Richard’s Correspondence On Mailing List ‘D’ with Correspondent No. 37 (Please make sure java-scripting is enabled in order for the mouse-hover tool-tips to function properly; mouse-hover on the yellow rectangular image to enlarge; left-click on the image to hold). (Editors Note: For a possible explanation see RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): [...] Let’s see how Richard with alexithymia will see the world. His mind is not able to make a relation between affect and the sensations that go with it. He has all the usual physical reactions of affect but those do not get registered in his brain as affective in nature. RICHARD: G’day [...], Take a look at what I wrote in 1998. Viz.:
Do you see the words ‘which is not strictly correct for alexithymia means not able to feel feelings’ in that quote? I know I can. * Here is what I wrote in 2009:
Do you see the words ‘the word alexithymia is the only way in which the psychiatric profession can come to terms with what is actually beyond psychiatry’ in that quote? I know I can. * Here is what I wrote in 2002:
Do you comprehend how you have all been deliberately misled, by a person identifying as ‘John Wilde’ on another forum I know that I do. Regards, Richard RICHARD: Speaking of deceiving others, I see that not only has ‘John Wilde’ (alias ‘Respondent No. 4’; alias
‘Sock Puppet ‘PW’’; alias ‘Sock Puppet ‘PD’’; alias ‘Sock-Puppet ‘R’’, et al.) recommenced his maligning, libelling and
defaming campaign ... RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): How can anyone malign, libel, and defame someone who has no social identity; no self/Self/being? RICHARD: G’day [...], I was not aware you had recently changed your mind (in regards to what has been eliminated in this flesh-and-blood body). For example:
If I might ask? What was it which effected that change? * Be that as it may be ... as your query, of necessity, implies that only an (illusory/ delusory) social identity /self/Self/being can be maligned, libelled and defamed it does throw considerable light upon the quite uncivil behaviour exhibited on this forum (where normative legal laws and social protocols, designed expressly to curb such instinctual savagery, are entirely disregarded by more than a few). As you were one of them (before your recent change of mind) it would be appreciated if you could provide a first-hand account of just what instinctual impulse it is which compels a person to be so callous, so uncaring, so inconsiderate in the way they treat an innocent man? Regards, Richard. RICHARD: I have placed online two colour photographs, taken three minutes apart and with two different cameras, which
show how I looked during that 5-day period ‘John Wilde’/ ‘Respondent No. 4’ was physically present. Viz.: See for yourself whether his depictions of ‘a slight jaundice’ and ‘tired and ill’ are an accurate representation of my appearance. As I said before: quite evidently, the observational skills of ‘John Wilde’/ ‘Respondent No. 4’ depend more upon his
imagination than his physical eyes, eh? RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): A picture speaks thousand words. RICHARD: G’day [...], In this case, indeed it does ... because it answers your question of the 29th of February, 2012, in a way a ‘thousand words’ did not back then. Viz.:
What those photographs display is an actual intimacy between three flesh-and-blood bodies only (i.e. bodies sans the instinctual passions/the identity formed thereof). RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Although you have tried to portray a different picture with the use of a lot of words about what was going on between different ‘single people’ ... RICHARD: If I may interject? There is no need to put scare-quotes around the term single people as, despite what John Wilde has written, Vineeto is not in [quote] ‘a relationship with Richard’ [endquote]. Never was and never will be. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): ... the two pictures are portraying a picture which gives weight to what John Wilde has written. RICHARD: As what those two pictures portray is an actual intimacy, between three flesh-and-blood bodies only, it is quite evident that, just like John Wilde, your observational skills depend more upon your imagination than your physical eyes. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): The word ‘equity’ does not come to mind. RICHARD: Oh? Why is that? Incidentally, the following is an edited-for-brevity example of what I mean by that word. Viz.: (Richard, List B, No. 37, 16 March 2000). * • [Co-Respondent]: ‘Just because there are differences between people, in strengths, abilities, aptitudes, etc., it doesn’t have to become the basis of a thorough-going inequality and mistreatment of others. • [Richard]: ‘It is important to remember, that when one questions a principle (such as equality) and its opposite (inequality) becomes obvious as a result of the question, that nothing has changed except that a belief has disappeared ... inequality was always happening anyway. [...]. • [Co-Respondent]: ‘Equity. Parity. Are these just high-minded ideals, political theories divorced from the reality of everyday life in human societies? • [Richard]: ‘Yes and no (and I am not being tricky here) in that yes, they are ‘just high-minded ideals’ when applied as a discipline, a practice, a duty ... and no, they are not ‘divorced from the reality of everyday life’ when they come spontaneously, involuntarily, of their own accord. In a word: artlessly. • [Co-Respondent]: ‘My sense is that equity and parity do not come unless one is singularly vigilant to the violence in
