichotomy but not the sinistral statist ideology (Sundry, Facts and Groupthink, Peasant Mentality, 31 May 2015). Is there a blind spot to recognize the same “instinctive forces” operating on the both sides? After all, the human condition ‘distributes’ instinctual passions to all human beings.

HENRY: Richard’s solution is simple: despite the factual disfranchisement, once one is free of the feeling of disfranchisement, a ‘remarkable freedom’ eventuates – with no need to rebel.

I found this understanding to be more than satisfactory to satisfy myself re: the present political situation in my country. It doesn’t release me from knowing what will happen next, but it doesn’t matter – I can’t prepare for all ends anyway. […]

At the same time, I appreciate that this does not involve sweeping such misdeeds and tragedies under the rug – they have been and continue to be abominations.

VINEETO: What exact events are you referring to when you say “misdeeds and tragedies”, “abominations”, which you do not want to sweep “under the rug”? Just curious.

HENRY: Finally, this approach is proving an extremely useful lens to see my personal primary bugbear through – the feeling of feeling disfranchised of a desirable mate.

It is no secret that economic and social status tend to be significant factors in mate selection, and the revelation that I have been blaming myself for both (a la peasant mentality) and not recognizing that the system is set up to enrich only a small proportion of the population and that by definition the bulk must be seen as ‘undesirable,’ with an extremely limited and statistically unlikely capacity to change that condition (at least as regards that top 10%, top 5%, or top 1%), meanwhile blaming that 90%/95%/99% for their condition. […]

VINEETO: As I understand it, the interpretation/ explanation for your failure to find a “desirable mate” is to first blaming yourself (which is silly) then blaming the economical system (which is equally silly). Instead you could accept the fact that the only person you can change is yourself. Why, for instance, do you define yourself, and thus a potential “desirable mate” by economic class? There is an obvious social conditioning in action.

HENRY: As always I welcome any critiques or observations! This topic has long been a weighty one for me and as such there are likely to be things I got wrong in my passion. At this moment I feel quite light about the whole situation though – a most delightful turn of events.

VINEETO: Given that you asked, my observation is, that the language/the way you are talking to yourself and others and thinking about yourself, is quite generalized, sophisticated and thus detached, as if you keep yourself and what is viscerally and emotionally happening for you at arm’s length.

Once you recognize and accept that you are your feelings instead of having feelings (and analysing them) you will be able, with fascinated attentiveness, to change the feeling you are. There may be a fear of feeling the feeling you experience at first but if you are aware enough not to resist experiencing the feeling (every resistance is feeding the feeling) and accept that it is happening, you will find that it instantly loses a great deal of its strength.

You can even go a step further, with personal honesty and sincerity, and reawaken your dormant naiveté (be like a child again with adult sensibilities). This naïve attitude allows you to like yourself and others and regard people (including yourself) as fellow human beings, not as scientific, or pseudo-scientific, objects of your logical observations.

Try it out – it is quite magical when you do.

Cheers Vineeto

January 26 2025

HENRY: Hi Vineeto and Claudiu, thank you for the thoughtful & thorough replies. They have given me a lot to think about.

I went through a whirlwind of emotion upon reading, and afterward went on a long hike contemplating both the content of your replies and my reaction. My first goal was to get back to feeling good so I could consider the implications of both with a clear head.

It immediately was obvious that the strength of such a reaction could only come from a feeling of defensiveness and of social fear.

The social fear by itself made it clear that I have not been as sincere as I had believed or wished myself to be. Everything was couched in protecting myself in the eyes of ‘my’ ‘tribe.’ I could see how my fears of social rejection were preventing me from considering all possibilities, or for fact-checking the views and beliefs that I had been raised and educated in. I had no safe forum within that tribe to discuss these matters in, immediately demonstrating that my entire liberal-arts based education was nothing but a sham.

I can’t overstate how much this shook me.

With this realization it quickly became apparent that I was nothing but a fraud playing a song-and-dance for social points. Thank you Vineeto for recently pointing out the silliness of blaming oneself for the whole mess, because I was quickly able to move past that and into what I found to be a remarkable naiveté. I feel as if I have just been born fresh into a world that I don’t know much about.

