Please note that Vineeto’s correspondence below was written by the actually free Vineeto

(List D refers to Richard’s List D and his Respondent Numbers)

Vineeto’s Correspondence

with Claudiu Discuss Actualism Forum

January 6 2025

Richard: Therefore a mortal or transitory shape or form, comprised of immortal or perpetual stuff, can indeed ‘know that which is immortal’, or, as I have said before, as this flesh and blood body only (which means sans ‘I’ as ego and ‘me’ as soul) I am this universe experiencing itself as an apperceptive human being: as such the universe is stunningly aware of its own infinitude. And if you gaze deeply into the inky darkness betwixt the stars you will be standing naked before infinitude. (Richard in ‘Burnt Toast’ to Rick, Claudiu, 24 April 2024).

CLAUDIU: I reread it and was just blown away by how immaculate and perfectly articulated Richard’s writing is. I experienced what I’ve called “Richard’s energy” while reading it – which refers to pure intent, of course. The flawlessness of what he apperceptively wrought leaves nothing but admiration and a salient desire and aim – I want to be that!

VINEETO: Dear Claudiu,

It takes apperceptive reading to recognize the significance and immaculate perfection of those words, and then there is no choice but “to want to be that!”

This is truly wonderful.

Cheers Vineeto

January 13 2025

CLAUDIU: Thought I’d write an update.

Funnily enough I was thinking it’s been ages, weeks and weeks, since I wrote any update – and now I see it’s only been 5 days lol.

It’s a bit of an odd period though. There is certainly something preventing me from continuing, but have not figured out what yet. The evidence there is a blocker / an objection is that the pristine purity is not shining forth as powerfully as I know it can!

Perhaps it is my drive related to work coming to the forefront. I set myself a goal for Dec 31st to finish, which I did and put lot of effort into – and there was no felt ‘reward’ for having done it, which was interesting! It just seemed like it was pointless to have set that arbitrary emotion-driven goal haha.

There’s still much work to do that I would like to get done since it’s been a few months on this task that I felt should not have taken so long – but OTOH rather than being driven I’m more feeling driven but also seeing the futility of feeling driven. It doesn’t necessarily make the work go faster! Actually the contrary, I get into a somewhat hyperactive state and although that is effective for a time, eventually ends up that I need more stimulation to maintain it, and the brain is too tired to work effectively so ends up being X/Twitter or something like this.

But even so it’s not like I feel stuck in terms of progressing to self-immolating. It’s more like there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do, or latch onto, to ‘make it happen faster’. Anything along those lines it just seems like it wouldn’t be what delivers the goods

And at the same time, any self-flagellating for ‘falling back’ or ‘not progressing’ is also completely absent! It just makes no sense to do that.

In the past (before going out-from-control) probably what would have happened is I would self-flagellate and then ‘try harder’ and keep doing this meanwhile being driven and sort of spiral away, until eventually I stop. Now the experience is more like I’m seeing the elements of this recurring – which is normal, it’s an ingrained/conditioned habit – but my experience of it is different, it’s more like it is puzzling to witness it happening haha.

What seems to actually work is to contemplate and reflect on what is happening and piece together how I am ticking and why, and contrast it to the purity I know so well now, and just the act of doing this, is what clears the field.

It seemed strange for a while (“a while” haha has just been 5 days since I last wrote anything) but thinking about it now it seems more like I’m on the right track. There is no forcing of anything, the only thing preventing me from self-immolating is me, and it’s a matter of figuring out what it is, the answer is obvious that there is only one way this all ends (self-immolating) and there’s no question of whether to do it (the answer is ‘yes’), so, just a matter of… doing it!

It is strange not feeling like there is some sort of ‘progress bar’ or ‘momentum’ that I have to maintain. It comes down to not ever having been in control in the first place, perhaps!

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

Well, first you say “there is certainly something preventing me from continuing …” but further down you say “it’s more like there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do”.

You seem to have worked it out when you say “what seems to actually work is to contemplate and reflect on what is happening and piece together how I am ticking and why” because shortly before that you had described how your “drive related to work” kept you busy in a “hyperactive state”.

This was perhaps a temporary distraction from contemplating and reflecting on what is happening. And not just contemplation and reflection on “how I am ticking” but allowing a fascinated attention and reflection and contemplation all the way to apperception, when ‘I’ cease thinking and thinking takes place of its own accord … and ‘me’ disappears along with all the feelings. A ripening and blooming of pure intent which will carry you through to your final destination?

Pure intent will tell you what is required but you need to be quiet enough to ‘hear’ it. And in that period before the final step doing nothing can sometimes be hard to bear. ‘I’ am soo used to being busy! But the fact that even “self-flagellating” no longer works seems to indicate that now you need to allow the stillness of the infinitude of the universe to do its bit while keeping the gates to pure intent wide open.

It’s a wonderful report, Claudiu

Cheers Vineeto

January 18 2025

CLAUDIU: And it is so distinct from me wanting the other people to be in a good mood. It isn’t like I was trying to convince them to be, or if someone is down trying to cheer them up. This brings an expectation ‘I’ have for ‘them’ to feel a certain way, and if they don’t it affects & upsets me to a degree. This was, I was not even trying to do anything, it just unfolded this way.

In hindsight I would solidly label this as an intimacy experience, quite wondrous!

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

It does remind me of ‘Vineeto’s’ description in ‘her’ period of being out-from-under-control –

‘Vineeto’: The other observation from this period of being out-from-control worth sharing, I was able to make when ‘No. 4[D]’ came for a visit. I remember clearly one day sitting in a circle of 5 friends, utterly relaxed despite the fact that I had never met one of them in person, and I noticed that I had no personal agenda whatsoever, no plan to stir the conversation into a particular direction, nothing to emphasize or hide, no self-centredness or favouritism, no shame, shyness, embarrassment, no power or drive – I was just being myself as I was. I sat in this group, as one of many, and my sole interest was that everyone present (including me as one of those present) enjoyed themselves/ obtained the maximum benefit from our meeting. I experienced myself as being unreservedly at ease and utterly benign and wasn’t driven to say anything unless it contributed to the overall quality of the conversation. (Direct Route, No. 5, 16 Jan 2010)

That’s the very quality of effortlessly not being ‘self’-centred – it is delicious.

CLAUDIU: It just also goes to show how much even more effective such unplanned interactions would be, with actual Claudiu being the one that is conscious, sans any feeling-being whatsoever.

The other wondrous recent insight was in seeing how I am actually not ‘special’ in that I am essentially the same as any other feeling-being out there. In terms of what I am at my core. In other words I don’t have to maintain or hold onto or try to prop up any aspect of myself that would set me apart or above anyone else – because I am the same at core! This is something I can’t change – I can only self-immolate to remedy this situation.

This was seen as an immense relief of a huge burden that I no longer have to maintain myself in all these various small ways. In other words I am free to do anything, and anyone is free to say or think or do whatever in response, and none of it matters in terms of me having to prop myself up or defend myself or do anything. Cause I already know I’m not special, there is nothing I can actually defend to change this fact!

Similar to Kuba also I’m seeing I really do have to take this next step. Even further insights or realizations are no longer sufficient. It’s not about this anymore. It’s about actually taking the last step, for this fundamental change, that is the very best I can do for every body, including this body!

VINEETO: Ha, it gets better every day. This report is wonderful to read.

Most of the stress people generally create for themselves (instinctually and unconsciously) is to hide and/or counteract that they are “essentially the same as any other feeling-being”. And what an “immense relief of a huge burden” it is indeed to know for a fact that “I’m not special”.

I am joyous awaiting your “last step” – ain’t life grand!

Three cheers

January 24 2025

CLAUDIU: I was essentially seeing that the reason I felt I had to prove ‘my’ value was to maintain ‘myself’. And I was looking at whether I really have to do that – I mean I knew I didn’t since the goal was to self-immolate, but there was a lot of fear underlying the acceptance of this.

Went for a walk with the dog and was reflecting more on it. Essentially I came to see that what I was wanting to do was to preserve ‘myself’ yet without all these ‘bad parts’ like fear, anxiety, needing to prove ‘myself’, etc. I already knew of course that it is impossible – because ‘I’ am those ‘bad parts’, it’s not that ‘I’ am something that can be pure and that just has ‘bad parts’ that can be removed.

And I felt this was really unfair! Why can’t I preserve myself?

The way I saw it then was really very simple: whether it is fair or unfair, it is the fact of the universe. This is ‘my’ nature – maybe in a cosmic sense it didn’t “have” to be this way, but for a human on this planet, that is how it is. So I can either self-immolate to actually solve the problem of the human condition, or I can remain and continue being the problem and being these bad parts. There is just no way around it. It is a fact just as much as it’s a fact that this body will die one day.