one’s life and in one’s relationships (of course one’s life is one’s relationships). The above exchange extends over five consecutive emails and is well worth reading if you wish to comprehend why ‘John Wilde’/ ‘Respondent No. 4’ is but tilting at windmills (with the connotations he gives to those two words). There really is no substitute for reading what is freely available on The Actual Freedom Trust website. Regards, Richard. RICHARD: Whilst on the subject of ‘better phrasings’ (as in the ‘I-Know-Better-Than-Richard’ titling of
this thread), and the topic of there being no feelings in actuality ... RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): If there is an example of I-Know-Better-Than-Everyone else alive, it is the flesh and blood body proclaiming itself as the genitor of a completely new consciousness ... RICHARD: G’day [...], Well, of course, I know better than everyone else alive just what it is to be a flesh-and-blood body only (i.e. sans identity in toto/the entire affective faculty) generating a completely new consciousness. It would be absurd if I did not. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): ... as well as writing that it is the universe experiencing itself as a sensate human being ... RICHARD: Again, of course, I know better than everyone else alive that what I am, as a flesh-and-blood body only, is this infinite and eternal and perpetual universe experiencing itself as an apperceptive human being ... and that, as such, it is thus stunningly aware of its own infinitude. And this is truly wonderful. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): ... which is bizarre, ludicrous and shows the mind in the said body to be having an altered state of consciousness. RICHARD: As it is simply not possible for a flesh-and-blood body only to have an altered state of consciousness (ASC) – as ASCs are an affective/psychic phenomena – what is ‘bizarre, ludicrous’ is any proposition that criteria properly pertaining to a pure consciousness experience (PCE) would be evidence of an ASC. Again, there really is no substitute for reading what is freely available on The Actual Freedom Trust website. Regards, Richard. Re: Better phrasings... RICHARD: Speaking of deceiving others, I see that not only has ‘John Wilde’ (alias ‘Respondent No. 4’; alias
‘Sock Puppet ‘PW’’; alias ‘Sock Puppet ‘PD’’; alias ‘Sock-Puppet ‘R’’, et al.) recommenced his maligning, libelling and
defaming campaign ... RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): How can anyone malign, libel, and defame someone who has no social identity; no self/Self/being? RICHARD: G’day [...], I was not aware you had recently changed your mind (in regards to what has been eliminated in this flesh-and-blood body). For example:
If I might ask? What was it which effected that change? RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Nothing has effected that change, I’m trying to understand how someone can malign anyone not having social identity. * RICHARD: Be that as it may be ... as your query, of necessity, implies that only an (illusory/delusory) social identity/ self/Self/being can be maligned, libelled and defamed it does throw considerable light upon the quite uncivil behaviour exhibited on this forum (where normative legal laws and social protocols, designed expressly to curb such instinctual savagery, are entirely disregarded by more than a few). As you were one of them (before your recent change of mind) it would be appreciated if you could provide a first-hand account of just what instinctual impulse it is which compels a person to be so callous, so uncaring, so inconsiderate in the way they treat an innocent man? RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): You haven’t answered the question that I asked and instead have asked a question of your own. Would you try to answer my question as to how a person proclaiming itself as having no social identity be maligned? Are you trying to dodge the question? [Addendum 6 days later (Dec 15, 2012 3:44 pm) in Message No. 11958]: By answering to someone else, you get to pick the question you want to answer and avoid the tough ones, eh? RICHARD: G’day [...], You are, presumably, referring to what I wrote to another on this topic in Message No. 11945 (Richard, List D, No. 3, 14 December 2012). The reason I did not pursue the topic any further with you was because you indicated that you had not changed your mind (in regards to what has been eliminated in this flesh-and-blood body) and that, thus, your [quote] ‘Richard