I want to thank you both again for the thoughtfulness of your posts as well as for the overall investigations and progress in actualism that they reflect. It’s a remarkable thing that is being done.

The cognitive dissonance observation in particular I found very useful to reflect on, as it demonstrates to a considerable degree why people reject observations and people that don’t match their beliefs. This has an incredible social power, and I am in awe that as a species and as individuals we have arrived at a place that we can move past those strong reactions. In fact my entire reactions described above were a reflection of cognitive dissonance. There is a better way.

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

You are very welcome, I am delighted to read your message and your feedback. I instantly noticed the honesty and directness of your writing without any of the ‘at-arms-length’ qualities of your previous posts. It can be quite a shock to suddenly look at the world afresh with more naïve eyes. It is indeed “a remarkable thing that is being done”. You write –

Henry: “I feel as if I have just been born fresh into a world that I don’t know much about.”

It is wonderful you found “a remarkable naiveté” which will greatly enhance your experience of being alive and your success of discovering how ‘you’ tick. I took particular notice that naiveté appeared as soon as you declined blaming yourself – blaming oneself is such a simple mechanism of ‘self’-protection and so revealing and liberating when this protective plaster is removed! With naiveté it is much more fun to be alive and makes the whole actualism enterprise an exciting adventure rather than a chore.

There comes a point in every sincere actualist’s life what feeling being ‘Vineeto’ reported after the first few weeks of listening to what Richard reported, and you might be able to relate to that. Richard described it to Alan in a very humorous way (so don’t take the first paragraph personally) –

Richard to Alan: As your back-to-front discombobulation may very well be indicative of a ‘more cunning than the norm’ cozener – perhaps even of such an upside-down vulpecular callidity as to be instinctually impelled into the sliest casuistry only ever dreamed of by a normal knavishness (stopping short of being so perfidiously jesuitical as to be positively machiavellian however) – such tergiversation reminds me of what feeling-being ‘Vineeto’ reported after the first few weeks of listening to me/ reading my words.

Speaking in regards to the effects any and all attempts to fit this totally new paradigm into ‘her’ existing mindset were having, ‘she’ explained the process as being ... (1.) as if ‘her’ brain was being turned upside-down ... and how (2.) ‘she’ was having to relearn how to think all over again.

Could it be a stage you have skipped, perchance, upon having jumped the gun? (Richard, List D, Alan, 29 February 2016).

You are certainly on the right track, and the fact that this new information shook you out of a “feeling of defensiveness and of social fear”, reminiscent for you to a cognitive dissonance-like mindset, straight into a “remarkable naiveté”, means that the ground was well prepared to have that happen. You can pat yourself on the back for a transition well done.

Cheers Vineeto

January 27 2025

VINEETO: They also inflicted a world-wide plague on Western and other countries. (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Henry, 25 January 2025)

HENRY: Vineeto, I was wondering if you could tell me more about this or point me to someplace I could read more?

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

I appreciate that you are looking for ways to find out the facts for yourself. It has been a while since Richard and I watched current affairs and documentaries of investigative journalists and I am unable to give you the sources and many have disappeared.

My overall information was that US grants for “gain of function research”, i.e. make a specific virus (corona=influenza virus) more transmissible and more dangerous in order to study it for a remedial cure, was halted under President Obama (around 2014) and skilfully (deceitfully) transferred to the Woohan laboratory, from where it most likely escaped into the wild. This was investigated by several journalists and doctors but their reports were heavily censored for political reasons. One of the main movers of this fraudulent action was Dr. Fauci, who had investments of his own in vaccine-developments.

I found his (Dr. Vinay Prasad’s) report very informative when I watched it yesterday –

Claudiu: One doctor’s expert opinion about this pause is worth watching:

Another link I found very informative at the time of the Covid ‘crisis’ – Michael Yeadon, Former Vice President and Chief Scientist of Pfizer (till 2011) – now most of his information has been deleted or discredited as ‘’misinformation“ (link and link). But at the time he reported what had been happening inside Pfizer.