Seeing that it is a fact totally resolved the unfairness feeling – and then I felt relief! I saw it was a relief, because I knew the choice I am making is to do what is of actual benefit to the human species (and it’s wondrous I can do this and contribute to this!) – and so I don’t have to maintain ‘myself’ any longer. This I felt as a wonderful relief.

Further along in the walk I was still feeling fear and anxiety came up, and then a most wondrous realization struck, that: I don’t have to be afraid anymore either! Fear is how ‘I’ manifest in order to protect this body. Yet I am not needed to protect this body anymore. This is yet another burden I can lay down!

This relief was felt to be tremendous and I couldn’t even process it all at once. So I kept reflecting and contemplating it and the ramifications of the relief I am still processing. I don’t have to feel fear or be afraid anymore! What a tremendous relief. This fear which I have felt/been my entire life, and caused such problems and discomfort, and has not been fun at all – I can leave it behind just like anything else!

On many an occasion I experienced myself to be so so very close to the actual world. Like I just have to take a tiny ‘step’ and then I’d be right there! The richness and sweetness, just on the other ‘side’ of… something. I even tried taking a physical step but it didn’t work haha. But moving my hand in front of and behind my head, I was trying to see where does actuality start/ end and where ‘I’ begin/ end… and the border is not clear at all. Walking outside I experienced the stillness, how still actuality really is, and walking along one part of track I experienced myself as somehow a still/ fixed/ unmoving point whilst the body was ambling along – it seemed a bit odd, […]

However it didn’t culminate in self-immolation. I do appear to be on the right track though!

Another funny image that I delighted in, as it was original, is how I was thinking of various conversations and ‘positions’ and ‘worldviews’ I am holding, and I thought how it’s delightful in that I don’t even have to leave a “calling card” as a placeholder for ‘me’ for when I leave (such as for people to be able to find ‘me’ again and resume it), I can just disappear entirely haha

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

What a wondrous sequence of events, culminating in the realisation that ‘you’ “don’t have to be afraid anymore” and are no longer needed “in order to protect this body”. And why? Because you resolved the principle of fairness and unfairness by making the deliberate and deeply considered choice “to do what is of actual benefit to the human species”.

It is fascinating to follow this process, it might apply to others, or not – but at the core of it is your choice “to do what is of actual benefit to the human species” – altruism.

This fear of having the responsibility to protect the body is something which, as you say, you “felt/been” your “entire life” and it magically disappeared in one instance after you made the altruistic choice. I am reminded of your second visit when the fear was so dominant that you lost your voice for three days and had to type the words on your computer when you wanted to communicate.

It also reminds me that when ‘Vineeto’ finally went out from under control, Richard said to ‘her’ ‘she’ was now on the other side of the wall of fear. That was indeed the case, ‘she’ had no more fear, nor any ‘self’-centredness.

It is utterly fascinating to follow every single step on your journey of the last days of an ever-diminishing identity, which will soon be no more, without any trace or ashes to rise from.

I much appreciate what you are doing, and meticulously reporting as well.

Cheers Vineeto

January 26 2025

VINEETO: I haven’t watched current affairs in the last 7 months but before that Richard and myself were regularly keeping abreast of most of what was going on in the US and the world at large.

In summary, the actions of the previous government had, by statist intervention, doubled the fuel and electricity prices, tripled the food prices, restricted gas-stoves and cars to be replaced with electric vehicles, and instituted a myriad other public-servant-inspired restrictions on affordable living with so-called climate-change regulations based on the world-wide global warming scare. Additionally the privacy of girls’ toilets and locker-rooms were violated by legal decrees for confused males to use them, by instituting edicts that interfered in parents’ rights to choose schools and gender for their children. They also inflicted a world-wide plague on Western and other countries together with insulating/isolating the whole population plus an obligatory, inefficient, even dangerous, genetic experimental drug (deceitfully called ‘vaccine’). On top of it they engineered an invasion of millions of “aliens” into the US resulting in more poverty and crime for large afflicted regions. All these events quite transparently benefited the already obscenely rich and brought more misery to the middle-class and poorer population.

Even though the majority of the media is owned and controlled by the very same obscenely rich, their scare-tactic of “potential nazi affiliations/ sympathies” seems no longer be effective – it has been used too long without tangible evidence. (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Henry, 25 January 2025).

CLAUDIU: It’s remarkable how you lay out everything what happened here. To give you a brief update, since starting his second term, the US president has issued a spate of executive orders that directly address essentially everything you mentioned here. As much of the interventions in the USA were at the level of the federal executive branch, much can be undone at that same level. The orders he issued so far include actions to:

  • Create a new Department of Government Efficiency, tasked with reducing bureaucratic waste and spending (which directly contribute to the massive inflation in recent years) – which according to the US Debt Clock has already resulted in $18 billion dollars of savings

  • Deliver “emergency price relief ” by, among other means, “eliminat[ing] counterproductive requirements that raise the costs of home appliances”

  • Push back against ill-conceived and harmful-to-humanity environmental policies by eliminating the electric vehicle mandate, withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords, allowing and encouraging exploration and production of the natural energy resources so abundant in the country in general and in Alaska in particular (expediting all of which by declaring a national energy emergency), and prioritizing the well-being of humans over the well-being of a small species of (just one of the many and various species) of fish rather than vice-versa with regards to access to fresh water in California

  • Begin to un-do the dangerous gender ideology and thus restore the privacy of girls’ toilets, restore the dignity of female sports, and in general unravelling all the harm (and particularly harm to young kids) that such a noxious ideology has perpetrated, via establishing clear definitions of male and female, declaring sex not to be interchangeable with ‘gender identity’, signalling agencies and employees to enforce all laws “to protect men and women as biologically distinct sexes”, rescinding “gender identity-based access to single-sex spaces”, ensuring “that males are not detained in women’s prisons”, designating intimate spaces by sex and not identity, ensuring the “right to single-sex spaces in workplaces”, along with other such protections, and signalling the legislative branch to codify the executive order into law

  • Withdraw from the World Health Organization (with an explicitly stated reason due to its “mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic”) and temporarily pause medical grant reviews by the US’s National Institutes of Health, both of which contributed to the severity and impact of the worldwide pandemic

  • Take immediate steps to stymie the mass influx of millions of (illegally-entering) “aliens” by declaring a national emergency at the southern border (authorizing the use of the Armed Forces and establishing policy that it is their duty to protect the border), closing asylum/refugee loopholes, continuing to build the border wall, attempting to end birthright citizenship (“birth tourism” to the USA is significant and an extra motivator for illegal immigration), and literally declaring the mass influx of people to be an invasion and thus using constitutional powers to temporarily halt all physical entry.

On top of everything you already mentioned, the sinistral statist ideologies of the world conspired to censor the free speech of their complaining peasants. The founder of Facebook revealed that the administration at the time requested they remove not only misinformation but also factually accurate information, such as the universally accepted fact that it’s possible for vaccines to have side effects, going so far as demanding they remove a satirical meme about this topic. To that extent, the US president issued executive orders to end federal censorship of free speech and end the weaponization of the federal government against the ‘peasants’ acting too inconveniently.

In other words, it appears that the “generally obliging and subservient peasant population” indeed had enough, voted a person into power to undo the dire situation that had been wrought upon them in recent years, and that person is now actually executing on that which he promised. The fact that the extent to which these actions are fulfilments of campaign promises made is surprising speaks volumes about the current political system we find ourselves in.

The above all happened within the first 24-48 hours of the new administration… and yet the mass media has chosen to focus inordinate amounts of attention on the heartfelt emotional gesture an autistic man made in appreciation for the public’s support for his chosen candidate, insinuating that a person who has consistently supported free speech, equal protection under the law regardless of race, democratic voting (which is what he was showing appreciation for at the time), and the state of Israel itself, is actually a fascist Nazi or somehow sympathetic to those who are (conveniently overlooking the fact that many other prominent public figures have also in the recent past made such superficially-similar gestures).

Indeed, by this point it is so absurd and so many people have woken up to these tactics, that it does seem to “no longer be effective” – albeit I was stunned at how many people it did still manage to have an effect on.

Although these recent events are remarkably refreshing, and indicates a dangerous trend towards censorship and totalitarianism is finally being reversed (including the reversal of the patterned-after-Marx division and discord sown along racial lines, evidenced by a total extirpation of so-called Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives from the federal government and federal contractors and “the termination of all discriminatory programs” as well as a re-affirmed commitment to colour-blind equality before the law), not only in the USA but also in Argentina and other nations around the world… it is eminently clear that none of it will actually cure or solve the fundamental problem of the human condition.