hasn’t eliminated his own instincts’ [endquote] assertion of June the 17th, 2012, still stands unchanged. As what your assertion means, in effect, is that an illusory/ delusory self/Self/ being/ social identity must, perforce, still remain in situ in this flesh-and-blood body then your query, as to how can anyone malign, libel and defame someone who has no social identity/self/Self/being, is of a purely hypothetical nature for you. As what I was looking for was a first-hand account of just what instinctual impulse it is which compels a person to be so callous, so uncaring, so inconsiderate in the way they treat an innocent man there was no point in pursuing the topic any further with you as your query, of necessity, implied that only an illusory/delusory social identity/ self/ Self/ being can be maligned, libelled and defamed. However, all of this has made it as clear as crystal that, as you were one of them who entirely disregarded those legal laws and social protocols, designed expressly to curb such instinctual savagery, you were intent on inflicting that above-mentioned affective hurt/psychological pain. Hence my observation on January the 26th, 2012 at 1:40 am. Viz.: (Richard, List D, No. 24, 26 January 2012). And, once again, you have shown me your true colours. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): [Addendum 6 days later (Dec 15, 2012 3:44 pm) in Message No. 11958]: By repeating your mantra of you having been enlightened for 11 years and then having become actually free, you try to have a position of superiority while discussing over this forum. RICHARD: I will draw your attention to the clearly-advertised purpose of this forum as it has evidently escaped your notice. Viz.:
Put succinctly: if it were not for me, and my eleven years of awakenment/ enlightenment plus (by now) my twenty years of being actually free from the human condition, neither an actual freedom from the human condition, as described at, nor this forum would exist for that ‘discussing over’ you are referring to. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): [Addendum 6 days later (Dec 15, 2012 3:44 pm) in Message No. 11958]: These tricks of yours do work on some of the gullible people, at least for some time. RICHARD: It must be a damn’ nuisance, for you, having the very person responsible, for both there being an actual
freedom from the human condition to discuss and this very forum’s existence for that purpose, popping in here every now-and-then and raining on
your parade Regards, Richard. Re: Better phrasings... RICHARD: Speaking of deceiving others, I see that not only has ‘John Wilde’ (alias ‘Respondent No. 4’; alias
‘Sock Puppet ‘PW’’; alias ‘Sock Puppet ‘PD’’; alias ‘Sock-Puppet ‘R’’, et al.) recommenced his maligning, libelling and
defaming campaign ... RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): How can anyone malign, libel, and defame someone who has no social identity; no self/Self/being? RICHARD: I was not aware you had recently changed your mind (in regards to what has been eliminated in this flesh-and-blood body). For example:
If I might ask? What was it which effected that change? RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Nothing has effected that change, I’m trying to understand how someone can malign anyone not having social identity. [...snip...]. [Addendum 6 days later (Dec 15, 2012 3:44 pm) in Message No. 11958]: By answering to someone else, you get to pick the question you want to answer and avoid the tough ones, eh? RICHARD: You are, presumably, referring to what I wrote to another on this topic in Message No. 11945: [...snip...]. The reason I did not pursue the topic any further with you was because you indicated that you had not changed your mind (in regards to what has been eliminated in this flesh-and-blood body) and that, thus, your [quote] ‘Richard hasn’t eliminated his own instincts’ [endquote] assertion of June the 17th, 2012, still stands unchanged. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Fair enough. But ... RICHARD: Evidently it was not ‘fair enough’ after all (else there would be no need for your follow-on ‘but ...’). Perhaps if I were to spell it out sequentially:
(Apparently you do not have the nous to comprehend such simple things as points 1-to-3, above, because only 6 days later you were whingeing about me ‘answering to someone else’ and making up all kinds of stuff, about me supposedly getting to ‘pick the question you want to answer and avoid the tough ones’, as is your bent). RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): [Fair enough. But] I was trying to understand the situation from your point of view. RICHARD: Why were you trying to understand the situation (about how anyone can malign, libel, and defame someone who has no social identity; no self/Self/being) from the point of view of a person who, according to you, *has* a social identity/ self/Self/being? Put differently, why were you seeking an (according to you) speculative answer to an (according to you) hypothetical question? If I might ask? What benefit could you possibly obtain