You may also find something informative here to start your own research.

There was a lot more, and once you start looking you will find other suggested links, and then have to use your own inquisitiveness and sensibleness to decide if they are useful/informative or propaganda. I often simply put all I hear on the backburner until more confirmation or rational debunking happens. It is still not easy to form a coherent idea/ opinion as so much information is distorted and suppressed by those benefitting most from the Covid and ‘vaccine’ scam. It is still shocking and remarkable to discover how wide-spread and rotten the actions by those ensnared by money and power can be.

Claudiu may be able to help you with more current sources.

Claudiu: Withdraw from the World Health Organization (with an explicitly stated reason due to its “mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic“) and temporarily pause medical grant reviews by the US’s National Institutes of Health, both of which contributed to the severity and impact of the worldwide pandemic.

Cheers Vineeto

January 27 2025

VINEETO: What exact events are you referring to when you say “misdeeds and tragedies”, “abominations”, which you do not want to sweep “under the rug”? Just curious. (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Henry, 25 January 2025)

HENRY: Primarily the genocides.

VINEETO: Ha, you are not talking by chance of the so-called genocide of the Palestinians, are you?

Those darlings of the bleeding-heart denizens who blindly come to the rescue of those who cry ‘foul’ the loudest but are nevertheless fervently interested in keeping the conflict going as long as it might benefit their leaders?

If this is the “genocide” you are referring to, then a thorough research into the history of the conflict between the two feuding groups is called for, and it is again not easy to ascertain the historical facts as each party is having their own heavily biased narrative.

I wouldn’t want to be an arbiter but fortunately I don’t have to be. The only fact which I could determine was that, given the state of Israel was created where it was by the winners of the Second World War, the inhabitants of this nation have as much a right to exist and prosper as their opponents do, yet it is their opponents who want to fully and permanently drive them out from where they live and have vowed for decades to extirpate all of their inhabitants. With such deep and long-lasting indoctrinated hate any peaceful solution is presently impossible until they manage to get themselves a different leadership and create an opportunity for a new generation of a different less violently inclined, more tolerant, more informed and more intelligent people.

Douglas Murray gives quite a reasoned, fact-based, less passionate than usual account for one side of the present conflict. I haven’t found a non-passionate appeal for the other side – that is up to you to find.

Let me know if you were referring to other “genocides”.

Cheers Vineeto

January 31 2025

HENRY: No, I agree with your assessment of Palestine.

I was thinking in a somewhat general (ha!) sense of other past genocides, with the Nazi genocide of ww2 foremost on my mind. [Wikipedia, List of Genocides]

It’s apparent as I say this that it’s a weak spot that I don’t know much about most of these, but the larger point of wishing to avoid future events like these stands.

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

A few days ago I came across a link on YouTube with a 20-year old video interview with Ted L. Gunderson, and ex-FBI investigator who gave astounding facts involving a secret world-wide association called “The Illuminati”, operating for more than 300 years – It appeared as valid today as 20 years ago.

For me personally, neither belief nor disbelief operate but there was enough fact and common sense in this interview to take notice so I figured it might assist you and others to a certain degree to make sense of what is happening in the real world at large and can perhaps give you a basis for collecting more facts and understanding.

Cheers Vineeto

February 1 2025

VINEETO: A few days ago I came across a link on YouTube with a 20-year old video interview with Ted L. Gunderson, and ex-FBI investigator who gave astounding facts involving a secret world-wide association called “The Illuminati”, operating for more than 300 years – It appeared as valid today as 20 years ago.

For me personally, neither belief nor disbelief operate but there was enough fact and common sense in this interview to take notice so I figured it might assist you and others to a certain degree to make sense of what is happening in the real world at large and can perhaps give you a basis for collecting more facts and understanding. (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Henry, 31 January 2025)

HENRY: The funny thing with this is that there is no ‘taking over the world.’ The power is imaginary, the ownership is imaginary. So all there is, is violence and imposed economic suffering, all for nothing.