Increasingly totalitarian and anti-human elements have crept in over the past decades, and it was only through remarkably strength of will and often an access to vast quantities of money that these leaders were able to be elected such as to actually enact the will of the increasingly-growing majority of the people in these regards. And there are many and various counter-indicators today such as various first-world countries punishing speech more harshly than violent crimes, and the democratic elections in Romania literally being cancelled, suspended, on the flimsiest of pretences.

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

Thank you for your excellent update with so many informative links. It’s great to have a historical snapshot of this fascinating time in history where the pendulum of a certain cultural-political orientation swings into its opposite direction, only to eventually become so extreme that it again (perhaps) evokes correction. The human condition is such that there are always only two alternatives, never genuine equity and parity, or salubrious sensibleness, without being sullied by ‘self’-centricity.

CLAUDIU: In other words, even if the world does trend to a positive direction now… there’s no telling if it will succeed, or how long it will last. Prosperity tends to breed complacency, at which point the more devious elements creep in again.

VINEETO: Those “devious elements”, which are in all human beings as a result of the instinctual passions – rather ‘erupt’ than “creep in” (lol), and as such are present on both sides of the political divide. The evolution of the human condition itself can only happen via a virtual freedom, and dissolution via an actual freedom.

CLAUDIU: The best possible thing I can do remains. It is not to espouse a particular political ideology or attempt to convert the massive hordes of people viciously railing against the above actions and falsely smearing their proponents with all manner of calumnies. Rather, it is to self-immolate, to sacrifice myself for the benefit of the human species in general and of the people in my life I am most intimate with in particular (which will be of immense benefit for this body as well), such as to do the very best I can to bring about an actual, lasting and perennial peace on earth, in my lifetime. It is actually possible, and I can take this next step to enable it to occur at the maximum potential I possibly can!

VINEETO: Well said.

Today I remembered something you had reported in your last post –

Claudiu: Walking outside I experienced the stillness, how still actuality really is, and walking along one part of track I experienced myself as somehow a still/ fixed/ unmoving point whilst the body was ambling along – it seemed a bit odd, […] However it didn’t culminate in self-immolation. I do appear to be on the right track though!

I was wondering if you are entirely comfortable yet that an actual freedom is irrevocable.

I am asking because on January 4 2010, in a casual conversation, Richard asked ‘Vineeto’ if it was perhaps the irrevocability of an actual freedom which caused ‘her’ to hesitate. ‘Her’ first impulse was to answer “of course not” but then ‘she’ decided to mull it over carefully so that ‘she’ could be 100% sure. The next evening ‘she’ became actually free.

Cheers Vineeto

January 27 2025

VINEETO: I was wondering if you are entirely comfortable yet that an actual freedom is irrevocable.

I am asking because on January 4 2010, in a casual conversation, Richard asked ‘Vineeto’ if it was perhaps the irrevocability of an actual freedom which caused ‘her’ to hesitate. ‘Her’ first impulse was to answer “of course not” but then ‘she’ decided to mull it over carefully so that ‘she’ could be 100% sure. The next evening ‘she’ became actually free. (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Claudiu4, 26 January 2025)

CLAUDIU: This has been excellent to contemplate! Indeed my initial reaction was the same as yours, like “I actually want it to be irrevocable”, but as I contemplated it I saw that this was not fully the case.

It really feels like there’s a lot going on, and even being unmoored at times. It’s hard to sum it up or organize it into a coherent post. But it’s along the lines of…

I realized that I do not have a choice – if I want to self-immolate then I will have to address this issue, the irrevocability – along with any other issue. This was remarkable at orienting me towards actually moving forward and making progress with the objection.

Just the act of contemplating the irrevocability caused actuality to hove into nearly tangible view, almost like I can touch it. The world becomes still again and I am moving through this still, wondrous universe – albeit not a PCE as ‘I’ distinctly felt ‘myself’ still present.

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

Thank you for your detailed response on this crucial issue. This point is important – the fact that you were not in a PCE meant that your experience was not static but dynamic. ‘You’ could keep contemplating ‘your’ objection to irrevocably disappear “in this still, wondrous universe”.

CLAUDIU: Nevertheless it was along the lines of – irrevocable would mean it is this, forever – it was eminently obvious that this was sensible and what I wanted!

VINEETO: You have made this decision before on the basis that it is the “sensible” thing to do, i.e. you considered it rationally, and yet it has not happened. Something else is required. Being sensible is not all of you. As ‘you’ are your feelings and your feelings are ‘you’ – it appears that your feelings, or some of your feelings are objecting. Thinking sensibly will not give you the “enormous energy” required to make an altruistic sacrifice.

Richard: No, I am more making the point that only altruism – self-sacrificial humanitarianism – will provide the enormous energy necessary for ‘self’-immolation ... the instinct for individual survival is only exceeded by the instinct for group survival.

It takes a powerful instinct to overcome a powerful instinct. [emphasis added]. (Richard, List B, James3, 28 Oct 2002a)

You can make use of the feeling which is presently happening – fear of making a definite, irrevocable, irreversible choice, the fear of ultimate commitment, the fear of not having control of what is going to happen next. The vital ingredient to look closely at the fear itself is to stay with the thrill –

Richard: As the feeling of being cornered is where one is at now then that is where one starts from: as you say that ‘a feeling of fear’ has emerged this is a vital opportunity to look closely at the fear itself (while it is happening) and it will be seen that there are two aspects to fear ... the frightening aspect and the thrilling aspect.

Usually the frightening aspect dominates and obscures the thrilling aspect: shifting one’s attention to the thrilling aspect (I often said jokingly that it is down at the bottom left-hand side) will increase the thrill and decrease the fright as the energy of fear shifts its focus and changes into a higher gear ... and, as courage is sourced in the thrilling part of fear, the daring to proceed will intensify of its own accord.

But stay with the thrill, by being the thrill, else the fright takes over, daring dissipates, and back out of the corner you come. (Richard, List B, James3, 7 Nov 2002).

CLAUDIU: There is certainly a push and pull of attraction and aversion here, which I think is what you would call being “fatally attracted” (although “Fatal Attraction Syndrome” appears to be different as that would entail things like “incessant fighting against the benefits of an actual freedom” (Actualism, ActualVineeto, No. 4(D), #fas)?

VINEETO: Ha, being “fatally attracted” only means you can’t leave it alone, and some people have/had so many objections that they never followed their attraction and only acted on their passionate aversion fuelled by the attraction.

CLAUDIU: The seeing I have no choice but to proceed helped overcome the aversion into looking into the irrevocability more. And then the attraction/ aversion sort of flipped and I instead became feeling averse to not self-immolating, to going ‘back’ to ‘humanity’ and failing ‘for good’. I experience this as sort of a fear or anxiety about moving forward, that flipped into a fear or anxiety about moving back.

VINEETO: Ok, but what can flip once, can flip again. What remained is the feeling of “fear or anxiety”. You reported three days ago –

Claudiu: … and then a most wondrous realization struck, that: I don’t have to be afraid anymore either! Fear is how ‘I’ manifest in order to protect this body. Yet I am not needed to protect this body anymore. This is yet another burden I can lay down!

This relief was felt to be tremendous and I couldn’t even process it all at once. So I kept reflecting and contemplating it and the ramifications of the relief I am still processing. I don’t have to feel fear or be afraid anymore! What a tremendous relief. This fear which I have felt/been my entire life, and caused such problems and discomfort, and has not been fun at all – I can leave it behind just like anything else!

VINEETO: What happened? Obviously not all of your fear had disappeared, or only temporarily. The burden you laid down three days ago has re-appeared. Now, you seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place – afraid to leave the real world behind irrevocably and afraid to continue living in the real world permanently. You can’t have both, that fact is clear.

CLAUDIU: Somewhere around here I figured I have been taking this too ‘seriously’. I don’t have to become free – this is not moral imperative. There’s no need to be ‘serious’ about it in that sense. This loosens the pressure quite a bit – but it is sensible to become free, it is what I actually want, and in that sense there is no choice, there is a ‘must’ to it, but this ‘must’ comes from the scintillating purity that hoves into view, which I experienced at times today like ‘fingers’ of purity beckoning me towards actuality.

So maybe I take it too seriously rather than fun/naively.

Again I realized I don’t actually have to worry about anything, literally anything at all… but, rather than the immediate response to do this being a carefreeness or even a relief, it was, intriguingly, an anxiety! A feeling unmoored about it. Because I also saw that to not worry means I don’t have to feel or put energy into any of ‘my’ plans or the future… which had it sink in that all of ‘my’ hopes and dreams and plans, will disappear along with ‘me’! I have to give them all up, in other words. It didn’t quite strike me like this before, and this is what led to the unmoored feeling, I believe. However I seem to be getting accustomed to this new state of affairs as I’m feeling much better about it all now, and at this very moment generally rather filled with delight.