from an (according to you) speculative answer to your (according to you) hypothetical question? RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Seems like you are not able to write a suitable response and hence wasting time. RICHARD: And, here you are again making up stuff, about me supposedly being ‘not able to write a suitable response’, just so that you can tap out your ‘and hence wasting time’ denouncement. Does the fact you keep on typing this kind of stuff out, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, not give you pause to ask yourself, at least on occasion, just what it is you are doing with your life? The reason I ask is because the impression conveyed is of a person who does not ‘have a life’ (to use the jargon). Regards, Richard. Re: it is impossible to marry Actualism and Buddhism RESPONDENT No. 32: 2. How frequently is the ‘sweet spot’ (below the navel) to be accessed and also how much of it was used by others as well ? RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Rather than going for the ‘sweet spot’ (which has the connotations of the words being used as some sort of AF trademark technique), I would advise that you should try to ... RICHARD: I appreciate you warning-off your co-respondent from going for the affers ‘sweet spot’ as it does
indeed have the connotations of the words being used as some sort of aff trademark technique ... in fact, the sort of aff trademark technique which
can result in a dissociative/ affectively-repressive psychiatric state
Again, thank you for your timely assistance. (My current return to writing was prompted solely by the evidential necessity of warning my fellow human beings not to follow in the footsteps of the affers). Regards, Richard. Re: Better phrasings... RICHARD to No. 12: Words cannot properly express just how much of a dastardly act it was for the affers to co-opt Actualism, subsume it under a tawdry facsimile of Buddhism (there have been no arahants for more than two millennia because of sectarianism), and thus unnecessarily perpetuate the suffering of humankind. In eleven days time [now three days time] the direct-route, to the already always existing peace-on-earth, will have been available for three (3) years ... and what do they do instead? Go sit on a cushion, withdraw from the physical, induce altered states, ‘dark nights’, depressions, anxieties ... there is even a jhana-jockey hospice being set-up to nurse the casualties. ‘Tis craziness run riot ... utter madness. SRID: could you clarify what you meant by ‘direct-route’ above? as far as i understand, it is directly attaining actual freedom without going through spiritual freedom, but it looks like you meant something else/more. i became curious upon reading that ‘three (3) years’ part. why three years in particular? also, if i may ask out of my own interest, how is the convivium project coming along? RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): If you are still around and wondering about the ‘three (3) years’, I can answer that. He said three years in particular because by the end of 2012, it would be 3 years from December 2009, when Peter ‘pioneered the direct route to AF’ i.e. attaining AF without being enlightened. RICHARD: Purely a technical point ... it was on the 29th of December 2009 that the direct-route to the already always
existing peace-on-earth was opened; this opening in human consciousness was established by feeling-being ‘Peter’ interacting intensively with
Richard (in the way described on the original ‘A Long Awaited Public Announcement RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Regarding the convivium project, I can only guess ... RICHARD: There is no need to guess as you could have as easily asked me (or else waited until my response to your co-respondent was posted). RESPONDENT: ... but from what I have read ... RICHARD: As what you ‘have read’ has been unconditionally withdrawn (in Message No. 11928 RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): ... its major financier withdrew support due to reasons which may have to do with instinctual passions which are supposed to end after AF but apparently it is a lie. RICHARD: In future, please consider very carefully just what it is, of this ilk or any other, you choose to post lest it too becomes a case of ‘He knowingly, and with malice aforethought, did proceed to malign, libel and defame ...’. Because what actually [quote] ‘is a lie’ [endquote] is the one right there which you have knowingly chosen to re-present. Quite frankly, it has got me beat how the originator of that lie ever thought, even for a moment, he could get away with it as he has publicly admitted being present when I informed both Vineeto and Peter of the telephone call advising me that the company, in which the monies ear-marked for funding the project were invested, had gone into receivership (due to the effect of the GFC on such risk-investments at that time). Viz.:
In other words, he has known all along why that funding could not eventuate – he has deceived all of you – and the