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

I am rather gob-smacked by your absolute statements.

Are you stating facts – and if yes, what is the evidence? Or are you stating an opinion – if yes, what is your reasoning to have come to such a (possibly considered) opinion?

You also say “there is […] imposed economic suffering“ – what forces have the power to “impose“ such “economic suffering“ if “the power is imaginary“ and “the ownership is imaginary“?

After all, we are discussing how to uncover one’s beliefs which constitute the social identity and the entire peasant mentality.

Cheers Vineeto

February 2 2025

HENRY: The funny thing with this is that there is no ‘taking over the world.’ The power is imaginary, the ownership is imaginary. So all there is, is violence and imposed economic suffering, all for nothing.

VINEETO: Are you stating facts – and if yes, what is the evidence? Or are you stating an opinion – if yes, what is your reasoning to have come to such a (possibly considered) opinion?
You also say “there is […] imposed economic suffering” – what forces have the power to “impose” such “economic suffering” if “the power is imaginary” and “the ownership is imaginary”?

After all, we are discussing how to uncover one’s beliefs which constitute the social identity and the entire peasant mentality. (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Henry, 1 February 2025)

HENRY: It seems I failed to draw a mental demarcation between how things operate in the actual world and the real world.

Of course everyone except the few free people are influenced by that power.

I was surprised when I looked for an answer and saw that I had overlooked that. In overlooking, I have also overlooked the influence of such forces on myself (as well as exerted by myself). It’s as though I have taken on the non-existence of power as a belief, despite being still influenced by it myself.

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

This is fascinating.

So you used others’ descriptions of the actual world to ‘determine’ that “power is imaginary”. Even though it is a fact that there is no power in the actual world, nevertheless power of coercion, both material and psychic, is very, very real in the real world where 8+ billion people live.

Well spotted when you recognized that “I have taken on the non-existence of power as a belief”.

For good measure you added “the ownership is imaginary”, which phrase is nowhere to be found in Richard’s description of the actual world. Even actually free people need to own basic necessities of life, purchase and maintain them, unless one wants to live naked in the forest without even a tool to hunt for food.

I think there is more for you to discover why you failed “to draw a mental demarcation between how things operate in the actual world and the real world” and were “overlooking” the distinction. As you have no direct experience “how things operate in the actual world” except perhaps for a memory of your PCE. Were you perchance using this technique of taking this as a belief so as to not be viscerally moved by the content of the video, i.e. keep it at arm’s length?

What happens if you watch it again, this time allowing the possibility that engineering of misery on a grand scale may well be happening? It’s certainly worthwhile exploring how the real world operates for your own benefit – else you will be using actualism as a dogma and a theoretical belief-system to ensure ‘you’ to remain the way you are.

HENRY: Last night I went to a rock show with the intent of watching myself closely. […] As I left, I could see very starkly that there was nothing ultimately better about being at the show as compared to anywhere else. I remember thinking that it was like I was looking at the actual ‘star-dust’ that everything is made of, rather than building out a narrative based on relative values. There was a solidity and purity to everything. I’m feeling quite encouraged by this experience.

VINEETO: It sounds like a wonderful experience, even though the expression “actual ‘star-dust’” had me puzzled for a while.

HENRY: Thank you Vineeto for challenging me on these things.

VINEETO: You are very welcome. I appreciate you enjoy looking into and communicate about these matters.

Cheers Vineeto

February 2 2025

VINEETO: For good measure you added “the ownership is imaginary”, …

HENRY: I was drawing that concept partly from my own past realizations regarding ownership which align with this quote which is referenced in the social identity / peasant mentality article: (Richard, List D, No. 38, 31 May 2015)

Yes practically speaking one must own accoutrements in order to function, it still remains that the ownership really consists of the legal recourse of protection should someone else wish to make off with whatever item.

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

Thank you for the reply and the informative links. Looking at your all-encompassing description I thought it needed more detailing, but you found where Richard has already done it. I fully agree with your expanded explanation. A virtually free society would need no such legal protection but that seems still a long way off.