Along the way I also recognized that part of the impediments is that I am feeling like becoming free ‘must’ go along a certain path, or look like this or that, but really I don’t know what it will look like or what that experience of self-immolating will be like or how it will unfold for me – I only can know how it’s unfolding now – so again it’s a matter of not really worrying about it or trying to ‘fit’ experience in any way.

VINEETO: It appears that your going out from control was not a total giving up of the controls. You retained the control of the last emergency break, just before the crucial final decision. It is not the experience which needs ‘fitting’ “in any way”, but your intent which needs to be reignited in order to initiate the final event.

Richard: To put it bluntly: ‘you’ in ‘your’ totality, who are but a passionate illusion, must die a dramatic illusory death commensurate to ‘your’ pernicious existence. The drama must be played out to the end ... there are no short-cuts here. The doorway to an actual freedom has the word ‘extinction’ written on it. This extinction is an irrevocable, which eliminates the psyche itself. When this is all over there will be no ‘being’ at all. Thus when ‘I’ willingly self-immolate – psychologically and psychically – then ‘I’ am making the most noble sacrifice that ‘I’ can make for oneself and all humankind ... for ‘I’ am what ‘I’ hold most dear. (Richard, List B, No. 13, 26 May 1999)

CLAUDIU: The sensible mooring-point would be pure intent, this is something that ought to be stable, perennial, etc., and fit all the qualities of that which I can orient myself towards, as a guiding star or light, if ever I feel lost.

So that’s basically where I’m at now. I am tending to hove towards a default somewhat anxious state, which seems like a bad sign. But there does seem to be a lot going on. Yet actuality is always rather close-by, near at hand – and contemplating everything appears to be fruitful. But I also get the sense I am overcomplicating things haha.

Am open to any advice you may have given all the above, having fun does seem to be where it is at!

VINEETO: I give you a reminder to re-access pure intent, which always is out of reach when anxiety takes centre stage (with its “mooring point” within the human condition) –

Richard: Therefore a mortal or transitory shape or form, comprised of immortal or perpetual stuff, can indeed ‘know that which is immortal’, or, as I have said before, as this flesh and blood body only (which means sans ‘I’ as ego and ‘me’ as soul) I am this universe experiencing itself as an apperceptive human being: as such the universe is stunningly aware of its own infinitude. And if you gaze deeply into the inky darkness betwixt the stars you will be standing naked before infinitude. (Richard in ‘Burnt Toast’ to Rick, Claudiu, 24 April 2024).

CLAUDIU: I reread it and was just blown away by how immaculate and perfectly articulated Richard’s writing is. I experienced what I’ve called “Richard’s energy” while reading it – which refers to pure intent, of course. The flawlessness of what he apperceptively wrought leaves nothing but admiration and a salient desire and aim – I want to be that!

Do you/did you really consider “failing ‘for good’” because of a mere feeling? You can’t be serious!

Cheers Vineeto

January 28 2025

CLAUDIU: So it does feel like taking a risk and in a sense it is, as indeed I won’t really know until it happens. And that’s where the thrilling aspect comes into play, which you talk about later. But the confidence in the actual world borne of the PCE does allow me to proceed.

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

Thank you for your replies. It is a continuous probing until it happens and that can be the fun of the mystery solving. And I agree with what you wrote above.


VINEETO: What happened? Obviously not all of your fear had disappeared, or only temporarily.

CLAUDIU: Yes I was wondering about this also. Fear can’t really disappear until self-immolation can it? You wrote that:

Vineeto: It also reminds me that when ‘Vineeto’ finally went out from under control, Richard said to ‘her’ ‘she’ was now on the other side of the wall of fear. That was indeed the case, ‘she’ had no more fear, nor any ‘self’-centredness.

Even so ‘Vineeto’ experienced an “out-of-control panic mode” which happened “during the out-from-control virtual freedom” (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Ed, 24 December 2024) – so ‘she’ did indeed have “more fear” after going out-from-under-control, non?

In any case, indeed all of fear and anxiety borne of fear has not disappeared – during what I reported there I felt relief at realizing I don’t have to feel that way anymore but it did not all disappear. A realization & partial actualization but not a full actualization.

VINEETO: Yes, the potential for fear remains in place as long as one is a feeling ‘being’.

CLAUDIU: Well it’s more that what ‘I’ have been doing the past few days does not seem to be fruitful, ‘I’ am trying like all get-out anything ‘I’ can think of and yet no success yet. So will ‘I’ ever succeed? I don’t see why ‘I’ wouldn’t but it won’t happen until it happens. As I’m writing this now however I am seeing this is a rather silly concern.

Vineeto: It appears that your going out from control was not a total giving up of the controls. You retained the control of the last emergency break, just before the crucial final decision.

Isn’t this always the case, until it happens at last? If there was no objection left then it would happen already, wouldn’t it?


CLAUDIU: I do wonder if the issue is that ‘I’ have attempted to stop ‘my’ life in order to do all ‘I’ can to self-immolate, rather than allow my life to live itself meanwhile doing all ‘I’ can to self-immolate.

In that I’ve shirked my duties at work (I have some considerable flexibility with this regard currently), ordered a lot of take-out food rather than go to the grocery store and prepare my meals, in general not done anything besides sit around and/or walk around contemplating self-immolation. (It should be noted that I’ve gone through periods before of doing the same shirking-work and eating take-out-food so it’s not like it is a ‘new’ phenomenon.) […]

To tie it back to what you wrote, it would be allowing pure intent to live my life, which would then set the stage to have that spark be set off. It sounds like a lot more fun than what I have been doing the past few days anyway.

VINEETO: I was making various suggestions where you can perhaps look for possibly hidden objections, which might stifle such a spark as I described to Kuba. (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Kuba4, 27 January 2025) Only you can know if it applies or not. However, you report, you are already doing everything you can think of and looking in all the nooks and corners you can find. You are certainly right that seriousness is not helpful.

For now I am fresh out of ideas.

Cheers Vineeto

February 1 2025

Vineeto to Kuba: What you seem to be missing is gay abandon. [...]

I re-read this quote just now and it could give you pause of planning to dart back and forth from the door of ‘self’-immolation too readily –

RESPONDENT: I’d guess you’d favour the ‘boots and all’ approach, but just to be sure, is there anything one should be specially careful of?

RICHARD: Hesitancy (an opportunity is quite often a very rare thing).

RESPONDENT: Am I understanding you correctly that, once the process begins, you throw caution to the wind and just go all the way, come what may?

RICHARD: Provided there be pure intent (and that is no little proviso) … yes. [emphasis added] (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 60, 3 December 2003)

(Actualism, ActualVineeto, Kuba4, 31 January 2025)

CLAUDIU: That’s a great quote. I’ve often wondered lately, is it really just throwing caution to the wind and forging forth? Not sure if I thought of it in those exact words (maybe) but along those lines. Sounds like the answer is (as pure intent is certainly in place) yes indeed. It gives good confidence to proceed!

To put it into words it’s about leaving the felt safety for what is outside of the felt safety, which I apperceptively or near-apperceptively know is the actual safety of infinitude – which ought really to be an obvious choice. Perhaps, after much pondering and contemplating, it is indeed just gay abandon that is required.

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

“Good confidence” is certainly a great starting point for “gay abandon”, and you can cover the distance between the two via abundant naiveté, by being naiveté itself –

Richard: And as ‘he’ continued standing there on the greensward, extolling the virtues of being naiveté itself, ‘he’ realised ‘he’ had just dedicated ‘his’ life to the priceless pursuit of innocence itself – of becoming the manifestation of this innocence here on earth, of being the personification of innocence in this lifetime – and, thence, to extolling the virtues of the giving of ‘himself’ to this worthy cause, in a way which ‘his’ previous dedication to art and artistry (‘he’ had lived it, breathed it, been consumed by it, twenty-four-seven) couldn’t even begin to compete, as nothing, but nothing, could ever be as worthy of devoting one’s life to as the pristine perfection and peerless purity presently unfolding all about.