distinct possibility of the funding not being available was made abundently clear, from the very beginning, by the [quote] ‘dependent upon the
funding being available’ [endquote] qualifier specifically inserted into my post, of Dec 13, 2009 12:35pm, in which the project was first
advertised. Viz.: It is in the very first paragraph. Regards, Richard. Re: it is impossible to marry Actualism and Buddhism RESPONDENT No 32: [...]. RICHARD to No 32: [...] to properly conduct an exhaustive examination of the Pāli Canon would not only take years but would require an in-depth knowledge of all the Pāli words, and their many and varied grammatical nuances, as well (as the regular printed or online translations are all flawed, to some degree or another, partly because of translator bias and also because of corrupt dictionaries due to Pāli being a dead language). Obviously, there has to be a better way of discerning the truth of the matter ... and there is, of course, and that way of finding out, for yourself and by yourself, features prominently on The Actual Freedom Trust website. (Of course, that would require actually reading the website – which is something most pragmatic/ hardcore dharma peoples appear to be quite reluctant to do – rather than making ill-informed assertions about both awakenment/ enlightenment and an actual freedom from the human condition). RESPONDENT No 32: ... you expect me to agree to that your state of mind during those 11 years was the same as that of Buddha’s state of mind. RICHARD to No 32: Quite frankly, I do not expect anyone to agree and am always quite surprised when somebody actually
does; generally speaking, they are people who either can recall or are having a PCE RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Can you name a few? RICHARD: Yes, of course I can name a few of those who can intellectually comprehend that the awakenment/enlightenment of those eleven years 1981-1992 – as reported/ described/ explained on The Actual Freedom Trust website – is the same as that which Mr. Gotama the Sakyan rediscovered, lived and taught over two millennia ago (else I would never have said there are those who can). RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): How many have comprehended what is being presented in a decade? RICHARD: Golly, I have never kept a count of just how many peoples have intellectually comprehended what is being presented on the website over the fifteen or so years since first going online – let alone ‘in a decade’ – as it has never occurred to me to do such a thing. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): I can recall only Justine and [female identifier words withheld] who didn’t meet you (though [female identifier words withheld] eventually did) and could qualify as having intellectually comprehend what is being presented. RICHARD: Well, I would suggest you actually read what is freely available on The Actual Freedom Trust website – all my online correspondence is archived there (albeit made anonymous) – as the whole topic of sublimation/ transcendence features quite prominently. * RICHARD to No 32: If I might ask? How will you practise Actualism – be it with utmost sincerity or not – when you,
quite evidentially, do not know what Actualism is? RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): People not being able to know what Actualism is even when it has been around for more than a decade shows that it does not work as advertised. RICHARD: Whereas those peoples who *are* able to know what Actualism is, thanks to the reports/ descriptions/ explanations being freely available online for fifteen or so years now, shows that it does indeed ‘work as advertised’. JUSTINE: Myself and the other said person, have not only grasped Actual Freedom intellectually, but are happy to say that we are experientially and are successfully living it each moment in our own lives living in different continents, with gratitude to Richard. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): On second thoughts, I think [female identifier words withheld] does not qualify as someone who grasped Actual Freedom just by reading the AFT site and became AF because she became AF after meeting Richard. So it is just one person since 1997 to have become actually free and from the way you describe your AF, it doesn’t look that way. RICHARD: Nowhere in anything I wrote to my co-respondent, further above, is it even indicated that those peoples who can intellectually comprehend that the awakenment/ enlightenment of those eleven years (1981-1992) is the same as that which Mr. Gotama the Sakyan rediscovered, lived and taught over two millennia ago, were peoples who had since then become (newly) free of the instinctual passions/the feeling-being formed thereof ... be it either with or without having personally met me. And neither is it indicated that those peoples who are able to know what Actualism is (thanks to the reports/ descriptions/ explanations being freely available online for fifteen or so years now) such as to be able to practice it are peoples who have since then become (newly) free, either. In other words, you have taken those very simple and quite self-evident observations of mine (in regards to both an intellectual comprehension, as distinct from *experiential* proof, and knowing actualism such as to be able to practice it) and have attempted to force-fit them into having meant something else entirely. I will ask you again: does the fact you keep on typing this kind of stuff out, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, not give you pause to ask yourself, at least on occasion, just what it is you are doing with your life? Regards, Richard. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P.S.: Just for the record, whilst I was in India, in 2010, Justine tended to describe me as ‘having achieved what the