VINEETO: Were you perchance using this technique of taking this as a belief so as to not be viscerally moved by the content of the video, i.e. keep it at arm’s length?
What happens if you watch it again, this time allowing the possibility that engineering of misery on a grand scale may well be happening? It’s certainly worthwhile exploring how the real world operates for your own benefit – else you will be using actualism as a dogma and a theoretical belief-system to ensure ‘you’ to remain the way you are.

HENRY: I didn’t get into this in my previous post but yes that is exactly the character of the realizations I was having.

Basically in an identity-centric bid to be an actualist (and thus gain some imaginary brownie points), I was taking on the dissociative belief that all was already perfect and that power didn’t exist. As a result I found myself frequently unsympathetic/ uncharitable with anyone in suffering or in the grips of various human machinations.

VINEETO: “Imaginary brownie points” is one reason but going by ‘Vineeto’s’ experience, keeping the impact of the wide-spread, for ‘her’ unbearable, misery of countless humans at bay was the main reason ‘she’ kept such acknowledgement and its visceral impact at arm’s length. ‘She’ was only able to feel sympathy and caring when actualism provided a genuine solution, not only for ‘her’ but for everyone.

Whenever being an ‘actualist’ makes you cool and/or callous then this ‘actualist’ identity is certainly leading you in the wrong direction (one of the main trick of ‘me’ to sabotage any change) –

Richard: “Often people who do not read what I have to say with both eyes gain the impression that I am suggesting that people are to stop feeling ... which I am not. My whole point is to cease ‘being’ …” (Richard, Articles, A Precis of Actual Freedom)

HENRY: One of the effects of this has been that the most important element of inspiration to become free, e.g. the passionately felt desire to end the child abuses, murders, suicides, tortures etc etc was essentially rendered toothless in a numbed-out psyche. I see this as monstrous actually now.

VINEETO: Indeed, it is monstrous. You cannot become actually free only for your own sake – it will remain still-born, just as “without naiveté – the nearest a ‘self’ can get to innocence whilst remaining a ‘self’ – pure intent will remain still-born”. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 60g, 1 November 2005)

HENRY: Beyond the specifics of who or what (e.g., illuminati or no), this is a fact. There are powerful individuals & groups actively engineering suffering at grand scale(s) for their own benefit. For the first time in a long time, I find myself deeply disturbed & stirred by this. It’s obvious as well that the only thing to do about it is to become free, and it’s obvious the connection to enjoying & appreciating to facilitate that. All that is left is to do that.

VINEETO: Ha, “all that is left is to do that”, as you are presently finding out, includes investigating one’s social identity and the multifaceted peasant mentality.

HENRY: Addendum re: illuminati or no: Also to be clear I’m not wanting to say one way or another at present, as primarily I’m recognizing that I have no idea and that a considerable amount of research is ahead of me before any picture comes into focus.

VINEETO: Personally, I still keep my own counsel as to what name they go by or how they are organized. It’s enough to know that a large group of people secretly but quite obviously have nefarious and Malthusian aims, plans and plenty of means, ways and power to be quite successful at present. As an uninformed and gullible citizen ‘I’ used to wonder why there were so many wars when apparently none of the ordinary people really wanted to go to war. It took a long time to find out why.

HENRY: It’s apparent that 90% of my worldview has consisted of readily-imbibed beliefs handed to me. I find that quite painful but I’m reminding myself to be gentle with myself haha.

VINEETO: I perfectly understand, and it can be quite an embarrassing shock that one has been such a fool to swallow the dominant worldview hook, line and sinker (and any worldview for that matter). You can make good use of this embarrassment to allow your hidden-away-during-puberty childhood naïveté come to the fore. Then you can discard seriousness and have fun with your discoveries how you tick. As Ian put it – “The final identity…I am fun.”

HENRY: For a long time I have been trying to figure out why I couldn’t seem to get my motivation going properly toward becoming free, and it seems I finally have the answer. I can hardly believe that it has finally happened, and I could not have predicted the sequence of events or psychological/ attitudinal shifts that were involved to get here.