For out of nowhere and everywhere – the overarching benignity and benevolence inherent to the infinitude, which this infinite and eternal and perpetual universe actually is, had by now been operating more and more freely – came a magically scintillating wonderland, dynamically enveloping all and sundry in its sparkling embrace, and ‘he’ vanished unto oblivion in the twinkling of an eye (…). (Richard, A Quaint Clay-Pit Tale)

Being naiveté, “becoming the manifestation of this innocence here on earth” is exactly what you apperceived when you recently reread Richard’s quote of “standing naked before infinitude”, which touched you so deeply that you stated with great confidence –

Claudiu: I reread it and was just blown away by how immaculate and perfectly articulated Richard’s writing is. I experienced what I’ve called “Richard’s energy” while reading it – which refers to pure intent, of course. The flawlessness of what he apperceptively wrought leaves nothing but admiration and a salient desire and aim – I want to be that!

You can be that! What an extraordinary adventure!

Cheers Vineeto

February 3 2025

VINEETO to Henry: Personally, I still keep my own counsel as to what name they go by or how they are organized. It’s enough to know that a large group of people secretly but quite obviously have nefarious and Malthusian aims, plans and plenty of means, ways and power to be quite successful at present. As an uninformed and gullible citizen ‘I’ used to wonder why there were so many wars when apparently none of the ordinary people really wanted to go to war. It took a long time to find out why. (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Henry, 2 February 2025a)

CLAUDIU: Although there may be a few large key players that actually set the agenda, I am not sure if there’s really an actual shadowy cabal of people working in concert to do this. I could see it being a psychic chimera that exists only in the human psyche which swirls and sworls and now has a life of its own. Some may call it a demon — of course it would not be any corporal demon but as a psychic phenomenon one could call it that. In more prosaic terms, the apparent collective thrust in one anti-human political direction may very well be an emergent phenomenon, fuelled by instinctual passions, rather than one orchestrated by a small elite. This is only supposition on my part but the latter is a more plausible explanation to me currently.

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

It seems pointless to work out which opinion is more in line with facts as there are very few confirmed facts available, given the ‘cabal’s’ secret nature. The effects and extent of their actions demonstrably cover a wide range, such as dominant influence in international governments, and government departments such as military, federal police, national security, education and judiciary, as well as banking, certain influential industries and main media, to name but a few. The World Economic Forum itself appears to have similarly stated dictatorial aims (“you vill own nothing and vill be happy!”). (Formation and Persistence of Social Identity, #05).

With the extent of misinformation, disinformation, and scare-tactics it is hard to find out what is factually going on. If it is a “small elite” or a large affiliation does not really matter – even a small ‘virus’, via ‘gain of function’, can spread worldwide, and given the passionate nature of the psychic “swirls and sworls”, it is easy to make frequent and effective use of the instinctual passions as a strategy to pit one group of peasants against another to divert attention from the puppet masters.

In the final analysis, those vitally interested to be actually free from the human condition only need to be informed and investigative enough to discover and discard their own loyalty and belonging, their attitudes, affiliations, values, principles and finally the tendency and capacity to believing itself, in other words, be able to free themselves of the trappings of their own peasant mentality and social identity.

With sincerity and naiveté this can be a fun activity, when one discovers one’s dignity and autonomy, as one bond of belonging and loyalty to one group or another dissolves in the thrilling revelation that they are not only unnecessary but in fact detrimental to ongoing felicity and genuine caring.

CLAUDIU: In any case, as DOGE and the executive grant has just cut off their funding at the root, expect a massive backlash and reaction from the tens and perhaps hundreds of thousands of people whose livelihoods are now at stake. They have nothing to lose and will certainly fight back!

VINEETO: Thank you for your detailed and very informative report. It is fascinating to read about the extensive current action of “DOGE” to restrict the massive wasteful spending of funds that can be so much more beneficially applied elsewhere.

Cheers Vineeto

February 6 2025

VINEETO (to Henry): Yes, ‘star-dust’ reminds me more of birthday party glitter than how I would describe my experience of being here in this actual world. (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Henry, 2 February 2025a)

CLAUDIU: I quite like the star-dust imagery. We are all literally made up of matter, the same matter that constitutes the planets and the stars themselves. The Earth is understood to have formed from the very same matter that formed the Sun itself — gaseous swirls of matter (as seen in nebulae) condensing into varying forms of stars, small planets, gas giants, etc.

As such we are all literally made of star-dust, the very essence that constitutes our sun is also what constitutes our flesh and blood bodies and all that we imbibe to sustain life!

Perhaps this fuller explication helps to convey the appreciation I have for the term and its expressive potency!

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

I have been pondering your “we are all literally made of star-dust” and was wondering why it doesn’t quite describe how I experience myself. Today I found the quote I had in mind and it helped me put my thoughts on this phrase in order –

Richard: The very earth beneath our feet is ‘our base’ ... this planet grows human beings just as it grows the trees and the grasses and the flowers (although in the final analysis, of course, it is the universe itself which is ‘our base’ as it ‘grows’ the suns and planets ... and I am putting ‘grows’ in scare quotes deliberately as it is an analogous term). (Richard, List B, No. 25g, 16 May 2001).

As such, physically I am ‘grown’ by the earth, and apperceptively I am “the perfection of the stillness of infinitude personified as a sensate and reflective human being” (Richard, General Correspondence, Page 07, 22 February 99).

Whereas I cannot honestly say that I am “star-dust” (as in “gaseous swirls of matter (as seen in nebulae) condensing into varying forms of stars, small planets, gas giants, etc”). In other words, I am the universe experiencing itself as a human being, I am not the universe per se, as in “gaseous swirls of matter”.

Whereas I have seen documentaries and read Richard’s description which has thrown considerable light upon questions as to the possible origin of life inside this very planet we are living on, and as such justify the expression that physically the earth ‘grows’ me.

Richard: … the discovery late last century of microbes known as archaea, in and around out-gassing deep-ocean vents where no photosynthesis whatsoever can take place, has thrown considerable light upon questions as to the possible origin of life itself inasmuch it might indeed be that both the microfauna/ microflora and the macrofauna/ macroflora living on this planet’s surface, and thus drawing their nourishment primarily from the sun’s radiant energy, originally stem from the subsurface life which sustains itself with the chemical energy resulting from an out-flowing of hydrocarbons (principally methane) formed deep within the planet under great pressure and heat reacting chemically with metal sulphides and thus dissociating carbon. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 110a, 25 May 2006).

Hence the expression that the planet grows human beings neither requires conjecture nor searching for the origin of flora, fauna and human beings in outer space.

Cheers Vineeto

February 7 2025

VINEETO: I have been pondering your “we are all literally made of star-dust” and was wondering why it doesn’t quite describe how I experience myself. Today I found the quote I had in mind and it helped me put my thoughts on this phrase in order –

Richard: The very earth beneath our feet is ‘our base’ ... this planet grows human beings just as it grows the trees and the grasses and the flowers (although in the final analysis, of course, it is the universe itself which is ‘our base’ as it ‘grows’ the suns and planets ... and I am putting ‘grows’ in scare quotes deliberately as it is an analogous term). (Richard, List B, No. 25g, 16 May 2001).

As such, physically I am ‘grown’ by the earth, and apperceptively I am “the perfection of the stillness of infinitude personified as a sensate and reflective human being” (Richard, General Correspondence, Page 07, 22 February 99).

Whereas I cannot honestly say that I am “star-dust” (as in “gaseous swirls of matter (as seen in nebulae) condensing into varying forms of stars, small planets, gas giants, etc”). In other words, I am the universe experiencing itself as a human being, I am not the universe per se, as in “gaseous swirls of matter”.

CLAUDIU: Mmm that makes sense. Where I drew my perception from is when Richard wrote that, for example, “the very stuff of a flesh and blood body, being the same-same stuff as the stuff of the universe, is as old as the universe (which is eternal).” (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 66, 26 May 2005).

And as both humans and stars are the “stuff of the universe” then I am in that sense made of the “same-same stuff” as the stars are, which is namely “the stuff of the universe”.

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

Thank you for your detailed explanation. As you know it’s not easy to separate scientific fact from interwoven beliefs which so often influence the conclusions of their scientific findings. Nevertheless, it is encouraging that some have indeed discovered that “We are made of star-stuff”.

I guess you are aware that when you said “I drew my perception” you have been applying logical deduction to Richard’s “directly (apperceptive) experiencing of its own perpetuity”, which can on occasion go side-ways when you move from the general to the specific.

First there is the statement “both humans and stars are the “stuff of the universe”, “then I am in that sense made “of the “same-same stuff” as the stars are” … and then (logically) I am of the “same-same stuff” as star-dust. Even though the logic is correct it does not describe how I experience myself. I am “being the same-same stuff as the stuff of the universe” in that I am grown by the earth –

Richard: It is this simple: the very stuff of this body (and all bodies) is the very same-same stuff as the stuff of the universe in that it comes out of the ground in the form of the carrots and lettuce and milk and cheese, and whatever else is consumed, in conjunction with the air breathed and the water drunk and the sunlight absorbed.