(Ancient) Ṛṣi didn’t/couldn’t. Now, given that the Ṛgveda pre-dates Buddhism by at least a millennia (if not more)
then, along with what is unmistakably depicted in the well-known-in-the-west Nāsadīya Sūkta (RV
10. 129), for example, having a direct correlation with the fourth arūpa samāpatti Put succinctly, those who seek to comprehend the buddhavacana via an understanding of, for instance, the (expatriate) Sinhalese, Burmese, Siamese and Cambodian iterations – disembedded from its very roots/ uprooted from its (Vedic) soil/ grafted onto exoteric rootstock – can only be illuding themselves that they know what Mr. Gotama the Sakyan *rediscovered*, lived and taught over two millennia ago. In other words, what Justine has ‘grasped intellectually’ is just what awakenment/ enlightenment it *really* is which actualism/ actual freedom lies beyond. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Re: it is impossible to marry Actualism and Buddhism RESPONDENT No 32: [...]. RICHARD to No 32: [...] to properly conduct an exhaustive examination of the Pāli Canon would not only take years but would require an in-depth knowledge of all the Pāli words, and their many and varied grammatical nuances, as well (as the regular printed or online translations are all flawed, to some degree or another, partly because of translator bias and also because of corrupt dictionaries due to Pāli being a dead language). Obviously, there has to be a better way of discerning the truth of the matter ... and there is, of course, and that way of finding out, for yourself and by yourself, features prominently on The Actual Freedom Trust website. (Of course, that would require actually reading the website – which is something most pragmatic/ hardcore dharma peoples appear to be quite reluctant to do – rather than making ill-informed assertions about both awakenment/ enlightenment and an actual freedom from the human condition). RESPONDENT No 32: ... you expect me to agree to that your state of mind during those 11 years was the same as that of Buddha’s state of mind. RICHARD to No 32: Quite frankly, I do not expect anyone to agree and am always quite surprised when somebody actually
does; generally speaking, they are people who either can recall or are having a PCE RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): How many have comprehended what is being presented in a decade? RICHARD: Golly, I have never kept a count of just how many peoples have intellectually comprehended what is being presented on the website over the fifteen or so years since first going online – let alone ‘in a decade’ – as it has never occurred to me to do such a thing. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Ok, so despite there being people who have intellectually comprehended what is being presented on the website, there hasn’t been more than one example of someone who has achieved Actual Freedom reading just the website though it is advertised as that being sufficient enough. RICHARD: As it is not advertised that intellectually comprehending how the awakenment/enlightenment of those eleven years 1981-1992 – as reported/ described/ explained on The Actual Freedom Trust website – is the same as that which Mr. Gotama the Sakyan rediscovered, lived and taught over two millennia ago is sufficient, for becoming actually free from the human condition, your conclusion has no basis in fact (as is your wont). I will again ask: does the fact you keep on typing this kind of stuff out, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, not give you pause to ask yourself, at least on occasion, just what it is you are doing with your life? Regards, Richard. Re: it is impossible to marry Actualism and Buddhism RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): [...]. Richard told that ‘newly free person’ that his laptop got hacked not that he forgot the thumb drive somewhere. RICHARD: Richard did not tell anyone ‘that his laptop got hacked’. On the contrary, Richard told everyone that his computer had not been hacked. Viz.:
Regards, Richard. Re: it is impossible to marry Actualism and Buddhism RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Richard did not tell anyone ‘that his laptop got hacked’. RICHARD: Richard did not tell anyone ‘that his laptop got hacked’. On the contrary, Richard told everyone that his computer had not been hacked. Viz.: [...] RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Ok. RICHARD: So why did you lie? Viz.:
I will ask you again: does the fact you keep on typing these lies out, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, not give you pause to ask yourself, at least on occasion, just what it is you are doing with your life? Regards, Richard. Re: it is impossible to marry Actualism and Buddhism RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Richard did not tell anyone ‘that his laptop got hacked’. RICHARD: On the contrary, Richard told everyone that his computer had not been hacked. RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Ok. RICHARD: So why did you lie? RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): That was what I was told. * RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): I have gotten to the bottom of this. I was not told but I read that your PC hard disc was hacked in Justine’s book Reflections on Actual Freedom. RICHARD: You are obviously referring to the text on page 22. Viz.:
RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Now as I was recalling it from memory, I thought that it might have been you who told Justine about it. RICHARD: No, it was you who told Justine about it. Viz.: . It is for reasons such as this I keep asking you why you type out these lies day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Now, as it has been demonstrated that you read my email, explaining how I knew my computer had *not* been hacked
(Message No. 10780 RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Did you forget a thumb drive/memory stick in India? RICHARD: You are obviously referring to Message No. 12398. Viz.:
I have no hesitation whatsoever in stating, for a fact, that no such memory stick was [quote] ‘accidentally left behind’
[end quote] by me, either in the guest house specifically referred to – the hotel Shivalay cottages RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Answer this question or don’t answer at all. RICHARD: As I only respond to the questions which will engender the most benefit for my fellow human beings – there are far too many for me to respond to each and every one – you would be well-advised to never even try to dictate what I should or should not do. I alone know *the total truth* of what happened – as in exactly what took place and when and where and how and why – and my intent is to demonstrate, step-by-step as the situation unfolds, why it is a fact that you have treated an innocent man (and a war-veteran at that) in a most inconsiderate/ uncaring way and, moreover, how all of you who have played a part in driving/ promoting/ supporting this bizarre campaign to obstruct/prevent the global spread of peace and harmony and/or the already always existing peace-on-earth are going to have to live with that fact for the rest of your lives. Regards, Richard. Re: it is impossible to marry Actualism and Buddhism RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): [...]. Richard told that ‘newly free person’ that his laptop got hacked not that he forgot the thumb drive somewhere. RICHARD: Richard did not tell anyone ‘that his laptop got hacked’. On the contrary, Richard told everyone that his computer had not been hacked. Viz.: [...] RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): Ok. RICHARD: So why did you lie? RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): That was what I was told. * RESPONDENT (Sock Puppet ‘I’): I have gotten to the bottom of this. I was not told but I read that your PC hard disc was hacked in Justine’s book Reflections on Actual Freedom. RICHARD: You are obviously referring to the text on page 22. Viz.:
RESPONDENT: I was referring to the text on page 30 of Justine’s book ‘Justine’s Reflections on Actual Freedom. Justine-s-Reflections-on-Actual-Freedom RICHARD: The following is all of the text that is on page 30 at the URL you provide just above. Viz.:
* RESPONDENT: Now as I was recalling it from memory, I thought that it might have been you who told Justine about it. RICHARD: No, it was you who told Justine about it. Viz.: . RESPONDENT: If you see the whole thread, you would see that Justine made his book available first. RICHARD: Of course he did. In fact, you do not even have to see the whole thread as even the title of your above exchange with him (the line before the ‘... as a reply to [Respondent (Sock Puppet ‘A’)]’ line) has the words ‘RE: Justine’s Reflections On Actual Freedom’. RESPONDENT: Then I read that book and after coming to that point that is on page 30, I asked that question. RICHARD: Again, here is all of the text which is on page 30 at that URL you provided. Viz.:
I cannot see it ... perhaps that point is written in invisible ink? (Or maybe non-gender-bias feminine intuition is needed). RESPONDENT: Now why did you make up this lie as to it was me who told Justine? RICHARD: ((((:- That was what I was told Regards, Richard. Re: Few humble words from Justine RESPONDENT (Sock-Puppet ‘I’): [...]. It was plain obvious to even the most dumb of a reader that justine wasn’t even close to anything that could be called freedom ... RICHARD: As your wording quite obviously indicates you consider yourself as not being [quote] ‘even the most dumb