It also makes evident a lack of solidity when it comes to my identity or any identity. I could only uphold that identity via those specific beliefs & feeling-associations. Only a few targeted beliefs was enough to topple an entire wing of ‘me,’ with seemingly more to follow.

VINEETO: I am very pleased about what you have already uncovered. It is wonderful to see how you find out more and more and gain more motivation in the process.


VINEETO: It sounds like a wonderful experience, even though the expression “actual ‘star-dust’” had me puzzled for a while.

HENRY: Yes I don’t think it fits well either, but I didn’t know how else to describe it… I was and am astounded by the physicality of everything that exists (and that is all that exists).

VINEETO: Yes, ‘star-dust’ reminds me more of birthday party glitter than how I would describe my experience of being here in this actual world. I do better understand now what you meant and am delighted about your experience of “the physicality of everything that exists (and that is all that exists)”.


Cheers Vineeto

February 5 2025

VINEETO: Were you perchance using this technique of taking this as a belief so as to not be viscerally moved by the content of the video, i.e. keep it at arm’s length? (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Henry, 2 February 2025a).

HENRY: This has been continually on my mind. It seems to me that there is still some ‘gap’ for me, that I am not yet fully engaging with others or the world on an emotional level. The gap has closed significantly but is still there. I am not sure what I need to do to fully ‘re-associate,’ but I see it as the most essential step for me right now.

I have been more fully exploring/ researching ideas which previously had been ‘taboo,’ there’s so much to be learned and it’s challenging to put things together, it feels similar to entering a massive cavern. With this comes thrill, which has been great news and has opened me up hugely. I noticed the other night as I went to bed that nowhere was there the usual depression of aimlessness; I had spent the evening digging into information which obviously vitally connects to the well-being of the species.

VINEETO: Hi Henry,

You seem to progress famously unlocking your hidden-away emotions and “exploring/ researching ideas which previously had been ‘taboo’”. I remember ‘Vineeto’ comparing it to a cellar filled with junk when ‘she’ started deep diving into previously unrecognized deeper feelings and passions. Now that you have a clear aim, you can start enjoying the explorative fun and thrill of the adventure of a life-time.

HENRY: As long as I had been playing within the sandbox of my pre-approved belief system there was no thrill and no jeopardy, because everything had already been ‘set up’ by someone else, some distant authority who was ‘in charge’ of what was going to happen, thus absolving me of any involvement – all I had to do was agree with the talking points, argue with the right people, and maybe show up to the occasional protest. It’s clear to me in this moment that that has had an anesthetizing effect on me. Now, it’s more obvious that these things are actually happening, and by fully involving myself, I am obviously involved in the outcome as well. I am no longer an anonymous sheep, but an acting agent.

An interesting element is that I can see myself instinctively seeking a ‘tribe,’ for example instinctively pre-emptively defending the opposite political camp despite still having an infantile understanding of the field. Apparently it is unbearable to not be in any camp at all.

VINEETO: This “instinctively seeking a ‘tribe’” is, of course, the instinctive need to belong which had been operating all along but now is more apparent because you no longer oblige automatically but are “an acting agent”. As for “defending the opposite political camp” I am reminded of what you recently wrote –

Henry: I remember thinking that it was like I was looking at the actual ‘star-dust’ that everything is made of, rather than building out a narrative based on relative values. There was a solidity and purity to everything. I’m feeling quite encouraged by this experience. (2 February 2025).

There is a third alternative, and you are already acting on the sincere intent to become free from the human condition.

HENRY: Returning to the initial subject above, there is some connection. I research because I want the best outcome for all, myself included, and that is a felt desire. I think part of where I have dissociated has been from being rejected by my peers in the past (primarily online along identity politics lines) and feeling hurt by that. I found myself in a strange position of partly still believing in their views while also feeling hurt & threatened by them. It left me with a resentment and anger that I felt I had to hide, which I think has led to the dissociation. Part of that dissociation has been an inability to see my ‘enemies’ as humans – I see them only as people that I desire to be closer to, while simultaneously experiencing fear and anger toward them.