I am nothing other than that ... that is what I am, literally. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 44e, 10 October 2003).

Richard is reporting (using your quotes) his apperceptive experience to emphasize that “one is that eternal stuff”

Richard: … the very stuff of a flesh and blood body, being the same-same stuff as the stuff of the universe, is as old as the universe (which is eternal).

Richard: … the very stuff of a flesh and blood body, being the same-same stuff as the stuff of the universe, is already always existent – and, as this flesh and blood body only (sans identity in toto), one is that eternal stuff ... directly (apperceptively) experiencing its own perpetuity. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 66, 26 May 2005).

It’s only a minor point but I thought it useful to highlight the difference between rational/logical thinking and direct apperceptive experiencing.

CLAUDIU: I found this collection of quotes that conveys the picture as well, with some particularly interesting bits that I emphasized!

The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. On this shore, we’ve learned most of what we know. Recently, we’ve waded a little way out, maybe ankle-deep, and the water seems inviting. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return, and we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We’re made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself. {!!} Carl Sagan, 1980

Our Sun is a second- or third-generation star. All of the rocky and metallic material we stand on, the iron in our blood, the calcium in our teeth, the carbon in our genes were produced billions of years ago in the interior of a red giant star. We are made of star-stuff .Carl Sagan, 1973

The spectroscope analyzes the light if you please, and shows what it is made of. What was the surprise of the tireless searchers when they found common earth metals burning in the mighty sun!

There was once a little girl who cried out with joy when she realized for one little moment that the earth is truly a heavenly body, and that no matter what is happening to us we are really living right up among the stars. The sun is made of “star stuff, and the earth is made of the same material, put together with a difference.” Ellen Frizell Wyckoff, 1913

It is true that a first thoughtful glimpse of the immeasurable universe is liable rather to discourage us with a sense of our own insignificance. But astronomy is wholesome even in this, and helps to clear the way to a realization that as our bodies are an integral part of the great physical universe, so through them are manifested laws and forces that take rank with the highest manifestation of Cosmic Being.

Thus we come to see that if our bodies are made of star-stuff, – and there is nothing else, says the spectroscope, to make them of the loftier qualities of our being are just as necessarily constituents of that universal substance out of which are made.

“Whatever gods there be.”

We are made of universal and divine ingredients, and the study of the stars will not let us escape a wholesome and final knowledge of the fact. Albert Durrant Watson, 1918

We are made of the same stuff as the stars, so when we study astronomy we are in a way only investigating our remote ancestry and our place in the universe of star stuff. Our very bodies consist of the same chemical elements found in the most distant nebulae, and our activities are guided by the same universal rules. Harlow Shapley, 1929

They all convey this same basic idea, that the matter that constitutes the stars is the same stuff as the matter that constitutes the planets and our bodies, namely it is all the “stuff of the universe”.

VINEETO: It seems very similar and yet they all fall short (because of the innate identity) to recognize that, because the universe is actually infinite (not merely “immeasurable”) and eternal, they could experience infinitude directly as the flesh-and-blood body.

I found an interesting quote how Richard operates, which everyone, who still has the faculty to believe intact, can apply –

Richard: You see, the way that I operate is like this: when I start to read a philosophy – or listen to someone expound one – I quickly ascertain whether the ultimate point of it is whether one can find ‘The Truth’. If this is the case, I drop it in the waste-bin where it belongs. Eighteen years ago I discovered – and have had it affirmed again and again in the following years – that ‘The Truth’ is but a philosophical nom de guerre for god. (Richard, List B, No. 21, 27 July 1998)

For instance in this situation –

Q: Did Carl Sagan believe in God?
A: Carl Sagan, the popular scientist, author, and TV star, was agnostic and had a scientific perspective on religion. Sagan identified as agnostic, but not atheist, and was open to new evidence on any subject. He believed that knowledge is always provisional and contingent upon further data.
Sagan's widow, Ann Druyan, edited Sagan’s writings into book after his death, called The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God. In the book, Sagan examined the natural evidence for the existence of God.
Sagan yearned for a reconciliation between science and religion, …
[emphasis added] (Quora, Lee Duer).

No wonder he was so popular.

CLAUDIU: I think in a general sense this is what Richard is conveying with saying “the very stuff of a flesh and blood body” is “the same-same stuff as the stuff of the universe” (of course without any spirituality in it like Watson added!)

VINEETO: Yes, this is good news as it makes it easier to communicate about actualism (the experience that matter is not passive) when there is the beginning of common ground.

CLAUDIU: That being said I see your point that whether our bodies are literally directly formed from the same stuff that actually formed the Sun, requires theorizing and hypothesizing – it’s actually a different statement than just saying it’s all matter (and the same elements at the base of it, the iron in a star is the same as the iron on Earth).

To that end I find it far more delightful to say that “the planet grows human beings” and in a much more meaningful sense we are made of the same stuff the planet is, as it grows us!

VINEETO: I am delighted you can see the difference, Claudiu. I enjoy the discussion, it’s fun to tease out the distinctions.

Cheers Vineeto

February 11 2025

CLAUDIU: As to whether I am out-from-control or not, I do wonder about it at times, it does seem Kuba & I are experiencing the same thing, but it also seems different than how ‘Vineeto’ experienced it. That being said I’m fairly frequently reminded as to how different ‘I’ am now than before. Example I saw a show where someone was having a bad day, and they were like “oh it’s one of those days…” And I just realized I haven’t had a ‘bad day’ since I went out-from-control! I’ve had very intense days, yes, but nothing that happens actually has a long-lasting impact where I go into feeling of despair or circling around in resentment. It is really remarkable.

And actuality is always so close at hand, even if ‘I’ am anxiously ruminating about an issue, it can always rapidly turn into a near-pure experience if not a PCE outright.

So I always end up concluding that it is properly out-from-control haha.

That being said it is a bit strange as I would think being out-from-control is always about being naiveté personified, but I don’t feel that way all the time. Perhaps Vineeto can shed some light here.

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

Btw, naiveté is not necessarily something you feel but rather a “range of naïveness from being sincere to becoming naïve and all the way through being naïveté itself” as laid out in “A Quaint Clay-Pit Tale”.

‘Vineeto’ wrote that “the way I discovered naiveté was to actively rid myself of cynicism, and the first step was to become aware of the fact that I had cynical thoughts and feelings – i.e. to experience how cynical I was and to recognize the maliciousness of cynicism. The next step was to stop feeling cynical because a cynic is someone who despises being here.” (Actualism, Vineeto, Actual Freedom List, No. 4b, 6.6.2003).

Then ‘she’ noticed that ‘she’ had trouble even detecting cynicism and sarcasm in ‘her’ correspondents. Putting aside ‘her’ pride was a big help as well, whilst ‘being naiveté’ required to give up ‘her’ fears which was the more difficult task to accomplish, hence the delay.

I am glad you brought up this issue which I have been pondering for a while.

It seems to me that just like with the term of ‘virtual freedom’ (Library, Topics, Virtual Freedom, see also tool-tip at the end) we perhaps could introduce, after so much praxeological evidence mainly from you and Kuba, two distinctive labels for being out-from-control in order not to water down the original experience/ reports/ descriptions –

Richard: The virtual freedom being referred to in ‘Richard’s Journal’ is, of course, the full-blown experiencing of it: an out-from-being-under-control and, thus, different way of being nowadays known as an ongoing excellence experience.
(This ongoing excellence experience is what the methodological aspect of a virtual freedom – a persistent and diligent application of the actualism method – can morph into whenever that current-time awareness method has been applied to a sufficiency for that to occur/ have happen).

This penultimate out-from-under-control/ different-way-of-being is barely distinguishable from a pure consciousness experience. (It was from this ongoing excellence experiencing that pure consciousness experiences occurred on a near-daily basis – sometimes two-three times a day – for the identity inhabiting this flesh and blood body all those years ago). (Richard, List D, No. 4, 14 May 2009)

Richard: An obvious out-from-control/ different-way-of-being virtual freedom is an on-going excellence experience (EE) but an on-going intimacy experience (IE) may very well be the most likely state as an EE, being so close to a PCE as to be barely distinguishable is not so likely to readily occur sooner rather than later. (Richard, List D, No. 12, 9 December 2009).