of a reader’ [endquote] the question which immediately springs to mind is just what kind of a reader you are, then In other words, what category of a reader is it which registers lower than [quote] ‘even the most dumb’ [endquote] on your evaluative scale? Regards, Richard. Re: Few humble words from Justine RESPONDENT (Sock-Puppet ‘I’): [...]. It was plain obvious to even the most dumb of a reader that justine wasn’t even close to anything that could be called freedom ... RICHARD: As your wording quite obviously indicates you consider yourself as not being [quote] ‘even the most dumb
of a reader’ [endquote] the question which immediately springs to mind is just what kind of a reader you are, then RESPONDENT (Sock-Puppet ‘I’): why did you write the following then? ‘....after having now met with you for an extended period, in your home environment in India, and having been thus able to personally ascertain that you are indeed actually free of the instinctual passions/ the identity formed thereof.’ RICHARD: As your usage of the word [quote] ‘then’ [endquote] refers your query back to the immediately
preceding text (i.e., my ‘what might actually be the case’ reply to the discerning reader Regards, Richard. Re: Few humble words from Justine RESPONDENT (Sock-Puppet ‘I’): why did you write the following then? [...]. RICHARD: As your usage of the word [quote] ‘then’ [endquote] refers your query back to the immediately
preceding text (i.e., my ‘what might actually be the case’ reply to the discerning reader RESPONDENT (Sock-Puppet ‘I’): So is Justine still newly free or not? RICHARD: Well now, going by his own words he was still newly free on the 28th of March (in Message No. 13155 However, as he recently requested that his name be deleted from the ‘A Long-Awaited Public Announcement’ webpage Nothing like having it straight from the horse’s mouth, eh? Regards, Richard. Re: GOOD-BYE RICHARD! JUSTINE: [...]. 2) Also delete the portions you say [female identifier words withheld] became actually free overnight, just on meeting you in person, because she has requested me to delete it. RESPONDENT (Sock-Puppet ‘I’): Justine, it would be great if [female identifier words withheld] could present her story here. RICHARD: So that you know just what it is that [quote] ‘would be great’ [endquote] for you (as in, ‘grist for your mill’, to use a well-known expression) I will make it unequivocally clear here and now that nowhere on The Actual Freedom Trust website does the name of [female identifier words withheld] appear. Nor also, for that matter, do the words ‘[female identifier words withheld]’ feature anywhere. In fact, there is no reference anywhere at all to even indicate (i.e., infer from) that anybody with any kind of [connection identifier words withheld] connection whatsoever with Justine has had any kind of in-person interaction with me. Just to be absolutely clear: there are no such portions as are averred to by Justine – as in his [quote] ‘the portions you say [female identifier words withheld] became actually free’ [endquote] words further above – for me to delete. (Unlike more than a few peoples – those still needing morals and ethics to control their behaviour and actions – having
due regard for others’ personal security/ physical privacy Regards, Richard. Re: GOOD-BYE RICHARD! RICHARD: Just to be absolutely clear: there are no such portions as are averred to by Justine – as in his [quote] ‘the portions you say [female identifier words withheld] became actually free’ [endquote] words further above – for me to delete. (Unlike more than a few peoples – those still needing morals and ethics to control their behaviour and actions – having
due regard for others’ personal security/ physical privacy RESPONDENT (Sock-Puppet ‘I’): Yet you have published Justine’s private e-mails to you on this forum. RICHARD: I did no such thing; they were not only public emails he knowingly posted to a public mailing list – the
Direct-Route mail-out list Viz.:
Golly, you even provided a quote from one of them (on Sat Jun 1, 2013 at 1:46 pm, in Message No. 13628 RESPONDENT (Sock-Puppet ‘I’): Also you had revealed a person’s medical condition on the previous list. RICHARD: I did no such thing; it was that person you refer to who made their medical condition public (on Friday the
24th of November, 2000, in Message #1410; Subject: Re: Second question from the defence) (for reference see If I might ask? Does the fact you keep on typing this kind of stuff out, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, not give you pause to ask yourself, at least on occasion, just what it is you are doing with your life? The reason I ask is because the impression conveyed is of a person who does not ‘have a life’ (to use the jargon). Regards, Richard. RESPONDENT NO. 37 (Part Three) RETURN TO MAILING LIST ‘D’ INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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