A lot of how this has been beginning to resolve has been by recognizing that they (as individuals) are victims of their own belief systems. Their social and cultural lives have centered around holding certain beliefs, and within those beliefs they might see me as lesser, or as an enemy. They don’t know me, but the judgment is there.

So it was never really about me, it was about their beliefs. There isn’t much I can do to change anyone’s mind, so it’s best to just move on with my life. I also now see them as being just as lost as I felt until very recently.

VINEETO: The more you uncover and understand ‘who’ you are – this lost, lonely, frightened and very cunning entity inside – the more you can also acknowledge and recognize that you are like everyone else – a fellow human being afflicted with the same beliefs, principles, feelings and passions. This sincere recognition allows you to re-awaken your long-lost naiveté where you like yourself and like others (A Quaint Clay-Pit Tale). Miraculously, when you like yourself and others, you will find that you are much more at ease not to be “in any camp at all”.

HENRY: I had a very moving experience yesterday watching a live seminar in my town with a variety of political & social alignments all working toward the same goal of combating human trafficking. I could see how everyone was trying to put together what was happening, that they all cared a lot about the issue but they each had their own worldview of what the issue was and how to tackle it. It was comedic at times seeing how big the gulf in worldviews and priorities was, but the common thread was that felt desire to do something. That’s the humanizing for me right now, and that’s where I can see I’m beginning to open up again.

VINEETO: I am reminded of this particular quote from Richard –

Richard: … gently ushering in an increasing ease and generosity of character. With this growing magnanimity, one becomes more and more anonymous, more and more selflessly motivated. With this expanding altruism one becomes less and less self-centred, less and less egocentric ... the humanitarian ideals of peace, kindness, caring, benevolence and humaneness become more and more evident as an actuality. (Richard, List B, James, 17 Oct 1999).

What you experienced in a “moving” way “watching a live seminar” were not merely “humanitarian ideals” but they can potentially become “evident as an actuality” as the inherent values of the overarching benignity and benevolence of the infinitude of the universe. This sporadic coming together of human beings in order to actualize some of the “humanitarian ideals of peace, kindness, caring, benevolence and humaneness” is wonderful to observe or participate in. Even though this action is so often brought to naught by interference from the instinctual passions, it is nevertheless marvellous what beneficiary feats have been achieved despite the human condition.

HENRY: I can’t prevent others from attacking me sometimes, but as Claudiu pointed out I can be thoughtful/ careful about what I say to who, and when I am attacked I can recognize where they are coming from and not take it personally, not retreat into a depressive shell as I always have. That’s where engaging in thrill is again helpful. Plenty of thrill to go around here!

Through this process, good & evil & the powers they wield have begun to come into focus. I have distanced myself from them for so long that it’s not fully there, but I intend to engage as fully as I can.

VINEETO: Hint – when you remove your own emotional hooks of feeling anger, indignance, annoyance, hurt and so on, you will be increasingly emotionally untouched by others “attacking” you. Then their arrows won’t reach their intended target as in “water off a duck’s back”. In other words, when you are felicitous, any personal attack will not be felt by you as a personal attack, and your adversary recognizes psychically that their arrow hasn’t reached its target.

Then you can put facts right, if the effort appears necessary, or call them out as being silly. When you are not affected emotionally you can treat them as fellow human beings, afflicted by the same passions like everyone including yourself. Then a more amicable discussion is a possibility.

The first part of the quote cited above might be helpful as well –

Richard: This is why remembering a PCE is so important for success for it shows one, first hand, that freedom is already always here ... now. With the memory of that crystal-clear perfection held firmly in mind, that basic resentment vanishes forever, and then it is a relatively easy task to eliminate anger once and for all. One does this by neither expressing or repressing anger when an event happens that would previously trigger an outbreak (Richard, Selected Correpondence, Aggression). Anger is thus put into a bind, and the third alternative hoves into view, dispensing with the hostility that is a large part of ‘I’ the aggressive psychological entity, and gently ushering in an increasing ease and generosity of character. (Richard, List B, James, 17 Oct 1999).

Cheers Vineeto





This Correspondence Continued

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