Richard: In effect, the actualism process is what ensues when one gets out from being under control, via having given oneself prior permission to have one’s life live itself (i.e., sans the controlling doer), and a different way of being comes about (i.e., where the beer is the operant) – whereupon a thrilling out-from-control momentum takes over and an inevitability sets in – whereafter there is no pulling back (hence the reluctance in having it set in motion) as once begun it is nigh-on unstoppable. Then one is in for the ride of a lifetime! (Richard, List D, Claudiu4, 28 Jan 2016)

I say ‘perhaps’ because only the persons themselves can accurately determine what is going on for them and neither I nor anybody else has the role of a probity policeman. Only they can determine if their experience of being-out-from-control, which has been a clear stepping-up in their actualism process (“being able to let go of the controls” (Out from Control Reports, Claudiu) and “the brakes cannot be put on” (Out from Control Reports, Kuba2)) is the beginning of a seamless ongoing process, through to an ongoing experience of being naiveté itself, or if there is/was another noticeable stepping-up towards being naiveté itself –

Richard: “In either type of near-PCE – wherein the experiencing is of ‘my’ life living itself, with a surprising sumptuosity, rather than ‘me’ living ‘my’ life, quite frugally by comparison, and where this moment is living ‘me’ (instead of ‘me’ trying to live ‘in the moment’) – the diminishment of separation is so astonishing as to be as-if incomprehensible/ unbelievable yet it is the imminence of a fellow human’s immanence which, in and of itself, emphasises the distinction the most.” (Richard, List D, Claudiu4, 28 Jan 2016)

CLAUDIU: Regardless of what it’s called, being more naive, as naive as I can be, does look like a very sensible step and something I can certainly do. It’s about giving up myself, those parts of me that want to still be serious, so that I can naively flourish instead, knowing it will lead to my ultimate demise.

What really makes this eminently sensible (and thus palatable) is knowing with confidence that anything that is actually important (as in needs doing), apperceptive consciousness can readily handle, indeed with far more care than I could muster. This was exemplified in a piquant manner the other day during a period of particular proximity to actuality, when I had finished curbing after my dog. With the dog’s waste product in the proper poop-bag receptacle, I then twisted the top of the bag, and wound it around to make a knot… and then when I pulled the bag through the knot-hole I thought to make the end flourish outward like as if of a flower blooming.

This was an effortless thought and physical gesture, that was done solely because of the sheer fun of doing it – and it was no burden to do it whatsoever! Normally when ‘I’ do things it’s a burden to ‘care’, because ‘I’ feel like ‘I’ care and ‘I’ have to put effort into execute this ‘caring’ action… but when nearly apperceptive there is essentially no burden at all, and of course when actually apperceptive there is actually no burden whatsoever.

In general there is no more thoughts or wondering ‘how’ to self-immolate, and there is continuing to be (and has not been for a while) any feeling of being ‘stuck’. What is running as a constant now is the “Do not hesitate!” anymore, and taking every opportunity that serendipitously presents itself to go forth into actuality/ allow ‘myself’ to diminish to allow apperception to occur. Going about it all in as naive manner as possible ought only to increase the potency of this!

VINEETO: This is excellent news.

My pondering was mainly that Richard’s description of “being naiveté, the closest a ‘self’ can get to actual innocence” has so far not much featured in yours and Kuba’s ongoing reports but is now beginning to become apparent. Whether this first period should perhaps be labelled as a “pragmatic out-from-control period” or is presently automatically morphing into a “being-naïveté-out-from-control” way of being rather than being an extra deliberate stepping-up is going to be observed/ determined by the present practicing actualists.

Cheers Vineeto

PS: History: Richard’s own experiences of a ‘Dynamic Destinal Virtual Freedom (Out from Control Reports, Richard) lasted for a short period before ‘he’ was hijacked by enlightenment and before that by “love and oneness” and Footnote.

‘Vineeto’s’ period of Out-from-Control (Out from Control Reports, Vineeto) began after ‘she’ overcame the wall of fear (particularly the fear of becoming enlightened) and lasted for four-and-a-half weeks before ‘she’ became actually free.

Geoffrey said “the only time where ‘I’ might have been said to be in an out-from-control virtual freedom was that one week before ‘my’ self-immolation: the first week on September 2018”

Tarin: Which event (including unconsciousness non-event), to the best of my understanding, happened at the very beginning of the on-going state that you lived day and night for 11 years, and was the first time you had experienced going beyond name-and-form. Is this correct?

Richard: To answer your specific questions: as the first-time event occurred in April, 1981, it was five months prior to the start of the eleven year period of spiritual enlightenment/ mystical awakenment it was the turning-point, as far as PCE’s and ASC’s were concerned. (Richard, List D, Tarin)

February 18 2025

CLAUDIU: For me it is along the lines of … there’s really no ‘case’ to be made anymore. It is obviously silly to feel bad and sensible to feel good. It just does not make any sense to live this life and feel bad, why? Like there is really no reason lol. And yet I do still find myself treading well-worn paths, the tried & failed, so, there is something more to it.

But, it’s not clear exactly what … it did sink in somewhat deeply recently that ‘I’ will have to abandon everything I hold dear, all that I value, all my work, my relationships, my understanding of the world … everything will go, everything must go. But yet holding onto all of these things is precisely what the source of resentment is, of ‘having to’ hold onto and thus it being a burden too. So it’s like there’s something I value and don’t want to let go of, yet these things I value are at the same time a burden.

I suppose once I know exactly what it is then that may very well be it for ‘me’ haha. Perhaps more a matter of gently continuing to probe this rather than getting worked up about it. It is a puzzling state of affairs though …

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

I suppose you know the solution to your puzzle already and Kuba posted the quote with the answer only three days ago –

Geoffrey: I stood there, the sun in my back, full of sensuousness, delighting in Pure Intent, amazed at how the actual is so safe. I was thinking about the unknown path lying before me (the path that deliver the goods – as I knew from the PCE), and realised in a flash that the unknown path is the safe path. That the known is the unsafe. That ‘I’ am the unsafe.

For a split second I saw like a veil in front of me. I saw how I could be on the other side of the ‘mirror’, on the safe side, the magical side, how I could … But there was a last second resistance: My precious! I will not give away my precious! (Geoffrey Report of Becoming Free).

You are perfectly right – “there’s really no ‘case’ to be made anymore”.

The only time when you are possibly able to make a case is when naiveté stops operating, and pure intent is thus side-lined – then it becomes again “a puzzling state of affairs”.

Cheers Vineeto

February 18 2025

CLAUDIU: Woww writing on this forum does do magic sometimes. I uncovered a huge one for me – a belief that this actualizing of and living of an actually perfect life is just “not for me”. As soon as the contemplation yielded this thought it is like it knocked something loose, and the excitement and naivete and joy resumed.

And then I was able to think it through in words to explain: it was a belief that it’s not something that is ‘meant’ for me, not my destiny – it will be what is meant for some other lucky people but not for me. All I can do is sombrely suffer whilst others get to have this reward.

And I saw how it is utterly silly because everyone feels this way. So I feel it’s for some other people … those other people will feel it’s for someone else… maybe someone far more wealthy or something … then that wealthy person will be weary of having to manage all their resources and think it’s for simpler and carefree people that are not as well off … meanwhile for them they will think it’s for someone without the resources issues they have… lol, something like this.

But this is really silly because we can all just partake in this together! I’m very happy now to lead the way and set the example for this someone has to go next after all…

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

Didn’t Kuba name his objection “too good to be true” – and now you have found a very similar credible (?) objection: “not for me”? It is indeed rather silly yet I do wonder if there is not something yet unexposed underneath which cannot be displaced by merely thinking about it and determining it to be silly. This something ‘unexposed underneath’ may well shift you sideways, as it has done before with various objections you have found.

You say “someone has to go next after all” which to me looks a rather lack-lustre way of a lamb being led to the slaughter, resigned to its fate … but do tell me if I am on the wrong track. I base the word ‘lack-lustre’ on the comparison to Richard’s own experience –

RICHARD: If you do not want peace-on-earth, in this lifetime, as this body ... then you will never get it. Please, whatever you do, throw faith, belief, trust and hope right out of the window ... along with doubt, disbelief, distrust and despair ... and go for the actuality of peace and perfection ‘boots and all’. Use all of your determination – gather up all the intent you can muster and more – and jump in the deep end without a life-jacket.
Desire it like you have never desired anything before.
[Emphasis added]. (Richard, List B, No. 28, 29 Mar 1998)

RICHARD: Furthermore, if the identity parasitically inhabiting the flesh and blood body has no interest in enabling peace on earth then all the misery and mayhem will go on for ever and a day ... it is only the very desire to bring about an end to all the anguish and anger that will provide the enormous energy necessary to impel the identity into making the supreme ‘self’-sacrifice. [Emphasis added]. (Richard, List B, No. 12p, 6 Nov 2002)

RESPONDENT: You mention: [Richard]: ‘This is because ‘I’ wanted to know, ‘I’ wanted to find out, once and for all, that which has paralysed human beings for millennia ...’ [endquote].

RICHARD: Yes, this is the ‘me’ that was actively and consciously harnessing the affective power of the instinctual passion of desire and channelling it into one goal and one goal only: altruistically making apparent the already always existing peace-on-earth (as evidenced in the PCE) through ‘my’ demise. The ‘I’ that was inhabiting this body wanted to sacrifice ‘himself’ for the good of this body and that body and every body. [Emphasis added]. (Richard, List B, No. 33a, 11 October 1999).

You see, in whatever form the instinctual passion is happening, be they desire, nurture (compassion/passionate caring) or fear, you need to fully feel and embraced your ‘being’ and fully experienced it as what ‘you’ are in order to be harnessed and channelled for your goal, else any attempt to ‘self’-immolate will be still-born or evade side-ways.

CLAUDIU: Then I look at that which I am bucking and it’s all ultimately dissatisfying. What I am leaving behind, I am leaving behind because it hasn’t worked! And not only for me, it doesn’t work for anyone ultimately, actually … so something new is warranted!

VINEETO: Again, ‘I’ will not agree to become extinct because it’s a sensible idea or because the alternative is “ultimately dissatisfying”. ‘I’ need to be fully and passionately on board and for that ‘I’, the passionate ‘me’ as well as the sensible ‘me’ need to take part in the final decision as a passionately felt decision.

Now in case the unrecognised energy underneath those easily dismissible objections perhaps turns out to be “disquietude, uneasiness, nervousness or apprehension” or something even more disconcerting then this is the very affective power to harness for your “one goal and one goal only” –

Richard: … in my experience all those years ago, at the moment of fear (or disquietude, uneasiness, nervousness or apprehension, anxiety, terror, horror, panic and dread), the ‘I’ that was inhabiting this body would ‘sit with it’ as it were and directly experience it as it was happening as the fear which it was (or disquietude, uneasiness, nervousness or apprehension, anxiety, terror, horror, panic and dread). This is because ‘I’ wanted to know, ‘I’ wanted to find out, once and for all, that which has paralysed human beings for millennia ... ‘I’ observed ‘my’ psyche (which is the ‘human’ psyche) with the objectivity of a scientist.

Now, whilst the word ‘fear’ is not the feeling itself, the feeling is very, very real whilst it is happening (as real as any ‘I’ is). By ‘being with it’ as it was happening – without moving in any direction whatsoever with escapist thoughts, feelings or urges – ‘I’ would come to experience ‘being it’ ... and ‘I’ am this fear and this fear is ‘me’. Thus ‘I’ came to experience ‘myself’ in all ‘my’ nakedness. All ‘I’ am, is this fear ... and fear is but one of the instinctual passions that blind nature genetically encodes in all sentient beings at conception in the genes ... ‘I’ am the end-point of myriads of survivors passing on their genes. ‘I’ am the product of the ‘success story’ of blind nature’s fear and aggression and nurture and desire.

Being born of the biologically inherited instincts genetically encoded in the germ cells of the spermatozoa and the ova, ‘I’ am – genetically – umpteen tens of thousands of years old ... ‘my’ origins are lost in the mists of pre-history. ‘I’ am so anciently old that ‘I’ may well have always existed ... carried along on the reproductive cell-line, over countless millennia, from generation to generation. And ‘I’ am thus passed on into an inconceivably open-ended and hereditably transmissible future. In other words: ‘I’ am fear and fear is ‘me’ (and ‘I’ am aggression and aggression is ‘me’; ‘I’ am nurture and nurture is ‘me’; ‘I’ am desire and desire is ‘me’).

The direct experiencing of this is the ending of ‘me’ ... and I am this flesh and blood body only being here now as only this moment is. [Emphasis added]. (Richard, List B, No. 33a, 8 October 1999).

I have no intention to talk you into one deep uncomfortable feeling or another – these are only pointers what to do if you discover a feeling as the source of your hesitation, prevarication, teetering on the edge, preventing you from doing what you promised yourself to do for so long. Because whenever such a feeling is operating in the shadows, naiveté and pure intent are obscured, and your thinking may be rational but lacks the clear seeing of apperceptive awareness to help you out of your conundrum.

You remember how Geoffrey solved ‘his’ problem –

Geoffrey: There was the actual world just right there in front of me, obviously existing, pure and perfect, and then there was ‘me’, ‘humanity’. The contrast was simply hilarious. I can’t describe how hilarious this contrast was. What we’ve all been doing forever and ever, on a ridiculous parade of malice and sorrow, with the greatest seriousness. (Geoffrey Report of Becoming Free).

Cheers Vineeto

February 19 2025

CLAUDIU: Hi Vineeto,

I appreciate your reply & pointers.

Vineeto: Didn’t Kuba name his objection “too good to be true” – and now you have found a very similar credible (?) objection: “not for me”? It is indeed rather silly yet I do wonder if there is not something yet unexposed underneath which cannot be displaced by merely thinking about it and determining it to be silly.

CLAUDIU: Well this particular one was more that I had the insight into seeing that this was an objection, at which point it was an objection no longer – so it isn’t so much I thought about it and labelled it silly, but rather was surprised to uncover it had been operating, if it makes sense. I consider this one a ‘win’…

VINEETO: Hi Claudiu,

Thank you for your receptive, considered and precise feedback, it is much appreciated.

Vineeto: You say “someone has to go next after all” which to me looks a rather lack-lustre way of a lamb being led to the slaughter, resigned to its fate … but do tell me if I am on the wrong track.

CLAUDIU: At the time I experienced it more like a naive exuberance, like, of course I will go next! And yet 4 hours later then I posted about the next hesitation, which indicates the naivete had diminished already.

So you are right that there is indeed “something yet unexposed underneath”. That latter post of “that which I am bucking” being “ultimately dissatisfying”, indeed was more of a thought-out ratiocination rather than a naively insightful ending-of-the-objection.

VINEETO: I had read several of the follow-up conversations you had with Kuba and it was more the whole tenor of those that I based my comment on.

Vineeto: I have no intention to talk you into one deep uncomfortable feeling or another – these are only pointers what to do if you discover a feeling as the source of your hesitation, prevarication, teetering on the edge, preventing you from doing what you promised yourself to do for so long. Because whenever such a feeling is operating in the shadows, naiveté and pure intent are obscured, and your thinking may be rational but lacks the clear seeing of apperceptive awareness to help you out of your conundrum.

CLAUDIU: You are onto something here that it is a feeling currently underlying it. I take the advice well to sit with it and see what I find out!


Vineeto: You remember how Geoffrey solved ‘his’ problem –

Geoffrey: There was the actual world just right there in front of me, obviously existing, pure and perfect, and then there was ‘me’, ‘humanity’. The contrast was simply hilarious. I can’t describe how hilarious this contrast was. What we’ve all been doing forever and ever, on a ridiculous parade of malice and sorrow, with the greatest seriousness. (Geoffrey Report of Becoming Free).

CLAUDIU: Do you mean he solved it by naively finding it just very hilarious? A sense of humour and sincere carefreeness rather than a ‘serious’ approach?

VINEETO: It is not an either-or suggestion at all – only you can know which one ‘clicks’ for you, which passion is lurking in the background or, if there aren’t any, if one clear moment of apperceptive seeing the whole, ultimately ridiculous though seriously passionate, “entire game of being an identity” as Kuba put it will bring the whole edifice of ‘me’ crumbling down.

CLAUDIU: I can rationally understand the contrast and I even know it experientially (the PCE-while-driving vs. the real-world), but the solution that occurred for Geoffrey upon seeing what he did has not occurred for me yet.

VINEETO: I understand that. Even “a sense of humour and sincere carefreeness” require ‘your’ unconditional permission to penetrate and unravel the most precious core of your ‘being’ – and you only know that it is unconditional when it’s too late. Hence ‘Vineeto’s’ last hour was where

Vineeto: “a dynamic and quite frivolous interaction developed and in that uninhibited hilarious atmosphere I blew the last remaining cobwebs of seriousness, cautiousness and social correctness out of the corners of my psyche. It was all very casual, jovial and funny, unrehearsed and spontaneous and I became confident that this is how I wanted to live my life forever.” (Actualism, ActualVineeto, Becoming Free Report).

It could only happen this way after ‘she’ gathered “any scattered bits of intent that were missing to make up the 100% I needed – I pulled out all the stops.”

Quite obviously, Geoffrey equally had neither emotional nor mental barriers in place anymore when this apperceptive insight occurred – he was ready to let it end ‘him’ in ‘his’ totality.

Cheers Vineeto



This Correspondence Continued

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